What’s the best thing you can do in the summertime?? I guess
I would get many answers from people in different walks of life,
but I’ll betcha most of the readers would say go to the
reunions! You have engines, tractors, swap stories, good things to
eat, all kinds of crafts, new ideas, solve your engine problems,
buy more engines, enjoy each other with same hobbies, eat again,
see good shows, be in parades, travel to more shows, and many more
things have fun and don’t forget to thank God for all the good
things you have enjoyed and hope you make it another year!
And now onto some of the stories and letters that are inspired
by the reunions
‘My husband and I just purchased an Eagle 6B tractor. As far
as we have been able to find out, they were built around 1936 by
the Eagle Manufacturing Company of Appleton, Wisconsin,’ writes
MRS. EUGENE BERG, R.R.2, Wege Road, Appleton, Wisconsin 54915.
‘We would like to gather as much background information as
possible about the tractor and Eagle Manufacturing Company. We
would like to know the original color and any information we can
obtain.‘ (Any Eagle Scouts for tractors out there that
might help these folks?)
ROBERT J. KUBISCH, 2111 Gil-bride Road, Martinsville, New Jersey
08836 writes: ‘I have recently purchased a gas engine, but I am
not sure of the make as nametag is missing. I have looked through
Wendel’s engine book and I came across one similar to mine. It
may be a Consolidated Excelsior engine. The engine is hit and miss,
has 36′ flywheels, bore and stroke is 5 x 9′. Ignitor bolts
to the cylinder head. Several parts missing but I should be able to
get it running. What I need to know is color, HP, RPM, age and all
information pertaining to this engine. I will answer all
‘I have a few questions to ask of my fellow Smoke Ring
readers and if you will please pass the answers along I’d
appreciate it,’ states ANDREW K. MACKEY, 26 Mott Place,
Rocka-way Boro, New Jersey 07866. 201-627-2392.
‘I own an engine built by the United Engine Company of
Lansing, Michigan. A letter I sent to C. H. Wendel was thankfully
answered stating that it was a United and was a 2 HP built between
1918-21. It is almost identical to the engine pictured on page 521,
Lower right in Wendel’s American Gasoline Engines Since 1872,
with the exceptions being that my engine has a water-cooled head, a
2-hole magneto mount and a factory built carb (part #PHH), not an
after market unit like Lunkenheimer. There is a number stamped into
the crankshaft on the governor side of the engine. It is 205204A.
Was this a part or a serial number? If it is a serial number can
anyone date this engine to one year? I have seen a few similar
requests about Associated engine numbers but have seen no answers
in the GEM.
‘If anyone out there in Engine Land has a list of
Associated-United serial numbers and dates, could you share it with
your fellows out here in care of GEM? Also, if
everyone who owns an Associated or United engine would send me
their engine information as serial, HP, date of mfg., etc., I will
compile a list myself and send it to GEM. I will
personally answer all letters I receive, as I know how frustrating
it is to write and receive no replyand that’s a promise!
‘One last questionDoes anyone know of a person or a firm who
makes a reproduction or has a new old stock engine ID plate for my
United? I have put this in your want ads and looked back through
issues but have found no such info.’ (Please help Andy if
you can.)
Air mail brings this letter from OSBORNE BECKETT, Flat 2, 62
SHIRLEY Road, ACOCKS Green, Birmingham, B27 7NA, ENGLAND: ‘I
have only been a subscriber to the GEM a very
short time and I find it very interesting indeed, especially Smoke
‘I read with interest the letter by Randall C. Smith of 9
Captain Road, Massachusetts about missing parts for magnetos and
other engine bits. Well, we do have a number of small firms in this
country that do such work and the workmanship is very good indeed
and cost reasonable. The one firm that I have used for magneto
restoring is Mr. D. Day, Aldrans, Church Hill, Wroughton, Swindon,
SN 4 9JR, England. He has restored four mags for me and all are
working now, and with a two-year guarantee. I know it is a long way
to have to send such items.
‘I have only been collecting stationary engines myself since
1981. For at least thirty years I had a fairly large collection of
antique and modern firearms, but these were sold .
‘In all, I have eight stationary engines and four small
steam engines. The gasoline engines have all been restored, by
myself. Two of the steam engines I have made and the other two I
‘I retired when I was 63 and am now 71. I worked for Joseph
Lucas Ltd. Electrical for 28 years on Rolls Royce dynamos and
starters; as a matter of fact, I did all the machining on the first
25 alternator parts when the railroad changed from dynamos to
alternators. I still have a few friends over on your side owing to
the American weapons I used to own.
‘The first stationary engine I bought in January 1981. It
was a 1927 Kohler S G Model generating plant, petrol/parafin. It
had been nearly restored, but just wanted a final finishing off See
photo with display board.
‘Other engines, I own are Wolseley Dll, 1 HP 1946 model;
Lister Model D, 1 HP; 1924 Witte open crank engine w/drag saw;
Tarpen 1942 Builders generating plant 110 volts DC, 400 watts two
stroke; J.A.P. four stroke 1 HP with direct-coupled dynamo 40
volts, 36 amps for battery charging; another smaller J.A.P. four
stroke with 32/40 volt, 4/5 amps, 1929 model; both the J.A.P.
models are air-cooled. The remaining engine is another Kohler twin
air-cooled, K582 model, 1978, 23 HP. It was advertised in our local
Exchange &. Mart, as new condition at 85.00 ($120.00) and the
advertisement was correct; it was new, as the only thing I had to
do was free both exhaust valves, and a general clean-up. I
direct-coupled a 240 vt 2 watt dynamo and it is now a standby unit
in case of a power cut.
I must say that I found the Kohler Company of Wisconsin very
helpful indeed with assistance over the old-time manual and the
modern ones too. They were rather surprised and pleased to learn
that the 1927 S G model I have (see photo), had been restored and
now in running order.
‘Last of all, I have had multiple sclerosis since 1953 and
can still manage to get about, although with some difficulty at
times. I will close now and hope you all find this letter of some
interest. So Cheerio!’ (It was good to hear from you and
I’m sure your hobbies, in some way, help you over the rough
spots God Bless You.)
MICHAEL J. HUFF, R.R. 10, Box 183-B, Greensville, Indiana 37743
has recently acquired a 5 HP Economy engine S/N 55888. It is a
kerosene burner with gas start-up. He has some questions he would
like to ask the readers.
‘What I need to know is about the carburetor. It has a
needle valve where the gas goes in. It has another where the
kerosene goes in. What I can’t figure out is the connections it
has for a third fuel line which isn’t hooked up or present on
the engine. There is a place for a third needle valve which is also
missing. What is the purpose of this third connection and valve and
is it necessary for the engine to run? Any help would be
‘I find your magazine exceptionally informative and I can
hardly wait till it comes each time so I can read it from cover to
cover. I am looking for some information on an old lawn mower I
have and would appreciate any help,’ writes WILLIAM LAM-BERTHS,
R.R. 1, Hepworth, Ontario, Canada N0H 1P0.
‘It is a Reo ‘Flying Cloud’ rotary mower Model TH20,
Type 1, S/N 7H12655 powered with a Reo engine Model 660 H, Type 2,
S/N 7H12750X made by Reo Motors Inc., Lansing, Michigan. The engine
block is cast iron with the cylinder on a slant. It has a 2′
bore and 134′ stroke and uses a Wico ignition FW-2318 and a
Carter Model N carb. Since it is a horizontal shaft there is a gear
box attached to the front of the engine directing it to a vertical
drive, but rather than attaching to the mower blade spindle
directly, it uses two V-pulleys and a short V-belt to turn the
blade spindle making it a somewhat unusual set-up. The mower deck
itself is double-lined with a heavy gauge steel and the grass
discharge is at the rear of the mower towards the operator.
‘I would like to know the year of my mower and HP and size,
shape and location of the gas tank and the size and shape of the
original muffler as I am planning to restore it. All replies will
be acknowledged.’
‘I am just getting started in this wonderful hobby and have
some questions for Smoke Rings,’ writes ROBERT CIACCIO, 70
Fireside Lane, East Setauket, New York 11733.
‘After years of casually looking for an engine last summer,
I purchased a beautifully restored Alpha 1 hit and miss, from a
GEM subscriber, while vacationing in Maine. S/N is
46656 Type D 37 drip oiler and open crank. Would like all
information including year of manufacture.
‘At a local antique car show, a man told me of an old estate
here on Long Island, from which I obtained two engines, both
abandoned and rusty. One turned out to be an Economy CT-3 kero from
a buzz saw which had no I.D. tag. The other is a Stover CT-2 which
came attached to a Friend crop sprayer. Its tag shows S/N 1B266000?
The date of mfg. and any other info on these engines would be most
appreciated. The CT-2 was found to have a cracked head and cylinder
near the crankcase. I brazed the head together, but I haven’t
been able to repair the cylinder. Welders are hesitant because they
fear they may cause more cracks. Does anyone out there know of any
old tricks that may work?
‘I have cleaned and adjusted and replaced the condensers on
the Wico EK mags for these engines, but I get a very weak spark at
starting speed when you need the hottest spark. Any
‘I spent my lunch hours this past winter restoring the
Economy CT-3.I now belong to that special club made up of people
who experience the thrill of hearing an engine fire after rusting
in a field for some 40-50 years.
‘I have just purchased an IH McCormick Deering Type LB 1-2
HP, S/N LBA121419 which will keep me busy next winter. It runs now
but I want to tear it down to find out how it ticks. Any help would
be appreciated on this engine also and I would like to know the
year of manufacture. I will answer all replies ‘(Well,
there are some questions that should ‘spark’ the interest
of some of ourGEMreaders to answer
The next communication comes from WILLIAM A. ANDERSON, 884 W.
Jackson, Marshall, Missouri 65340: ‘I have recently purchased a
1912 1 HP Waterloo Boy gas engine, S/N 83802 according to C. H.
Wendel’s American Gasoline Engines. The 1 HP was only made one
year then re-rated as a 2 HP. I need detailed specifications on the
original or a good picture of the carburetor, paint color, striping
and parts. (See want ads). Will appreciate all help.’
PHILIP HEISEY, 834 Gallup Road, Spencerport, New York 14559 is
interested in any leads, information or literature you may wish to
share on Cockshutt tractors and equipment (or Co-op).
CLAUDE McCLENDON, Route 6, Box 73, Claremore, Oklahoma 74017 is
another new friend enticed by the hobby and writes: ‘One of my
friends here in Claremore works on older tractors and loaned me a
couple issues of your magazine. I’ve been impressed enough to
get some copies for myself.
‘I am a small engine mechanic. I’ve been to tech school
for a year and to a couple sessions of factory schools on Tecumseh
and Briggs in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area. I’ve been through
some of their plants and I was really fascinated. I’ve taught a
couple sessions on small engines at our community college. In
preparing for it, I did some research on ‘harnessing
power’. My first meeting of each session covered some history
to give a little appreciation of what it’s taken to get us
where we are today.
‘My Dad took some training on the diesel engine, but
wasn’t able to pursue it as a career because of a bad back.
Since about 1950 when I was ten, I’ve been amazed by internal
combustion engines. I remember my dad working on our 1935 Chevrolet
and wishing I could help him fix it. About the same time I got
interested in model airplanes and I’ve messed with models and
model engines off and on over the years. Motor scooters were
another hobby during high school.
‘I am restoring a 1954 Chevrolet hard top I had for two
years. I look forward to getting the magazine and trying to help
some of those who write in.’ (Well, thanks Claude and
welcome to our family and I’m sure folks will be glad to have
someone else who will share his experience and help with their
LOUIS MILLER, 807 Pine, Georgetown, Texas 78626 writes: ‘I
would like to know the color of a 1929 Rumely Do All.
‘I enjoy your magazine very much and read it cover to cover.
My brother and I have 118 old tractors and about 80 old gas engines
and we need your magazine for the good ads and the Smoke Rings. We
have all brands of tractors and engines. Come see us if you ever
come down this way.’ (Now see, there is another Texas
pardoner good to hear from you.)
‘Enclosed is a picture of a Ferro single cylinder marine
engine. The information that I have been able to find has not been
sufficient to reconstruct missing parts,’ claims CURTIS A.
HEATH, 1608 W. Cherry Street, Kissimmee, Florida 32741.
‘I need to communicate with someone who has one of these
engines that is complete, or has drawings that I could use to
rebuild this engine. Any help most gratefully appreciated.’
VINCE DAILY, 6125th Avenue S.W., Ronan, Montana 59864 would like
to hear from people who own Happy Farmer tractors built by Lacrosse
Tractor Co. He says, ‘I have one built in 1918 that I show at
the Gallatin Valley Threshing Bee at Belgrade, Montana.’
Vince would also like help for MARVIN Z. UPHAUS, 4630 North
Felisa Avenue, Tucson, Arizona 85705. 602-887-7280. He has an IH
engine, an LB 300-500 RPM 1-2 HP. He is looking for a rocker arm
#9244. He has an ad in May-June issue on page 63. Also BERNARD
GERRITY, Valley View Route, Polson, Montana 59860, 406-883-4547, is
seeking a rocker arm for his International LAH 0209, 300-500 RPM
1-1 HP Rocker is stamped 35 on one side and 65D on other. His ad is
also on page 63 in the same ad as Marvin.
I don’t like to run these kind of items in the Smoke
Ring columns, but some times when they are in the ads, and get no
answers, we will request through here in hopes someone who has not
read the ads will see it. I hope you both get the item you are
‘First, I want to thank all the fine people who responded to
my letter to Smoke Rings about a year ago. Due to the information I
received I was able to get my Korean engine running,’ says
JAMES A. CAVANAUGH, 5905 Jester, Garland, Texas 75042.
‘Now, for the real reason of this letter. Lately, I acquired
another engine. The data plate says it is an Ottawa, 5 HP, 375 RPM.
It has a Wico mag, 28′ flywheels (2), 5′ diameter piston
and 8′ throw. S/N F12081. I would like to know: Did the
original engine have some kind of cover over the rear end of the
crank-case? Mine has two bolt holes that would indicate that
something was bolted on at one time. The engine has a Schebler
carburetor with the numbers DX270. It is a float type carb and is
made of brass. Is this original? What type oilers were used for the
mains and cam rod? None on at present. What was original color?
Mine appears to have been black on dark gray with a yellow pin
stripe on the water hopper and flywheel spokes. Is this original?
On the valve push rod there are indications that a set screw was
screwed down against the rod. At present, there is nothing on the
rod. Was there a collar that was adjustable to tension and return
spring on the push rod? Can anyone tell from the serial number when
the engine was manufactured? I’ll answer all letters.’
‘I am sending some photos of my 27-42 cross motor
Minneapolis. S/N on the tractor is 11208. I bought this tractor
from E. E. Duncan in Leon, Virginia. He used it in a sawmill until
a valve broke and it was parked for a number of years covered with
tin and weeds. Pieces of the tractor were brought home in bushel
baskets,’ says WILLIAM F. HALE III, Star Route 5, Box 350,
Madison, Virginia 22727.
WILLARD HAWN, 7107 West Bay, New Port Richey, Florida 33553 is
enthusiastic in telling you: ‘I am writing about the great
amount of knowledge that I get from your great magazine. I am a
collector in the deep, deep South and some info is scarce here.
Your magazine makes the difference between knowing and not knowing.
I might add that I have been living in the same county for 50
‘I want to thank Richard D. Curtis for his July-August 1984
(page 20) article on Case R, RI. I restored an unstyled Case wide
front last winter, that no one here could identify. Thanks to Mr.
Curtis, we now know what it is.
‘This old Case had been used for a log skidder in the
sawmills around Perry, Florida since in the 1930s somewhere. No one
living today, whom I could find, remembered what it looked like
new. The acid from the oak and swamp water had eaten away the tags,
fenders and hood. Two years ago I saw it discarded in a recycling
yard, made a deal with the man and we broke the engine loose, fixed
up the mag and carb, put in gas and it started up. We drove it onto
the truck and took it home. Today it looks and runs like new. All
the parts missing are back on it, except the tag. It is Case
‘Today it has new 26 x 15.9 rear tires, but the ones on it
in the beginning were 24 x 12 (8 ply) solid cast wheels with clinch
rim. I might add that I am proud of this tractor and it makes one.
great puller also.
‘This is the third time in the last two years that I have
found some information in your magazine that we needed very badly.
Thanks again to your magazine and to Mr. Curtis.’ (Thank
you Willard for sharing with us.)
A new subscriber writes: ‘Just discovered your magazine.
Have literally ‘eaten’ every articleeven the ads. The
stories of finding and restoring especially liked. Would like more
detail as to ‘how’ to dismantle frozen parts. Pointers,
etc. W. H. HADLEY, 80325th Avenue N., Texas City, Texas 77590.’
(Well Howdy Tex! We’re hearing more and more from that far
downwelcome to the family.)
JERRY FARMER, 5733 Bluebird Lane, Minnetonka, Minnesota 55345
wants us to know: ‘I sent in a request for Smoke Rings
regarding the nature of the starter on the one lung St. Lawrence. I
recently found out it was a Bendix so it had to be some type of
automobile starter adapted to the marine engine. Question is what
Seeking advice from Engine Land old-timers, MENNO L. KLIEWER,
43138 Road 52, Reedley, California 93654, asks: ‘I would like
to know the formula for developing smoke rings out of a one lunger
engine exhaust. These circles or doughnuts are very interesting to
the public and especially to kids (which covers all ages). I have
asked several local engine men, but nobody seems to know
adjustments or mixture. Would appreciate help.’ (Now
that’s a different question isn’t it? I’m sure I
don’t have the answer but this does bring to mind a personal
memory. One time, many years ago, I was in New York City looking up
at a lot of billboards and adswell, there was one I never forgot.
It was a picture of a man smoking a cigarette and as he was blowing
out the smoke it all came out in the shape of smoke rings. So I
know what you mean about it being interesting to kids! That was
certainly some kind of machine producing the rings. So tell us,
someone, just how does that happen?)
‘I’ve just become the proud owner of a Geiser, 6 HP
screen-cooled, horizontal engine #2622. If anyone out there has any
information on this engine, color, year, etc. I would be pleased to
hear from him,’ says MAX BROWN, 982 Nash Road, North Tonawanda,
New York 14120.
‘Enclosed is also a photo of a Myers Bros, pump I have just
finished restoring. It stands 5′ tall with a 24′ flywheel.
Pat. 1899.’
ROBERT S. MAYER, 1151 Nixon Avenue, Reno, Nevada 89509 has
something to say: ‘I enjoyed reading my first copy of your
magazine, which brought to mind a gas engine that I had and gave
away many years ago, to wit: Make-MotorMower, about 1945?? A single
cylinder, vertical with exposed pushrod for exhaust valve only.
Intake valve was operated by spring tension only, brass lubricator,
external for? About a 13 to 14 inch round cast iron crankcase with
heavy bronze bearings at each side with bolted sideplate for entry.
Would anyone out there know about the whereabouts of this
We get letters quite often such as this one from BOB HAIMERL,
8682 Dalebrook Court, Galloway, Ohio 43119: ‘One thing I wish
you could do is print the answers to the questions in the Smoke
Rings column. It seems like most of the questions that are asked
are ones I would like to see answered.’ (I’m sure many
of you are interested in this and we will print them if we receive
them, especially answers on how to make or do some particular
thing. We’d appreciate it if those of you who get the answer
would drop a note to Smoke Rings, Gas Engine Magazine, Box 328,
Lancaster, PA 17603 when your information is complete so we can
pass the info on.)
DAVID PIERCE, Box 197 Meads Circle, Painted Post, New York
14870, 607-962-5286 has recently purchased a Cletrac, which he
wants to rebuild, and would like any information you could give
him. It is a Model K, S/N 16516 and he is not exactly sure of the
year. Please call or write him.
Ready for some questions? EDDIE TURNER, Route 2, Box 279-B,
Pam-plice, South Carolina 29583 is looking for help: ‘I have
been a reader of the GEM for several years and
enjoy it very much and can’t wait until the next issue comes
out. I need some information about an engine and I hope someone can
help me.
‘The engine is a Muncie Oil Engine (formerly Muncie Gas
Engine & Supply Co.), Muncie, Indiana, No. 3204, Type B, 9′
bore, 13’ stroke. What is the HP of this engine, the color, the
year it was made and most of all, how do you get this monster to
come to life? I know you have to heat a gloplug located in the
cylinder head red hot, but is there a special starting fluid to
use, and if so, what? Also, how rare is this engine? I have not
seen anyone looking for parts or information on it in the back
issues of GEM. The flywheels are 50′ and I
think it is a 2 cycle engine. The old gentleman 1 bought it from
used it to pull a grist mill and later a sawmill, but he didn’t
remember too much about it. I will answer all letters.’
‘Here is a picture of my 6 HP Galloway engine,’ shares
E. A. ‘NUTE’ ANKLAM, Box 54, Culbertson, Montana 59218.
He continues: ‘We used it for awhile to furnish power for
our small hand feed thresher. Now it is used to run the line shaft
in the Blacksmith Shop at our Northeastern Montana Threshers &
Antique Association Threshing Bee each fall here at Culbertson,
Montana. I purchased the engine from Mr. George Bartch who used to
have a large ranch where the big Fort Peck Dam in Montana, on the
Missouri River, is now located. It was used on the ranch to grind
feed for the work horses and to saw wood for the heating stoves. It
is a good running engine and has plenty of power to run the line
JACK HARRELL, Box 142, Roa-noke, Indiana 46783 writes in
reference to Lloyd Dean’s letter to Smoke Rings on Waukesha
engines. Jack says: ‘I have in my collection of old pictures
one Waukesha 1934 showing an engine of about the same size.
Enclosed is a copy of the ad. Also enclosed is a copy of a 1916 Gas
Power Magazine it has lots of nice ads and articles.’
‘I’m enclosing a picture of my grandson with the Wilson
Des Moine Engine. He is trying to turn the fly wheel. He is one of
the younger members of the GEM family, as I
ordered his subscription for his first birthday in June,’ says
proud Grandpa CHARLES WILSON, 12515 W. Graves, Waukegan, Illinois
60087. (I’m sure the grandson holds the title of the
youngest subscriber, and isn’t he a doll?)
‘Can anyone in Engine land help me with information on a
Mighty Mite tractor manufactured by Jaque Power Saw Co., Denison,
Texas? It is a Model 10, S/N 2822, about the size of a John Deere
LA tractor, but only has a one cylinder engine.’
‘I need help with my 4 HP Thoroughbred Gray Engine. It is
like the 4 HP Gray on page 214 of American Gas Engines Since 1872.
It is hit or miss, battery and coil ignition with the Gray speed
change screw. Where is the S/N on the engine? Does anyone have a
list of S/N, year dates and what color was engine painted?’ If
you can answer, please write ROBERT WOMACK, Box 292, Goldthwaite,
Texas 76844.
Seeking information on his latest acquisition is LEROY A.
BAUM-GARDNER, JR., 1710 Hanover Pike, Littlestown, Pennsylvania
‘I would like to correspond with anyone who now owns or had
operated a Mogul 8-16 single cylinder kerosene tractor. I am
especially interested in hearing from people who used these
tractors and would like to know if anyone ever heard of a tractor
upsetting because it is so narrow. I will gladly answer all
‘I currently own a Mogul tractor S/N 12,218 which is in the
process of being restored. I have had it running but it needs lots
of work! Would like to know if these tractors had a decal like the
Mogul engine which says ‘Grand Prize Panama Pacific
International Exposition, San Francisco 1915’? I have an
original Mogul advertisement which states the tractors won this
event. I need to know where the decal was located if the tractors
even had it at all. Also, I understand that on the flywheel side of
the water hopper there was a large IHC with double globes and above
this decal the words Mogul Oil Tractor. On the other side of the
water hopper I think it said ‘Manufactured by International
Harvester Corp. Tractor Works, Chicago’. Can anyone tell me if
this is correct? I want to know because when I paint and letter my
tractor I want to do it correctly.’