Rt. 1, Box i486, Stedman, North Carolina 28391
I am 12 years old and love old tractors and engines. My dad
piddles with old tractors and hit and miss engines. I help him do
what I can. It’s fun. Sometimes my mom comes out to the shop at
night, to make me go to bed.
I thought you would enjoy seeing pictures of my 6 HP 1962 Bolens
garden tractor. I helped do a lot of work on this tractor. I am
short, so this tractor fits me good. I take it to different shows
in North Carolina.
It was the first one sold in North Wilkeboro in 1962. My
great-uncle Rich Lowe bought it then and used it in the mountains.
My grandpa, Clarence Cox, bought it from him to work in his garden.
After it was junked, my dad, Tom Cox, thought it would be a great
project for me. When I get older, I’m going to get a big