P.O. Box 25, Sistersville, West Virginia 26175
The annual Old Gas Engine Show held each year as an event of the
West Virginia Oil & Gas Festival in Sistersville, West
Virginia, has been called by festival officials as a big success
again this year. Over 120 owners of gas and steam engines exhibited
over 240 engines at this years show, which was held September 15
and 16 at the City Park.
Officials feel that the reason for the success was the fact that
more room was made available this year. This made it possible for
exhibitors to set up by their campers. Other improvements were also
made in the layout of the area.
Quaker State Oil Refinery Company was again the sponsor of the
show, with the festival serving as host. A free dase plate was
given to each exhibitor who registered. Also given was a can of
oil, free gas and propane for those who needed it. There was no
admission charge or camping fee for exhibitors. One exhibitor from
Uniontown, Pennsylvania stated that the reason he liked coming back
year after year was because of the friendly people and that there
was no hassle in setting up and displaying his engines, also the
fact that everything was free to exhibitors.
The Old Gas Engine Show is one of West Virginia’s largest
shows of its type and it got its start nine years ago when two men
from Wheeling, West Virginia, brought a pickup load of engines down
to display. Over the next nine years it has grown into a
family-type show where old friends get together and have some fun
and enjoy the festival. This year five states took part with Ohio
providing the most entries.
During the festival, which is held four days each year, and is
open to engine owners free, there are many events and entertainment
going on daily. Some are: antique auto show, oil and gas exhibits,
grand oil and gas trophy parade, art exhibit, craft exhibit, photo
exhibit, flea market, craft sales, games, food booths, sales
booths, baton championships, West Virginia wrist wrestling
championships, band-a-rama, give-a-ways, silant auction, Gib Morgan
contest, river boat rides, country store, clowns and more of
everything. One of the special events that seems to be a favorite
of the campers is the camp fire sing on Saturday night.
One of the over 240 old gas engines that took part in this
year’s show in Sistersville, West Virginia. It is a 22 horse
Bessemer that was used in the oil fields of Sistersville. It is
owned by Dave Wells and Delbert Rea.
Some of the engines also take part in the grand oil and gas
trophy parade that features just about everything from queens from
all parts of Ohio and West Virginia to floats, oil and gas
equipment and horse units to clowns and bands.
The thing that makes this Oil Gas Engine Show a favorite each
year is the fact that you can spend time talking to the exhibitors
and learn about these engines that help to make the United States
the power it is today.
The 1980 West Virginia Oil & Gas Festival has already set
their dates for their 12th annual festival and hope that you will
join them. The festival will be held on September 11, 12, 13, 14 in
Sistersville. The Old Gas Engine Show will be held on Saturday and
Sunday, September 13 and 14, but engine owners are invited to come
for all four days of fun. Sistersville is located along the Ohio
River on West Virginia State Rt. 2. It is halfway between
Parkersburg and Wheeling. Come and have some fun!