My Allis Chalmers ‘U’

By Staff
Published on May 1, 1986
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Star Route, Milan, Pennsylvania 18831

After reading stories about other people and their tractors, I
finally decided to write one about mine. Being raised on a farm, I
grew up on a tractor you might say, and my dad being an Allis
Chalmers man (and still is), I took a liking to the color orange
myself. About twenty years ago my family joined an old timers’
show called ‘Bradford County Old Timers’, and since that
time I have grown to like old tractors and gas engines more and
more. Not long after we joined the show, my brother got the old
Allis from a friend of his and started taking the tractor to the
show. He never did much to the tractor, and four years later I
bought the Allis off of him. In the mid 70’s I started to
restore the tractor. The hood and fender were in good shape, the
valves were ground and the mag was rebuilt. The radiator was a
mess, so a new core was added. Before painting, I stripped it down
and sandblasted the entire tractor and put new tires on all

It looked just like new when finished and I couldn’t wait to
take it to the show. Today I still take the Allis to local shows
and parades. My mom and dad still enjoy going to the shows and
playing with the ‘toys’ at home, and without their help
over the years I wouldn’t be where I am today. I will always be
thankful for that. My wife is a city girl, and sometimes
doesn’t always understand why I go through all this trouble,
but she and my little girl are always happy to go with me and I
love them for it. My dad and I have other tractors and over twenty
gas engines, but I have to say, as far as the tractors go, I like
My Allis Chalmers ‘U’ the best.

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