Unearthed Mogul Restored

By Staff
Published on July 1, 2000
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Primer applied.
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15-30 Mogul tractor unearthed in Montana. the tractor now
restored by Paul Stoltzfoos of Leola, Pennsylvani.

We no longer have the pictures to be able to show you how the
tractor looked when still buried, but here are some parts before
restoration began.

Back in our December 1989 edition, we carried the story of a
15-30 Mogul tractor unearthed near the Yellowstone River. The late
Oscar Cooke of Oscar’s Dreamland in Billings, Montana, sent the
photos of the tractor which was to be restored by Jerry Shahan of
Brasher, Missouri.

Jerry sold the tractor to Paul Stoltzfoos of 30 S. Groffdale,
Leola, Pennsylvania 17540. Paul took two trips to go out and pick
up the pieces, and by May of 1998, he had the tractor (in parts) in
his shop.

The tractor was primed right after sandblasting. Engine parts
came from John Tysse in North Dakota, the radiator came from South
Dakota, and several parts came from Cattail Foundry and Dave
Boomgarden of Chatsworth, Illinois.

A new carburetor was made by Mr. King, and Paul did his own
machining. Air breather parts (top lid) were made, cylinder was
bored and sleeved and some welding was required.

By ‘show time’ 1998, the job was not quite finished. The
old frame and front wheels were replaced by John Tysse, other parts
were borrowed and copied. New valves and a fuel pump also came from
Dave Boomgarden. The cooling pump was in pieces and was mended

The cab was rebuilt and a new canopy was put on. Finish date was
January 1, 1999. The restored tractor now resides at Rough and
Tumble Engineers in Kinzers, Pa. That’s a long way from the
Yellowstone River!

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