Maine Collectors

By Staff
Published on November 1, 1985
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Basil Fox, of R. #7, Box 69, Wash-burn, Maine 04786 wrote to us
recently to tell us about the engines he and his son Jeff

The Fox family has put together an ‘Engine Display and
Parade Trailer’ which contains sixteen engines, and has been
exhibited in various parades. The Fox’s are members of the
Maine Antique Power Association and have taken the trailer to one
rally at Owls Head Museum in Southern Maine, but like other
collectors in different areas, they do not have a local group to
belong to.

Basil reports that they have four engines waiting to be
restored, which they’ll tackle during the winter.

The trailer is made from the chassis of a house trailer cut down
to 28 feet. They used 3 inch channel iron for cross members, and
planked the trailer lengthwise.

Jeff Fox built the trailer, and has done most of the restoring
and all the painting. The lettering and pin striping was done by a
professional sign painter.

Here is a listing of the sixteen engines on the Fox trailer:

Right side front to back: Maytag (single cylinder),
Maytag (twin cylinder), Massey Harris 2 HP, Stover 2 HP, LeRoi
single cylinder, Economy 1 HP, Briggs (Sears) series 81; Center
line front to back:
Associated 3 HP (3 Mule Team), Stover 6-8
HP Type K, Galloway 9 HP #46807, Root & Vandervoort 6 HP, Gade
2 HP #5331; Left side front to back: John Deere 1 HP pump
jack; Associated 1 HP, Ideal 1 HP, McCormick Deering 1 HP.

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