4660 Co. Road 134, St. Cloud, Minnesota 56303
Whenever I would see an LA or LB International engine with a
pump jack attachment, I could see the potential for a can
LA’s or LB’s with the pump jack attachment are not that
easy to find. I got lucky and was able to buy one at a fall 1995
auction in Hill City, South Dakota.
The engine was a l to 2 HP LB and in fair condition. The water
hopper was about half full of lime scale and other crud. By using
chemicals, I was able to clean the water hopper right down to the
bare cast iron.
I ordered a new gas tank, valves, head gasket, crank and
camshaft seals, a frost plug and a few more miscellaneous parts
from Star bolt, and soon had the engine running well.
All the pump jack needed was a little welding on the shift
lever, some new seals and a change of lubricant.
I believe the early IHC pump jacks did not have the clutch. The
later pump jacks do have the clutch, which is a very nice feature,
as the engine may be started without the pump jack running. For my
purposes, this makes the crusher much safer to operate.
I bought some rectangular tubing, strap iron, pipe and some
-inch threaded rods and started measuring, sawing, drilling and
welding. The piston or plunger is made of exhaust pipe stock wedged
out on both ends to fit the pipe snugly. On one end I cut a solid
steel plug to fit. Near the other end of the plunger I fitted a
floating wrist pin. I used a 5/8-inch bolt 10
inches long for a connecting rod and made the proper fittings on
both ends.
The pump jack was designed with the availability of 5-inch,
7-inch or 10-inch stroke. The 5-inch stroke worked perfectly. I was
able to change the throw on one side of the jack 180 degrees, so
the plungers alternate.
With two people feeding cans it will crush approximately 70 to
80 per minute. The unit works very well and is a good show piece.
My biggest problem is keeping a supply of cans.