Greetings to all our G.E.M. Family and I do hope you are having
a wonderful time as you make the stops at all the shows you can
possibly attend. I hope your travels will give you inspiration for
stories for our magazine – write and tell us about them, even the
little tiny incidents you think may not be worthwhile -this is what
all our lives are made of -and we are interested!
This has been quite a year for us as there are many changes
across the board in our lives – our 22 year old Donny has set-up
housekeeping in an apartment of his own which is much closer to his
work and he is only about four miles away from us -funny how much
you miss them though, but we’re happy for him and he is quite
responsible for taking care of himself.
Then July 10th, our 19 year old Keli Anne became the wife of
Michael Gaffney in a beautiful ceremony in the Lady of Lourdes
Catholic Church. Her sister, Dana, was her matron of honor and she
had two bridesmaids in the bridal party. Of course, there was a
best man, and two ushers – her brother Donny was one of the ushers
and our young Tommy handed out the rice bags which made him quite
proud to be a part of the wedding activities.
You don’t know our Keli, but she is a beautiful girl with
long blonde hair down to her waist, 6 feet tall and elegant
posture. She loves daisies and her gown was white with daisies
imprinted on the material; the other girls gowns were the same
material of daisies with yellow background. They all wore the
floppy hats and carried, you guessed it, daisies; a wedding of
beauty and simplicity. The groom wore a black and white tuxedo and
the other male members of the wedding party wore tuxedos of yellow
and black, which was quite striking in effect.
The NEW Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gaffney were radiant as they came
down the aisle, out the doors and into their future together – did
I cry? No, I don’t cry at weddings, if I did it would be for
JOY. Sure – we have growing pains as they leave and we must go on
to more maturity in our lives – it isn’t easy for parents when
a child leaves home, but I wouldn’t want it any other way.
We’re very happy for them and we always like to think we’re
receiving another member into our family, not losing one.
A reception was held at a nearby restaurant with a beautiful and
delicious luncheon. And the traditional ceremony was held of
throwing the garter, and the bouquet, midst the oohs and aahs of
friends and relatives. And dancing -they had lots of music and
dancing – it was wonderful – and as our oldest son and family came
down from Stroudsburg, our family was together for a time of
festivity and happiness. It’s pretty hard to have the whole
Branyan Bunch together anymore and to me this was happiness
Oh, the wedding did not go without flaws – do they ever??
Rehearsal was complete chaos, then later that evening the one
usher’s wife had her baby early which created some excitement
and he, of course, was in the wedding but had to leave shortly
after the ceremony to visit wife and new son. Dana’s zipper on
the back of her dress opened just as we were going into the
reception (one of these self-healing zippers? JOKE! – we got the
one that would not self-heal or heal with help and we couldn’t
get the dress off, or get the zipper up) – SOO those little gold
safety pins marched right up the back of her dress and she enjoyed
herself anyway. At least, it didn’t happen for the wedding
ceremony Praise The Lord! All in all, its a day we’ll long
remember as one of the happiest occasions in the Branyan
And onto letters and information from the readers. JOHN
DAVIDSON, Box 4, Bristol, Wisconsin 53104 has made a roster of
Field Brundage engines and will send a copy to anyone Free, for
stamped self addressed envelope. Anyone having Field and has not
written before, please send your HP size, serial number and type of
BEARNARD LEAHY, 1208 Michigan Avenue, St. Louis, Michigan 48880
conveys a message and a problem: ‘I’ve been a subscriber to
G.E.M. almost from the first issue. My continued support certainly
indicated my approval of this magazine.
My interest runs basically to tractors of 1935 and before, of
which I have several. The makes are quite varied, but of late I
seem to be specializing in Hubers, which is the reason for this
letter. I have a Huber Super Four, 18-36, purchased new in November
of 1925, which is giving me fits. There must be someone out there
who has the answer to my problem. Everything is original from the
Midwest motor to the Eisemann magneto. The compression and spark
are good. Everything seems to be first rate, but I cannot get the
engine to run smoothly, unless under a fairly heavy load. My guess
is the wrong spark plugs. I am using AC #C77L plugs with a ?’
extension base. I feel the extension should be longer because the
plug holes are quite deep. If this is the problem where can I get
longer ones? If not, what have I missed? I’m at my wits end and
have exhausted the list of suggestions offered by a former Huber
Here’s a humorous bit, but serious, from RALPH OLMSTED, 120
Guadalajara, New Iberia, Louisiana 70560: ‘Dear Abby, or is it
Anna Mae: I’ve worn out all the grass going to my mail box
every day looking for my July-August Gas Engine Magazine. It seems
like three months since I got one. What really worries me is that
the new automatic postal shredders may have eaten it and you will
run out before I get one.
Truly, this is the highlight of a two month period for me. Seems
like I missed the engine shows that I wanted to see this year, but
still have hopes to make at least one and have a couple more old
engines that I am trying to get. Am just completing a 1? HP Novo,
but have about 18 more to work on. Sign me-Worried in
(Dear Worried – Thanks for your interest, your magazine is on
the way – I think the magazine passed the shredders and was caught
by the grabbers – and they became interested and couldn’t let
it go -thanks for sharing your enthusiasm for the magazine with
Here’s a note on a new organization, sent to us by JOHN H.
MOLAMPHY: I would like to tell you about a new Antique Engine Club
known as Western Antique Power Associates. We celebrated our first
birthday on July 4, 1976.
We have 48 active members, and have 6 shows behind us, with
meetings at least once a month, just so we know what is going on in
our hobby. We have approximately 200 engines, plus many pieces of
related equipment.
Our President is William Brinkley, 32 E. Manor Street, Altadena,
California 91001. Vice President is Palmer Bochow, 1260 Medford
Road, Pasadena, California 91107. Membership Chairman is John H.
Molamphy, 310 E. 60th Street, Long Beach, California 90805.
(Good Luck to you folks and may you have continued success as
you grow in numbers and enjoyment of your hobby.)
CLIFFORD MURDOCH, 11 First Street, Indianhead, Maryland 20640
has inherited an old gasoline engine and he admits he knows
absolutely nothing about it or where to begin to look for
information. It just so happened our address was with the engine
and so he is seeking help from our readers. It is a Chore Boy and
is 1 HP and weighs about 150 to 200 pounds. Anything you can tell
him will be deeply appreciated.
Pictured are my trailers and engines ready to take in the Gas
and Steam Shows this summer. The trailer on left is equipped with
12 engines, restored and painted. A few special engines are 4 HP
Cushman, 1? HP Olds 1908, 1? HP Washington and 1 HP Moguel, all in
running condition. On the trailer at the right side is an 8 HP
Associated, in mint condition.
Many folks are writing books today and not to be outdone in the
gas engine hobby field, ALEX MCDONALD, 20 Parkhurst Street,
Lebanon, New Hampshire 03766 writes this letter to the gas fans:
‘I have been reading G.E.M. for only one year, but I do enjoy
it very much -so much in fact that I have decided to write a book
with lots and lots of pictures of IHC gas engines. The project is
well underway and by the time you read this, I will have completed
all my research and will be looking for photographs of restored IHC
If any fellow readers would be interested in having their IHC
engine featured in the book, they should write to me for details as
to what kind of photos and other data they should forward to
Hopefully, my book will be a great aid to IHC collectors in
areas such as: correct colors of engines, parts and accessories for
various engines, serial numbers, lists to date engines, etc. I feel
that specialized books are a long time overdue in this hobby as an
aid to correct restoration work, and to help the collector in
knowing what to look for to aid him in this work.
If this book ‘makes it’, I have some ideas for future
books about gas engines, repairs, operating and so on. You know
that many of us youngsters never saw the heyday of the one lungers
and it is becoming a lost art. Many old books were destroyed and
the knowledge that they contained is lost forever. It is a shame
that there are no books available and it is for this reason that I
am starting on this very ambitious task.
Any help that the readers can give me as far as pictures of
their restored IHC engines will be greatly appreciated.’ (As
you all know we have some books relative to the gas engine hobby,
but I’m sure Alex means there are so few, in helping people in
specific areas with particular engines).
CHRISTOPHER BOOKER, Star Route, Box 7, Macks Creek, Missouri
65786 dropped us a note when sending in for his magazine renewal.
He tells us he has accumulated seven engines in one year. They
include a Sattley, John Deere, Fairbanks Morse, Cushman Cub, Hired
Man, McCormick-Deering and a Monitor. Good luck Chris with your gas
engine hobby.
JOHN T. BRUNTON, Box 625, Jackson, Ohio 45640 says: ‘I enjoy
reading G.E.M. and have gotten hooked on collecting Maytags. I have
noticed many questions asked about Maytags and have decided to
collect all information possible and either write a story or print
a booklet for those interested. If you own a Maytag, please send
all information to John. He has an ad of Notice to Maytag owners
under the Want Ad Section in the back of the magazine.’
From an enthusiastic newcomer to the Gas Engine Magazine Family
comes this letter full of interest for the hobby and loaded with
pleas for help on many of his engines. Our new member’s name is
OLIVER SEELER, Box 12, Albion, California 95410.
Until very recently I thought I was the only one around with a
passion for early stationary engines; there is very little interest
here in coastal Northern California. Little did I know how many
fine folks are preserving the old puffers ‘back east!’ Two
days ago a friend popped up with the last three years of G.E.M. I
have barely slept since for reading them; fantastic!
My first engine, which I got about a year and a half ago from a
local ‘Old-Timer’ was a 1? HP Hercules. After restoring it
(except for paint colors, which I still don’t know) I was
hooked. I have scoured my area, and with a lot of work and luck now
have some 20 engines in various conditions, a tractor, two drag
saws (in the East these seem to be called log saws), and a water
pump. (See list below). Almost all of these came from former users,
rather than from collectors of dealers, which is the only reason
I’ve been able to afford them.
I am now in the midst of restoring a number of my engines
simultaneously. My objective is to build a collection demonstrating
various types of engines-vertical single cyl., horizontal single
and twin, two-cycle, four-cycle, inverted single, etc. Eventually I
plan to keep the best example of each type in my permanent
collection, and see to it that my ‘surplus’ engines fall
into serious hands.
Below is a list of my machines, with notes concerning
information I need. I will greatly appreciate any help given, and
will of course answer all letters. I will also be more than happy
to give any information I can. I have some literature which may
contain helpful information, including a book called ‘Gas,
Gasoline and Oil Vapor Engines’ by Hiscox, 1904, (12th Ed.) 405
pages. My machines:
Hercules, 1? HP, horizontal s.n. 35955 NEED: colors, date.
(2) F.M. ‘Z’, 3 HP NEED: colors. F.M.’Z’, 3 HP
NEED: colors. Edwards (Springfield, Ohio), horiz. parallel twin,
3′ bore x 5′
stroke. NEED: HP, method of starting, colors (light blue?),
date. Witte, 4′ bore x 5′ stroke, headless (valves in chest
on side),
s.n. 46648. NEED: date, colors, HP.
Witte, 2 HP, s.n. B 15429. NEED: date, colors.
Fairmont, water cooled (radiator two cycle.
Aeromotor, 8 cycle. NEED: Model I.D. information.
(2) Cushman ‘Cub’, one 2 HP, the other 3.
Maytag, horiz. single, model 92,19 plus inch base. NEED:
(2) Maytag, opposed twin. NEED: color.
F.M., upright, Diesel, single cyl., single solid flywhl.
(14?’), stands 28′ high. NEED: Model I.D., HP, date,
F.M. ‘Eclipse’, small, upright single, intake valve in
carb., single flywhl. NEED: Model I.D., date, colors, ignition
system info. Monitor, (Baker Manufacturing Co.) Upright pump-jack
engine, l? HP, s.n. 34350. NEED: Info on bottom-end lubrication,
color, date.
Delco 12 V. light set. ‘Blue Streak’ drag saw,
Associated engine. ‘Blue Streak’ drag saw, Eureka
Case Model R.C. tractor, on rubber, s.n. R.C. 302929, NEED:
Myers 3′ x 4′ double-acting water pump, 20′ pulley
wheel, patent date 1921. NEED: Operating r.p.m., output, color.
As you see, I have my work cut out for me. As I said, I will be
glad to provide any information I can; in the
meantime I need help in restoring these fine old machines to
their rightful condition. Keep up the excellent work at G.E.M., and
you all.
It thrills me to see so many people getting interested in
compiling history facts, or writing books or researching the gas
engine field. Here are the endeavors of another man, DAN PARKS, 325
Ash Apt. 10, Carlisle, Iowa 50047. Perhaps you can assist him in
his labors?
‘I am currently working on quite an extensive history of the
Fate-Root-Heath Co. As you may remember, they were the
manufacturers of the Plymouth and Silver King tractors. This
history is to be in book form and will be printed sometime this
fall. What I am looking for at this time is any literature which
may be borrowed or purchased. I would also like to make a directory
of these tractors by serial number and would also like pictures of
these tractors still in use. We have access to serial number and
would be more than happy to pass this information along.
We would also like to obtain the names and addresses of former
Silver King dealers.
Does anyone know anything about the Mountain State Fabricating
Co. which purchased the Silver King Tractor?
Any information we can obtain will be of help. Please help in
this endeavor and more histories will follow. We would like to list
as many existing serial numbers as possible. I would also be most
happy to correspond with anyone in regard to the Silver King.
Enclosed is a picture that was recently published in my local
paper, The Sandusky Register, Sandusky, Ohio. One thing puzzles me
regarding the picture, the belt doesn’t appear to be crossed,
therefore, the flopping.
We thank James R. Brown, Managing Editor of The Sandusky
Register for permission to reprint above picture and
Have a letter here from an Australian neighbor. I think
his name is GREG TORONTO, ‘Tarmoore’, 3 Central Avenue,
Tyabb 3943, Australia: ‘I am a market gardener by trade, but am
a very strong enthusiast of old machinery, in particular, oil and
diesel motors and tractors. I have fifty-five old engines and
approximately twenty-six tractors as yet – if ever – not all
restored. I am also a member of the Melbourne Steam Traction Engine
Club Ltd. of Australia.
I have in my possession, an American Foos Junior Engine of 8 HP,
No. 32008. In Australia it is a rare machine, as the importers of
these machines closed shop in approximately 1898, and so there are
no records or information available. When I received this engine,
it was dismantled and not quite complete. I would appreciate
extremely if you could assist in the supply of information, loan of
pictures, color of original paint, etc. — your help is what
I’m hoping for in a worthy cause and great hobby.’
Coming up is a letter from WOODFORD TERRY (isn’t that an
unusual and beautiful name?) of 111 Wiltshire Drive, Oak Ridge,
Tennessee 37830:
‘I have been receiving the Gas Engine Magazine for a year
and always look forward to each issue. Sometime ago, I had a
question in the ‘Smoke Rings’ for information. The response
was great — coming from our west coast to England. Some half dozen
of the letters were misplaced and were not answered. If your letter
was not answered, let me take this opportunity to say ‘thanks
to a bunch of great guys.’
A piece of antique furniture can be damaged by ‘over
refinishing’; perhaps this is true of our old engines.
I would like to see an article describing the methods and
materials used in cleaning and refinishing old engines after the
mechanical work is complete. Possibly this should be divided into
three groups of engines: (a) Dirty, greasy, with fair paint
showing, (b) dirty, greasy with some paint, but many scratches and
rust spots and (c) heavy rust with little, or no paint. (How about
it fellows, any volunteers to write the articles?)
I need the information to restoring the following machines:
1. F.M. ‘Z’ 3 HP – has been repainted green, but
is beginning to chip around the head and water reservoir.
2. Olds – No. 2, Type ‘A’, 3 HP with fair original
paint; showing the word ‘Olds’ on the reservoir.
An S.O.S. comes from DAVE KREITLER, 506 Nevada, Libby, Montana
59923 as he writes: ‘HELP! And I do mean Help! I recently
acquired an old tractor made by the Gile Tractor and Engine Company
of Ludington, Michigan, Serial number 5038. Now, I’ve been
around farming most of my life, but never heard of this one. It was
driven by the five foot high front wheels and steered by one offset
rear wheel by a 2 cyl. opposed engine. Tractor was completely
dismantled by the owner in 1953 in the woods. He wanted the front
wheels and axle to make a dump wagon. Cattle roamed the woods and
tramped many of the smaller parts into the ground. We are slowly,
but surely seeking them out with a metal detector which has already
payed for itself a few times over – as far as we are concerned,
that is!
No doubt, some of the Smoke Ring readers have heard of the Gile
and would be willing to supply information as to years built,
original color, how many built, etc. and forward information to me.
Anything at all will be greatly appreciated.
Being a new subscriber, let me say I think G.E.M. is tops! Keep
up the good work and thanks!
Caterpillar 777 Dump Truck, 85 tons, at the Conexpo ’75,
February 1975. Chicago, Illinois truck price tag is
(Now Dave, I can tell you this – in the last issue of G.E.M.
July-August, page 12, there is a letter from Ellsworth Weiland
about a Gile light plant. He is comparing it with a Stearns. There
was supposed to be a picture of the Gile light plant, along with
the Stearns, but somehow it was missed, so I’ll put it in right
here, but I’m not sure if this is the same thing you are
speaking about, but it is a Gile.)
WAYNE FALAN, 619 Paw Paw Street, Paw Paw, Michigan 49079
recently acquired a Famous vertical engine (IHC) which is a 2 HP,
S/N KA 27251 E. He says, ‘I have a problem as I have no
material concerning this engine. Another engine enthusiast directed
me to you people for help since he had a problem several years ago
and was helped and he therefore encouraged me to the same source. I
would appreciate any information, guides or instructions for this
I do subscribe to the great magazine G.E.M. and find it to be
actually the bible for those interested in restoring engines.’
(How about some help guys?)
Would you be kind enough to put a few lines in your Smoke Rings
column for me?’ asks PHIL HOCHSTETLER, 204 W. Reed Street,
Nappanee, Indiana 46550. (Sure ’nuff Phil.)
‘I have an 8 HP Hivid engine, and would like to have some
history on the company that built them. In comparing the Thermoil,
I would believe the Hivid and Thermoil were built by the same
company. One gentleman related these engines had problems due to
the nigh compression, broken crankshafts, bearing trouble, and
occasionally, the cylinder casting would shear off from the engine
base. Many of the engines were replaced by gas engines at the
company’s expense. Who says-Recalls are new?’
RICHARD W. DYE, R. R. 2, St. Marys, West Virginia 26170 would
like to know the color of a 2 HP Jaeger engine, size No. 3? E, made
in Columbus, Ohio. It looks exactly like an Economy of the same
horsepower. He thinks they were both made by Hercules. (Any agree
or disagree?)
JOHN PEKAREK, Route 4, Box 195, Marshfield, Missouri 65706 tells
us about his unknown engine.
‘I enjoy both magazines very much and thought maybe some of
the other readers would enjoy seeing a picture of my
‘unknown’ engine, in your Smoke Rings column.
Actually it’s just part of an engine, the cylinder, valves,
piston and rod. I bought it at a farm sale about a year ago and no
one around here seems to know what kind of engine this was.
As you can see in the picture it apparently was air
cooled, it has no water jacket, however, it is not finned either.
The cylinder laid down since it has a hole for a drip oiler near
the outer end. The valves are both in cages screwed into the
cylinder. The intake valve is on top and the exhaust and spark plug
are on the end.
The rod is connected to a crank arm that was keyed to a shaft.
The piston is 3?’ in diameter and has a 5?’ stroke. There
is no name on it, only a casting number on top of the cylinder.
I would certainly appreciate hearing from anyone who can
identify this engine and maybe tell us what the rest of it looked
STETSON C. CARTER, Hulls Cove, Maine 04644 tells us: ‘have
received four issues of Gas Engine Magazine and every article is
great, with lots of information.
However, I have an engine which I believe to be a
Fairbanks-Morse Model Z. There is no nameplate on it except a bit
F-M is cast inside the water hopper. I believe it to be a 10 HP.
Cast into the main bearing caps is the part number ZEA12. Could
someone explain to me the size numbers for Fairbanks Morse as I
think 1? HP is ZA, 3 HP is ZB and 6 HP ZC?? Where can information
be obtained for F-M engines larger than 6 HP?’
LOREN E. LIPPOLDT, Route 1, Box 58, Kinsley, Kansas 67547 has a
lot of information on a picture in the last issue:
In regards to the ‘WHAT IS IT’ in the July-August 1976
G.E.M., page 26. I have the brochure for that engine right here
before me. I don’t know what year it was made but the brochure
shows a woman with a long skirt and high button shoes cranking
‘Little Pet’ Engine for Gas or Gasoline. One size only.
One half horsepower. Air cooled. Bail-Bearing.
Manufactured FOR: Watkins Mfg. Company, 245 South Wichita
Street, Wichita, Kansas.
Price of engine complete, except battery…..$44.00. Special 6v
Waterproof battery…..$3.00.
Specifications: The ‘Little Pet’ engine has a bore and
stroke of two inches, developing ? horsepower at 1200 RPM.
It is air cooled, the flywheel blower directing a strong blast
of air directly against and around the enclosed cylinder. The
cylinder being inverted, gives ease in starting and positive
lubrication. Overheating is absolutely impossible.
The governor is of the ‘hit and miss’ type and sensitive
enough for direct electric lighting. Speed changes easily made
while engine is running.
Engines equipped with combination starter and countershaft.
Countershaft is driven at 1:3 crank shaft speed by silent helical
cut gears encased in a housing. Pulleys attached or detached in 10
Crank shaft and crank pin are fitted with high grade annular
ball bearings. Crank pin bearing easily adjustable. Connecting rod
of heat rated chrome alloy steel.
Overall dimension of engine, 16′ x 14′ x 13?’. Net
weight, 62 lbs. Shipping weight 90 lbs.
WORKING PARTS: By simply removing two screws and two cap bolts
the working parts of the ‘Little Pet’ are exposed for
inspection. There is, therefore, no excuse for neglecting the same
periodical attention that would be given any other piece of
CARE AND OPERATION: Anyone can operate the ‘Little Pet’.
It is almost as simple as an electric motor. Six ounces of oil
mixed with a gallon of gasoline will run it continuously for twelve
hours at full load. A set of batteries kept dry and clean should
last from one to two years.
The lubricating oil being mixed with the gasoline is by action
of the engine drawn through its various parts, lubricating them
thoroughly. A positive action that never fails.
I have been a subscriber of Iron-Men Album and Gas Engine
Magazines for approximately three years and have enjoyed them very
During this time, I have never seen a Gray Tractor or any
articles about them.
This is my Gray tractor I restored. The serial number is 7949
and the date is 1919. I own and have restored fourteen tractors but
the Gray is my favorite. I would enjoy hearing from anyone who owns
That’s yours truly at the controls and my two grandchildren
standing by the tractor – Brent and Kent Wedekind.
Picture of a device made to fit a Model T Ford car, so it could
be used for pulling sulky plow or other farm machinery. On the hub
cap it reads (PULL-FORD). Does anyone have one and who made it?
Would like some information on it. I recently bought it up at Cozy
Corners, Wisconsin.
The carburetor is simple, yet wonderfully efficient. A primer
injects gasoline directly to the spark plug, a valuable feature
when starting in cold weather. Once set, the carburetor needs
little adjusting, unless a different grade fuel is used.
The ‘Little Pet’ can be set permanently in place or
mounted on a skid and readily moved from place to place. Flexible
metal exhaust tubing is recommended for indoor use. Engines run
quietly with little vibration.
Use nothing but a GOOD MOTORCYCLE OIL and in proper quantity.
Keep gasoline and oil free from dirt or other foreign matter. Keep
engine clean and dry.
Instructions are furnished with each engine. If they are
carefully followed, we take all of the risk. Our guarantee
absolutely protects the purchaser from everything but his own gross
neglect and abuse.
There is some more printed matter in the brochure and some
I have 25 gas engines, now.
I am having a Gas Engine Show at the local County Fair August
18. I’m inviting all of my friends and neighbors with gas
engines. If we put on a good enough show, they will make it a
regular part of the Fair starting with next year.
I have had pictures of some of my engines and my John Deere
automobile in your magazine before.
If we have any kind of an engine show at all, I’ll try to
send you some pictures of it.
Happy Engine Hunting,
LINDSEY P. GILLIS, R. D. #1, Scenery Hill, Pennsylvania 15360
sends this most welcome writing:
Please be advised that I am a new subscriber to your magazine
and I certainly enjoy every page. My sons and I have about 8
engines and I recently purchased a rather large gas engine at a
public sale. I am interested in hearing from anyone if they have
ever heard of a Struthers’ Wells & Co. Engine. It is a hot
tube engine that runs on natural gas.
This is our grill! We cleaned and painted the old engine and put
in a gas burner and added a piece of mesh on top and made a very
unusual gas and charcoal grill. We have had a lot of interesting
comments on this and thought others might like to see what we have
done. This not only makes a very useful object, but it also
attracts a lot of attention and is very decorative in our yard.
There are no plates or identification numbers on the engine
other than the name cast into the block. The cylinder is 5′
bore with 8′ stroke.
Would appreciate any information on this engine and if anyone
else has one.
EARL NOTT, R. R. 4, Clinton, Ontario, Canada is seeking
information on the Sawyer-Massey 25-50 gas tractor built at
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada between 1910 or 1920 or in the early
1920’s. Also the 22-45 Eagle tractor built at Appleton,
Wisconsin in the 1920’s. Now, I’m asking you gas guys if we
have had these in our magazines lately. I know they sound familiar,
but I have no way of knowing just where they would be – if you
know, write me, or Earl and maybe we could get a magazine to
‘Help! I need help! I am a new subscriber to G.E.M. I enjoy
your magazine very much and have gotten lots of information from
it. I need to find out from someone about I.H.C. tractors from 1920
to 1936 as to different models and years and correct decals for him
and how to identify them.’ (This plea comes from JAMES BROWN,
White Oak Fork Road, Birch River, Wisconsin 26610. And I’m sure
he is anxiously waiting for your letters).
GLENN KARCH, R. R. 2, Haubstadt, Indiana 47639 tells us:
‘Our family has been receiving G.E.M. for almost four years now
and during that time there has been only one slight reference to an
Auto Sparker. We recently acquired one and most of another one. As
I understand it, they were used in place of batteries and generated
current for a make and break ignition system. We’d like to hear
from anyone who has information to share on the Auto Sparker.’
(And so would we – how about an article? I’ll be looking for a
story on it to put in G.E.M.).
Another letter on the pulleys problem comes from RALPH
DONALDSON, 10275 Case Road, Brooklyn, Michigan 49230: ‘I was
interested in the discussion of flat belt pulleys by Samuel Nixon
in the Jan.-Feb. G.E.M. and by Alvin Sanda in the May-June issue. I
found a drawing in an engineering drawing textbook written by
Thomas French which gives the design dimensions of flat belt crown
pulleys. As he shows it, the face had a spherical radius which is
difficult for an amateur machinist, such as myself, to make. I have
found that by setting the lathe compound at an angle computed as
shown in my sketch, and taking straight cuts from each side to
center, you can make a pulley that will work O.K. I hope that
someone will find this helpful.
R.N. MCCRAY, 2000 Virginia Heights Drive, Bluefield, West
Virginia 24701 was very happy about receiving help from readers and
has written a letter with the men’s names who answered him. I
do not advise doing this as we could get into quite a lot of
addresses, etc. in each column. However, due to the way his letter
is composed, I will mention them, but he had their complete
addresses which I am not using. He begins with: ‘GENTLEMEN!
Prince Stevens of Gardner, Maine; Glenn E. Murphy of Kenmore, N.Y.;
Dennis Sattler of Clayton, California; Curtis W. Kiser of
Harrisonburg, Virginia; Ray Scholl, Sugar Grove, North Carolina;
William Forman, Troy,
New York and Jim Harrington, No. Adams, Massachusetts. (It is
interesting to see the areas from which the answers came – I’m
happy so many people are satisfied with their contacts through this
column). Now onto the letter:
Thank you all for your interest and help in identifying and
helping me locate a magneto for my Little Jumbo, 1? HP, 500 RPM gas
engine. Each of you has taken the time, effort and expense to call
or write to me with what information you had to answer my request
that Mrs. Branyan ran in the March-April, 1976 issue of Gas Engine
Magazine under the title ‘Folksy Letter.’
Prince Stevens was first and he called me from his home in
Gardner, Maine — which must be at least 1000 miles from Bluefield.
The rest of you wrote me letters and I’m grateful for all the
replies. Three of you agree that the magneto should be a Remy Bros.
High Tension and I’m sure that is what Curtis Kiser had in mind
when he called it a Renco Bros. And Ray Scholl sent me a picture of
this mag mounted on a D. T. Bohon engine in answer to the ad in the
May-June issue of G.E.M.
Anyway, combining all the information from your letters, it
worked out to be a REMY BROS. HIGH TENSION MAGNETO, TYPE WB, made
in Anderson, Indiana and/or by Hercules Mfg. Co. at Indianapolis,
Indiana. Later the company was bought out by General Motors and
combined with their Delco division to become what we now know as
Now comes the best part – at least for me. Jim Harrington had an
extra magneto and bracket that needs some work on it, and he is
willing to sell it at a very reasonable price – so I’ve sent
for it. I have access to winding and machine shop facilities so it
looks like I’ll get the Little Jumbo back in complete, original
condition some day – thanks to you all.
My grateful thanks to each of you for your help and I hope our
paths will cross so I can thank you in person. When you come
Bluefield, please give me a call and I’ll show you around
‘NATURE’S AIR CONDITIONED CITY’ where free lemonade is
served on the streets when the temperature goes over 90°.
DAVID HERBST, Box 67, Esparto, California 95627 wants the
readers to know: ‘I need information on two engines. The first
is a 20 HP Falk engine, No. 27, 360 RPM, made in Milwaukee. The
second is a 7 HP ‘lightweight’ Thermoil, built under
license from R. N. Hivid by Hercules and its engine number is 74. I
probably could ask some questions about my other 80 engines, but
since I’m 22, I guess there will be time for that.’ (80
engines at 22 – my, I wonder what a collection he will have as
years go marching on – sounds like he is really enthusiastic).
#2, Lancaster, Kentucky 40444. Phone 606-548-4291 wants to hear
from some of the readers: ‘I am restoring a shingle mill (J.R.
Halls Patent June 28, 1858, October 29, 1872 – made by Buckeye
Engine Company, Salem, Ohio, licensed by Evarts). I would like to
know the original color, or where I could find information. Also
need some data on a Columbia Marine engine. I’ve been taking
G.E.M. for years and enjoy it very much.’
ROGER DOLIFF, JR., 2680 Pheasant Road, Excelsior, Minnesota
55331 needs some aid: Please help on my Monitor Upright model VJ
serial #14635 – 1? HP. I bought this beautiful engine at an auction
and am chomping at the bit to start it but am worried about the
Can anyone tell me if this model is supposed to have lubrication
other than that from crank case splash. If not, at what level is
the oil supposed to be carried?
Two or three local old-timers that I have called, though they
weren’t sure, felt this engine should have a drip oiler up
higher to lubricate the cylinder walls which would certainly
seem logical to me. But, very close examination just doesn’t
show where one would have ever been. Can anyone help me with this
question? If one of you knows and would drop me a card with your
telephone number, I’d be happy to call.
HARRIS L. RAFTERY, Route 3, Pittsfield, Illinois 62363 writes
us: ‘I started to receive your magazine in the fall of 1974. It
is one of the best sources of varied information on the restoration
of gas engines that is printed. I have about 9 engines that are in
the process of restoration now, but there is one that my uncle had
that is in need of a lot of help. It is an old style 6 HP Economy,
about 1915 and has an extra long crankshaft on the left side and a
real square cornered water hopper, with a detachable cast iron brim
that fits on the inside edge of the hopper. Any help will be
appreciated. (See Want Ad for parts wanted).
H. L. RITTER, Route 5, Box 127, Fulton, New York 13069 wishes to
chat with fellow gas engine seekers as he pens this missal: ‘I
wonder if somebody can or will help me. In July we went to Charley
Hitchcocks, over at Levanna, New York. Boy, some layout! Amusement
park fashion with a large pond or small lake – smack dab in the
middle, surrounded by trees where the show was held. It was my
first time there as I am fairly new at collecting and working on
engines (about two years). I am beginning to learn a little about
them, by trial and error.
On the way back, we circled around by another route. We stopped
at a place where I worked as a young man. This is forty years ago.
We had three engines, two for pumping water and one for
The farm has changed owners since I worked there. Two engines
had long since been removed from the farm, but out in the pasture
by the old spring house was the old Fuller and Johnson. It lay half
turned in the mud (see picture). It was retrieved Pronto!
When I used to run, or start and stop it for the purpose of
watering our livestock, there was always something about this
engine that sort of intrigued me. To me an engine was an engine,
but this one was different. I have tried to remember at times
since, what was so different. But as soon as we could see the
flywheel, I knew what it was. It ran left-handed or backwards.
I haven’t gotten into it yet. But can anyone help? I believe
it was magneto igniter, if so, what make? This one is missing
bracket, broken off. Also, is it possible or practical to weld the
crankshaft? The engine, naturally, is stuck but I may be able to
break it loose. Any information about this engine is
MAX HOLT, 13 Nicholas Street, Lilydale 3140, Victoria, Australia
writes us from across the waters. Welcome to the gang, Max!
‘Hoping that this letter finds you all well, I have read some
of the earlier copies of G.E.M. through a friend of mine who
subscribes, so I decided to do the same.
I’ve built up my collection of engines over the past eight
years and have acquired some American makes. They are: Sandwich
Cub, 6 HP Associated, 1? United, a Fuller & Johnson K Model 5
HP and an air-cooled farm pump engine, 3 HP International Model M
and 4 HP Famous hopper-cooled engine.
I would like to correspond with other enthusiasts who have
engines and anyone who can supply me with information regarding
history of the aforementioned engine companies and original color
schemes for any of my engines, especially the 6 HP Associated S.N.
605265 and 4 HP International S.N. SC4285.
Keep up the good work with G.E.M. I for one, am very impressed
with G.E.M.’s high quality and the wealth of information it
provides. I’m looking forward to receiving my copy and may
there be many, many more.’
HAROLD W. HAUGER, R.D. 2, Mt. Vernon, Ohio 43050 has some
pictures he wants you to see and then maybe you can help answer
some of his questions. ‘Would like to tell you first of all
that G.E.M. is the greatest! I started taking it about a year ago
and look forward to every issue.
The one picture is a 1? HP IHC gas engine I saw across in a
neighbor’s shed. It is a 1917 Model M. Everything on it was
froze, since it had never run since 1927. After a few months of
sweat and frustration, I finally cranked her one day and off she
started. It was really worth all the effort!
I’ll later have to replace magneto as this one is beyond
repair, but it runs good on a Hot Shot and Model T Ford coil.
Also, see pictures of an early garden tractor I recently bought
at an auction. Would like to hear from anyone who might be able to
tell me the make and approximate year. There is no name or number
that I can find. It ran originally, I believe, on
a magneto inside the flywheel housing, but now runs on a battery
and coil. Also a fan to cool the engine is belt driven from a
pulley on the crank end of the engine. I thought it might be as
early as 1915, but no one I’ve talked to seems to know the
Hey Fellas! Here comes a letter of help! WALTER ‘DOC’
SCHRAGE, 1219 Lawn Avenue, New Haven, Indiana 46774 wants me to
tell you: ‘To anyone who wants year for their IHC Famous,
Nonpariel Famous 1 to 50 HP Titan, 1 to 50 HP Mogul, Tom Thumb.
Also IHC McDeering gas engine 1?, 3, 6, 10 HP M, L 1? HP, LA, LB
l?, 2?, 3 and 5 HP. Send parts numbers, prefix letter and engine
Also any Maytag years. Also all Elgin 1900-1915. Send base
measurement, length and height and engine number for singles. TWIN,
specify Model 72D, specify type of magneto. 72D Wico, 72D-Eisemann,
72DA Eisemann plus engine number. Also years for John Deere 1?, 3,6
HP Model J, E, EK, EP or any E.’ (Sounds like he has gone to
alot of work to help you fellows identify the years of your engines
– thanks Doc).
GORDON HOWARD, 227 Lake Road, Andover, Connecticut 06232 has
some comments:
I’m on my first year of G.E.M. and enjoy it very much. Wish
I had known about it sooner as I’ve had my two engines for 17
years. They are an IH Mogul Type CZ, 2? HP and a B & S similar
to the one on page 11 of the March-April ’76 issue, but
probably older as it has automatic intake, gas tank in base and
rope start. Be glad to hear from anyone having information on
either. Have also joined the Granite State Gas & Steam Engine
Association as it seems to be the nearest group, but it’s a far
piece to go, so I’d be glad to hear from any other people in
Being a belting development engineer, I’d like to comment on
belts and pulleys as others did in that same issue.
Flat belts must have crowned or flanged pulleys to operate
successfully. Mahlon Sorensen is correct that the crown works to
the belt off to both sides and the belt will run in a position
on the pulleys where the tensions are equalized across it. If it
cannot find this place on the pulleys it will slip off them. Thus
pulley alignment should be as accurate as possible.
Normally belts have equal strength and elongation properties
across their entire widths, as they are made in rolls 60′ or
more in width and hundreds of feet long. It is then slit to width
and cut to length. A used belt might appear to bulge in the middle
but I’ve never seen this in testing new belt of 100 to 6500
lbs/inch width breaking strength.
A belt should be stretched slightly when installed so that it
contacts the pulleys across the entire belt width. Otherwise the
load will be carried only by the belt center. A thin belt will
conform better than an unnecessarily thick one, and allow for more
pulley misalignment. Pulleys should always have a circular crown,
i.e. a constant radius of curvature across the face. ‘V’
crowned pulleys which have a high center point with flat slopes to
the sides are bad news, as stresses are highly concentrated on the
Fairbanks ‘Bull Dog’ 12 HP, bore 7?’, flywheel
diameter 38′, weight 2100 lbs. A nice running engine, anybody
else have one?
Type of crown can be checked by eye or straight edge.
If you are using a belt with mechanical fasteners watch for
cracking immediately behind them and replace right away. Better to
be out the cost of new lacing than an arm or head.
I hope this is of interest and keep up the good work.
FRED WOHLFORT, Summit, South Dakota 57266 says: ‘I like
G.E.M. very much, but what I would like to see are more helpful
hints. Here is one I use for gas tanks:
ORVILLE MOETON, Route 1, Edison, Ohio 43320 relates: ‘I
bought a 1? HP International Model M gas engine with the magneto
missing and gasoline tank full of holes. I took a roller out of
Fordson timer and made timer and took igniter off and put a plate
to hold spark plug and used a Ford model coil, made box to hold the
coil and ran it off Dode 12 V battery. It did run good about fifty
years ago.’
A word of encouragement comes from BOB BATES, Parts Mgr., Witte
Engine Corporation, 555 East 56 Highway, Olathe, Kansas 66061 –
‘I thought I would take time and write you a note. There are no
words great enough to explain how much I enjoy the Gas Engine
Magazine. I wanted you and the staff to know how much the magazine
has helped me in helping other people. I get about twenty inquiries
a month from people that have old engines and they are not just
people that have old Witte engines. Keep up the good work!’
That’s about it for this time, so ’til next we meet
through this column -May God bless you and make you a Blessing!