2734 Chaffee St., National City, California 92050.
Branch 9, Southern California, of the Early Day Gas Engine and
Tractor Association, has completed a year of tremendous activity.
In brief, two major shows, one in June in Santee, and the other in
October in Costa Mesa were well-attended and a beautiful example of
what gas engine buffs at play can do. Many members also this year
participated in displays at the Antelope Valley Fair at Lancaster,
the Tropico Gold Mine Exposition at Rosamond, and at the Hemet
This has been a year of doldrums for ye fourth estate, what with
poor reporting, bad photography, too much wage-earning activity,
and other distractions, the reporting of gas engine club activities
has suffered. It has suffered, indeed, but it has prospered too.
Perhaps adversity is a stimulant and a proper growth bed for this
type of plant. A literal sprinkling of the pungent fertilizer of
humility has not hurt in this respect either. Perhaps adversity is
a stimulant and, like some of the hardy plants such as cactus, if
watered and cared for too well, it might die.
While it is noticeable that certain individuals make an all-out
effort in participation in displays and operations, it is also to
be noted that many have appeared for the first time this year. The
Branch has grown in numbers. As of now we have grown to 271 members
including some 50 associates. I suspect that the dirty old engine
virus may have spread in their veins too, since their enthusiasm is
evident and contagious.
Bean Trac-Pull, piloted by Eric Roseneau of Villa Park.
Al Holten on the business end of the buzz saw pulled by 5 hp
Fairbanks Morse. Those old creosoted telephone poles sure are
They are lined up for the drag race. Bean trac-pull nearest,
then Cleveland, John Deere, Cat 30, Cat 2-Ton and Cletrac. The
middle picture is through the courtesy of Bill May of San Diego.
The other two from Don Beach. ,
Some of the events this year that stick in the memory include
Vivian Paxton carding wool and spinning yarn at her spinning wheel;
Leo Coss making horse-shoes at the forge and anvil, and Jim and Joe
Whipple sawing slabs (hundreds of ’em) with a drag saw. Also
Merle Shipley as he obliged young and old alike by blowing the
whistle on his ? scale steamer. And Jim Bove grinding corn. And
Walt Geiser tuning a 4 hp Alamo engine to a fine degree. And Claire
Teitsort displaying a whole gaggle of antique labor-saving devices
on a portable display platform topped by a working windmill busily
pumping water just as ! remember it some 50 or so years ago in the
Sand Hills of Nebraska. And how about that drag race at Costa Mesa?
Eight old tractors lined up and a-snortin to go. Marques on the
racers included such notable names as Cleve-land, John Deere,
Caterpillar, Bean, Cletrac, and perhaps one or two we can’t
The whole gamut of human emotions has passed our way this year,
too. Hope, sympathy, pathos, glee, and sadness, all have at one
time or another visited the members of Branch 9 in 1971. We were
saddened by the untimely passing of Jim Sullivan last summer
shortly after the spring show where he shared his joy in operating
his Minneapolis Steamer. We rejoiced with several members who were
successful in locating and restoring entries and tractors. We
sensed the pain and discomfort of those who suffered illnesses and
hospitalization. We were glad when Mrs. Palisch and Jack Arbuckle
were released and allowed to return home for recuperation.
Many familiar faces and pieces of equipment appeared in the
Sept/Oct issue of Seventy-Six Magazine (Caution: Adults at Play).
This publication is a very well-done slick magazine published by
Union Oil Company’s Corporate Communications Department, Peter
Craigmore, editor.
By the time this is in print, quite likely we will have
participated in the National Date Festival at Indio. We have been
invited to exhibit and display our talents on February 19 through
the 27th. Also some are planning to again show at the Tropico Cold
Mine Exposition at Rosamond, March 4th and 5th.
And, of course, a large topic of conversation among the buffs is
the Nation al Meet for 1972. This is to be held June 17th and 18th
at Santee Lakes, near El Cajon, California. We are looking forward
to an unforgettable event and hope to make it a mile-stone in the
progress of the Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor Association. Those
who can plan their vacation in Southern California to include these
dates are promised an attraction to keep them smiling for months to
come. If you plan to attend you may contact Jack Arbuckle for
dinner and/or motel reservations. Jack’s address is 1935
Ensenada St., Lemon Grove, California, 92045.
So, you Senior Citizens, gather up those Junior Citizens and
follow the road map west and south–all the way . . We’re
expecting you!
Eric Roseneau of Villa Park leads the parade on his Caterpillar
30 before the great drag race. He is followed by L. W. Grady with
his John Deere D model. Picture by Bill May.
Franklin engine belted to Hocking Valley No. 6 Hay Chopper.
Engine owned by Cliff Helwig of Lancaster and the Chopper is owned
by Carl Bergman of Lancaster. Picture by Bill May of San Diego.
Al Holten’s 5 hp Fairbanks Morse, about 1907.Picture by Bill