The Flamelicker

By Staff
Published on January 1, 1970
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Courtesy of Francis Sevart III N. Cherokee Girard, Kansas 66743
Courtesy of Francis Sevart III N. Cherokee Girard, Kansas 66743
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Courtesy of Berton Blazek, Box 147, Hexford, Montana 59917.
Courtesy of Berton Blazek, Box 147, Hexford, Montana 59917.

Route 1 Box 54 Du Bois, Illinois 62831

The ‘What Is It?’ engine, on the top of page 22 of the
March-April GEM, is indeed a ‘flamelicker’.

I came across an article in the December 1938 issue of Popular
Mechanics ; It explained the operation of this type of hot-air
engine, and included plans for construction of one.

The burner, or candle flame, provides the power for the engine.
The two-stroke cycle is shown in the diagram. Just before top dead
center the valve opens; the piston starts on the downward stroke
(fig. 1.) and ‘inhales’ part of the flame (actually hot
gas); the valve closes at bottom dead center, and immediately the
gas cools, creates a vacuum, and draws the piston back up (fig.
2.), the power stroke. The valve opens just before top dead center
to let the cooled gas escape before drawing a fresh charge of hot

A model engine of this sort should not be hard to construct, as
the two-stroke cycle needs no gears. The piston does not require
elaborate sealing, and the valve mechanism and timing are not at
all critical. The original Popular Mechanics article showed
bearings built up out of solder, asbestos cordfora single piston
ring, and a flap-like valve operated by a cam on the

Another Show coming up on April 10, 11, & 12, in Cheraw,
South Carolina also makes one think of Spring and flowers, Mr.
& Mrs. R. S. Rogers, who are planning the show. And at that
time, in that State, Winter will have been forgotten and many
flowers will be in full bloom.

Mr. & Mrs. Regnold Wood of Sheds, New York are starting
their son out early to be a gas engine enthusiasts. He is two years
old and enjoys getting the wrenches for Dad and climbing on the
engines. Mrs. Wood says he likes for his Daddy to read to him from
the ‘bang away’ book (GEM). The son enjoyed the picture of
the doggie and ‘bang away’, in Nov-Dec. issue.

Following is the answer I received in reference to Mr. Al
Troyer’s ‘Edwards’ engine. It may help others also. Mr.
Carlton Perry, 413 N. James Street, Peekskill, N. Y. 10566, writes,
‘This was a 2 cylinder hopper cooled with 2 lubricators each
lubricator supplied oil to piston, wrist pin & connecting rod
bearing. Flywheel was mounted on crankshaft between connecting
rods. As near as I can remember they were made in the late teens
& up to about the mid twenties.’

‘To crank engine use leather strap about 3? ft. long by 3/4
in. wide attach EL shaped steel wire (No. 10 gauge wire) to one end
of strap (warning DO NOT MAKE WIRE IN SHAPE OF A HOOK) insert end
of wire in hole of pulley, wrap strap around pulley clock wise
facing have only enough left to pull on to start engine. A hand
loop on strap was also used.’

‘H.P. rating was 1? to 6 this adjustment was made by hand
nut opposite pulley side. H.P. change could be made while engine
was running. This was a selling point of this engine.’

‘NOTE when engine is set for 1? hp. ONLY ONE cylinder is
working.’ Mr. Perry wrote that from memory. A friend of his
once owned an Edwards. I would say he has a keen memory.

Mr. Bert Lehman, 2050 S. Humboldt, Denver, Colorado 80210,
writes that his most recent find ‘is a very badly rusted
engine. It has no name plate or serial number and no evidence of
ever having one. All of the castings have the trademark I H C on
them. 3-5/8 inch bore, 3-1/2 inch stroke, 5? inch flywheels, 1-1/8
inch dia. bearings. Bronze connecting rod and it is water cooled
hit and miss.’ He needs information on the carburetor and
magneto, if it ever had one. He would like to correspond with
owners of this type engine.

Sorry we have exhausted our supply of Aermotor Catalogs. At this
time we aren’t considering reprinting.

By the time you read this, no doubt, you have broken some New
Year’s resolutions but we do hope you have a very Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Monitor 1? hp. pump engine owned by Francis Sevart and displayed
at the Pioneer Harvest Show. Photo by Myrl Hix, Pittsburg,

A 1? hp. Bull Dog engine we secured not long ago. On the name
plate is written -Manufactured by Bates and Edmunds Motor Co.,
Lansing, Michigan. Can anyone tell me more about the company, as to
what sizes of engine they made and about how old this engine

It was taken from an old blacksmith shop which was built about
1902. Wish we had a good picture of another to determine the
original ignitor and the mechanism. Note long racker arm for
exhaust valve. Both valves are in the removal head and have access
plugs over them.

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