This interesting picture caught the eye of subscriber Robert R.
Jessup of P.O. Box 118, Clarcona, FL 32710. He had spotted it in a
copy of Farm and Ranch living. We were able to contact the owner of
the postcard, Charles Zumalt of 1001 Ann Avenue, Waverly, Missouri
64096, who kindly loaned it to us. We’d like to know whether
anyone out there has additional information on this curious
‘Bread Winner’ tractor.
This little crude oil traction engine built in two sizes Nos. 1
and 2, and operated by one man in plowing, has a capacity of about
one acre per hour for engine No. 2, consuming about three gallons
of crude petroleum at a cost of about 10 cents per acre. Engine No.
1 has about double capacity of No. 2. It is the only crude oil
Traction Engine known and has eliminated about 90 percent of the
trouble experienced in gasoline tractors by not having to use a
Magneto, Dry Battery, Carburetor, Sparking Plug or heated iron plug
for ignition. Does not use gasoline or other explosives.
Is adaptable to all kinds of farm work. Invented by C. R.
Traxler, Winston-Salem, North Carolina.