1809 Keane Moline, Illinois 61265
The 17th annual Rumely Convention was held in LaPorte, Indiana,
on the weekend of March 20 and 21. Fourteen states and Ontario were
represented at the gathering. Topics covered were as follows:
20-30 Cooling Fan Repair, presented by Jim and Ken Perrin
in conjunction with Don Wolf; Thoughts on the Formation of the
Rumely Product Collectors Club, by Ron Miller, retired
president of RPC; Tales of Owning a Rumely
Dealership/Experiences of my Father, by Bud Stambaugh;
History of the Rumely Tractor Registry, Ellis Wellman;
Tilling and Toiling the Soil with Rumely, presented by
Dave Shearns; Rumely Thoughts and Ideas, presented by
Doyle Brubaker. Don Rohde shared some insights into tractor
After lunch, the Rumely Collectors toured the restored Rumely
Hotel, now called The Rumely Historic Apartments. The restoration
has gone well. The possibility of restoring the Grafton to murals
to the hotel is in consideration.
Doyle Brubaker and Dorothy Kafer led the group in singing songs
from the Old Rumely Farm School.
Frank Rupert and Al and George Bronson, along with the help of
others, set up the center for the convention.
John and Helen Bradley shared some insights into his
father’s work with Rumely exports. He displayed a Rumely
paperweight and watch fob as well.
Larry Jones set up the dinner at the Legion. Bud Stambaugh sold
copies of his book entitled Recollections of an Old Rumely
The 18th annual Rumely LaPorte Convention will be held in
LaPorte at the Swanson Center site adjoining the M&J Rumely
Factory, March 18 and 19, 2000.