R 2, Box 172, LeCenter, Minnesota 56057
It was the end of August, 1991. I had a small exhibit at the
LeSueur County Pioneer Power Threshing Show. I knew of the little
Mogul a few months before the show, but working construction and
helping my dad with the farm left no time to think about old
engines until the show comes, then the bug bites you hard!
I talked to Tom, the owner of the engine, at the show, and
planned on having a look the following Sunday. It was just a few
miles from my place. The day finally came. The little Mogul, serial
#UB2660, was in a shed very dusty and dirty, but in good condition
from being stored inside. The mag and ignitor were replaced with a
spark plug and a Bosch high tension mag bolted to the water hopper
using a long shaft with the original mag gear to reach the
crankshaft. Anyway, it was done very neatly and had a strong spark.
So we made a deal on the engine. Tom said the original parts may be
in one of his sheds, but I really didn’t know what to look
A man in our club has a Mogul Jr. I went to look at it. Now
knowing what to look for, I went back to Tom’s to look for
parts for mine. He said whatever belonged to the engine I could
have. I was lucky. I found the mag, but no luck with the ignitor,
which probably was the reason it was switched to spark plug.
Next I cleaned and oiled the main parts, and with a little gas
it started right up and ran very well just the way it was. Then I
found someone to make an ignitor for me. While waiting for that, a
friend helped me build a cart. My dad had some dry white ash in a
shed. It was just what I wanted. Next another friend made me a new
gas tank and front legs for my cart out of stainless steel, and
high polished them.
When the ignitor came I couldn’t wait to try it. I cleaned
the mag, timed it, bolted on the ignitor and gave the flywheels a
good hard turn and she took right off. I had a grin from ear to
ear. I like polished flywheels and with a couple coats of clear
lacquer they keep rust free for a few years. After this job was
done the rest of the parts were cleaned, primed and painted with
two coats of Mogul green, then assembled.
I couldn’t resist a little pin striping in gold. The engine
is now original, maybe a little over-restored, but it looks great
in my living room.
According to Wendel’s book it was built between 1915 and
1917. I believe it is a 1916.
Thank you to everyone who helped or gave me advice.