Attention ‘R’ M-M Owners

By Staff
Published on September 1, 1995

The ‘R’ M-M Registry Rt.1, Box 147-A Geary, Oklahoma

I started the ‘R’ M-M Registry in January of 1994 in an
attempt to account for as many Rs as possible, to learn more about
the R, and ultimately be able to help you answer your questions
about the R. I can also help you date your tractor even without
serial numbers if I have enough information, which has proved very
helpful to collectors.

Thus far I have registered 266 Rs that’s only about
two-thirds of 1% of all of those made. I know there are more out
there, and if you don’t respond your tractor will never be
registered with your name beside it. I ask that if you own an R or
even know someone who owns one, that you please register them in
‘The R M-M Registry.’

To do so, you need pay me nothing. You may choose to either
simply send me the tractor and engine serial numbers of your Rs and
be done with it, or you can send me a self-addressed stamped
envelope so I can send you a registration form/questionnaire for
The R M-M Registry.

I personally would prefer that you do the latter, for both your
sake and my own. The questionnaire helps me in my research of the R
so I can in turn help you out with your questions. More
importantly, however, the registration form helps to prove you own
a certain tractor. If your tractor was ever stolen, I would have
your form in my files, and all you would have to do is send me a
SASE, tell me what you needed, and I’d return a copy of your
questionnaire to you.

A registry list will be available to collectors on a random
basis, and in it the owner’s name is listed along with their
tractor’s serial numbers. At the end of the list the
owner’s name can be listed along with their town/state/country
address. When I receive a letter from a person and it says that
they own a certain tractor, I automatically list their name with
their tractor’s numbers and their state/country address only. I
have to have written permission or a completely filled out
questionnaire with one question appropriately marked to list your
town also. This is for privacy.

Please get out your pen and paper and send me your R serial
numbers and/or a SASE. By helping me you can help yourself and even
other collectors. Thank you.

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