10139 Blomgren Road, Siren, Wisconsin 54872
I wanted to show your readers my 30-60 Townsend tractor that I
had before I traded it to Norman Pross of Luverne, North Dakota,
for two other tractors. He now has it at Rollag, Minnesota.
That’s me on the crawler. The way I understand it, there are
only two of these Townsend tractors still known, mine, and Howard
Stater of Drake, North Dakota, has the other one.
Does anyone know how many 30-60s were made? I still have the
12-25 which is an older model with chain steering. The 30-60 is
auto-steer. I know of several 15-30, 12-25 and about two 10-20.
They surely must have made more than two 30-60s!