Hi! — you out there in all the hot summery days — guess where
I just came from — a Christmas party — yeh, that’s right! A
Christmas party in July! My hubby and I received an invitation in
the mail about two weeks ago, had Christmas seals on it and inside
it stated: ‘Come to the Christmas party at Naomi and Roy
Glessner’s (Roy used to draw the cartoons for the I.M.A. —
some of you will well remember). Bring something wacky to hang on
the tree and a silver offering will be taken up later for the
Salvation Army.’
We had a good time — Roy and Naomi claimed they never get to
see all the friends they plan to at Christmas and therefore hit on
the idea of having a get-together now when there was more time. One
gal even came in her winter coat and had her ice skates slung over
her shoulder. (That was Mary Egan, a good skate (pun) — some of
you folks know Mary and Dave Egan also, as they attended quite a
few reunions with Earlene in the past years). Earlene was at the
party also. I think the names mentioned are the only ones some of
you might know.
The trimmings brought were bright, some were useful and some
were just useless and hilarious. We all brought Christmas gifts for
the Glessners, wrapped in the Yuletide trimmings . . . much to
their surprise. BUT did we get a surprise when we stepped into
their basement; it was absolutely beautiful! There were four tables
bedecked in Christmas decor -candles burning and greens abounding
as they were gracefully surrounding the centerpieces. We all stood
in a circle holding hands to sing our Grace. The meal was
scrumptious, preceded by pink sherbert punch and cheese and
crackers. Following this was meat loaf, baked macaroni, fresh peas
and green beans, cranberry sauce, several types of relishes and
garnishes, bread, butter, coffee, iced tea and after we had gorged
ourselves on the delicious dinner, we went out into their beautiful
woodsy yard where a huge pine tree had been trimmed with all the
wacky gifts and of course Christmas lights and as it got dark, the
lights were turned on and we sat around singing Christmas hymns,
while holding our lighted ‘punks’ to keep the bugs away
-get the picture – well, it was quite heartwarming, if it does seem
Above is a ‘Coey’ engine, according to literature I have
and is called ‘Little Surprise’. Received literature
through Carleton Mull who had a write-up on it in one of the G.E.M.
issues. It is a 4 cycle hit and miss with buzz coil and spark plug.
It is unique in that the flywheel rims are round in profile and
have only five spokes.
After hymns, talking and bugs, we went inside again to have
dessert – which consisted of fruit cake, red Jello Christmas
pudding and sugar cookies and even all kinds of salted nuts, done
like they are at Christmas. Mmmmm- no one counted calories!
We ended up with $25.00 for the Salvation Army and a heart full
of Christmas Spirit which as you know we should carry all year
Roy and Naomi have a lot of acreage and have worked diligently
along with God to make it a beautiful setting for their home. At
the entrance of the lane leading up to their home, the sign post
reads ‘Almosta Farm’ – take from that what you will, guess
they are farmers at heart. One thing I know, there are twenty some
people who would be happy to visit the Glessners – any day.
Our first letter brings some information and some questions. It
comes from FRANK J. BURRIS, 35640 Avenue F, Yucaipa, California
92399 -‘
‘Herewith a query for some good GEM mechanic who is familiar
with the intricacies of a Model M 20-35 Oil Pull:
‘The clutch throwout does not release properly, causing
considerable drag when attempting to shift into gear. Since this
mechanism is mounted from the inner side of the power pulley, can
some good old Oil Pull man tell me the proper procedure for access
to the throwout bearing and other associated parts? The four large
fulcrum screws are already set up to no slack in this portion of
the clutch. It would appear that the entire clutch must be pulled.
Does this necessitate pulling the primary drive pinion also?
‘Now for a bit of feedback information: The San Bernardino
County Museum is being moved and rebuilt in grand style as a part
of the ‘Orange Tree’ attraction alongside Interstate #10
just west of our neighboring Redlands, California. Within this
tourist attraction and compound will be Travelodge, Old Style
Country Kitchens and 1900-style mansions, gift centers, cafes,
Orange-product demonstration and product centers, an agricultural
machinery early museum, railway locomotive setup, and quite
possibly our own Luellabelle together with three coaches to
transport visitors about the grounds. The latter road locomotive,
in early construction stage, appeared on the cover of IMA some few
years ago. Museum officials have expressed desire to utilize such
train (to match Disneyland, Knott’s Berry Farm, etc.) since in
this CASE no rails will be required.’
My kids are on the 1932 England Fordson. Left is Jeff, then
Darlene and Nancy at the 1972 Tri-State Gas Engine and Antique
Tractor Association Show.
Just a nice letter I must pass on to you all comes from LOUIS
CHAPO, 2530 Ione Street, Sacramento, California 95821. It goes like
this: ‘Excuse the bad penmanship – did a foolish thing with
lawn mower and chopped up right index finger, no loss, just chopped
‘I would like to thank Mrs. B. Earlene Ritzman for her years
of donated service and seeing that a capable party has taken over
the G.E.M. Sister Earlene, may God be with you always. To Gerald S.
Lestz, congratulations for your new found journey. Good luck and
many sincere wishes from Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor
Association, Branch 13. (Louis is the President of this
organization). Anna Mae, keep up the good work -really enjoy your
articles – All my best to all of you.’ (Thanks, Lou, we all
needed that!).
DONALD ELDER, 11558 Ernst Street, Taylor, Michigan 48180 sends a
note – ‘Have Economy #123380, 357 RPM, 7 E HP. I need all the
information I can get. Please advise.’ (Hey fellas, get some
information to the man – he’ll appreciate it.)
A thank-you letter from ANDREW J. LARSEN, 1110 No. 3rd Avenue,
Kelso, Washington 98626 – ‘I want to thank you very much for
presenting my letter (Toy Engine) on page 9 of March-April 73
G.E.M. and also to say that I received a large number of letters
giving me information, asking information and wanting to buy the
Lenoir type engine, but it is not for sale. I received a very nice
letter from a Mr. Tom Stockton of the Ford Motor Co., Ann Arbor,
Michigan who gave me the information that I needed to get the
little engine to run.
But, nobody gave me any information on the gas engine that was
used on the Standard Cream Separator. I have seen pictures in the
GEM of that engine and questions as to the maker of the engine, but
no answers. Again a great big THANK YOU to Smoke Rings. (And THANK
YOU, Andy). — (And, come on – out there – isn’t there anyone
can give some answers on the cream separator?)
MARLO G. ACOCK, Washington’s Birthplace, Virginia 22575
writes us this note: ‘I recently caught the gas engine bug and
purchased a 2-1/2 HP Ottawa 500 RPM C25619, complete with iron
wheel wagon, Webster Tri-polar, fuel pump and heavy muffler which
heats the air intake. After two days of disassembly, cleaning and
reassembly, it runs fine. I don’t know what to do with the
water injection system to the air intake. I found its brother on
page 10 of the September-October 1966 G.E.M. I can’t find any
paint on it and 1 would like to know when and what it looked like
when it left Ottawa, Kansas. (Help him out Friends!)
WALTER E. SCHRAGE, 1219 Lawn Avenue, New Haven, Indiana 46774 is
offering his services to you fellows who would like to know the
year of your I.H.C. Send the parts numbers to him of Famous,
Victor, Titan, Mogul and for Models M. L. LD, LB. If you send the
parts number of serial number, he can give you the year it was
made. (Thanks, Walter from all of us!)
Some information comes to us from I.RNEST SCHENSTAD, Zahl, North
Dakota 58856 as he tells us: ‘The What Is IT on page 48 of Vol.
8, #3 May-June 1973 is an easy one. We had an engine like it back
in 1930s purchased from M. W. Savage Company, Minneapolis,
Minnesota called a (North Home) 1-3/4 HP – Wish I had kept it! The
same engine was sold under other names by various companies,
including Montgomery Ward. They had the Sattley name on it.’
(Thanks Ernest, don’t believe I’ve heard the name North
Home until now).
BILL SPARLING, 4121 Tami Way, Carmichael, California 95608 sends
this note along – ‘Just want to let you know that I enjoy the
magazine – good articles and helpful ads.
‘My son and family returned from a vacation in Canada and
Pacific Northwest. He drove in my driveway and asked me to help
unload his van. Would you believe they found an old F M 1-1/2 HP,
early in the trip, bought it and loaded it in the van and then
slept around it at night until they returned home. Some devotion to
Dad’s hobby.
‘In the HELP department, I need color and striping – if any
– for a 2 HP Associated and also its birthday. Serial No.
This picture shows my 1-1/2 HP Bloom-Keller gas engine that I
restored in the winter of 1970. It has a speed of 500 rpm and a
serial number of 500.
Roy Goble, Charleston, illinois and his tour upright gas
engines. He has a collection of over twenty restored gas engines.
Left to right: 2-1/2 HP R and V, 2-1/2 HP IHC Famous, 4 HP Nova and
a 2-1/2 HP Fairbanks Morse. With the exception of the Nova, all
have battery ignition system. The IHC Famous is tank-cooled [by a
pump]; the others are water hopper cooled.
HAROLD GEPHART, Reynolds, Indiana 47980 typed us this paragraph
– ‘Among my collection of 29 engines, I have a horizontal
engine around 3 HP, two flywheels 3′ x 18′, nameplate with
Square Deal on it, Number 621, air-cooled, enclosed crank and has
spark plugs. This engine was made by The Kenney Machinery Company,
Indianapolis, Indiana. I would appreciate any information on
this.’ And he added, ‘Keep up the wonderful job on the GEM
– enjoy it so very, very much.’ – (Thanks, Harold and we hope
you hear from some of our fellow readers.)
I received some business material from Testo Manufacturing Co.,
Inc. 2925 Detroit Ave., Cleveland 13, Ohio recently and it was in a
window envelope. After you took the letter out though, through the
window appear this: ‘Attend your Church every Sunday’. I
thought that was well worth mentioning -there are many little ways
we can aid our fellow workers or give a cheery bit of advice.
Cindy Allen of Center City, Minnesota driving a New-Deal Tractor
Manufactured in the 1930’s in Wyoming, Minnesota.
DAVID HUNT, Mount Pleasant, Winterslow, Salisbury, Wiltshire,
England S.P. 5 1PR tells us he is a keen amateur photographer and
engine collector and wants to know if we want some photos of
British engines – send them along Dave, we’ll be glad to see
LEROY QUANDT, Ryder, North Dakota 58779 writes us: ‘In
answer to Billy Lindsey, Burwell, Nebraska asking about the age of
a Monitor engine in the May-June 1973 issue of GEM, the only date I
have seen for a numbered engine was the year 1924 for engine
#38477. These engines were built by the Baker Manufacturing Company
of Evansville, Wisconsin from about 1905 until 1944 according to a
history I have of the company. All engines can be dated by the
serial number. ‘ (Thanks Leroy, I’m sure Billy will
appreciate your writing us).
A letter of pride from VERN ROULEY, 703 Washington Street,
Dundee, Illinois 60118 reads: ‘I only have a few engines, about
25 (that’s a few?) They range in size from a 5/8 HP Nelson
Bros. to 15 HP Fairbanks Morse. I also have Witte, Waterloo, Inter,
Sattley, Fuller Johnson, Economy and Massey Harris. I also have a
Grey that belonged to my father. In 1915 my grandfather built a
large boat and bought this motor, used. It was put in the boat and
used until 1920. It was then taken out and put in the basement.
About August of 1971, my father told me his sister still had the
motor. We called to find out for sure and she said it was still
there if I wanted it. Well, it took about four hours to change
homes. The only thing missing is the carb and as soon as I can I
will have that done. This engine, along with a Novo, are my pride
and joy.’
This picture taken in 1941 West of Nanton, Alberta, on my
Uncle’s Ranch. The engine is a McCormick Deering W 30.
That’s me (Arlo) on the engine. The outfit was getting ready to
plow and disc the back 40 acres for seeding down to oats. Notice
the two Pinto saddle horses.
A bit of writing from one of our contributors – ARTHUR P. STONE,
Box 246, Highland Drive, Elfers, Florida 33531 – ‘I was
interested in Mr. Wise’s account of substituting tube ignition
for electric as described in July-August issue of G.E.M.
When I was a young man, I was apprenticed to the machinist trade
in a small shop in Brighton, England. This concern was agent for
Crossley gas engines and one of these engines with tube ignition
supplied power for the shop. This engine ran every working day for
years with absolutely no trouble, except for occasionally replacing
the iron tube which was heated by a Bunsen burner from the city gas
supply and was enclosed by an asbestos lined ‘chimney’.
It has always been a mystery to me why this form of ignition was
abandoned for stationary engines since it was very reliable and
free from all the troubles associated with electric ignition. Some
engines were fitted with nickel alloy or porcelain tubes which
lasted indefinitely.
The smaller engines relied on the compression forcing the charge
up to the red hot portion of the relatively long tube, but most of
the large engines were fitted with an ‘ignition valve’
which admitted the charge to the short hot tube at the proper
Arthur hopes this will be of interest to our readers and I feel
sure that it will.
I wanted to tell you of a nice happening this summer. Six
members of our family were visiting a State Park and had taken
along the hamburgers and dessert for our evening meal. There were
four more people coming with the other items, salads, baked beans
and etc. We were hungry and started our supper, in fact, were
eating the hamburgers and the other people were over an hour
getting there. The folks across the way were getting ready to go
home and came over and insisted we take the remains of their meal
which included baked beans, macaroni salad, hot dogs, plenty of
watermelon and a fresh pot of coffee. Naturally, we got into quite
a conversation and thoroughly enjoyed their kindness. (Our group
finally showed up, but we appreciated the other food also). Who
says everyone is selfish and can’t be bothered with others? of
course, I know you all know better than that with the Gas Engine
Shows as they are all friendly folk -but I wanted to give another
example. Bye Bye and you all have fun the rest of the engine