Smoke Rings

By Staff
Published on July 1, 1977
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Well – Hi to each of you – and here we are in the midst of the
reunions which means ‘Engine Heaven’ to the gas buffs and I
know if you are able to get to the shows you are really enjoying
another summer with your engines and your friends. Keep account of
all the incidents in the notebook of your mind – will give you many
warm memories going over it when you’re sitting by the fireside
in the cold winter warming yourself.

Beginning our letters is one from PAUL BOORE, Box 154, Vina,
California 96092 who just wishes to chat a bit: ‘I am 62 years
old. My father had the Cast Steam Thresher which I fired and ran
when I was 12 years old. The last run we made was in Kansas in 1937
(40 years ago) but it will always be in my blood. At present, I am
manager of a 500 acre English walnut orchard here in northern

I have a 3 HP Fairbanks Morse and a ?HP Headless, a Model S
Ideal upright with a cooling fan, running; a 3 HP Novo, running; 3
HP International, running and a 1? HP John ‘Deere, running. I
am hoping to hear from a lot of you readers.’

HARRY LEE, Box 119, Elnora, Indiana 47529 writes: ‘A man
called me one night just after we got our March-April G.E.M. He was
proud of the picture on page 4 of my 1935 WD-40. He said he had one
of these and we had quite a conversation. Now, I did not get his
name, because he said for sure that he would write to me and send
some pictures as soon as the snow went away. He said he was from
South Dakota and was about 300 miles west of Sioux City. I took
this to be South Dakota. (This could be Sioux City, Iowa.)

I have been waiting and waiting to hear from him. At the time I
was talking to him, I did not have my glasses and pen handy. So I
relied on him, as he said he would surely write to me. My wife and
I are waiting to hear from him as we want to make a trip to South
Dakota and also visit this man. So if he reads this column I’m
sure hoping he gets in touch with me. He says he reads the G.E.M.
and reads every bit of it. And so do I! I’m always waiting for
the next one.’ (Well, we hope the man from South Dakota sees
this and gets in touch with Harry – let me know if you do. Harry
also has an ad to this effect in the back of the book.)

STEVEN LANG, Owls Head, Maine 04854 asks: ‘Do you have any
information on a Sandwich 1? HP gas engine? It is a Junior model,
Serial number AB 26115.I am new to this hobby and know nothing
about this engine I have.’ (I’ll be surprised if you
don’t receive several letters, Steve.)

GARY TUNKIEICZ, 7514 60th Street, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53142 wants
to tell you: ‘I would like to thank all those who answered my
plea for help in restoring my F-20. I am getting ready to rebuild
it as soon as I get the parts I need from International Harvester –
yes, they still supply parts for the F-20.

Now, I hope a John Deere owner can help me. I just bought a 1937
Deere ‘B’ tractor and am wondering what the engine
horsepower is – I’ve been told 10,15, or 19 by various friends,
but I am not sure.’ (Anybody have the answer – let Gary in on

PAUL WILKINS, Box 15, Mannum, South Australia, Australia 5238
sends a few thoughts: ‘Congratulations on publishing such a
great magazine. I find it very interesting to read concerning
articles on different engines and tractors that people collect. I
would like some information on an engine which I have acquired
recently. It is a Campbell gas engine, #11224, blow lamp start,
12-15 HP sideshaft, fitted with a single flywheel made by the
Campbell Gas Engine Pty. Ltd., Halifax, England.

I was very pleased to see the article written about Mr. Verne W.
Kindschi of Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin in Nov.-Dec. 1976 issue. He
has helped me a lot on information regarding Fuller & Johnson
gas engines. I have in my collection ten different models of Fuller
& Johnson type engines. Continue the great work of the

LEE BUNDY, 7425 Colfax Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota
55423 writes: ‘Dan Steinhoff of New Ashford, Massachusetts in
May-June 1977 G.E.M., page 15 was asking for help about a Holt
tractor pulling 24-14′ plows and where and when did this take
place? Guess where I found the article? – in Gas Engine Magazine of
March-April 1972, page 6.’ (Look it up fellows, he’s
right). It was in 1914 at the Power Farming Demonstration, August
17 to 22 held at Fremont, Nebraska.)

GEORGE W. BULLEN, 31 Yanderra Avenue, Arana Hills, Queensland,
Australia 4054 is seeking information for an engine which has come
into his possession. ‘This engine is a Cushman 3 HP, 600 RPM,
Model BB Type H, Engine No. 188. It is a horizontal with throttle
governing and has ball bearing main bearings.

Also in my collection I have a Monitor, 2 HP, 450 RPM, Type VJ,
Engine No. 15927. That engine is restored and running. I would like
to hear from anyone who has one of these unusual engines. And
another of U. S. manufacture is my Little Jumbo, 2 HP, 500 RPM,
Model U, Engine No. 1062. The remaining engines are of U. K.
manufacture including Crossleys, Petters, ruston Hornsby, Bradfords
and an Australian Mcdonald diesel.’ (Says also he is always
pleased to receive G.E.M. when it arrives down under and will be
pleased to hear from up there in U.S.A.)

Following is a letter from JACK VERSTEEG, 3935 Cooley Drive,
Salem, Oregon 97303 and it deals with F-M engines – he evidently
was writing to someone that had some material in our magazine about
F-M – but he did not say who – I looked through the magazine and
just could not pick it up – anyhow, it will be interesting to you
readers who like this engine.

‘Read your article in GEM about the F-M line of engines.
This is right down my alley as we’re trying to collect a
complete collection of F-M’s. I have some information that
might be of some help to you. I will also pass it onto GEM for the
rest of the world.

Now, Fairbanks-Morse engines are still built today. They are
manufactured by Colt Industries, Power Systems Division. The basic
engines that they build is the ZC line in HP ranges from 7 to 36.
These are primarily used in the oil fields.

Production of the F-M engine as we know it was discontinued in
the fall of 1948, although for quite a few years afterward a few
isolated factory ‘runs’ of fifty engines were made. They
moved the F-M line from Beloit, Wisconsin in 1954 and in 1967 was
moved again to Tlalnepantla Edo de Mexico, Mexico. On the move to
Mexico, they gathered up all the old engine parts at their
factories and branch houses and stored them at one of their
warehouses in Laredo, Texas.

I would presume that your engine was one of these factory runs.
I have not been able to find out the reason for these special runs
but that’s all right, at least they made them.’

ART STONE, WI Highland Drive, New Port Richey, Florida 33552
sends this small note: ‘I would greatly appreciate hearing from
anyone who has an atmospheric (non-compression) engine. Please give
me a sketch of the valve operating mechanism.’ (I do hope you
get your data, Art! These fellows are a good bunch and usually come
through with the aid.)

H. L. JAMES, Route 2, Lucerne, Missouri 64655 writes us: ‘I
first of all want to thank you for a wonderful magazine. I do look
forward to its arrival in my mailbox. I might add, it gets read
from cover to cover.

I need help, or rather a friend needs help. It concerns a
Cushman Cub, 2 HP 750 RPM, MOD R14, Serial A33732. What was its
original color? When made? This engine is rough, but restorable.
Any information will be appreciated and all letters will be

This friend is just becoming interested. I would guess he will
soon be an avid collector and subscriber to G.E.M.

I have a few engines of my own. My pride and joy is a Novo Jr.
1? HP. I have had it running. Am now restoring it.’ (Now,
there’s a friend writing for a friend, and we are all friends –
so hope you can give him the answer and we’ll be anxious to
receive this friend into our family.)

GLEN R. STENBAK, 8817 Prentice Avenue, Gig Harbor, Washington
93335 would be happy if the readers would send him any kind of
information on a White & Middleton gas engine. He and his
partner are now in the process of restoring one that has 66 inch
flywheels, 10 X 16 bore and stroke, and weighs 6,400 pounds.

ISAAC G. GEER, 947 Col. Ledyard Highway, Ledyard, Connecticut
06339 says: ‘I am writing this letter for my son, James, who
you printed a request for in March-April G.E.M. for information
about his Galloway tractor. He had two very good answers to his
question, but he was in a bad truck accident on March 5 and is
still in the hospital, making a slow but steady recovery.’
(Well, we’re sorry to hear about James’s misfortune –
perhaps he would be cheered by some friendly notes and cards from
some of the readers-and do mention him in your prayers. His address
is the same as above-so I’m sure he would get the mail if you
wrote there.)

PAUL J. CONTINE, 3063 Ridgeview Drive, St. Charles, Missouri
63301 has good data: ‘I see in Smoke Rings that Mike Rampoldi
would like some information on the Novo engine. Well, this is what
I have in the way of a list; it came out of an old hardware
catalog. The engine color was medium dark green with a gold arrow
on the flywheel to show running direction. Hope it helps some folks
out there in Engine Land.’ (Thank you Paul, in behalf of all
the readers who will appreciate this list.)

C. J. NIELSON, 926 4th Street, S.E., Minot, North Dakota 58701
would like to hear from anyone who would have any information on a
2 HP 2 cycle upright Detroit engine made in about 1910.

GENE FISHER, Route 1, Box 217A, Sheridan, Oregon 97378 writes:
‘I read G.E.M. from cover to cover in the first half hour after
I receive it, and then read it again and again until finally the
next issue comes.

I have collected engines for the past eight years and find it
the most rewarding hobby a person could have. I have, in the past,
answered requests made by folks in trouble in the Smoke Ring
section, but this time I need answers.

I purchased a 25 HP Black Bear engine manufactured in Pittsburgh
and it runs on natural gas. It is side shaft and has flyball
governor controlled fuel intake and mag and spark plug. I would be
happy to have any information on this.’ (I don’t believe
I’ve heard that name engine. So if you have, please write to

PHILIP AGGELER, 26340 Campau, Mt. Clemens, Michigan 48045 has
some questions on a Fordson tractor: ‘When was it produced? How
many were made? How many were shipped, and still exist in the
United States? I would also like the approximate value and the
possibility of it being historical?

This particular tractor is stamped and labeled (Fordson made in
the Irish free state) and has a serial number of 774160. It has a
hand crank start, with a belt driven weed cutter and plow. It also
has rubber tires with about one half inch spokes in the rim.’
(A lot of questions and awaiting your answers-get busy Guys!!!)

DAVID HERBST, 1738 Bella Casa Drive, Woodland, California 95695
sent along this note: Would you include a note in G.E.M. concerning
the Monitor 1? HP engine about which I wrote in your column some
time ago. Many people wrote requesting information. I tried to
answer all questions EXCEPT somehow four letters were lost. Thus,
if these people could write again, I will try to help them.’
(So, I guess if you haven’t had a reply from Dave by now, you
are one of the four-write again.)

It makes us happy to extend our best wishes to a new
organization, Pembroke District Antique Restorers Club, Box 61,
Pembroke, Ontario, Canada K8A 6X1 who will be holding their second
show this year. Their first one was a success (see report
elsewhere) and it looks like they will be growing.

TOM McCUTCHEN, Supt., Milan Field Station, Route 2, Box 133,
Milan, Tennessee 38358 has some appreciative and informative

‘I have had excellent response to my letter which appeared
in Gas Engine Magazine concerning identification of old implement
wrenches. Galvin Connett, Gower, Mo., sent clear colored pictures
of part of his collection and details on how he built display boxes
on wheels for easier handling. Alfred Egbers, Hooper, Nebraska sent
some drawings of various wrenches in his collection, also gave me
the address of Marvin Wullweber, Virgil, S. D., 37379 who has an
excellent book published, ‘Northern Plains Antique Wrenches
& Tools.’ It and a new supplement sell for $6.95 postpaid.
George Petteys, Geneva, N.Y. sent several drawings from which I
obtained some unusual wrenches. He also encouraged me to start on a
book using pictures or drawings. Peter Pitcher, Wakefield, R.I.
sent me four old cultivator wrenches.

It appears that old parts catalogs are a good source for
identification. If anyone else has any suggestions I would be glad
to hear from them.’

TIM STEWART, Route 1, Box 233H, Paso Robles, California 93446
sends a card: ‘I want to thank you for putting my article in
the Nov.-Dec. G.E.M. and thanks to all who answered. Now, I have
another plea. I need all the information I can get on an old
Armstrong engine. It is 2? HP, missing dynamo and igniter, runs at
400 RPM, made by Armstrong Mfg. Co., Waterloo, Iowa. Any help will
be greatly appreciated.’

ROBERT C. NOLAND, B B Rt Box 38, Craig, Colorado 81625 needs
some help with a gas engine as he writes: ‘It is an Alamo Blue
Line, Type A, built by Alamo Mfg. Co., Hillsdale, Michigan, 6 HP,
No. 86773, Speed 360. It has a 6 inch bore and 9 inch stroke. It is
missing a carburetor and the ignition system. Also would like to
know if it had a fuel pump? (see ad in Want Ads.)’

Welcome to a new organization, at least to us, in the name of
The Wheat Heritage Engine and Threshers Co. Inc. who will be
holding their show in August (see Coming Events) at Camp Webster,
Salina, Kansas. We wish them much success and continued
relationship with the Gas Engine Magazine Family. (Quite a few new
organizations are coming to our attention-isn’t it wonderful?
Our Family is growing and growing.)

KENNETH SCHAFER, Route 1, Muir, Michigan 48860 would like to
have some information on the plow that was shown on the back cover
of January-February Gas Engine Magazine. He says: ‘We bought
some land and it had a one bottom plow. The guy that we bought the
land from said I could keep it. The plow looks like the one on that
back cover. And does anyone have any idea what the plow cost years
ago?’ (I know nothing about it, and it was just a picture we
use in advertising, but I thought maybe some of you folks
knowledgeable in this area might be able to give Ken some

BARRY TULLER, R. R. #1, Box 78, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa 52641
requests: ‘Would you please put this letter in Smoke Rings so I
can ask the readers of GEM for some help. I am going to restore
some engines for the Mt. Pleasant, Iowa show and need to know some
facts about them; such as color, striping, year, etc. Here is a
list of the engines:

1. Rawleigh Schryer, 4 HP, S. N. D4390
2.    Sandwich, 2? HP, S. N. B7576
3.    New Way, 2-2? HP, Upright aircooled, Model C,
TypeC, S. N. 1002
4.    Rock Island, 2 HP, S. N. ‘ A35756
5.    Rock Island, 2? HP, S. N. 93391
6.    Rock Island, 2? HP, S. N. 99367
7.    Galloway, 10 HP, S. N. 24386
8.    Galloway, 7? HP, S. N. 26938
9.    Sheldon, 3 HP, S. N. 134669
10.    Root & Vandervoort, Mfd. for John Deere Plow
Company 1 HP, Model AL, S. N. 40324
11.    Alpha, 1? HP, Type D37, S. N. 50856
12.    United, 2? HP, Model A, S. N. 202304
13.    Economy, 5 HP, S. N. 86156
14.    Novo, 2 HP, Upright, Need information and
pictures on the magneto and mag bracket

I hope to have these engines restored by the middle of summer. I
would like to have a manual or a reprint of one for each of the
engines if they are available. Any information at all would be
greatly appreciated. All letters will be answered.

I enjoy every issue of GEM and I read each of them several
times. I have gotten valuable information from Smoke Rings before,
and I hope I will this time again. Thanks again for a great

A note comes from JACK NEWHOUSE, 11605 Bluffton Road, Ft. Wayne,
Indiana 46809 who expresses a wish – that someone would send in a
drawing of a Model T coil and how to hook it up and name what each
terminal on the coils is, such as ground positive and etc. He feels
this would help many of the new gas engine folks very much. (How
about it?? Anyone care to explain?)

E. F. SANDERS, Box 63, Foley, Alabama 36535 recently acquired an
old Delco light plant with gas-air-cooled motor. He says no one
seems to know much about these old light plants. He would like to
restore it, but needs some help from the fellow readers-so if you
can offer him any information or aids, please write him. It is a 32
volt with 800 amps unit.

JESSE C. NELSON, 1606 Murphy Creek Road, Grants Pass, Oregon
97526 is seeking information on heat engines. He thinks there was
one called the Flame Licker. He says he also understands that in
Japan during the war, they had cars that ran on wood gas. (Anyone
have anything on this subject?)

Another limerick from WALT NIELAND, Route 2, Carroll, Iowa 51401
as he sends this one: There was a young wife named Tilly – Her
words and expressions were silly – Her husband was proud – And he
bragged her aloud – But he was just ‘gilding the lily.’

OSKAR H. ZERNICKOW, Box 554, Mississippi State, Mississippi
39762 writes some more information on Stanley cars etc. and also
refers to Mr. Luckado’s letter of last magazine. We hope
information from both letters is profitable to all. Mr. Luckado was
relating an experience told to him when he was a boy. Mr. Zernickow
did not say how he is sure of all his ata, but we appreciate both
letters. We are therefore printing Oskar’s letter as he has
interesting statements also. His letter follows:

‘L. H. Luckado’s reply to E. Martin (GEM, May-June 1977,
p. 19) contains a number of points which should be addressed in the
interest of safety and historical accuracy.

Stanley cars did not use the ‘flash steam’ system in
which Martin expressed interest. Indeed, some had 18 inch boilers,
but these were of the fire-tube type. The ‘short length of
piano wire’ was more than a mile long, pre-stressed by being
wound on in three or four layers under tension.

It is unclear whether Mr. Luckado saw the car in 1915, or
whether it was a 1915 model; but the early Stanleys had no
condenser. They acquired one about 1915, and retained it until
manufacture ceased in 1924 (not ’34). The condenser resembled
the radiator of an ordinary car, and was located in front, not
underneath the burner. It was of light-gauge copper, able to
withstand 15 to 20 p.s.i. at most, therefore, not capable of acting
as a boiler, which carried some 500 p.s.i.

It seems unlikely that the Stanley brothers were indebted to
Curtis for either their boiler or condenser. They were highly
intelligent (though stubborn) New Englanders, so inventive and
skillful manually that by 1897 they had already set forth the basic
designs which were retained to the end. Their cars never were able
to raise steam quickly from cold. It took ten to twenty minutes. A
White could do it quicker, and a Doble in a minute or less.

As Mr. Luckado says, some of these cars could exceed 100 mph,
but they didn’t do it on solid tires. And in the race between
Stanley and White, it is unlikely that the White exploded, though
it might have burned out a coil.

Steam cars, like Kentucky rifles, are enveloped in such a haze
of folklore and romance that it is difficult sometimes to discern
what’s true.

Mr. Martin can get plans for a flash steam generator from: (1)
The Mobile Steam Society, 106 E. Irving Lane, Oak Ridge, Tenn., (2)
Light Steam Power, Isle of Man, Great Britain (send check for $8.35
or dollar bills – no coins – for drawings). Designed for use in
cars, and (3) Richard J. Smith, Automotive Steam Systems, 8591 Pyle
Way, Midway City, Cal. 92655.

RAY W. RODGERS, R. R. 3, Box 296A, Nashville, Indiana 47448
says: ‘I need a little help on a Delco light plant, as to
voltage and a parts source. All the numbers I have are 101081
stamped on a tag on the case and on the flywheel are the numbers
3-3-20-H. It is a 3-wire generator with 4 brushed. No other

WAYNE COLE, Box 54, Page, North Dakota 58064 tells us: ‘I
have been a subscriber to G.E.M. less than a year, but have been so
impressed that I ordered all of the available back single copies
and that just makes me wish I had a complete set.

The tractors I am interested in are the older model
Allis-Chalmers. I had known of the existence of the A-C Model A for
35 years, but had never seen a real ‘live one.’ After I
subscribed to GEM, the second issue had one for sale. I made a deal
on the phone and later when I had time, I drove 800 miles, looked
at the tractor and completed the deal. I hope no one ever violates
the trust that exists and makes dealing so easy over the phone. I,
therefore, saw my first A and became its owner, all in about an
hour. Since then, by knowing what contacts to see and what
questions to ask, I have become the owner of two more A’s, a
20-35 and a Model U – making a total of 3 A’s, 4 U’s and a

I have an original parts book, and the last series put out by
A-C, that shows parts for 20-35,25-40 Model A and 460 and 563 power
units, all in the same book. I also have a set of original dealers
shop manuals for B, CA, RC, WC, WF, U and UC and Model A, they are
also the last ones issued by A-C. They are not for sale, but would
answer any inquiries I could, if self addressed stamped envelope is
enclosed with the request.

There seems to be a lot of confusion about the Model E, 20-35
and 25-50. Well, I have a sales brochure from 1931 for a
Continental UC and on the back is advertised the Model E,
World’s Best 4-plow tractor in 20-35 and 25-40 models, so I
will sit back and let the arguments go on from here.

As you should be able to guess, I think GEM is great, I only
wish I had known about the impending birth back in 1966.’

JOHN REDFIELD, 639 Pearl Street, Laguna Beach, California 92651
gives us this information: ‘The engine pictured in May-June
G.E.M. Smoke Rings is identical to one that I have that was built
by Novo in Lansing, Michigan. Mine is in the configuration of a
centrifugal water pump. The pump is direct drive from the
crankshaft, water passing through a heat exchanger tank containing
engine coolant. The magneto is Wico. The letters AG preface some
parts numbers.’

L. RENDER, Box 248, Temple, Texas 76501 wants to relay a message
to the GEM readers: ‘I wish to tell you of the response to my
letter published in the March-April issue of the Gas Engine
Magazine. It totals, to this date, I have received 30 letters from
your readers. There were many good hints and several even sent
copies of manuals to help me with my problems. To date, I have
answered every letter I received. I want to thank you for the fine
service rendered by your magazine to us Old Engine Nuts. I also
again wish to thank each and every person that wrote me.’

S. W. WEAVER, 216 W. Washington Street, Bath, New York 14810 has
acquired a R. M. Wade and `Co. drag saw and part of ignition is
missing. He would appreciate information on how ignition works and
will answer all letters.

CHARLES SCHLOFF, 5870 Golfview Drive, Dearborn Heights, Michigan
48127 needs help from the G.E.M. army-‘I have just resurrected
a Sattley engine which was laid to rest at the edge of a swamp.
Everything is in great shape with the exception of the piston rod
and the push rod assembly. It is the push rod assembly that has me
puzzled. I need help! Is there anyone out there that knows the
details of the push rod assembly? I have the rocker arm and a piece
that appears to be part of the breaker which works off of the
governor. This part number is NF2277. There are two holes on the
cylinder casting which appear to hold a bracket to align the push
rod. No other holes. This also is a puzzle for I don’t know how
the magneto is attached. Of course, the nameplate is missing.

I found an article in the G.E.M. dated Jan-Feb 1967. I wrote the
contributor and my letter was returned with (Long Gone) written on
the envelope.’ (Don’t let him down, soldiers!)

EDWIN L. KILGARD, Route 1, Box 201, Foley, Minnesota 56329 has
some interesting information: ‘In answer to Arthur
Anderson’s letter asking about the horsepower on the 20-35 and
the Model E Allis-Chalmers tractors, in March-April issue of G.E.M.
I have some old Allis-Chalmers catalogs which I will quote as
follows – 1928 catalog 20-35 bore and stroke 4?’ by

Allis Chalmers catalog No. 35 lists years 1932 to 1935. Here
they call for an engine of bore and stroke, 5 by 6? and it also
states that an engine is available with a bore of 4? by 6?

Allis Chalmers catalog No. 34 – year 1934 year book. This book
does not give the bore and stroke, but rates the horsepower as 27
drawbar, 42 belt. I am quite sure the bore and stroke is 5? by 6?
and also states available by special order, can be supplied with a
50 or 60 horsepower engine for belt work only. It looks as if these
tractors were years 1928 to 1939 including 1934.’

From PETER M. LEDWITH, Project Assistant, Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and Food, Ontario Agricultural Museum, Box 38, Milton,
Ontario, Canada L9T 2Y3 arrived the following letter:

‘We have recently acquired a couple of unique tractors for
the Ontario Agricultural Museum for which we can find very little
information. I would greatly appreciate a line or two in your
‘Soot in the Flues’ column, requesting your readers to
supply us with whatever information they might have concerning the
history of these pieces of machinery, or leads on parts, literature
and so on.

The first tractor is a Stinson, built by the Stinson Mfg. Co.,
Superior, Wisconsin, powered by a Beaver engine, made in Milwaukee.
This tractor is in poor condition, and requires a number of parts
before it can be restored.

The other is a garden tractor, called the ‘Bull
Terrier,’ made by the Haney Mfg. Co., Philadelphia. This
tractor has been restored, but we have literally no information on
it, other than its name and manufacturer.

I would greatly appreciate any help you could give me in this

W. E. NEAL, 613 8th Avenue, Charles City, Iowa 50616 writes:
‘I enjoyed the article by Percy Dezotell ‘Happy
Traveling’ (Jan-Feb 1977). I remembered meeting him at the
Cedar Valley Engine Club Show. Here is a picture of the 30-60 Hart
Parr. It is kept on display on the Court House lawn in a plastic
building here in Charles City. We take it out to our show grounds a
couple days ahead of time and return it right after the show.

W. SCHRAGE, 1219 Lawn Avenue, New Haven, Indiana 46774 wants to
remind you again of some information he has for you: ‘I have
years for these engines: Briggs-Stratton, 1921 to 1969 – send
model, horsepower, style, engine number. Also Smith Briggs Motor
wheel and Smith Buckboard models A, B, BA, C, D engines. Years for
1?, 3, 6 HP E, EK, EP John Deere. Send engine number and prefix
letter and horsepower. Years for Maytag, FY, ED4. Measure base and
fuel tank height, engine number. Twins, specify magneto, Wico or
Eiseman, engine No. (6 or 7 digits). 82-measure base, same as
FY-ED4. Specify magneto Johnson or Bosch, vertical ? HP, 10?, 1
HP-12′ flywheel. Send size flywheel and engine number. Elgin,
1900 to 1915, 1 HP. Some call water-cooled Maytag

A long note from ROBERT B. CHAINEY, 2221 Big Run Avenue, Grove
City, Ohio 43123: ‘I’ve been taking your fine magazine for
three years and like all other fine G.E.M. people, I read it cover
to cover as soon as it arrives.

My problem is a 58 Dodge ? ton flat head. I used to haul engines
to show. I overhauled it last year. I’ve looked for two years
to find a 4-speed transmission to fit. After going to different
Dodge dealers and big wrecking yards and transmission people, they
tell me in ’58 very few 6 cylinders were adaptable for
4-speeds. I tried a 420 New Process transmission, but two different
housings would not bolt to engine. I then changed gears in rear
end, went from 3:90 ration to 4:35.1 have more power, but still
want 4-speed trans. These new gears in rear end whine and a noise
carries into drive shaft like a 4-wheel drive unit and sounds as if
universals are going out, but I’ve replaced both ends. This
truck ‘Pig Pen’ is in fairly good shape and I would like
some help. Hoping to hear from someone out there who has had
experience. No truck dealer in parts and service has been able to
help me.’ {Well, that sounds like a TOUGH-IE – How about it
Masters? Have any answers for Bob?)

The following comes from LORENE GREEN, Route2, Smithville,
Missouri 64089 – different and I hope acceptable to you fellows, if
not, quit reading – but we’ll keep praying – ‘Dear Anna Mae
– This may be different from most letters you get, because I
don’t collect anything. I don’t need any engine parts or
information. I just want you to know how inspired I was by some of
your comments in the March-April issue.

I have been preparing to teach the Sunday School Class this week
and the lesson was about Caiaphas – the man who rejected Christ in
the name of God! I was having a hard time trying to understand the
lesson. Even though Caiaphas was with Jesus in his last days on
earth and saw the miracles he performed, he failed to really see
and respond to Him.

I know that God has worked in the past and I believe He is
working in the present. I just happened to pick up my husband’s
G.E.M. and started to read the letters. As I read the letter from
Arthus Anderson on page 20 and the paragraph after the letter from
James Geer on page 22, it came clear to me from your comments in
those letters, how God is working in the present. My heart was
thrilled by your praise of the Lord and I am going to use these
things you said in teaching my Sunday School class this Sunday.
Keep up the good work as I am sure a lot of men read the Gas Engine
Magazine that might never read the Bible.’ Signed A Friend In
Christ.-(Thank you Lorene, I’m just so thankful if I might help
anyone just a bit.) AND Bye for now – Remember God loves you-and so
do I.

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