John Deere Enthusiast’s Magazine

By Staff
Published on May 1, 1986
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Richaurd Hain with W. J. Conrad and his experimental model A John Deere.

If so many other brands of tractors have their own magazines,
why shouldn’t the best brand of all, John Deere, have one? That
is the question I began asking myself after seeing ads for the
others in the summer of 1984. I have always been a big John Deere
fan. I’ve collected toy tractors and memorabilia for quite a
while. I had also meddled in antique tractors a bit. With this in
mind I forged ahead and the premiere issue of Green
was ready in November of 1984.

Green Magazine has grown rapidly in its first year and
now has a circulation of over 2200. The magazine has grown in size
too, mostly due to the reader participation. Readers have submitted
stories on such things as restoration problems, memories of
tractors, rare models as well as stories about toys, models and
company history. Yes, we cover everything John Deere in Green
Each issue contains a few pages of reprinted John
Deere literature. The Deere and There column contains many small
bits of information and Tractor Trivia tests the readers’
knowledge of Deere and Company and its products.

We also try to include something just a bit controversial in
each issue to provoke reader response. In fact the January 1985
issue contained an article bemoaning the traditional John Deere
hand clutch which we are still getting letters about a year

At the end of 1984 many readers jumped at the chance to extend
their subscriptions for the original price of $6.00. In fact
Green Magazine is now guaranteed subscribers well into the
1990s. If you would like to join us our 1986 subscription price is
$7.00 U.S. and $8.00 foreign. Our address is Green Magazine, P.O.
Box 11, Bee, NE 68314.

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