The photo at above was taken at the Milton, Ontario ‘Steam
Era’ show, Labor Day weekend 1985. This 1927 Hart Parr, model
18-36 was awarded the Garbutt-MacFarlane Trophy as the best
restored tractor of pre-1931 vintage. Owner is Harold Kent, R.R.
#2, Lynden, Ontario L0R 1T0.
This tractor was bought new by the Meisner family of the Lynden
area and custom threshed throughout the district. Mr. Kent
purchased the tractor in 1983.
The Hart Parr tractor line and later Oliver was sold in Ontario
by John Goodison Threshing Machine Co. of Sarnia. Cockshutt Plow
Co. of Brantford also sold later model Oliver-Hart Parr
The 1951 40 Cockshutt tractor below belongs to Ernest Poeppelman
of 32 South Street, Yorkshire, Ohio 45388, who bought it in 1980
and spent the next four years restoring it to like new
‘Every part except the rear end and transmission was taken
apart, reworked, painted and put back together again. I finished
the tractor in August 1984 and my first chance to try it was
September 30,1984 at Versailles, Ohio where a group of about
fifteen men and their tractors got together for an afternoon of
plowing. A perfect performance made the four years of work worth
Above, Jim Whisler and John Peters with some of their engines at
the 4th annual Tazewell County Olde Thresher’s Show, August 3,
1985. Nearly 1,000 people from Central Illinois gathered at the
Alvin Beutel Farm near Tremont for the show. There was a good
turnout of gas engines and antique tractors and automobiles, along
with smaller displays ranging from Maytag washers to butchering
At above, James E. Lipscomb of Route 7, Parker Rd., Greenville,
SC 29609 owns this wood saw which he rebuilt and completed with a 5
HP Stover hit and miss. Lipscomb’s father bought the saw new in
1915 and it has been in the family 72 years, sawing thousands of
cords of wood.
Lipscomb showed the engine at the 2nd annual Pioneer Farm Days
Show, also August 3 and 4, 1985, at Dacusville, SC.