Above and at right are two engines owned by Carl Guretse, 304
Perkiomen Ave., Lansdale, PA 19446. The Fairbanks-Morse is one that
he purchased in the spring of 1993. At the time he wrote, he said
it ran very nicely but he intended to make another cart for it.
The 1919 Associated is one that he restored. It is a
13/4 HP Chore Boy. This engine has battery
ignition and runs very well.
Mr. Guretse said that he looks forward to his GEM coming every
month, so we hope he’ll enjoy seeing these pictures!
Above is a 2 HP Foos owned and restored by Carl Symonds of Box
275 QA, Victoria, TX 77901.
Owner of this tractor is Raymond L. Gray, 2135 Little Valley
Rd., Sevierville, TN 37862. It is Model 14LC50261, s/n A43229, Cat.
No. 87-50261, 1 HP 2400 rpm.
Truman and Shirley Birk of Jackson, Missouri, are the owners of
the tractor at right. The photo was sent to us by Ron Biester of
Rt. 3, 206 Alpine, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701. This tractor, a 1915
8-16 Mogul, serial number SB3248, was purchased by Shirley’s
father in 1926 from a gentleman in northern Missouri. It was
brought by raft down the Mississippi River to Wittenburg, Missouri,
and driven from there to a farm a couple of miles east of Oak
Shirley’s father used it for pea hulling and corn shredding
for many of the area farmers for several years. He gave it to his
son-in-law for his birthday, over 25 years ago. Truman got it fully
restored in 1991.
It is a 3 HP, serial number 81763,41/4
bore and 8′ stroke. Flywheel is 32′ in diameter by
31/2‘ face. The hit and miss governed
engine has a pendulum governor. It is side-shaft, and natural gas
The engine was manufactured in Manchester, England, circa 1905.
Foster, of The Warren Works, is the owner, restorer, and