Twenty Years of Modelmaking

By Staff
Published on March 1, 2001
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2114 Alamance Church Road Greensboro, North Carolina

These pictures were taken in October, 2000, at the Cotton
Ginning Days in Gaston County, North Carolina. The models are
transported in the adjacent enclosed trailer in carpet padded bins.
All models are from casting kits furnished by advertisers in
Gas Engine Magazine and also some who attend shows but do
not otherwise advertise. The models shown represent about half of
the ones that have been built during the last 20 years.

In the pictures can be seen the following models:
Fuller-Johnson, Associated, stovepipe Domestic, Olds, Galloway,
Perkins water-cooled, Witte, 1905 upright Domestic, Stickney, IHC
Mogul, Canfield, Allman, Gray, Hagan, Meadows Grist Mill, and a
replica model of Henry Ford’s 1896 first kitchen sink engine.
The plans for this engine are from the Henry Ford Museum in
Dearborn, Michigan.

I do all the machining, painting, woodwork, and other details.
As can be readily seen, I do not follow paint schemes of the
original engines necessarily, but use colors and trims to suit my

The wood bases, also, are not conventional. They are made to my
own design and sculpted to suit. The handles provided on each end
make the loading job easier for my wife and me, considering that
these models weigh from 40 to 90 pounds. The woods found in these
bases are white oak, walnut, white mahogany, and purple heart. The
handle type bases have hand cut mortise and tenon joints and wooden
pegs. The finish on the wood is three coats of clear

Often the question is asked about the time required to build a
model such as these. Time varies according to the complexity of the
engine, and usually an estimate of 350 hours minimum is a good

These engines constitute our ‘show’ as we travel from
place to place such as Portland, Indiana, Zolfo Springs, Florida,
and numerous shows in North Carolina. There is nothing for sale
here. Hours and hours of enjoyable looking, talking and running
demonstrations are the things we enjoy at an engine show.

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