By the time this copy is in your hands (early May), the big
Waukee Swap Meet will be close at hand. This year, ye olde
Reflector will be there representing Gas Engine Magazine. We’re
not sure of the schedule yet, but we plan to be there for at least
part of the Swap Meet. Look us up…for anyone who has attended
this one, that’s easier than it sounds sometimes!
A special thanks to Duey Anderson, 5400 43rd Avenue South,
Minneapolis, MN 55417 for sending us the journal of the ASAE. This
issue is for August 1920. One article discusses the use of kerosene
as a tractor fuel. At that time, the majority of tractors were
burning kerosene…some more successfully than others. The article
was written by John A. Secor, who was then the consulting engineer
for Advance-Rumely Company. It was Secor who developed the idea of
a throttle-governed engine back in the 1890s.
Several important design features were necessary in the design
of an engine that was to burn kerosene. The location of the spark
plug and the design of the head make a great difference. Early on,
the conclusion was reached that no combustion chamber should have
any surfaces parallel to opposing surfaces, and the spark plug
should not be opposite a flat surface.
It was also discovered that a definite relationship exists
between the areas of the intake passages for greatest fuel economy.
Eventually, it was concluded that the intake charge should travel
through the valves at a speed of 160 feet per second.
Within this article, one man wrote that ‘Gasoline is the
sunshine of past ages and food is the sunshine of the present.
There is a fundamental difference between the two. The former is a
capital resource and the latter is a constant product. The great
problem then, is what we can do after we use up our fuel
capital.’ Of course it should be remembered that engineers of
this time thought we would have used up all our petroleum in a few
decades at the most.
As is well known, water was used in the kerosene fuel mixture to
retard preignition. Apparently, other experiments were done, some
using carbon dioxide gas, and others using various chemicals from
aniline to alcohol to benzol.
In an age where the successful electric car seems just around
the corner, it seems ludicrous that engineers of the 1920s should
have spent so much time on the use of kerosene as an engine fuel.
At the time, it was available for very little, and in the above
article, it was suggested by one writer that the price was never
likely to rise above 4 or, 5 cents a gallon! How times have
changed! This month we begin with:
27/6/1 Tire Pump Q. See the photo of a Stewart
Tire Pump. It is a Model 108-S, and made by Stewart-Warner
Speedometer Corporation, Chicago, Illinois, and patented on June 6,
1914. Was this pump made for a specific engine? Stationary or
automotive? Do you think it may have been attached to a special
engine port to take advantage of splash lubrication? David W.
Phillips, PO Box 1128, Temple, TX 76503.
A. Automotive engines of the above patent date
didn’t have exposed gears, and this unit obviously has a large
gear wheel. It seems likely that it was attached to a stationary
engine, or even an electric motor for use in a garage. Some early
cars were equipped or could be equipped with an air compressor
27/6/2 Information Needed Mr. Wallace H.
Schleede, 3307 NE Riverside Ave., Pendleton, OR 97801 needs some
information on Montgomery Ward engines, specifically a
four-cylinder air-cooled Montgomery Ward engine as was used on a
pull-type road grader. This one had cylinder dimensions of 414 x 5
inches and it was an in-line air-cooled model.
27/6/3 Lauson Engine Q. See the photo of a
Lauson 5/8 horsepower engine with a Montgomery-Ward nameplate. It
is a kick-start, and has s/n 103486. It is Model 04LC5130. Can
anyone tell me the age of this engine? Jason Peterson, 7626
Langly Ave., Cottage Grove, MN 55016.
A. We have no information on these engines. Can
anyone be of help?
27/6/4 DuBrie Marine Engine Q. I own a DuBrie
marine engine, manufactured in Detroit and marketed in England by
Associated Manufacture’s Co. of London as the Amanaco marine
engine. The DuBrie was assembled from Ford components: piston and
rod, valves, and carburetor (Ford Holley). I assume these to be
Model T? My engine is the single cylinder, 4-5 HP version. I
believe there must be others in England but have not come across
one. I have corresponded with a gent in New Zealand who has an
identical engine to mine.
My engine has been fitted with an Amal carburetor of English
origin. I would like to obtain and fit a Holley, if anyone can tell
me what to look for; I understand there were several different
types. I would also like to correspond with any other DuBrie owners
or people having an interest in them. Am I correct in assuming they
must be quite rare in the USA, as they are not mentioned except
briefly in American Gas Engines? Any help will be appreciated.
Andrew Macdonald, 25 High Street, Langford, Beds, U.K. SAW
27/6/5 FBM Eclipse Q. See the photo of a
Fairbanks-Morse Eclipse No. 1 engine. It is made I believe only for
a water pump jack. I cannot locate anyone who has one, and would
like to hear from anyone who might have information I could use.
Any help will be appreciated. Merrill ‘Pinky’ Sheets, 4781
County Home Road, Delaware, OH 43015.
A. We don’t have one of these engines, nor
do we have the instruction manual for same. Can anyone be of
27/6/6 Mall Tool Company Q. See the photograph
of an engine made by Mall Tool Company, Chicago, Illinois. It is
rated 8 HP at 3,000 r.p.m. Cast with the bottom of the engine is a
hinge-like affair, with the weight of the engine keeping the belt
tight. Any information will be appreciated. Frank Kouba, 325
Rogers Road, Norristown, PA 19403.
A. We know that Mall was an early builder of
chain saws, but whether his engine was adapted to stationary duty,
we can’t tell you. Perhaps some of our readers might enlighten
us on the matter.
27/6/7 Caille Liberty Q. See the photo of an
unidentified marine engine. Any information will be appredated.
Also, can anyone tell me the year of a Caille engine, Model 48456?
Roy Reinke, 4128 Main St., Port Hope, MI 48468.
A. We can’t help on either count….can
anyone provide this information?
27/6/8 Villiers Garden Tractor Q. I recently
acquired the Villiers Garden Tractor shown in the photo. It is
equipped with a sickle mower. The only numbers I can find are: 891
27256. Can any of our English readers give me any information on
this unit, including its age, and the correct color scheme? Any
help will be appreciated. Tom Kruse, 6232 Cedar Lane,
Miamisburg, OH 45342.
A. If you can help, kindly do so.
27/6/9 Pontiac Tractor Q. About 1920, in
Pontiac, Michigan there were some tractors built on West Lawrence
Street. The name was Pontiac, and they had a large one-cylinder
engine. I think only about 12 were made, and eight of them went to
Canada. Has anyone ever heard of these tractors? We would certainly
appreciate any additional information. Donald M. Kerr, 1680
Irwin Drive, Waterford, Ml 48327.
A. Our search of various industry directories
fails to turn up any information on this one…can anyone be of
27/6/10 Knox Engine Q. Can anyone provide
information on a Knox single cylinder engine built by
Cam-den-Anchor-Rockland Machine Co., Camden, Maine? It is s/n 4907,
6 HP, Model G, and is a vertical engine. Any information would be
appreciated. Vern Storey, 980 Division Rd., Zillah, WA
A. The Knox is illustrated and briefly
described on page 77 of American Gas Engines. Beyond this we have
no further information. If anyone can help, please do so.
27/6/11 Detroit Engine Q. I have a friend who
owns the engine shown in the photo. The nameplate reads: Detroit
Engine Works, Marine Engine, s/n 835. The flywheel is about 14
inches in diameter. He does not know how to run it or have any
information on it. Richard Sobol, 1 Piscataqua Rd., Dover, NH
03820. If you wish to write to him directly, my friend’s name
is W. C. Rowe, Rt 56, Box 227, Spruce Lane Exit, Dover, NH 03820.
A. We have no operating information on the
Detroit. Although we’ve seen these engines, we aren’t sure
how the crank is lubricated or whether any oil is required to be
mixed with the fuel. They will run either direction, depending on
which way the timer handle is placed. Assuming you don’t get
any further information (we hope you do), carefully analyze the
engine. Hook up the ignition coil, and slowly turn the engine over
to see which way it should turn for a given position of the timer
handle. Check to see whether there is a slinger on the crank for
lubricating the crankpin. If not, you will have to add oil to the
fuel. If there is, be sure that oil is making its way to the
crankpin. It’s always a good idea to blow out these passages to
keep grit and other material from getting into the bearings.
Chances are that the Detroit will run better under even a slight
load. It’s been our experience that small two-cycle engines
don’t idle down and run real good with no load.
27/6/12 Information Needed Q. What is the year
built and the proper color for the following engines: DeLaval
(Alpha) 1? HP, s/n 58030 Nelson Bros. Jumbo 1? HP, s/n 8852
Fairbanks-Morse 1 ? HP, s/n 516739 Don Hestand, 2601 Locksley
Chase, Irving, TX 75061.
A. DeLaval, no information; Nelson Bros.,
DuPont 2015 Green, no s/n information; Fairbanks-Morse, built 1922,
color is DuPont 93-72001 or PPG 43846 Green
27/6/13 Challenge Engine Q. I would like more
information on a 3 HP Challenge, s/n 25764. It is fitted with a
Wico EK magneto, but this may not be original equipment. Also, what
is the original color scheme? Can anyone supply decal transfers for
this engine? Any help will be appreciated. Gerry Scells, PO Box
37, Collinsville, Queensland, 4804, Australia.
A. One of our GEM readers should be able to
supply the Challenge information and decals that you need…we hope
he sees this query and will drop you a line…we can’t locate
his name and address as this issue goes to press.
27/6/14 Pincor Generator Q. See the two photos
of an engine-generator built for the military in 1951. The engine
is a Wisconsin AKN, and the generator was built by Pincor. Although
Pincor had told me it was made in 1951, they could furnish no other
data for it. It is wired for 115 VAC, 600 watts, and 220 VDC it is
a Model WA6
There are five wires coming out of the generator, two white ones
for the 115 VAC (they come from the sliprings) plus two black and
one red wire for the DC. One black lead goes to the stator, and two
brushes that are opposite each other. The other black lead goes to
a single brush, 90 degrees from the other two. The red wire goes to
the stator, and the fourth brush is grounded to the frame. How
should these wires be connected? Any help will be greatly
appreciated. William A. Richards, 46 Alderwood La., Rochester,
NY 14625.
A. We have no product information on Pincor,
but in the past, we have found that some of the electric motor
shops have kept diagrams for many different motors and generators.
One of these local shops just might have some information. In
addition, we assume that there are some generator repair people out
there who might have the needed diagrams or hookup information.
27/6/15 Cletrac Information Needed Q. What is
the proper color for a Cletrac AG-6 crawler, s/n 3X2756? It was
built in the middle or late 1940s. Any information will be
appreciated. Gerald Thielke, Box 17, Kandiyohi, MN
A. According to our records, your AG-6 was
built in 1945. Since Oliver was involved by this time, we can’t
tell you with certainty whether your tractor still used the Cletrac
Orange (Martin-Senour 90T-3728 or Ditzler 60583) or whether by this
time the color was changed to either Oliver Yellow (Martin-Senour
90T-3753) or Oliver Industrial Yellow (Ditzler 81154).
27/6/16 Cement Gun Company Q. See the photo of
a cement grouter. It was purchased from INCO here in Port Colborne.
They do not seem to know much about it. Can anyone tell me if the
Cement Gun Company of Allentown, PA. is still in business! This one
is Type N-2; Date Built, 1/8/53; Reg. No. 36427-I Any information
will be appreciated. Ron Baer, RR 1, Hwy 3, Port Colborne, Ontario
L3K 5V3, Canada.
A. Can anyone be of help on this query?