A Christmas Project YOU Might Want

By Staff
Published on July 1, 1993
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6206 Flint Gap Road Knoxville, Tennessee 37914.

Larry has been after me for the past two years to send you
pictures of our outdoor Christmas decorations. He starts them off
with my Christmas present from about six years ago which is a 1948
Allis Chalmers G, serial #5898. Then for the following birthdays,
anniversaries, Mother’s Day, and Valentine Days, are the rest
of my tractors: a 1947 C Allis Chalmers serial #39210,1948 WD Allis
Chalmers serial #176, 1938 UC Allis Chalmers serial #4341. In the
photo you can see Santa riding on a mid-1940s Belle City thresher
sold by Oliver Wright from Knoxville, Tennessee. Our neighbors
seemed to really enjoy it. Larry had those motion-lights going
around the tires and regular lights for the reins and then a big
red bulb for Rudolph’s nose.

We also own a 1951 CA Allis Chalmers serial #9187, 1937 WC Allis
Chalmers serial #42679, a parts tractor and an E Power Unit. For
all the readers who know Larry, you know that my little G is the
only one restored. He loves those rustic looks. Of course, he’s
rustic looking himself. I told him all of his tractors look like
parts tractors. We also have a 1908 round rod, running-backwards 5
HP Galloway engine, Sears Farmaster (not sure of year). And like
most collectors, he has some small engines such as the Maytag and
Briggs & Stratton.

About seven years ago I was down on my back and a little
depressed about it. My Sweet Dear Husband thought I needed a
weekend for shopping. He drove to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, where
the Smoky Mountain Antique Engine and Tractor Association were
having their show at the time. He went and found us a motel room,
then we got back in the car. He gave me $100 and said, ‘Let me
off here. You go shopping as long as you want to and I’ll walk
back to the room after I’ve seen everything.’

This was 8:00 a.m. Saturday morning, by 10:00 a.m. my back was
killing me and I was already out of money. I had never been to an
engine show, so I had no idea that it could take so long for my
husband to see everything. 1 p.m. I figured he would be back, 2
p.m. I was starving, 3 p.m. I bought me a bag of chips and a coke,
4 p.m., 5 p.m. 6 p.m. and I thought one of those tourists either
ran over or off with My Larry. 7 p.m., Thank God he’s back! I
let him know there is no way a man can go to one of those shows and
not know one single person or know anything about those tractors
and engines. He assured me that there were all kinds of great
friendly people that he met, and he assured me that I would love
them. He had a pocket of business cards from all over the U.S. This
man learned so much in one day that I heard nothing but talk about
engines and tractors for a solid week.

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