Jr. 57 Michigan Street, Winchester, NH 03470
See the three pictures of the 2 HP Abenaque with attached Myers
water pump. I restored this engine almost ten years ago. The
26′ bull gear was broken in five places. Although this engine
was inteded to be stationary, I wanted to be able to take it to the
shows easily, so I made a drop frame set of trucks to help keep the
center of gravity low. As far as we know here in the East, this is
the only engine/pump known to exist.
I have an original catalog that states these were made up to and
including 25 HP with an integral pump. I live less than twenty
miles from both of the Abenaque factories and along with my friends
help others with these engines–get them restored and running like
a top. Anyone who would like to talk about Abenaques, write or call
603 -239-4689.