Hi! Well, by now the reunions are on the way to being memories
for another year-school will be taking in for another year-still a
few fall shows to take in and then it’s time to shed the
engines for another year- and to work on the ones you acquired this
past summer. Year in and year out, seems like we only get started
and its time to face another winter-don’t you think?
ROBERT A. PYRON, R.F.D. 1, Box 74-A, Kilmichael, Mississippi
39747 is a newcomer to the Gas Engine Family and has been
collecting engines for about a year. So far he has 14 engines and
says he really enjoys the Gas magazine. He would like to know the
original colors of the following engines: Novo, Witte, Hercules,
Economy, Jumbo, Foos & F.M. Eclipse pumper. He’d be happy
for any information on the pumper also.
G.A. NITSHE, JR., M.D. is a new subscriber and would like to
know the color of a Witte 2? HP engine.
Then from THAIN WHITE, Misery Bluff, Dayton, Montana 59914 comes
a request for specifications for the wood pieces for the 2 HP Z
Fairbanks-Morse. This is for the dish wheel engine.
Then we hear from BERNARD A HINES, 7197 Mississippi Street,
Merrillville, Indiana 46410. Bernard is one of our regular
contributors and he writes: ‘I need some help. We are restoring
a 2 cylinder 2? stroke, 27/8‘ bore, 4
cycle valves in head, air-cooled, opposed jug cylinders horizontal
gasoline engine with a cone friction on cranskshaft and (2) sliding
cones on a crossshaft with a shifter cam and lever. Slide one cone
on, crossshaft, in contact with crankshaft cone to go forward, use
other cone for reverse. There is no nameplate as such anywhere on
the engine. Various parts have raised letters and numbers on
castings with ‘ME’ prefix followed by a number. On head of
valves (of all places) it says BUDA in raised letters. Do I have a
maintenance car engine? I think so.
Perhaps a reader can help me and some other readers at the same
time with a letter to your ever-so-good magazine.’ (Anyone out
there have the answers?)
We hear from JON F. HALL, Box 26, Bingham, Maine 04920 as he
tells us: ‘As a relative newcomer to the field of engine
restoration and a regular reader of your column, I would like to
ask your readers for some help in identifying the engine pictured.
When I acquired it last fall, it has not run in over 40 years and
was rustier inside than out. The Maine Antique Power Association
members have been very generous with time and advice, and I am very
grateful for it. My engine had to have all new valves and guides,
rings, wrist pin, needle valve, etc., and without the help of MAPA
stalwart, Paul Tewksbury, I might still be faced with a pile of
rusty parts. The engine is now running well and has made its first
public appearance.
There are several things I would like to know about it. First,
who made it? The local ‘educated guess’ is that it was
probably made by Root & Vandervoort, but the only other like it
I have seen is also missing its nameplate. When was it made? I know
it ran a water pump for the old Pleasant Pond Inn in Caratunk,
Maine, but it could have been installed anytime between 1905 and
1925. Virtually all the castings have numbers preceded by the
letter K, as does the serial number (which appears on both the
cylinder head and crankcase collars where they attach). It is
air-cooled and beneath the galvanized shroud which covers the
four-bladed fan, the headless cylinder has vertical cooling fins.
The crankcase hinges much like a New Way, and the manifold has two
ports, the bottom from slots in the cylinder wall at the bottom of
the stroke. One flywheel has a built-in small crank handle in the
rim. The bore is 4?’ and the stroke 6?’ and the engine runs
clockwise. Ignition is by plug and coil. I know the original color
was green, but would like to find out what the original striping
pattern was. The skid is red (also original color) and the
horsepower 4-5 (I’d like to know that too). If anyone has an
original nameplate I could copy, I’d be very happy to hear from
him. I hope someday I’ll be in a position to help one of your
readers with an inquiry.’
GORDON S. ROBINSON, 758 Locke Road, Box 289, Route 1, Sherwood,
Michigan 49089 would like to know if anyone has ever heard or has
seen the Miami 1 HP (or 2 HP) engine made in Ohio in the 1920s or
1930s or even before that time. He says: ‘I own one and was
told it was an antique, but writing to original manufacturers, was
answered by a succeeding manufacturing company, whose president
told me they made thousands of them years before by the former
company. No one at the antique engine shows in Michigan or Indiana
ever heard of or saw one.’ (Now, there is a fella awaiting some
answers and some brotherly interest in the Miami engine.)’.
GARY TUNKIERG, 7514 60th Street, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53142
is hoping someone can help him with some information on the
Worthington tractor. He would like to know who built it, how many
were made, how long was it in production (in years), the horsepower
of the engine, original paint scheme of the tractor and if it was
American built. He’s really looking for some answers as nobody
in his area ever heard of the Worthington tractor.
ED F. EDWARDS, 22754 Islamare, Eltora, California 92630 begins
his letter: ‘I have subscribed to your magazine for over two
years and have all of the back issues also. I enjoy the magazine
very much. I need some help on the identity of an engine that I
recently obtained. It looks similar to some of the English engines
with the carved spoke flywheels, chain drive Coventry magneto. Two
of the grease cups are Coventry also.
This double sideshaft engine is one of the strangest engines
that I have seen. The intake and exhaust valves operate off the
cams on the secondary shaft, which is driven by the primary
sideshaft which runs at a downward angle from the crankshaft gears
thru two brass bearings to supply power to the secondary or main
shaft. A vertical flyball governor runs off a gear at the end of
the secondary shaft, a lever or rod makes contact with what appears
to be an electrical contact of some sort which either shorts out
the magneto or something. I’m not sure yet exactly how the
engine works as I haven’t had it running yet. The strange
looking carburetor sticks way out in front of the engine and is
connected to the cylinder head by a 5/8′ outside diameter brass
tube which is about 6′ long, has no name on it and I have never
seen another carburetor like it before, so I don’t know if it
is a special carburetor just made for this type of engine or
The diameter of the flywheels is 9′ and there is one
flywheel on one end of the crankshaft and two flywheels placed
tight up next to each other on the other side.
When this engine was found, it was running a 6 volt generator
and no one knew anything about it. I would really appreciate all
the help and suggestions that your other collectors could give me
on this engine as I plan to restore it soon. I will answer all
JAMES T. OSNESS, 16420 N. Fillmore Street, Brighton, Colorado
80601 would like to know the original shade of blue for a 3 HP
Jaeger and markings that it has as he wants to restore this engine.
He also has a 1918 6 HP Fairbanks Morse igniter-fired. He would
like to find out what kind of magneto it uses. It is an oscillator
type but the springs and trip are on the igniter. The bucket that
holds the magneto is part of the igniter and has two holes for a
base mount. (See want ads.)
MAX HOLT, P.O. Box 347, Lilydale 3140, Victoria, Australia sends
this letter: ‘I require assistance with a couple of items.
First, Dad and I have a Centaur Garden Tractor Type 2G. It was
manufactured by Centaur Tractor Corporation, Greenwich, Ohio,
U.S.A. The serial number is 830583. The engine fitted to it is a
LeRoi twin cylinder engine, has an Eismann magneto and Zenith
carburetor. Can anyone out there please let us know its date of
Next item I have is a request for information for a friend of
mine. He has a Keller 1? HP engine. The plate reads: Keller
Manufactured by Eau Claire Manufacturing Company, Eau Claire,
Wisconsin, U.S.A. #2678 RPM 600, 1? HP. He would like to know
original color and details of lining. Also he’d like to know
date of manufacture of this engine. Could someone also please tell
us why some of these engines were manufactured by Bloomer Machine
Works, Wisconsin and this one is not? Well, that’s what the
plate would lead us to believe. This engine still has quite a clear
original decal that reads KELLER. Please help and I’ll
personally answer all letters and refund postage if need be.
I’m also interested in writing to any enthusiast who would
want to hear of the rallies in Australia and the engine
preservation scene over here.’
A letter from a newcomer, name of VERTIS M. BREAM, R.D. 1,
Aspers, Pennsylvania 17304: ‘I’m interested in getting all
the information possible on the old ‘one lungers.’ I’d
appreciate it if someone would fill me in on the following basics
as I am a novice to this; for me it is a new field: Available HP
ratings, RPMs at flywheel, types of fuel used, fuel consumption,
weights, life expectancy of engine.
I’m a homesteader interested in low fuel consumption, low
power demands for pumping water, generating small amounts of
electricity, grinding grain, etc.
The rugged durability, slow speed, low maintenance and efficient
use of a flywheel interests me. Any help you folks could give me
would be deeply appreciated.’
Coming from England this next letter is from JOHN PALMER,
Historian and Technical Adviser, National Stationary Engine
Association, Huntsfield, East Coker, Teovil, Somerset, England:
‘May I introduce you to the National Stationary Engine
Association of Great Britain.
We are a new Association, under a year old, formed especially
for the stationary engine collector. We have a National Stationary
Engine Rally held at the National Motor Museum, Beaulieu, Hampshire
on August 6, of this year. This will include some of the most
interesting and well-restored engines we have in Britain, many of
them, of course, of American manufacture.
One of my jobs is to form a National Library of literature and
information and what I am particularly looking for are serial
number sequences of American engines, so that we may offer some
kind of dating service. I wonder if anyone can help?
I have a fair collection of reference works and literature on
English engines and together with about 12 years of research, I
find I can answer many questions on various engines of English
manufacture. Any of your readers wishing help in my field are
willingly invited to write to me.
I am myself helping to distribute in England that marvelous
book, ‘Internal Fire,’ written by perhaps the most learned
I.C. historian, Lyle Cummins. I am looking for new lines to
introduce along with it.’
(Remember folks, when you send items for the column, I cannot
mention items that can be bought- that would have to go under the
Classified Ads.)
WALTER A. TAUBENECK, Marysville, Washington tells us that a
reprint in Smoke Rings in May-June 1978, page 13, lower left hand
corner is a picture of a 5 HP Christensen. The last word should be
Next letter from GENE HARTWIG, 4884 Brigham Road, Goodrich,
Michigan and he writes to me: ‘Just to let you know we really
appreciate G.E.M. Also would anyone out there know who it was that
was casting the spoke flywheels for the John Deere ‘D’
spokers? Seems like a couple years ago they were for sale but
haven’t seen the ads lately. Would very much appreciate hearing
from anyone knowing where these flywheels were available.
CHUCK HARDEN, 4339 Lever Avenue, Marysville, California 95901
would like information on a Leader, Field Force Pump Comp, Elmira,
New York, No. 6084, 2 HP, 4′ bore. Would like to know original
color and what year this engine was first made. (Tell ’em if
you can, guys.)
W.W. PETERKA, 601 Waycross Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45240 sends
some answers: ‘Those of you who remember Henry Wilk’s
letter in ‘Smoke Rings,’ GEM, May-June 1978, will recall
his picture of a Kingerey Engine together with questions about it
as well as requesting someone to restore it. We thought your
readers would like to see how it looks now!
My name was forwarded to Henry and I became the recipient of the
restoration award. By this time it is well in the hands of Mr.
Wilks, a very happy owner. I should also mention that in the
process, I became attached to it and therefore enjoyed restoring
it. There were a few parts that had to be made in my lathe because
of their being worn so badly but the cylinder and piston were in
very good shape when you realize that the engine is over 75 years
Yes, the Kingerey engines were made in Cincinnati back in the
1900s and were used in the popcorn wagons on street corners, to
power the corn popper and turn the peanut roaster drum. Gasoline
was used to furnish all of the heat to roast and pop the products
as well as fire a 5-gallon boiler to furnish the steam for the
little steam engine which was in broad view of the customer.
These are very scarce collectors’ items, I am told by Dave
Merkel of Cincinnati, who owns one also. I am also advised by a
fellow in Willard, Ohio that there is still an old popcorn wagon in
Sandusky, Ohio, still operating on a street corner; owned by the
city. I would like to go up there to see it and get a good photo of
Timing of the little ‘fellow’ was easy. I used
compressed air for this and it runs so smoothly that only 3 psi
pressure is necessary to run it and its speed is about 50 RPM. The
heavy flywheel helps.
You may also be glad to know that Henry Wilks is only 25 years
old and another young enthusiast of old farm machinery. He is a
farmer in Brinkley, Arkansas. He and his Dad, are working on a Case
crossmotor tractor and few other engines.
Looking for some help is ELLERY H. MERRELL, Miner, Route 1,
Emigrant, Montana 59027: ‘I have just recently subscribed to
your magazine and enjoy it very much. I need information on an
engine I am restoring and hopefully your readers will be able to
I have just acquired a Witte, 30 HP, hit and miss, one cylinder
engine. I would like to hear from someone who knows about the
carburetion of this model. I believe the carburetion is a
combination of gasoline or kerosene, and I am wondering if it takes
hot air off the exhaust manifold. I also would like to know the
original color combination and stripes, if any.’
We again hear from Australia as J. A. HOLLY, Box 84, Bordertown,
5268, South Australia, Australia, writes: ‘I am a member of a
vintage car and engine restoration club; my interests are mainly in
stationary engines. I was wondering if I could get in touch with
someone who knows about the following engines:
(1) 1 HP Type D Triumph Line made by the Root
& Vandervoort Engine Company, East Moline, U.S.A., engine
number AL35234, 500 rpm, Patent numbers July 14,1903 – May 3, 1904.
Horizontal hopper-cooled. Had connections to John Deere Plow
(2) Massey Harris Type 2 Petrol/Kero 6 HP, 550
rpm, engine number 6K3125, horizontal hopper-cooled, made in
Toronto, Canada? Any information, pictures etc. would be
(3) New Way horizontal air-cooled petrol
engine number 3514 – think model is called Jewel, about 2 HP.
I am restoring these engines for a Machinery Museum to be built
in the near future here in Bordertown.’ (I surely hope you will
hear from some of our readers on these engines – they like to help
their engine brothers.)
JOHN D. BAKER, 748 Wayside Road, Portola Valley, California
94025 has some praises for the book, ‘Internal Fire’, and
highly recommends it to fellow gas buffs, as he writes: ‘I hope
you can find a place in Smoke Rings or elsewhere for this, because
I believe that what I am about to recommend is one of the finest
things available to old time engine enthusiasts since G.E.M.
I have just finished reading ‘Internal Fire,’ by Lyle
Cummins, Library of Congress Catalog #75-40701. It is the finest
old time gas engine history in existence, and deserves more notice
that it is getting. It will answer any questions you ever had about
hot air engines, about the Stirling, about August Otto and his
engine, about the American licensee for the Otto and also about
ignitors, flame ignition, early gasolines, early primitive carbs,
and added to all this, it is even a book filled with a sense of
plot and suspense. In other words, you can’t put it down. The
Charter Engine Company and Fairbanks Morse are covered. The
Pacific, the Union, and the Regan engines are mentioned. It starts
around 1790 and ends in the 1900s.
The book is written by Lyle Cummins, a retired Professor of
Engineering, and son of the founder of Cummins Diesel Engine
Company. It is heavily annotated, and exhibits extensive research
in Germany, England, France, and Italy. There are hundreds of
pictures and diagrams. It is worth every nickle of its $19
To close, let me say that I do not sell the book, do not know
the author, and have never met him although I would consider it a
privilege to do so. I simply want to tell all of you what a superb
book it is.
Information needed by ROBERT HAMILTON, R.R. 3, Paris, Ontario,
Canada N3L 3E3; ‘I have enjoyed reading and re-reading your
magazine. I look forward to it every issue. It is a good magazine
and I like it very much. I have an engine here that I hope somebody
can help me with. Enclosed is a picture of my first antique engine
given to me by my uncle’s friend. I have been working on
engines and tractors before this. This engine is made by ‘THE
HP. This engine stands about 17′ high. Some features of this
engine are dip stick, tank under engine and headless. I am glad
that the serial number was still there etc. There are quite a few
parts missing from the engine. I think it was a hit and miss, at
one time. The owner had a car distributor hooked up for ignition
and also lawnmower wheels to serve as flywheels at one time too. I
am going to write to a couple of companies about it, (that’s
the engine). The engine was mostly used on a pump-jack. It
hasn’t been running for some time and has sat inside most of
the time. The piston is seized, but I have most of the nuts and
bolts loose. I would like to correspond with somebody who has an
engine like this or has had one at one time. I would like to know
the years it was made, color (black?) and the above mentioned. I
haven’t seen one like it in your magazine. Any information
would be appreciated. ALL letters will be answered shortly after
arrival. I really like your magazine. Thank you.’
LAWRENCE G. HANNAH, 903-14th Street, New Westminster B.C.,
Canada V3M 4P8 wants you to read his letter: ‘I have been
trying unsuccessfully for some time now to purchase a Witte light
plant. I know they exist somewhere, but where? that’s the
I have finally located a Witte Model AD-3KW but it needs parts.
Apparently these models are only about 25 years old, but parts seem
to be no longer available. From the information I have been able to
uncover, it seems R. A. Lister has bought out the Witte facility
and I presume they are winding things down.
I am becoming somewhat desperate and would appreciate hearing
from anyone with information to the contrary, or who knows of a
dealer or individual who may have spare parts, new or
LLOYD LINDERSON, 290793rd Avenue, S.W., Olympia, Washington
98502 tells us: ‘In the Sept.-Oct. issue of G.E.M. 1975, you
published an article of my finding two old gasoline engines on a
scrap pile covered with blackberry vines. I made a promise in the
article that I would restore the engines. I have received so many
letters of inquiry about the 4 HP Bull Dog that I decided to
restore it first. Many parts were broken and some missing.
I am very proud of the engine now as it runs very well. Am
sending a snapshot to show what the engine looks like now since I
have it all restored.
A plea comes from TOM ENDERSON, R. R. 1, Jim Falls, Wisconsin
54748: ‘Well, another two months has rolled by and I just
received my latest copy of G.E.M. and I can tell you that until I
have gone through the issue at least once, nothing else is done
around here.
Enclosed is a picture of an engine I have that I can’t
identify. The engine is a hit and miss with a 4′ bore and
6′ stroke and 22′ x 2?’ flywheels. The engine has
I.H.C. marks on the parts and an X before the casting numbers. The
engine is an International, but what model? The cylinder bolts on
like an Associated and has a back gear magneto. Could somebody
please tell me what I have?’
That about winds it up for this time-now you all enjoy the rest
of the ‘engine season’ and don’t forget to start
thinking about next year’s show dates and get them in as soon
as possible-that way we can get the next Directory out in plenty of
time. Love ya!