By Staff
Published on July 1, 1982
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Reunion Time! Party Time! Get your gear-and your engines and
git-a-goin! The shows and meets are in full swing by this time of
the year- and I know I didn’t need to remind many of you-but
then there are some folks that don’t realize how many shows
there are over the country, but each year brings many more
newcomers to the hobby of gas engines-and usually they’re
hooked, once they get bit by the engine bug. From all letters we
receive it does make a lot of folks happy and I think it’s
especially nice when the whole family gets the ‘bug’. Onto
our many communications:

We’ll begin with a letter from DAVID W. WRIGHT, Box 71,
Westminster, Vermont 05158: ‘I have recently acquired a
‘basket case’ stationary farm engine, more specifically an
Ottawa Drag Saw engine, minus the saw and associated pieces, serial
#C20704. Its horsepower is rated as LS (light service?) and its
speed as 600 RPM (presumably the point at which it develops LS!).
When purchased, the engine was badly stuck, its crankshaft bent,
the air-gasoline mixer in a sorry state, gas tank rusted through in
several places and some parts missing. Can anyone out there tell me
when this engine was built and what kind and model number igniter
and magneto it was originally supplied with? All letters shall be
thankfully received and conscientiously answered. Though relatively
new to the world of gas engine restoration, I thoroughly enjoy your
magazine.’ (Thanks David, and welcome to the GEM family.)

Seeking an answer and also giving some good advice this message
comes from JOHN J. LEVORA, Route 2, Box 240, Bangor, Michigan
49013. 616-427-8190: ‘I am wondering if anyone can identify a
1? HP Emerson Brantingham engine with ‘AY’ casting numbers.
The brass tag is gone, but the serial number is stamped into the
ends of the crankshaft. I also would like to hear from anyone who
has an 8 HP E-B Model ‘U’ engine.

I would like to caution fellow collectors on the use of battery
chargers or transformers used to power ignition systems. Please
ground your engine to a water pipe and make all connections before
plugging in the power source; to avoid shocks or possible death.
The engines were designed for battery ignition and it is the safest
method of operation. Be safe and alive for the shows!’ (Sounds
like good advice; sometimes folks get so enthused with their
hobbies, caution is thrown to the wind-don’t let this happen to
you. Let’s keep this a happy hobby- and for many years.)

JESSE GILL, SR., R.R. 1, Shelbyville, Illinois 62565 recently
purchased a StaRite gas engine manufactured in La Cross, Wisconsin.
The brass tag has StaRite Model number is B-2 and serial #5158, 2?
HP, 425 RPM with battery ignition. He would appreciate any
information on the original color, and year of manufacture. He also
claims the GEM is a tremendous help to all.’ (That’s good
to hear.)

FRANK LOMASTRO, R.R. 4, Box 114, No. Scituate, Rhode Island
02857 tells us: ‘I need some help from our fellow engine
enthusiasts. I have just purchased a hopper cooled engine that came
off a chain driven cement mixer. The brass nameplate reads Lansing
Company, Lansing, Michigan #100160. Horsepower- this was left
blank, 600 RPM. It is an igniter engine with a Webster Tri-Polar
Oscillator #668471. Some other parts numbers are: hopper #9924,
block #9927, dry head #9935, both flywheels have same numbers-9938.
I would like to know more about the company. Also I would like the
horsepower and color, design and placement of fuel tank, shape of
skids and design and color of decals.’ (Please help Frank, if

A short letter comes from BOB FLEMING, 30 School Street, Waland,
Massachusetts 01778 and he tells us: ‘Hi! My first note to your
wonderful magazine. I look forward to it every issue. I have a 6 HP
Rawleigh #E 4276 that I can’t find any information about. I
have not seen or heard of this name before even though I have read
your books cover-to-cover over the past few years. I need some help
in how to restore this baby as to colors, ignition and also year of
manufacture. I would be pleased to hear from anyone familiar with
this engine. (Help him if you can fellows-we have had very little
on the Rawleigh engine.)

HARRY L. COOK, 504 Walton Street, Wilson, North Carolina 27893
sends this writing: ‘I enjoy your magazine very much. It is the
greatest! I bought a Majestic 5 HP gas engine the other day. I
would like to know who made this engine and if any other engine
parts would interchange. I’d like to find any information on
this engine and the original color, pinstriping design, etc. I have
had ads in for parts that I need. What type of magneto did this
engine use? Also date of manufacture. The nameplate reads Majestic
Gasoline Engine, S.N. 200280, 5 HP.

Also thanks to all the fine folks that responded to my call for
help on my Fairbanks Morse 1? HP engine.’

We have a letter from someone who needs some answers as JERRY
BRODERSEN, 10241-88 St., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5H 1P4 writes:
‘The first engine I got was a small 2 cyl, 2 cycle marine
engine 35/8‘ bore, 4’ stroke. It is
very old. The engine has grease pots on the bearings, oilers on the
cylinders and the brass nameplate reads: Cady of Canastoto-The Cady
Company-Danastoto N.Y. USA. The engine runs in two coils. According
to the people here, this engine was in a small boat on one of the
lakes around this city about 1907. I have never seen one advertised
in the GEM. I would like to know if one of the readers has an
engine of this make and how old this engine really is.

My second question is about the engine my friend gave me. The
nameplate reads: The Manitoba Mfg. by the Manitoba Engine LTD
Brandon (Man) HP 1?, Speed 500, No. 382. Again I would like to know
how old this engine would be and what color these were

BOB STANBERG, Fort Dodge, Iowa 50501 would like some help with
the size of the original pitching platform of the J.D. press. He
would like to correspond with anyone having one of these units.

DAVID R. AIKENS, R.D. 2, Edinboro, Pennsylvania 16412 is
wondering if anyone has a mix for IHC green used on the M series
engines. He would also like to thank Ted Straka and Russ
Houseknecht for their invaluable help in restoring his 6 HP

Someone really needs your help in looking for something-read on
as HOMER DOTSON, 4508 Woodville Road, Leetonia, Ohio 44431 writes:
‘After reading the article on Ford coils in March-April 1981
Magazine, I felt I should write and see if anyone could help

When I was a good-sized boy in the mid 1940s, our neighbor had a
Ford coil with a gadget on it which converted it into an electric
fencer. The coil laid down horizontally and the gadget mechanism
was on top and was fastened to the two lead contacts. What I can
remember was something of a horizontal glass tube above the coil
with an iron ball which reciprocated back and forth from one end of
glass tube to the other end and this also, of course, caused the
high tension current to alternate slowly. The glass tube raised and
lowered on one end or a magnet somewhere caused the iron ball to
move inside to make an alternating switch. I had the impression
some company produced these outfits. Does anyone know where I can
buy one of these outfits or where I could get information to build
one?’ (Anybody know what he is talking about-let us know

BERT DADO, Beecher, Illinois 60401 sends this short letter:
‘I recently acquired a Model U-13, serial #535, Circa 1914,
Jacobsen, Racine, Wisconsin, Utilimotor equipped with a 110 V
generator. This is quite a unique little two cycle engine. I would
like to know if any of my good buddies in Engineland could give me
some information on this one. I would like to hear from someone who
has a gem like this and I will answer all letters.’

TREVOR JACKSON, 10589 Crary Lane, Kirtland, Ohio 44094 needs
some information on his Stover engine. It is a model K with an open
crank, serial #KA190244. He would like to know the horsepower and
the year it was made. Trevor is 15 and awaits your answers.

An interesting letter comes from MIKE HOFER, R.R., Collins, Iowa
50055 and he tells us: ‘I would like to tell the people out
there how I came to be interested in antique engines and tractors.
Living in a farming community has given me the advantage of being
around mechanical things. My Dad has always been interested in
antiques and it naturally rubbed off on me. The clincher was when
my grandfather moved into an old house and found a 5 HP Witte in
the garage. SO-we ended up with it in the shop.

I didn’t think too much about it until last year when we
were cleaning the shop and decided to try to free the piston, so we
tipped the old rascal on end and poured fuel oil in the cylinder.
It took about three weeks before the piston was loose. Then we set
it back down and I made an exhaust pushrod out of a piece of well
rod and Dad cleaned up the magneto-Wico EK mags must have been
really good. It hadn’t moved in a long time but the magnets
were strong and it immediately had a nice spark. After this, we
obtained an oiler and brought the loyal Farmall H over and belted
up. It took a long time but it finally caught and did it ever make
that tin roof shake!

Enclosed is a picture of our pride and joy. In the future we are
planning on new skids and paint. In closing I would like to know
the year Witte #B11430 was produced and I would appreciate a paint
color number for a Jaeger engine. Would also like to correspond
with other Witte lovers.’

This writing was sent by MILTON W. FOX, R.R. 1, Bicknell,
Indiana 47512: ‘ in the March-April issue of GEM, Mr. Harold J.
Engelhart wrote about an International crawler and requested some
information on it. So, here goes-

This basic vehicle was an International McCormick Deering,
Industrial 30 (I-30-modified). This group of I-30 tractors was
manufactured from 1931 to 1940, with a production of 5468

Your tractor (or crawler) is equipped with a Hough shovel. IHC
and the Frank G. Hough Company of Libertyville, Illinois had a
working relationship whereby Hough equipment was used on IHC
tractors until 1952, when IHC bought the Hough Company. In 1965
this became Hough Division of International Harvester Company.

For export to other countries only ‘International’ (not
McCormick Deering) was used on IHC tractors.

 Whenever making inquiries about any tractor or crawler, it
is very important to give the serial number and
also the prefix letters-this saves everybody a lot
of time.

The tracks were probably manufactured by the Hough Company,
although IHC may have done this. In the 1920s, there was a W.A.
Riddell Company of Bucyrus, Ohio, that did a great deal of work for
(or with) IHC like the Hough Company did-but what became of the
Ohio Company, this writer does not know.

Keep up the good work with GEM.’

‘I would like to hear from anyone who has a Kinkade garden
tractor made in Minneapolis about 1926, a large spiked wheel that
does the pulling with an engine mounted inside the

I enjoy your magazines even though the only ones I have an
opportunity to read are from 1977 and 1978.’ (Any answers? If
so, please write LLOYD J. HOFFMANN, 543 North Elm, Sauk Centre,
Minnesota 56378).

‘Here’s one I would like to know,’ quotes R. R.
JESSUP, 5613 Elon, Orlando, Florida 32808.

‘I’m an Allis Chalmers nut and would like to know if
anyone owns an RC Allis. There are still a lot of B, C, WC and a
few UC’s still around, but I never see mention of the RC. For
those who don’t know, it was a WC chassis with a B engine. The
theory behind it was the RC would be more economical to purchase
and operate but when the owner traded up to a WC, he’d already
have the mounted implements. AC engineers brought the RC to a halt
with the two-row Model C.

I recently purchased a 1939 WC with an extra W stationary engine
for $100.00. The poor ‘ole critter looks bad now, but
she’ll be better. Runs good anyhow. See Want Ads.’

It’s a family affair and isn’t that great as this letter
came through from THE DENNIS W. ERICKSON FAMILY, 3751 Rosewood
Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90066: ‘My family and I have
just started restoring our first gas engine. It is a horizontal hit
and miss engine. The plate says: Type D, Serial #13834,
Speed 450, HP 2?, De Laval, Dairy Supply Co., San Francisco –
Seattle. ALPHA is in a logo-triangle.

We have a few questions: What were the colors of these engines?
What is the year of manufacture, and do you have any information
about the company that manufactured these? It appears that the
piston or the connection rod was replaced, because our engine has
two screws that secure the wrist pin to the piston and also the rod
has a pinch bolt that secures the wrist pin to the rod. This seems
as though it will lock the rod solidly to the piston if both are
tightened down. How can this be repaired or changed to make it

We would like to hear from anyone that could help us with these
problems. We certainly enjoy reading your magazine.’

We hear from another young engine enthusiast and he tells you:
‘I need help from all those Fairbanks Morse engine buffs! I am
13 and my uncle has just purchased a Fairbanks Morse 2 HP Model Z.
I would like to find out where I could get the color of it and were
there any decals for it? One more thing, there is a nameplate on
the side about Humdinger Contractor’s Pumps made by Ralph B.
Carter Co. in New York with a serial number of 1046(?). If anyone
can help me please write WILLIE DUCHAJ, 404 Kane Avenue, Elgin,
Illinois 60120 or call 312-741-8656. (We’re glad to hear from
these young people interested in the engines, but I must caution
again, we cannot mention parts or anything that could be bought in
this column. These types of articles must be put in classified ads.
Sorry Willie.)

STANLEY WARD, Route 1, Box 130, Alexandria Bay, New York 13607
is hoping someone can tell him the year and horsepower of his Type
A Seager Olds. The flywheels are 2′ x 28?’, bore
41/8‘ x 6’ stroke, push rod make and
break and governor on flywheel, serial #2A14OD-No. 3. The man he
got it from in 1954 was 83 years old and thought he bought it in
1908 and was 5 HP-possible(?)

A letter comes from GREG PREVIS, Box 93, King William, Virginia
23086 and he relates: ‘I recently restored an engine which my
grandfather bought as a basket case from Buhrman & Sons in
Richmond. This is a John Deere dealer and therefore I was led to
believe it was a J.D. and I also have found replacement parts which
are a green color. Is this a faded J.D. green? The engine number is
267104 and horsepower is 1? F at 550 RPM. This engine also uses a
Wico EK type magneto and a Champion 25 sparkplug. It has a 3?’
bore and 5′ stroke. Can anyone out in Engineland help me on
this one? (Let him hear from you fellows.)

‘Does anyone out there know the color of a Huber Light Four
12-25 Cross engine tractor?’ Please write to LOUIS MILLER, 807
Pine, Georgetown, Texas 78626 if you do.

Two interesting queries come from GLEN RUPERT, 1833 Norwood
Blvd., Peoria, Illinois 61604: ‘I haven’t been at this gas
engine hobby long and I would answer all letters if I can get some

First, I have a small hit and miss with no name. The flywheels
are 10?’ with hearts cast into them. Would the heart-shaped
holes be a clue to who made it? I would like to hear from anyone
that has one like it or knows who made it. Also, is the
‘PB’ Model Briggs & Stratton the only model that was
made headless?’ (I hope someone can help you Glen, watch the

BEV MEYERS, W. Henderson Road, Henderson, Michigan 48841 writes:
‘First of all I would like to say that the Gas Engine Magazine
is a very unique publication and I really look forward to receiving
each issue.

I am now in the process of restoring a 1917 wooden hand-feed
Sterling thresher made for International Harvester. What I would
like to know is the color of the machine. It appears to be either
pink or a faded out red, I am not sure. Also, what color were the
wheels, axles and pulleys? I would very much like to correspond
with anyone who has ever operated one of these machines.’

‘I enjoy reading your wonderful magazine and especially the
Smoke Ring Column,’ says ROBERT HALL, JR., 32564 Cable Drive,
Dowagiac, Michigan 49047. His letter continues: ‘I was
wondering if anyone has made up a roster of the John Deere L – LA
tractor. If not, I would like to start one, if the owners would
like to send me their names, addresses, serial numbers, etc. When
completed it would be available to everyone.

I own three John Deeres: a 1938 ‘B’, an ‘H’ and
an ‘LA’. The ‘B’ and the ‘LA’ are being
checked for serial numbers now. They were so rusted that the
numbers could not be picked up. I also own a few other odd

Keep up the good news to all of us ‘old engine

Another newcomer to the Gas Engine Magazine writes and needs
your help: ‘I am new to GEM and I find myself waiting anxiously
for every new issue. I like Smoke Rings the best because that’s
where I learn the most.

Now I need some help from my fellow engine buffs as I have a
stationary engine that I cannot identify. It is a dry head,
water-cooled hopper type engine about 1 or 1? HP. This engine has
3?’ bore and a 5′ stroke. The flywheels are 17′ across
with a 1?’ face. The only identification marks are these part
numbers on connecting rod-4012, rocker arm 4035, rocker arm mount
4036, flywheel pulley side 4048, flywheel governor side with
cranking handle in wheel 4047-B, carburetor 4091, cylinder head
1398. Ignition is by sparkplug, but the supply is unknown. This
engine strongly resembles a Utica; as I have only seen drawings of
the Utica it is hard to tell for sure. One thing more-the hopper
dimensions are as follows:

These are small bumps about 1 across. There are two on each
side. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.’ And
then he said, ‘Anna Mae, have a good day today and a better day
tomorrow and happy engine hunting to my fellow buffs.’ (If you
can help this newcomer, please write THOMAS HAWKIN, Shun Pike, R.R.
2, Johnston, Rhode Island 02919.

Two years ago FRANK G. NAESSEN, Comstock, Wisconsin 54826 bought
a Bessemer 2 HP upright barrel-cooled gas engine, serial #1662, 650
RPM. He would like to know the years they were made and the sizes
they came in, plus color scheme and any other bits of

A letter from PAUL W. REEDER, 835 West Fourth Street,
Williams-port, Pennsylvania 17701 says this: ‘I would
appreciate it if there could be inserted in your Smoke Rings my
request for information concerning a Jaeger hit and miss, serial
#301966, two horsepower with Webster magneto and igniter. I am very
new in this hobby and need the following information:

When was this engine manufactured? Its original color was blue,
but can someone tell me a paint number which matches the original?
What color was the pin striping? When the magneto was new, what
color were its parts? Was there a Jaeger decal on both sides of the
water hopper? Did the Hercules decal appear on the front of the
water hopper? What type of muffler was the original on this engine?
(It has a 1′ exhaust pipe.)

I would also appreciate color photographs of accurately restored
engines, which I will either pay for or return. These pictures can
either be of the entire engine or close-ups of particular parts,
including the mag.

This has turned out to be a lot of requests, but I would like my
first restoration to be right.

I enjoy GEM very much.’

‘Help!’ calls DALE SHERBURNE, 2315 Lake Elmo Ave. N.,
Lake Elmo, Minnesota 55042. ‘I would like some information on
two engines, both 2 HP horizontal hopper-cooled; Sandow serial
#113939 or 114939 and Lansing serial #80035. I would like to know
year of manufacture, colors of engines and if possible some history
of the companies. And what is the set-up for battery and fuel tank
for the Sandow?

I am looking eagerly forward to the next issue of GEM and the
first show in our area.’

WILLIAM C. KUHL, 464 South 5th Street, Sebewaing, Michigan 48759
addresses a problem on valve setting which may interest quite a few
folks: ‘This deals with setting valves on the Rumely Oil Pull
tractor. I helped my brother grind valves on his 30 x 50Y Oil Pull
tractor and after we put it back together, it never ran right. We
set the valves the way we always do on tractors, by turning engine
to low cam and adjusting rocker arms to about .025 thousands or the
thickness of a common hack saw blade. This is where we made a
mistake and it wasn’t until last summer at one of the engine
shows that I talked to a nice man from Canada, about the problem we
had with the Oil Pull after grinding the valves. I would like to
thank him by means of Smoke Rings, for advice he gave me.

He said you have to time the valves on an Oil Pull tractor by
the marks on the flywheel; you don’t just set them in the
conventional way. The problem we had was no compression on number 2
cylinder and engine would pop back through carburetor. I have read
the Oil Pull manual several times, but I never really understood
what they were trying to tell me. They talk about using a piece of
paper to adjust valve clearance between valve stem and rocker arm,
and what they are really saying is to use a piece of paper to tell
you when you have all the clearance between the valve stem and
rocker arm taken up. When you set valve timing by the marks on the
flywheel and the pointer on top of crankcase, and you turn engine
over to low cam, you will find a lot more clearance between valve
stem and rocker arm then you think should be there, but this is

We set the valves, or I should say, timed the valves on the 30 x
50 by the marks on the flywheel and now we have so much compression
you can hardly pull it over and it runs normal again. Thanks to the
nice gentleman from Canada. This proves again that one is never to
old to learn something new. (You’re right Bill, and I don’t
care how many years we have on us, we can learn something new
almost every day, but isn’t that one of the things that makes
life so interesting?)

A letter comes from ANDREW K. MACKEY, 26 Mott Place, Rock-away
Boro, New Jersey 07866 as he tells us: ‘Thank you for making a
really fine magazine. I’ve got a few questions for you and the
good people out there in Engineland.

First, I own a Fairbanks-Morse Model Z, 154 HP engine. It has an
American Bosch high tension magneto, is painted dark green and has
this number stamped on top of the hopper: 579819. I believe it was
built about 1925. I would like to know if a hand crank was used to
start this engine and if so, could someone give me the dimensions
of it so I can make one? Second, is an Economy-Hercules engine. The
brass I.D. plate is missing. I was wondering if someone could date
it for me. It has these numbers on the pieces named. Tripper 345
K26, ignitor bracket 303 K26, connecting rod, 4 Atlas 456 with AH
on the other side. Last, on the crankshaft throws S and 555 cast on
one side, 1? HP on the other- stamped. Bore is 5′, stroke
7?’. The engine is painted red with black trim. Can anyone
help?? Third is the Webster Tri-Polar oscillator on this engine,
Type AK, serial #657353. I need to know how old it is and of what
capacity the condenser is supposed to be. Are they available? I
thank you for your generous help.’

‘I am new to the Gas Engine World and I thought maybe some
readers of Smoke Rings could answer a few questions for me,’
says MAX BROWN, 982 Nash Road, N. Tonawanda, New York 14120.
‘First, I just acquired a Moto-Mower engine, nearly complete.
It is a Detroit Model for 27′ Machine No. 4930. Secondly, I
have a Friend Orchard Sprayer, Model DXA, #9343, Gasport, N.Y. And
last, a Maytag Twin, 72-D, serial #62637. It only runs when one
sparkplug wire is grounded to the engine. Maybe somebody can help
me as for years of manufacture, horsepower, etc.’ (Max also
says he enjoys our magazine very much, and I am sure he’ll
enjoy it more if he gets your help.)

A short letter comes from JOSEPH A. MERCER, R.D. 1, Box 110,
Hookstown, Pennsylvania 15050, phone 412-573-4392: ‘It has been
a long time since I have written. First I want to thank all my
customers who bought engines from me through ads in the GEM. Second
I want to remind all of you that I consider myself an expert on the
use and operation of hot tubes for ignition on the older engines.
If anyone is having trouble with them, let me know and I will try
to help. I am selling the last of my engines. (See ad in the For
Sale column.)’

DONALD E. THALER, Route 1, 100th Avenue, Hart, Michigan 49420
writes: ‘We have only been on the gas engine kick for a few
years, but we both (I suppose he means his wife) enjoy the engines
as a hobby. We really enjoy your magazine.

Our first engine was a 1? HP Sattley Montgomery Ward & Co.
engine with a Webster magneto, serial #34862. The engine was kept
inside and in excellent condition. We are sure the color is red.
What we don’t know is its age. We were told at a show that it
was in the teens. We have the catalog advertised in GEM copyright
1918. Our base and water hopper is different. Also who actually
built the Sattley? What is the connection between the Sattley and
Jumbo? We have a 2 HP Little Jumbo, serial #2212, Model U. Is there
a difference between Jumbo and Little Jumbo? What is the year of
our Little Jumbo? Thanks in advance for all help we may receive and
we will answer any mail.’ (See, they already have the faith
that they will get answers-and they Will.)

Some information that may make many of you happy comes from BILL
JERGOVICH, Drayton Plains, Michigan 48020. He writes: ‘From
time to time a GEM reader requests information regarding manifolds,
carburetors and related parts for Fordson tractors. Many are
unaware of the fact that the Fordson tractor had six different
types of manifold- carburetor assemblies since its inception in
1917. The enclosed photograph deals with the last such manifold
carburetor assembly which was introduced in the Irish-Fordson in
1929 and was used on English Fordsons as well; until they were
phased out on or about 1939. This manifold was designed to operate
on straight gas and could be used on any Fordson 1917-1939.

Anyone requesting parts or information regarding this unit can
always refer to this issue of GEM as a basis of illustration.’
(I’ll thank you for all the readers, Bill. I imagine this will
come in handy for many of them.)

This missal comes from DAVID E. GRIM, 2615 East River Road,
Newton Falls, Ohio 44444: ‘I recently acquired a Brownwall air
and hopper-cooled gas engine. The engine was found in an old
collapsed house after family had died and relations came to clean
up the remains. I received the engine as payment for work. I must
admit, I didn’t expect the engine to be much when they said,
‘There’s an old gas engine under there, it’s yours!

This is a rather large engine weighing in at about ? to ? ton. I
obtained the original owner’s manual with the engine, but parts
of the pages are missing. I see from looking through the remaining
part of the manual that the letter preceeding the casting part
numbers indicates the horsepower of said engine. The letter D
preceeds all casting numbers. The original color is about gone, but
appears to be a light blue or green.

I had an Amishman from this area who is quite capable with these
engines, tear the engine down and check it out. The bearings were
in beautiful shape; the piston was in no way damaged by long years
of non-use. It was all put back together and now runs beautifully.
The engine has a magneto and runs with either that or the coil. The
magneto is original and matches perfectly.

I have found no serial number, if there is one, on the
engine-just the D series stampings. The only other distinguishing
feature I can find is the words Edgar and Sheffield on the rod
which locks out the valve on idle strokes of the engine. My guess
is the Edgar is the dealer and Sheffield was the address. Could
this be correct?

My friend tells me that he believes the engine to be circa
1912-15, although we can find no one who knows of a large
Brownwall. The engine was probably bought new by the last owner as
they were considered rather wealthy at the turn of the century. How
can I find out more as age, horespower, original cost, number
produced and number in existence, color it should be and value?
Also, what actually is belt horsepower?’ (Lots of questions to
answer fellows.)

A complimentary letter comes from LARRY BOUTWELL, Route 1, Box
189, Penacook Road, Contoocook, New Hampshire 03229: ‘Just a
few lines to GEM. No better magazine covers the hobby than this
publication. I look forward to every issue and they get better
every time.

I wonder if any GEM readers can provide me with information
about the early Ohio engines. I have a side-shaft model,
tank-cooled, about 1906 vintage. I would greatly appreciate hearing
from you.’

MONROE MILLER, 250 Kulp Road, Harleysville, Pennsylvania 19438
has an answer for What Is It photo on page 26 of Jan.-Feb. issue:
‘This photo is of a 1904 curved dash Olds auto engine, rated 7
HP, 5′ bore, 6’ stroke, water-cooled by radiator. Monroe
says he owns two of these tiller steered 1904 autos.

A note of interest comes in the letter from CHAS. H. WENDEL,
R.R. 1, Box 28-A, Atkins, Iowa 52206: ‘The reply to our plea
for information on gas engine companies has been amazing. Dozens of
letters and phone calls have poured in from all over the country.
This response has certainly boosted our enthusiasm for the ‘Gas
Engine Encyclopedia’ project.

For some strange reason we haven’t received any material on
Canadian built engines. There were many, but at this point we
don’t have much. Perhaps some of the readers of GEM might be
able to share something with us on the Canadian gas engine

Many people have written to us suggesting that paint color and
striping information be included in the book. We think this is a
great idea, and hope to persuade one of the major paint companies
to cooperate with the use of their color numbers. If this can be
arranged, it will certainly be a boost to engine restorers. Send us
a color chip and striping information on your engines, but please
be certain about the color, or there will be all kinds of
unpleasant comments later on. If you don’t have a color number,
send us a sample. Just paint a piece of heavy paper and let it dry
thoroughly, then send it in to us.

Many thanks to all who have contacted us regarding the engine
book. Keep it up, and maybe we can get an encyclopedia

Many of you interested in information on the Big 4 tractors may
appreciate this letter from ALFRED EGBERS, Hooper, Nebraska 68031:
‘I read with interest in the Jan.-Feb. 1982 GEM the article on
Big 4 tractors. I have a complete set of John Deere books starting
with book No. 1 to book No. 6 given to dealers by the company to
sell and price from, with pictures of all implements. After 1936
each piece of implement had its own book. These books were current
for several years. Books had 500-600 pages.

In John Deere book #4, pages 133-140 are all about Big Four
’30’ tractor, tells all specifications. Also pictures of
gears, motor magneto and selling points. Book #4 was used from
about 1909-1912, so John Deere sold these tractors those years.

These books also list many kinds of gas engines that John Deere
sold before they made and sold Waterloo Boy and John Deere engines.
I am wondering if anyone else has a complete set of John Deere
books. The only other set I know of is in the possession of the
Deere Company.’ (How about it, anyone else have a set of

Keep your pens handy for there are a lot of questions coming
from WILLIAM W. LAYNE, Route 1, Box 19, Concord, Virginia 24538 as
he says: ‘I have a portable Wajax pressure pump with 2 cylinder
engine made by Watson Jack & Co. Ltd., Montreal Castle Bld.,
Vancouver 817 Pender St. W., S.N. DDVC-0635 made in Canada. This
information I copied off brass plate on engine base. This engine is
stuck tight and I have been soaking it with penetrating oil. This
is also a headless engine. What I need to know is this engine a
common one or is it rare? Does it have aluminum pistons? Does
anyone know what kind or type of carburetor it is supposed to have
as it doesn’t have one on it?





Feb. 1933

Nov. 1948


Sept. 1934

Jan. 1948

F Approximate dates of July 1921 thru April 1923


June 1923

Nov. 1924


Jan. 1924

June 1925


Jan. 1925

Nov. 1925


Jan. 1927

Oct. 1927


Nov. 1925

Oct. 1933


Dec. 1927

Jan. 1933


Jan. 1929

Oct. 1937


Jan. 1930

Mar. 1932


July 1932

Nov. 1940

I, IS, IR6 & IP

Jan. 1940

Nov. 1940


IP and IB

May 1938

June 1942


Feb. 1933

Dec. 1940

L & LA

Jan. 1930

Dec. 1932

M, MB, MC, MF,

MH and MJ

May 1930

Mar. 1934


Nov. 1940

Feb. 1954


Dec. 1923

Feb. 1935


Nov. 1925

Nov. 1933


Jan. 1929

June 1932

R, R2, RA & RC

Apr. 1929

Oct. 1933

S & SC

June 1930

Nov. 1933

T, TA & TC

Aug. 1930

May 1931


Sept. 1940

Dec. 1945


June 1931

May 1933

*Changed to new model numbers in December





Aug. 1936

Nov. 1941


Jan. 1957

and WR

Oct. 1938

Feb. 1942


June 1937

May 1941


Aug. 1931

Oct. 1949

Z & ZZ

Aug. 1931


Mar. 1950

Mar. 1957


June 1949

June 1957


June 1952

Aug. 1957


June 1955

Dec. 1958


Aug. 1954

May 1955


July 1953

Dec. 1958


Jan. 1953

May 1955


July 1953

Dec. 1958


Jan. 1953

May 1955


June 1955

Dec. 1958


Aug. 1954

May 1955


Jan. 1950

Apr. 1956


June 1949

June 1957

8 – (Old)

Aug. 1949

Apr. 1953

8 – (New)

July 1952

Aug. 1957


June 1955

Dec. 1958


Jan. 1955

May 1955


June 1955

Dec. 1958


Aug. 1948

May 1962

It appears to be a 2 cycle and it probably has reed valves. Am I
right? For cooling purposes seems like water circulates through the
engine block from a line leading from the pump. It is a rather
small engine with aluminum base. The size is illustrated by the
sparkplugs. I am sending photos, one of each side. This engine is
painted red. Is this the original color? Also what is the original
color scheme of the Alamo, Novo, Worthington, and the International
L. A and IHC ‘M’? Can anyone out there in Engineland help

Another person seeking a lot of information comes in this letter
from MARION MENDENHALL, R.R. 2, Mound City, Missouri 64470: ‘I
am writing to Smoke Rings about an old gasoline engine. I have an
old Pierce vertical type engine and I have seen it run several
times when I was just a kid-a few years back. The cylinder head,
piston wall, water jacket and all is molded in one casting. One
valve is seated in the casting on one side and the other is in
another casted piece on the other side which is removable and is
directly across from the other for access and removal of it. The
piston naturally is up and down and fires at the bottom. It has
only one flywheel and the crankshaft has an extended arm like

Since my uncle had to leave his home in 1950 because of ill
health the junk seekers stripped the engine of all brass oilers,
oil cups and carburetor or fuel mixer whichever it was. I don’t
know what the original firing system was, but when I saw it run, it
was fired with a Model T Ford coil and a 6 volt hot shot or storage
battery. There is no identification tag on the engine and I can see
no place where it might have been. Can someone help me with
information on the original oiling, cooling, ignition, paint color
and carburetion of this old engine?’

Many of you will be interested in the following list and letter
from THOMAS M. JENSEN, 559 Sheldon Road, Palmyra, New York 14522:
‘I got permission from Briggs-Stratton to have you print this
list of cast iron Briggs-Stratton engines in GEM. I wish I had the
serial numbers for each engine and the years that they were made,
but this list will give the collector some idea when his engine was
made. Anyone that wants to know what year their Briggs-Stratton was
made write to Briggs-Stratton, give them the model number or letter
and serial number and they will gladly answer your letter. Their
address is Briggs-Stratton Corporation, P.O. Box 702, Milwaukee,
Wisconsin 53201.

I have two Witte engines that I would like to know what years
they were made, serial number 26431, 2 HP, headless and serial
number B 20005 head type 2 HP. I’ll thank anyone in advance
that answers. In 1980 and again in 1981 I drove over 5,000 miles
visiting collectors in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Iowa,
Wisconsin, North Dakota and South Dakota.

Will Rogers once said and I quote ‘I never met a man I
didn’t like.’ As for me I never met an engine collector I
didn’t like. A wonderful bunch of guys. Great hobbie!

Well, that about winds things up for this issue except to leave
you with a few thoughts to ponder: You are not just One Person, but
Three-the one YOU think you are, the one OTHER PEOPLE think you
are, and the person YOU REALLY ARE — When happiness gets into your
system, it is bound to break out on the face. – – There are three
answers to prayer: YES, NO, WAIT A WHILE. – – Fads come and go;
common sense goes on forever. Bye, bye – have fun at the shows and
let us hear from you.

GE Muinely Anna Mae

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