661 19 Street Brandon, Manitoba, Canada R7B 1K6
Recently, I had the pleasure of meeting a collector and talented
model builder named Elvin Ralzloff about whom you might like to
Mr. Ralzloff was born a son of a farmer at Hodgeville,
Saskatchewan, Canada, in 1910. He only attended school to grade
seven, but developed the skills of a master craftsman. He learned
to repair instruments for the town band in which he played, and
even built violins from scratch.
Later, he was a mechanic for IHC. He took courses in machine
shop practice and opened his own shop. Now retired and living in
Chilliwack, British Columbia, he still works in a well equipped
hobby shop, where he restores old engines and builds gasoline and
steam powered models, all of which are finished to a high polish
and operate perfectly.
Elvin has a collection of gasoline engines which includes 13
Maytags as well as Briggs & Stratton, Power Products, Johnson
and others, and an unusual 1910 Sieverkropp engine with an external
wrist pin, all in showroom condition. He would very much like to
add a fruit jar Maytag engine to his collection. If you know where
one can be obtained, perhaps you could write him at 46150 Larch
Avenue, Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada, V2P 1E6.
We hope to see many of you readers at our show, the 38th annual
Threshermens’ Reunion and Stampede to be held July 22nd-25th at
the Manitoba Agricultural Museum, Austin, Manitoba. This year’s
reunion will feature John Deere Farm Equipment.