I just can hardly believe that this is the last issue of the
second year of GEM already. Time really flies or I guess I should
say it really goes up in smoke rings.
And no one knows better than a parent how swiftly the years go
by for it seems they’re hardly out of diapers and there you are
– finding yourself at the church watching your young one take their
mate which means the beginning of a new life and a new family, and
even though you are so happy for them and so eager to welcome a new
one into the clan, there is a sweet sadness with it and you wonder
how did they become an adult so fast? Yes, our second child,
Daughter Dana married Robert Fortenbaugh on August 26. It was a
lovely wedding – not without many an upheaval until we heard the
wedding march and then all the events of the past and the little
troubles that appear through the preparation – as I’m sure they
do in all important events – were nothing but a memory and all was
worthwhile as you watched a beaming beautiful bride escorted down
the aisle by her father to meet her future husband who stood with
adoring eyes, as all grooms do when they watch the ‘light of
their life’ approaching the altar In a few minutes they were
man and wife, the church reception was over, the newlyweds had
dressed and gone – off on a honeymoon to the sea-shore, and the
friends that always stand by you slowly make their way home and the
rest of the children are in bed and it’s very quiet – and you
have a good feeling that the young couple are going to have a very
wonderful life together – not all happiness, but facing together
whatever is their lot, God Bless them. But isn’t it odd that
little empty space in your heart when they aren’t at home.
Every time one of them is gone, even for over night, it’s like
a little empty space appears in my heart and awaits their
homecoming whenever it may be – well, I’ve been called a
sentimentalist and I guess I am, but don’t you think most
parents have these pangs even if they don’t admit them–I think
so! I’m glad as our children grow up that they find a mate to
share their lives with, I wouldn’t want it any other way, but
that doesn’t mean I don’t have a right to miss them.
I’m very proud of this 3 H.P. Stickney gas engine. I secured
it from its original owner who bought it in 1914 here at
Minneapolis, Kansas, new from the dealer. It was in a bad state of
rust after being discarded and left to the mercy of the elements
for nearly a half century in a shelterbelt on the owner’s farm.
It now runs as good as new and has full compression and power. The
trucks are not original. A fine runner and a fine looker.
Z type Fairbanks on shallow well with grasshopper pump at
Devil’s Den, California. Engine owned by Jim Everest of
Weaverville, California.
Have a letter from Gerald F. Hoffman, 313 E. Peru St.,
Princeton, Illinois 61356 who writes: In the Sept-Oct. issue of
GEM, I see a picture on the cover page of a Geiser Tractor and page
two you say that you don’t know the age of this Geiser Tractor.
Well, I have a book called The Development of The Agricultural
Tractor in the United States, and in this book there is a picture
of this same Geiser Tractor and the book states that this tractor
was made in 1909 and had 4 cylinders engine and was 25-50 hp. and
had two forward speeds, 2? and 3? mph. I trust this bit of
information will interest your readers. Thank you Gerald for your
informative letter.
From Lewis H. Cline, 1102 West River Road, Battle Creek,
Michigan, one of our steady contributors of articles to both
magazines, Lewis writes/ ‘In answer to my inquiry about the
Port Huron tractor I received a nice letter and hand I drawing from
Douglas A. McConnell,, Box 575, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba,
Canada. They had two of them at one time.
I received in yesterday’s mail, the Tractor Operating Book
and Directory and note it contains picture and description of the
Port Huron also. At this time I want to make another inquiry. On
page 124 there are two pictures of G.M.C.
Samson tractors, made in Pontiac, Michigan. I do know that G.M.C
bought the Janesville Plow Co., Janesville, Wisconsin and made
tractors, trucks, plows and disc harrows there. We at one time had
one of the tractors, a Samson Model M which was not at all like
that pictured on page 124. Did they move the factory to Janesville,
Wisconsin after buying the plow works? Does anyone know the story
on this and have any of you ever owned one of the three wheel
tractors built at Pontiac? I have never seen one of them.
Thought you might like a receipe again and this one is for a
frankfurter casserole. 4 cups thinly sliced potatoes, 1 cup thinly
sliced onions, 2 tsp. salt, 1 lb. frankfurters, 2 tbsp. flour, 1
tsp. salt, 1 tbsp. butter or margarine, 2-8 oz. cans tomato sauce,
? lb. cheddar cheese, cut into chunks and 2 tbsp. chopped parsley.
Cook potatoes and onions with two tsp. salt in boiling water for
five minutes. Drain. Slice franks diagonally. Mix potatoes, onions,
franks, flour, salt, butter, one can of tomato sauce, cheese and
parsley. Spoon into casserole. Pour remaining can of tomato sauce
over. Bake 35 minutes at 375 degrees. You might like this casserole
as 1 don’t care for frankfurters but I do like this meal, but I
add more cheese than it says here.
Well, that will be it for this time so until next writing,
remember: All the world lives in two tents, content or
discontent.**He who builds a fence always fences out more than he
fences in. — There is no sunshine without some shadow.
******It’s not a question as to who is right, but what is
1 hp. IHC Tom Thumb. We used a cooper tank float for the gas
tank and redwood plank for the wood base.
4 hp. Ottawa Log Saw outfit. Filling station attendant, Chet
Pratt of College Spring, Iowa seems happy to be in picture. This
engine has push rods for both intake and exhaust valves. This,
along with a lot of compression and only one flywheel, makes the
engine hard to spin with a crank.
Myself with 1? Hp. Montgomery Wards Sattley.
A line up of tractors on the CX ranch.
Washington, Illinois 61571 The salesman’s sample of the John
Deere engine pictured sitting on flywheel of big engine.
Washington, Illinois 61571 This photo is a salesman’s sample
of the 10 Hp type Z Fairbanks Morse engine. It is sitting on the
wheel of the big engine.
As fits the holy Christmas birth, Be this, good friends, our
carol still–Be peace on earth, To men of gentle will.
William Makepeace Thackeray
That’s me on the seat of a 3 Hp. Associate Gas Engine, on
elevator and 4 hole Joliet spring corn sheller in about 1920. The 3
hp. engine I found three years ago in a grove and found out it was
Dad’s. He bought it in 1918 to save the horses from
unloading ear corn as he got a picker that year and thought horses
had walked enough. It’s all painted up now and running.
6 Hp. John Deere engine.
A Fordson Tractor and 15 shoe Dowagiac strain drill and along
the building is a grain treating machine with water and
formaldehyde that was used on grain before it was seeded. This was
hand cranked. There is no name on it so I don’t know by whom it
was made.
Some old machinery I have for one and two walking plows–old
potato planters and potato cultivators. Also a hand pulled fire
A 1922,16-30 Rumely Oil Pull taken at the Milton Steam Era show.
Restored and owned by Hillview Farms, Woodstock, Ontario, Canada.
Runs perfectly, had the pleasure of driving this tractor around the
I bought this machine 2? years ago from the original owner. His
son thought they bought it about 1913. The shed it was in was built
just for it. Machine is 8 feet wide and overall length is about 24
I pulled it three miles home with our 1929 L Case Tractor. It
took me ? day to take off the lugs and dig away the chicken manure.
It tilled many farms around here until the paved roads
The last time it was used was ten years ago. This picture shows
how long it is.
Good view of the back of the engine.