Rt 2, Box 208 Como, Mississippi 38619
I am a new subscriber to Gas Engine Magazine and I really enjoy
it. The articles and pictures are very interesting and informative.
I enjoy reading about the rare equipment in the articles submitted
by other readers.
I wanted to send a picture of a project I undertook in June
1994. It is a 1935 Farmall ‘F-12’ mounted on a 10 inch
diameter steel pole. The tractor was completely disassembled,
sandblasted and painted with five coats of IH Red. It is complete
and in running condition. It is on a steel pole that is 12 feet 3
inches tall at the attachment bolts.
My father and I have collected quite a few tractors over the
years. We have 70 antique tractors ranging from 1920 to 1952 models
of various manufacture, including a few extremely rare models. We
also have 16 antique trucks of various makes from 1939 to 1959
models, and several hundred pieces of agricultural equipment and
farm related items.
We have school and church groups and many individuals that come
to our farm to see farming like it used to be. Our driveway is easy
to miss so we wanted to put something at our mailbox that our
visitors could not possibly fail to see. Hence, the tractor on the
pole. It has drawn a lot of attention from people passing by. A lot
of people have stopped and taken pictures of it. We have really had
a lot of fun with it.