Smoke Rings

By Staff
Published on September 1, 1975
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WHEW! I love summer, but I don’t think it loves me anymore
-the heat has me drained of energy, but I think when I look around
I’ll have a lot of company in the same boat with me.

I just got the word we’re to meet next Saturday at the
church to make chicken corn soup to freeze for the upcoming sale at
Earlene Ritzmans. 160 dozen ears of corn to husk and clean – now I
can really say WHEW!! A large crowd is expected and we’re
starting now to prepare the meals – can’t do it the day before,
you know! Hope to see many of you September 27!

HAROLD GADDYE, R.R. 2, Binbrook, Ontario, Canada LOR 1CO sends
us our first letter of this column as he says: ‘In reply to
Dale Wright of Hialeah, Florida about the  Smoke Rings and
where it was made. It was made in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. The
approximate time of the manufacture of engines would be from 1900
to 1930. They were made in sizes from 3/4 HP to 15 HP. Records of
the engines have not been kept by Gilson since the engine line had
been discontinued, so we have to use a little imagination as well
as talk to some of our elders to find out about the age of engines.
The Gilson plant still makes refrigerators and washing machines,
also other small articles. In their early days, they made a good
line of farm machinery, silos, stable equipment, drag saws – to
name a few.

The Gilson engines were never made in the vertical models, but
made a good durable horizontal engine from beginning to end.

In this area, the engines are fairly common, particularly in the
smaller sizes of up to 3 HP as they were used mainly for orchard
sprayers and pumping.

My collection of over 175 engines includes five Gilsons up to 10
HP. I also have two engines we call 1-1/2 HP as pictured in the
July-August magazine that are duplicate engines.

SANFORD GALE, Box 374, Dennisport, Massachusetts 02639 writes:
‘Myself and others in this area confess that we do not know
what an Oil Pull engine or tractor is that is often mentioned in
G.E.M. Would you have it explained in G.E.M. or have some readers
send some definitions?’ (I know they will get answers on that
one – and the first good article that comes in on this subject,
I’ll print).

GEORGE L. JACOBS, 708 North ‘F’ Street, Wolf Point,
Montana 59201 would like to see an article on the ‘Starting
Engines’ like what came off the I.H.C. large 45 HP and 30-60 HP
Titan tractors that were built back in 1910 to 1914 years-the big
2-cylinder kind, some were Model ‘T.J.’ – that’s the
letters T J. (I’m not sure if I understand what he is after
exactly but I know my ‘gas professors’ will – let’s
hear it from you).

ANDREW POE, 200 West Madison Street, Franklin, Indiana 46131
writes: ‘I have recently purchased a (1928?) BC Case and am
seeking information to restore it. The Case is equipped with a
Waukesha engine and an American Bosch magneto. The unusual thing
about it is the steering. It has a handle bar steering device which
someone has fabricated and I would like to have any help you could
give me about the original steering.’ (This is a new member to
the Gas Family, Boys – so let’s not let him down)!!

CLIFFORD R. HESS, R.R. Anthon, Iowa 51004 says: ‘I have been
receiving G.E.M. for less than two years and just don’t see how
I could get along without it. Here in Western Iowa, we don’t
get exposed to many of the engines from back East or from farther
West. Gas Engine Machine sort of lets me know what is going on in
the rest of the gas engine world.’ (Thanks Cliff, makes us feel
useful to hear such comments).

GORDON E. TRAXLER, R.F. D.2, Box 40, LeCenter, Minnesota 56057
is interested in finding out the prices on cast iron machinery
seats – he thinks there is a price catalog printed somewhere in
Kansas. Do any of you know about this booklet? If so, please write

PERCY MEPHAM, 31 Lurkins Rise, Goudhurst, N. Cranbrook, Kent,
England is restoring a 1-1/2 HP open crank PILTER engine NY 137106,
made in U.S.A. and is wondering if any reader may have any records
of these engines. (If you have the information Percy is seeking,
please let him hear from you.

ALVIN D. MEYER, 116 Somer-ton Avenue, Kenmore, New York 14217 is
seeking information on the early tractor called the Bates Steel
Mule. He says his father used one on a farm in Kansas sometime
about 1915 through 1925. Please write Al if you can give him some

ALBERT C. HIETT, Route 1, Box 1092, Delano, California 93215
writes: ‘I have been a subscriber for the last four years and I
think G.E.M. is the best. Last December, I ran into a problem and
it was printed in your magazine and I received 19 letters and the
problem was solved. Now I have another problem.

I am seeking information on an engine. On the nameplate is (4
H.P.—-Speed 350 Orr & Sem bower Inc., Trade O & S Mark,
Reading, Pa.) The engine is an upright, mounted on a frame with a
winch. I have not seen any articles on this make, Can anyone help
me out?’

Here’s some interesting material for you readers from MERL
BARNES, 7013 North view, Boise, Idaho 83704:

Several months ago I asked for information on magneto
recharging. I received several good replies and thank everyone who

Here is what I built at very low cost that works fine. Get two
starter solenoids off a G.M. car or truck preferably the old type,
six volt. Remove plastic cover and take out all but two posts. Cut
off the mounting end of the case so they look like the picture.
Fill the center hole as full as possible of short lengths of stove
pipe wire and tighten by driving in a few nails with heads cut off.
I put a small hose clamp around the bundles of wires sticking out.
I ground the ends at an angle so I can use them in Maytags, old
type B and S, etc. The North and South, which can be determined
with a compass, can be changed by reversing the Pos. and Neg. Put
North of charger to South of magneto and South of charger to North
of magneto. I used jumper cables to connect to twelve volt battery
in car. Make and break circuit at charger end as there is danger of
explosion if there is a spark at battery. Tap magneto lightly while
charging. It only takes about two minutes charging.

Next letter is from RALPH OLMSTED, 120 Guadalajara Street, New
Iberia, Louisiana 70560 – ‘In reference to a Smoke Rings
article from Art Anderson, Lakeville, Minnesota. He was trying to
identify an old tractor engine for John Freeman of Goose Creek,
Ohio. Mr. Anderson stated the engine was likely a Model L Waukesha
4-1/2′ bore X 5-1/4′ stroke. I have worked on Waukesha
engines only for over 21 years and have an almost complete list of
all made since Waukesha started in 1906. The Model L, LU4 and LU7
engines were 4-1/4′ X 6 3/4′ stroke, 4 cylinder, 383 C.I.D.
and 38 brake HP, bare engine. The only Waukesha I can find to meet
the 4-1/2′ X 5-1/4’ is a Model V1K, 4 cylinder overhead
valve engine built up until late 1940s. This engine is almost
identical in design to the engine on a 1936 Oliver Hart Parr
tractor, which was built by Waukesha.

I am new to old engine collecting and have about 14 and love the
Gas Engine Magazine. Anyone interested in South Louisiana in
forming a club on Steam-Gas engines – contact me. I have a few
interested now. I’ll be happy to help anyone identify any
Waukesha engine.

Following is a picture of a 1-1/2 HP John Deere engine identical
to one found not too long ago by JOHN R. LODER, 18100 N.E. 95th,
32, Redmond, Washington 98052. He would like folks to write to, to
get information, pictures, etc.

And from across the Atlatic from A.E. PADWICK, 30 Twitten Way,
Tarring, Worthing, Sussex, England – ‘I am the owner of two
lighting sets built in your country and I am requesting information
from any of your readers who can help. The units are manufactured
by Salley Electric Lighting Corporation, Detroit, Michigan – Dynamo
by Robbins & Myers Company, Springfield, Ohio. One is numbered
18298, Type F, believed to be made in 1913. The second is numbered
27794, Type H, but I have no idea of its age. I would welcome any
information of any sort on these engines.’

From one of our FAMILY members, LEROY QUANDT, Ryder, North
Dakota 58779, comes the following:

‘In the May-June 1975 GEM there is a picture of an old Twin
City tractor sent in by Milton Martinson. This model rated 25-45
H.P. was built by the Minneapolis Steel & Machinery Company of
Minneapolis, Minnesota from 1912 to 1915.

The Case tractor pictured by Ward Bruhn is a 20-40 H.P.

This style Case was built from 1912 to around 1920. The model
with the tubular radiator that used exhaust induced cooling was
built from 1912 to 1915.

For those interested in the age of tractors, some of the things
that are helpful in determining age are pictures or detailed
descriptions of the tractor. Then too, the serial number, if it can
be found. I have been collecting tractor numbers, pictures and ages
from the sources that are available. In some instances the number
is no longer on a certain tractor, then one has to compare the
model with old tractor advertisements, catalogs or other old
pictures of the particular model in question.

I am trying to figure out the various models of tractors built
by each company and then how long each model was built.’

BARRY TULLER, R.R. 3, Box 48, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa 52641 writes
us: ‘I started collecting gas engines a little over a year ago.
I have a few engines I have been unable to find information on –
one of then is a 1 HP Workwell. I have not seen another engine like
it. I have been unable to make it work so far. Any information you
have on this engine will be much appreciated.

I also have a 2-1/2 HP Sprayer engine manufactured by the Bean
Sprayer Company of San Jose, California. It is just like a Witte. I
would like to know the date it was built. All letters will be

ROY H. GROB, 1232 N. Florissant Road, Saint Louis, Missouri
63135 has a letter of interest as he writes: ‘For a helping
hint on getting a stuck engine piston loose in an engine without
using a hammer – I had a 3 HP Model Z Fairbanks-Morse engine that
laid in a creek about four years. I took the head off, leaned the
engine back on its flywheels, filled the cylinder full of
penetrating oil, set it on fire, and when the oil burns, it boils
and seeps down around the pistons and frees it. I had no trouble
turning it over after the oil burned out. Hope this will help some
of you guys.

I belong to the Ill-Mo Gas Engine & Tractor Club here in St.
Louis, Missouri and am also a member of the Owensville Thresher
Club of Owensville, Missouri. I have been to a lot of shows here in
the Midwest the past few years. I have never met finer, down to
earth people than those that come to the shows, in all the clubs. I
think the Gas Engine Magazine helps bring a lot of us

GEORGE KASDORF, SR., 704 South Sixth Street, Goshen, Indiana
46526 sends a lot of news packed into a few short paragraphs:

The Response to my plea for help in the March-April issue of GEM
was gratifying indeed. I had three letters, even before I received
my May-June issue. Even though I answered all letters I again wish
to thank all who took the time to write. The engine is now running
well and ready for our show in August.

Hoping someone can learn from my bad experience I would add a
word of caution here. Watch that moving machinery! The last time I
had the B & S running I got too close to the flywheel and a
broken kneecap resulted. Four weeks with a cast and now five weeks
later I am just beginning to begin to walk again. Those accidents
we can do without, as they spoil a summer’s fun.

And now on the pleasant side. On April 19 my wife and I drove to
O’Hare airport and met the two Korean girls aged 10 and 12 who
are now part of our family. These two girls with the four children
we already had, have filled our cup to overflowing.

(Praise the Lord – for folks like George and his wife – good
luck and happiness with your new additions to the family).

READ THIS ONE!–CLIFFORD C. SPOHN, 138-1/2 East Center Street,
Marion, Ohio 43302 says: ‘I would appreciate any help I could
get relative to the Star Engine, which was manufactured in New
Lexington, Ohio by my great grandfather, James S. Woodcock, whose
business was called the Star Manufacturing Company. I have never
seen one of these engines and would like to become more familiar
with them. If any of your readers could help me out, either with
photographs, drawings or other dope, I would be very grateful; and
for such information that would lead to my acquisition of an engine
offered of sale at a reasonable price, I would gladly pay a $100.00
finders fee.’ (See Clifford’s ad in this magazine).

Another reader is seeking information as this letter comes from
MELVIN W. LONG, 604 N. Eighth Street, Vandalia, Illinois 62471 –
‘I have a question in regards to a gasoline engine I am toying
with to restore. I call it my ‘What’s It’. It has a
brass plate on the rectangular oil fill tube showing the serial
number, RPM 750 and 1-1/2-2-1/2 HP, no name of engine or company
which manufactured it. All part numbers on the engine start with
the letters GE. The spark plug hole is 1/2′ iron pipe size.
There was evidently some kind of spark mechanism fastened near the
top of the water hopper, which was operated by a plunger from
below. The gas tank, oil reservoir, crank-case and water hopper are
all cast together in one single casting. The two flywheels are
about 13′ in diameter and are also disc, cast iron, bolt
gripped to the shaft. The head is water cooled with the intake
valve in it. The exhaust valve is exactly opposed, being operated
by a rod from the crank end, but is in the big single
casting-WHAT’S IT??’

More Help fellows – please -HOWARD T. DOUGLAS, Route 8, Box 82,
Tucson, Arizona 85710 writes this message and as he puts it –
‘From a new subscriber and collector, here is a word of Thanks
for your efforts in G.E.M. I enjoy it very much.

I have two engines – one is an 8 HP Fairbanks Morse N, in poor
condition and the second one is an unknown make that I would like
help in identifying. See the enclosed picture. S/N 48469. All parts
are identified with W numbers. The major castings are: the base
which is the gas tank – W30, crankcase, W1; cylinder and hopper,
W400; head – W50. It has a 4-1/4 bore and 6 1/16 stroke with 26-1/2
X 2 flywheels on a 1-1/2 shaft. It is a hit and miss with a lever
for speed adjustment, has an igniter with battery and coil ignition
and also has a fuel pump.

I surely would appreciate any help in identification.

LESTER SOMMERFELD, Box 84, Canton, Kansas 67428 wishes to thank
all those who write to G.E.M. and help with answers on unknown
engines. AND he has a plea for help. He says he has a Fairbanks
upright Eclipse without fuel tank ignition system and governor
weight. He would like to hear from someone who knows about these
things. He also would like to have some views on what his engine
would be worth.

From WAYNE L. FISHER, Reaveley Road, Hancock, New Hampshire
03449 comes these words: ‘I seem to be in need of information
and your column sure seems like a good place to start. I have
recently acquired what is believed to be a Model R Cletrac. The
nameplate reads (Cleveland Motor Plow Co. Patent applied for,
Serial No. 10Z). I need to know the colors and some info on the
Buda engine. I believe this tractor was built about 1916. Any help
will be greatly appreciated.’

CLIFFORD R. HESS, R.R., Anthon, Iowa 51004 cries HELP!! -‘I
recently acquired two old engines that have laid on a creek bank
for probably forty years. They were made by the Middletown Machine
Company, Middletown, Ohio, both Type K; one #6783- 400, 5′ bore
and 6′ stroke, The other #20298-375, 6′ bore and about
9′ stroke. I assume the 400 and the 375 at the end of the
numbers means the RPM but the plates do not say so. The larger
engine is quite complete and I think I can make it run when I get
the piston free. The smaller engine has the head badly broken up
from freezing. Does anyone know anything about this make?’

M. BRADY BROWNE, General Delivery Lazo P.O., British Columbia,
Canada VOR 2KO sends three requests for help on restorations:
‘1. Are there any other restorers or collectors of a Fairbanks
Morse 15 HP Light Plant Model (extra heavy flywheels) of the early
type. It has L.T. ignition dual fuel and water feed carburetor,
‘match head starter’ and weighs about 4 or 5 tons, Serial
No. 185441. There are some missing parts. 2. Can anyone help with
my 10-20 IHC Mogul? What was the wording on the starting gasoline
tank? 3. Who is familiar with the R&P 12-20 made in Alma,
Michigan in 1919?’

That about winds up the column for this time – have to tell you
I went to the shore for 3 days with son, Tommy, and with daughter,
Dana and her little boy, Ryan – we had a nice time even though it
rained quite a bit, I got a bad case of sunburn on my midriff –
and, oh yes, while there I had a shirt printed Iron-Men Album
Magazine on the front and Gas Engine Magazine on the back – so if
you see me at any reunion I’ll have it on -there is one other
like it – Gerry, editor and boss of this crew – his is tan – but
you’ll know who we are now that I told you this little secret.
Best of luck for the rest of the summer season – hope to see some
of you great folks.

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