Smoke Rings

By Staff
Published on November 1, 1982
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Well, here we are heading fast down the path to the New Years I
look back on 1982, for me, there were quite a few personal
conflicts, but we must believe as Romans 8:28 tells us’ All
things work together for good to those that believe in God and are
called according to His purpose’. And so, trying to engrave
that in my heart and soul I’m looking forward to the New Year
of ’83 and His purposes for me.

Beautiful events took place also this year as we celebrated
Tom’s graduation from High School. That is the fifth and
youngest of our children that God has blessed us with and we’re
happy for him and wish him the very best kind of future. Also our
five children gave us a surprise 40th Wedding Anniversary and it
was that a complete surprise, which I still don’t understand
they could never pull that on us before as I always got an inkling
of it through their looks or little words dropped unexpected lyoh
well, they really did it this year and we appreciate it, and God
bless each one of them. And now, on to the many communications that
need only to be read for enjoyment, digested for educational
satisfaction or answered to help your fellow hobbyist.

DAVID R. AIKENS, R.D. #2, Edinboro, Pennsylvania 16412 asks:
‘I am wondering if anyone has a mix for IHC green used on the M
series engines? I know it was blue-green, but don’t know where
to start in with colors.

‘I also would like to thank Ted Straka and Russ Houseknecht
for their invaluable help in restoring my 6 HP Ellis.

‘Also, would Al Wait write me please? I don’t have his

‘I have a Busy Boy air-cooled engine, 1 HP #2C5300. I need
to know the original color and if it had any striping. Also need to
know what the original gas tank was like.

‘I have received GEM for a year now and am
really caught up in engine restoration,’ writes STEVEN
KREITMAN, Bassett, Nebraska 68714.

I had a complaint recently that someone had written Smoke Rings
four times and never has their request put in the column. I find
that hard to believe, as I try very hard to please our writers and
also try to use all requests for information or print interesting
little stories that you send us. The only reason it would not be
printed is if it is a request for parts, manuals, etc. or anything
that could be bought that will not be in the column as that must go
in the classified ad section. Also, sometimes the writing is not
readable. I will try very hard to decipher all letters and there
are very few that do not make the column. So, if you feel you have
been missing out on having your letter in Smoke Rings, please write
me and mention this we’ll see if we can’t make you happy

TIM FRUTH, 1633 Twp. 1353 Route 1, Ashland, Ohio 44805, sends
this: ‘My father and I went to an auction and bought a Model A
Ford with a tractor rear end. I would like to know if the tractor
rear end was just made for the Model A or did they put it on the
Model A and Model T Ford. Who was the company who built the tractor
rear end? This is our thirty dollar toy we bought and hope to
restore.’ (Can you answer Tim? He’ll be happy to hear from
you and good luck, Tim, on the restoration of your tractor.)

JOHN G. DEAL, editor/publisher of Ripples magazine, ‘the
current events journal of the antique boating community’ seeks
information on the Deal auto, said to have been built by his great
uncle, Levi S. Deal, of Grove City, Pa. The auto firm became the
Deal-Carruthers Clutch Co., and that was absorbed into
Cooper-Bessemer Corp. John Deal is told there is a Deal auto in the
Harrah collection at Reno. If you can help, write to him at PO Box
030386, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33303.

‘I wonder if any GEM readers would root out
the Massey-Harris tractors built during World War 2 for me. Over
here in Britain the following models were sold: 81, 82, 101 
Junior, 101 Senior, 102 Junior,102  Senior, 201, 202, 203.
Simple enough, but some have wire mesh radiator grills, some have
pressed metal. Which came first and what are the changeover dates?
Also some have Continental and some Chrysler motors again, when and
which engine is original to each model tractor? Where does Twin
Power fit in to all this and the various other arrangements; fixed,
extendable and V twin fronts? Did any have a power life? Were there
any other models produced? I have reference to a 101 Super was this
higher powered than a Senior.

‘The Massey-Harris Model series is a muddle to us,
especially her wartime roles, as literature is almost non-existent.
During WW2 farmers applied for a tractor and if it was agreed then
they had what was available mostly, so catalogs, etc. were not
really necessary. Now that more tractors are being restored,
information is needed, such as when the tractors were made. While
most imported U.S. tractors are simple to put in model order,
Massey Harris with their multiple models, some very similar, have
so far defeated me. Any help would be very welcome!

‘I notice there has been very little on WW2 M-H tractors in
the GEM or are they rare in the USA? They did not exactly enjoy a
good reputation for reliability although they seem to have revived
in some numbers. A lot of the larger models were fitted with
Perkins diesel engines after the war, especially those owned by the
threshermen. Thanks in advance. If anyone answers direct to me, all
letters will be answered.’

This letter comes from ROBERT MOORHOUSE, Pear Tree Farm,
Wintersett, Wakefield, Yorkshire WF4 2EB, Great Britain. (This was
very hard to decipher, so I hope I have the account accurate).

CLARENCE WESTFALL, 1208 South Mason Street, Bloomington,
Illinois 61701 sends this letter and is waiting for some answers:
‘The photo is my engine my father bought around 1922 to run the
washing machine. It was a used one. I would like the name of the
engine and who manufactured it. S.N. 100112, casting number on
crankcase is AOA; casting number on cast iron base which is the
fuel tank is EIA, bore 2. The original color grey and silver are on
air-cooled cylinder. The engine is in good running order. Hope some
reader can help.’

Many words of interest come from ALBERT GINGRAS, 763 Temple-ton
Road, Athol, Massachusetts 01331, phone 249-3886: ‘I wish to
say Hello to all those out in Engine Land. Your magazine is a fine
one. When it arrives, I just read it cover to cover right away,
then go over it again many times. The book has helped me out by
ending a real long time search of 19 years for a part; special
transmission gear, for my tractor. I was able to locate this from a
very fine person way out in California. This is a special 2 in 1
gear, bevel and spur teeth combined, with special stub-tooth teeth
for my Vaughan tractor of which very few are left around mine was
made in 1939.

‘Now, I wish to hear from anyone who has one (or pictures or
parts information) like my other engine. I have the granddaddy of
chain saws. It was made in 1927 by Chain Saw Corp. of New York
City. It is a large 2 cylinder opposed, 2 cycle air-cooled engine
of about 25-30 HP, 6500-7000 RPM with all ball bearing mains. It
was made expressly for just one use only. This is a two man chain
saw and is made to cut cypress trees in Mississippi and Louisiana
swamps; for you see, cypress trees grow extremely large at the
base, 12-15 feet in diameter. I have this engine now in running
shape. I wish to obtain information and pictures from anyone out
there, particularly down South, who could probably help me. I am
told that it originally had a bar 12′ wide and 18′ long
with approximately 36-40 feet of chain on it. The chain was
supposed to have teeth 2-3’ high and operator on end of bar
controlled power-clutch and blade turning device bar to
transmission. Does anyone know about this?

‘I also have a very rare 1 cylinder 4 cycle air-cooled
vertical cylinder engine, name of the buelhoers Bros, mfg. in
upstate New York, around Buffalo or Lockport, I think. I presume
this was a Dutch Brothers outfit. It has an aluminum block and
crankcase6 to 1 gear reduction with the cast iron head. Can anyone
give me information on this? I will answer all letters.

‘I would also like to hear from anyone about small hydraulic
water ram pumps to operate one or build one so I could move water
from my brook to my garden 80 feet away perhaps someone might have
one or pictures or information to trade.’

Following are some short letters and I’m going to run them
all in one paragraph. I think you will understand as it will save
space and still get their needs to the readers: DENTON B. MYERS,
504-10th St., S.W., Humboldt, Iowa 50548, has a Simpson tractor,
Chrysler powered, built by Jumbo Steel Products, Azusa, California
91702. The tractor is #7719 and he would like to know where he
could get more information as to how many were built and what
years. JAMES F. FORD, 39201 Seven Mile Road, Livonia, Michigan
48152, has acquired a gasoline engine manufactured by Fuller and
Johnson and would like to learn about the company and engine. It is
a Model NC, 3 HP, No. 168732. PERRY J. BRONSON, 1684 Orange Street,
Riverside, California 92501, wonders if you have anything on a 2 HP
vertical Fairbanks & Morse early engine #123204 dating back
around 1900? MARTIN HOEKSTRA, R.2, Box 95, Sheldon, Iowa 51201, has
a front steel for an older tractor 30′ high, 6′ wide on
‘ thickness and 3 bolt hub. It is painted green with orange
stripe. What is it? ROBERT C. NOLAND, 2718 CR 120, Craig, Colorado
81625 needs to know the color of a 1 HP Rock Island engine and if
there was any striping on it; also size and shape of gas tank.
MARVIN E. RUEBUSH, Route 5, Box 187C, Staunton, Virginia 24401, is
converting a Fordson tractor from the timer on four coils to a
regular distributor and coil and needs any information. MURRAY
BROWN, Quarry Road, Orange, Massachusetts 01364, would like to know
some things about a Woodpecker engine. The bronze plate on the side
of the engine simply gives No. 7762 W.P. Speed 400 KS. He would
like to know what KS means. It could mean RPMs, he thought, or
jokingly suggested it might mean ‘kicks per second’. MEYER
IMPLEMENT INC., Baldwin, Wisconsin 54002, is interested if anyone
could assist in giving some information on the Joy-Special, S.N.
3590, 15 HP at 200 RPM mfg. by the Joy-Wilson Sales Co. The engine
was used on a sawmill. JOHN H. ALEXANDER, 600 Virginia Street, Apt.
1, Keyssr, West Virginia 26726, would be much obliged to hear from
the readers as to manufacturer’s color and date of his favorite
engine, a Nelso Bros. Little Jumbo, 1 HP open crank, Webster
Tri-Polar igniter with a semi-egg shell on legs crank type. JOHN T.
WYMAN, Box 609, Fruitland, Idaho 83619, is 82 years young and used
to work farming in North Dakota. He would like information on a
Hamilton rear for a Fordson tractor and on the Handy Man front end
loader. These machines were built about 1926 and he is trying to
trace the machines he used to operate. JACK NEW-HOUSE, 4918 Live
Oak Ct., Fort Wayne, Indiana 46804, would like to know more about
how the Baker Fan works and why Baker made these fans. Jack says
they see these at all big shows but not very much is written on the

‘What is it?’ asks HENRY J. GONET, 103 Norman Street,
New Hyde Park, New York 11040.

‘He goes on to say, ‘I need help in identifying my
engine. There is no name-plate or number on it. The guard has 4
holes where a plate had once been attached. The only marks are the
casting numbers. Each has a VC between two numbers.

‘I’m enclosing a print of my engine hoping someone can
tell me what is the name of the engine.’

D. W. BOTT, 12 Mill Lane, Duxford, Cambridge, CB2 4PT, England,
needs your help. He recently became the owner of an Iron Horse
Generating Set made by the Johnson Motor Co., Waukegan, Illinois
and is a reader of Stationary Engine magazine. He saw our ad there
and thought we might be able to help, so naturally I turn him over
to you.

He has some specifications as 4 cycle Iron Horse Generator,
Model EG-2, S.N. 9713, DC Volts 12, Watts 300, RPM 1800, Johnson
Motor Co., Waukegan, Ill.

Mr. Bott has some questions he would like answered, such as:
Does the Johnson Motor Co. still exist? would it be possible to
borrow a service manual? Is it possible to date the unit for the
Model and serial numbers?

He says his engine is in very good condition, although a little
rusty and appears to have been painted black, so may well be later
than W.W.II. He is hoping to strip and restore this engine during
next winter so any relevant information would be most useful.

‘Enclosed is a picture of some type set-up! The flywheel has
a double V belt groove and brass casting with Ready Power, Detroit
on them. I need help in finding what I’m trying to restore.
What is it?’ asks JOHN W. BOYENS, 3711 S. Hampton Drive,
Bettendorf, Iowa 52722.

In answer to Stanley Cross’ letter on page 12 of Sept-Oct.
1982 issue, the following letter comes from ANDREW K. MACKEY, 26
Mott Place, Rockaway, New Jersey 07866: ‘Stanley Cross’
engine is a Reo engine built by the Reo Motors Inc. of Lansing,
Michigan. It was usually mounted on a reel type lawn mower, the
‘Royale 21’. My grandpa bought his in 1952. I don’t
know when they started, but the company folded in 1962-63. The
cylinder is a 45° bank, crank rotation is anticlockwise, power
take-off is actually the cam; therefore a 2 to 1 reduction is built
in. An 8 to 1 reduction was also available. These engines are

‘Thanks to all the fine engine men who responded to my Smoke
Rings article regarding my F-M crank. I have yet to hear about my
Hercules 5 HP S.N. 84557.’

LEROY QUANDT of R.R. 1, Box 18, Ryder, North Dakota 58779 wrote
to say: ‘I always enjoy pictures of tractors in the Gas
Engine Magazine.
It is also good to see the tractor serial
number included. So whenever anyone mentions a tractor in an ad,
show report, question or story about a tractor, would you please
also give the tractor serial number? As the old tractor parts books

‘If the manufacturer’s plate with the serial number is
not on the tractor, I can tell you where to locate the serial
number stamped in the metal on most makes and models of tractors. I
can also date most tractors from the serial number.

‘Along with serial numbers as a hobby, I also work on lists
of these old tractors that are still around. As an example, for
some of the tractors mentioned in the May-June 1982
GEM this is how the lists look: the Number 1 Co-op
for the year 1936, the serial number listing ends with number 132.
I know of four more of this model so far. The Samson Model
have forty listed with tractor number 4030, a 1919 model the
one here at Makoti, N.D. show. For the Farmall Regular the
list is up to 160 tractors. The one here at Makoti show is #T
125028, a 1931 model. For the Emerson Brantingham, AA
#31293 would be about a 1920 model. I know of 12 others so far. The
Coleman 16-30 was built 1918-20; only know of two more.
The Big ‘4’ Thirty would make the seventeenth one.
The one here at Makoti is now owned by the Association, tractor
#1644, a 1913 model. It was a full color cover on the 1981 show
book of this tractor. The Massey-Harris 4WD, the list is
at eighty tractors. The one here at Makoti is #310864, a 1930
model. The Love Chrysler tractor was built in the fifties
by the Love Manufacturing Company of Eau Claire, Michigan. The Twin
City 17-28 list I have made up is nearing one hundred tractors. The
one here in the show at Makoti is tractor number 28712, considered
a 1927 model.

‘The colored pictures of tractors on the back cover of the
magazine are really nice. Here at Makoti we have an Oliver 60 and
several F-14 Farmalls but no CC Case or WC Allis Chalmers tractors.
I haven’t finished making lists for these models as yet, but
know there are many of each around at shows and

WILLIAM MUNYON, JR., RD#3, Box 33, Momence, Illinois 60954 sent
us a copy of an original guarantee which he received when he bought
his IHC tractor years ago. He wonders whether anyone else had ever
heard of the warranty he still has both the tractor and the
guarantee, which reads in part:

The seller agrees to replace free the
two-bearing crank shaft in any 10-20 or 15-30
McCormick-Deering Tractor, should it break during the life of the
Tractor, provided the broken parts are promptly returned to the
factory or one of its branch houses.

Further, the seller agrees to replace free any crank
shaft ball bearing
in the 10-20 or 15-30 McCormick-Deering
Tractor, which may break, wear out or burn out during the life of
the Tractor, provided that the defective ball bearing is promptly
returned to the factory or one of its branch houses.

WILLIAM W. WILLOCK, JR., Route 1, Box 650, Rolph’s Wharf
Road, Chestertown, Maryland 21620, would like to comment on the
photo #6 on page 9 of July-August 1982 issue: ‘Picking up an
engine by looping a chain through the flywheels is an easy method,
but almost guaranteed to result in a bent crankshaft and/or cracked
spokes. It can be made safe, if, before taking a strain on the
hoist, a piece of 2 X 4 or other stout wood is cut to fit between
the rims to take the side strain of the chain off the shaft. The
same should be done if the wheels and crank are being lifted out of
the bearings for any reason. I know; I found it out the hard way.
It’s a lot easier to bend a shaft than it is to straighten it
out afterward!’

GENE RUEBUSH, RR 5, Box 187C, Staunton, Virginia 24401, Phone
703-885-2539, tells us: ‘I have a 1924 Fordson tractor which I
have begun to restore. Most of the older people that I have talked
to who had experience with this tractor say that they had extreme
difficulty in starting, especially in cold weather, because of the
poor ignition system.

‘One old-timer mechanic told me that a company called
Splendor used to make a manual distributor which made it possible
to eliminate the original timer and coils. This device was also
used on the Model T Fords. Another gentleman said that his father
had bought a new Fordson in 1926 and that he had had an Atwater
Kent ignition system installed.

‘I would like to correspond or talk to someone who has had
experiences along these lines.’

A note comes from JUD TRACY, Carrington, North Dakota 58421 as
he exclaims: ‘Your magazine is great! I would like to
correspond with someone who has a 22-44 Minneapolis tractor. Mine
is mechanically restored to mint, but now am in the process of
painting and need some help. My Minneapolis is #3662 and I would
like to know the year it was born.’

GARY R. HARWOOD, 103 Spit brook Road D-16, Nashua, New Hampshire
03062 has three Fairbanks Morse engines and he is seeking any help
and information from any other collectors and will answer all
letters. The first is a 2 HP Dishpan engine, Model Z with batteries
and coil #703036; second is a 2 HP air-cooled Model 1B-5 upright
#24,212628. The third is a 1 HP throttling governor Canadian built
#C 19668. He will be looking for your letters.

A picture and short letter comes from DENNIS RUFF, 10121 Hawley
Road, El Cajon, California 92021: ‘Enclosed is a picture of an
engine I’ve had for quite some time, but have yet to find
anything out as to who made it and when it was made. It has the
name Merrill & Barnwell cast in the carb. and crankcase. It is
similar to the early model 82 Maytag, but it has an aluminum
crankcase and battery ignition. The most unusual feature is that
the engine is made to run in either direction, the air vanes on the
flywheel pivot and are centrifugally thrown into the proper
position, engine speed is set by the ignition timing. It has a
27/8‘  bore and 2’ stroke, a 12
inch diam. flywheel. It is a very well built and good running

‘Also, I have a 2 HP Witte, ser. #B12246; I would like to
know the year and correct color. Many thanks in advance.’

A picture comes from RUSSELL J. ZOELLING, 8279 Ford Road,
Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197 with this communication: ‘I am a new
subscriber to your magazine and enjoy it very much. Enclosed is a
shot of my F-12 Farmall tractor with me on it. It is not retired as
I am, but used whenever needed. It runs like a top. I think it is a
1937 or 38 model. (I am a 1917 model.) It was bought in 1943. S.N.
of engine is 55215 and if anyone would know exact year I would like
to know. It is pictured with 2-row cultivator attached.’

A letter from HOWARD G. FOWLER, 1282 N. Franklin, Russell,
Kansas 67665, says: ‘I got started in collecting and restoring
old engines about three years ago after attending a couple of
engine shows. I am 81 years old and have been around engines all my
life. I have now about twenty old cast irons. I recently acquired
an old 4 HP Cushman built in the early 1900s. Many were used on
binders and headers around 1915. My Cushman is a Model C, Engine
No. 7167. I would like to know what year it was made. The factory
was in Lincoln, Nebraska. Also, when did the company shut down? I
have this engine fully restored and running beautifully.’ (Can
you answer Howard?)

MAX L. BROWN, 982 Nash Road, North Tonawanda, New York 14120,
has a few questions he would like you to answer. ‘I have a 1%
HP Little Jumbo, S.N. 563. I can’t figure how the trip arm
works the magneto as the gear is missing from the mag. Can you help

‘I also have a New Way vertical with no nameplate. Could
somebody give me some information on this? It has about 6′
stroke and 4’ bore.

‘I would like to thank those who responded to my questions
on the Maytag Twin last month.’

‘I need help from the GEM readers to identify my first old
engine,’ says GLENN BURROUGHS, 75 Hunting Lane, Goode, Virginia
24556. He continues, ‘It’s a Keystone B-291, manufactured
by the Rockwell Mfg. Co. in West Chester, Pennsylvania. The brass
nameplate indicates it is 3.5 HP and has a motto of ‘Never
balks and cannot kick’. The engine has a vertical cylinder
about 31′ high, two 20′ diameter flywheels and a
Lunkenheimer carb (mixer). It is a two cycle and has two iron balls
on the governor. There is no gas tank or any device to provide a
spark to the spark plug. The cylinder head has pipes to indicate
that it was water cooled. The air intake picks up air from a
‘tin can’ around the exhaust pipe. The piston is frozen in
the cylinder.

‘I would really like to know when this engine was made, its
approximate value, original colors and how the spark was produced.
Also, how was the engine cooled?’

‘I have recently purchased a gas engine in pretty good
shape, except the make or S.N. I need help!’, says PAUL HARRIS,
101 Sterling Avenue, Mt. Sterling, Kentucky 40353. Phone

‘This engine is two cycle vertical, tank-cooled. Piston
measures 5′ with 6′ travel. Brass bearings, wheels measure
24′ with 3′ face. The ball governor’s linkage is brass.
Brass mag also and there is a brass water pump couple to the end of
the crankshaft, battery and coil ignition. Hope someone out there
can shed some light on the make of this engine. It’s real
unique around here!’ (Help Paul, fellows all these folks are
waiting for answers.)

MONTY ADAIR, 130 Canyon Creek Drive, San Antonio, Texas 78233
writes us: ‘I just recently received my first copy of your fine
magazine and found your section to be most interesting and helpful
the kind of help that should be in all hobbyist magazines.

‘I have two small stationary engines which I am trying to
restore. One is a Stover Type CT 3,3 HP, 575 RPM, S.N. TC 212787.
This engine is missing some parts (sorry, I cannot say what parts
that must go in the ad section) but would there be any auto or
tractor parts that could substitute for parts missing in the

Here is a letter from a man that recently acquired two engines
from a good friend and how he needs some help from his good
GEM friends ‘The first engine is a Stover 1
HP, Type K, # KF 234331 hit and miss with a Wico EK magneto,
15’ flywheels. I need to know placement of fuel tank, push rod,
rocker arm and bracket mixer. I would also like a photo of restored
engine and I will return it.

‘The other engine is a 1 HP (?) no nameplate; Sandwich is on
side of water hopper, 17’ flywheels, hit and miss governor,
Wico EK magneto. Need to know gas tank placement and color.

‘The GEM is a great help in antique gas
engine restoration. Keep up the fine work. Thanks!’ Write MARK
C. PACK, 737 Stratford Avenue, Salt Lake City, Utah 84106 or call

JOHN G. GRUBER, 7908 Colonial Lane, Clinton, Maryland 20735,
sends us this: ‘I need information on a HP Ideal, 1 cylinder
air-cooled battery ignition. Who made this type of engine? How old
is it? What was the original color and striping if any? This engine
is in working condition.

‘I have a David Bradley burr mill in excellent working
order, but I would like to know when it was made and the original
color when delivered by Sears.

‘I am finishing up my first full year as an exhibitor at
engine shows. My wife and I have really enjoyed this fun-filled,
low key way of meeting and talking to people and giving them some
insight to early farming power and equipment. I have never gotten
dirtier, greasier or sweatier and enjoyed it so much. After thirty
years as a school administrator, I really am enjoying this hobby.
Without GEM, I couldn’t have all this

‘I have an engine and pump made by The Pacific Pumpers Inc.
S.N. 9940, Type Y, and enclosed are pictures of it. I would like
information that any of your readers could give,’ says GEORGE
R. KRUEGER, 2937 South Delaware Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53207.
(George says he is an old engine nut and enjoys the magazine very

WILLIAM B. SIMMONS III, P.O. Box 1, Courtland, Virginia 23837,
phone 804-653-9129, has the following engines and would like to
know the year they were made: Stover K, 1 HP, speed 550, No. KA
148117; Stover K, 2 HP Speed 550, No. KA 174454; Stover K, 2 HP
speed 550, No. KA 178527; International Harvester 300-500 RPM
pulley speed; 3-5 HP LB engine, NO. 1BB 53445. He would appreciate
hearing from you on these engines.

Here are two letters that will interest many of you folks first
one comes from MIKE SHAFFER, 2523 Green view, New Castle, Indiana
47362, and he says: ‘I own a New Idea Vari-Speed engine, 1-2
HP, S.N. AH532. The nameplate reads-Sandwich Manufacturing Co.,
Sandwich, Ill., Division of the New Idea Spreader Co., Coldwater,
Ohio this is the only engine like this that I have ever seen with
the nameplate reading like that. So, out of curiosity I wrote a
letter to the New Idea Co. In response, which I appreciated, this
is the letter they sent me.’

READ ON, as Mike feels this is important and interesting
information to New Idea owners, as well as all gasoline engine
buffs and he thought he could be of some help to other
GEM readers; thus he sends this letter from AVCO
NEW IDEA DIVISION, Paul Revere Corporation, P.C. Bettinger, Service
Manager. Here’s the letter:

‘Received your letter requesting various information on a
gas engine that you have listing manufactured by Sandwich
Manufacturing Company, Sandwich, Illinois Division of the New Idea
Spreader Company, Coldwater, Ohio.

‘In 1930, New Idea, Inc. purchased the Sandwich
Manufacturing Company and continued to manufacture the No. 2
Vari-Speed Gasoline Engine under the name you listed. The last 50
were manufactured in 1935 carrying the New Idea, Inc., Coldwater,
Ohio name plate only. All engines manufactured ‘before 1931
carried the Sandwich Manufacturing Company, Sandwich, Illinois name

‘The Vari-Speed Engines were painted a dark green color with
orange trim on the flywheel. The name and number of the engine were
also painted orange. We cannot give you the date your Vari-Speed
Engine was manufactured. Our record of serial numbers with dates
manufactured was destroyed.

‘Enclosed is the Operator’s Manual for the New Idea No.
2 Vari-Speed Engine which I feel you have, for this literature was
printed in 1931 and the engine you have had to be built between
1931 and 1934.

‘Here’s hoping this information will be of help to

WILLIAM S. PATOUT III, Jeanerette, Louisiana 70544, asks:
‘Would your readers know the color for a Nova, upright single
cylinder, S.N. 97790,6 HP at 475 RPM? Thank you for any

‘I need to know the correct color on a Monitor pump engine.
It still has some red paint that appears to be original and not a
repaint job. All of the Monitors I see at shows are painted
gray.’ If you can pinpoint the correct color, please write J.
D. WESCOTT, 1304 S. Ranson Street, Independence, Missouri

MICHAEL BURDGE, 1229 Huntington Road, Stratford, Connecticut
06497, tells us: ‘I recently became interested in motors. I
have a 4 HP Novo which I am presently restoring and I had the
opportunity to pick up an old miniature garden tractor in which I
am in need of some help from your readers.

‘It has a Hercules water-cooled 2 cylinder motor engine
#888929AA, Model B X B and above the radiator it says Hercules
Power. However above the clutch housing there is a tag that says
the transmission and gear Co. serial #23542. I am wondering if
anybody can tell me what kind of tractor I have or any information
as to how old it might be. Would like to hear from someone who owns
a tractor like this one.’

‘I recently purchased and restored this Co-op Model C. As of
yet I have met no one that has ever seen one. I would like to know
the year and where it was built. The tractor has a four cylinder
Continental engine and on the frame is stamped Model C-156,’
says LARRY DEIN, R.R. #2, Blair, Nebraska 68008. (If you can help
Larry, please write him and if you know anything about this item,
please write a story for the magazine. I don’t believe we have
ever had one on the Co-opal though I have heard the name before
we’ll be waiting to hear from you.)

Here’s a letter from a man who needs a lot of help for his
project so if you can help, get your pencils and write on to KEN
EVANS, 130 Malcolm Drive, Pasadena, California 91105, and when he
hears from you he’ll say ‘Right on!’ Letter goes:

‘I am doing research into rebuilding a Hit and Miss gasoline
engine and need the help of your vast readership. Unfortunately the
name plate is not available; however, cast into the side of the
water hopper are the words ‘BULL DOG’. The engine
specifications are: horizontal piston, 4′ bore X 4′ stroke,
integral head, vertical valves, exhaust valve directly operated by
a pivoted rocker arm, igniter ignition at top of cylinder (not side
mounted), swing weight governor mounted on one of two 16′ dia.
flywheels and an integral gas tank in the base. My research has led
me to be live it is a 1 HP Baker and Hamilton manufactured by Bates
and Edmonds, Lansing, Mich. What I need is detailed photos or
drawings of the igniter trip mechanism that attaches to the exhaust
valve rocker arm. I could also use details of the carburetor air
shutter, needle valve and gas tank filler lid. My interests also
include information on company history. I have not seen many
references to this engine and was wondering if anyone has made a
list (register) of owners of Bull Dog engines? Thank you.’

JAMES FRANKS, Route 2, Hwy 45 S, Booneville, Mississippi 38829,
has two engines built by International Harvester Co. and he would
like the folks out in Engine Land to help him with their thoughts
and data on them. He has a 3 HP 2 cycle upright used on railroad
section car. The name is Booster according to a decal on the water

The other engine is a 12 HP Giant engine and uses distillate,
kerosene, gasoline or gas.
International-Harvester-Corporation-Chicago-U.S.A. Patents Pending
No. P523 Speed 350, 12 HP all printed on the plate.

James is 72 years young and has a lot of tractors and engines.
There is one thing he has that he would like to get rid of and
it’s not for sale. He says he believes if everyone would pray
for him out there in Engine Land, he could get rid of it and that
is his Myasthenia Gravis. He says the Lord has been good
to him and his wife and he enjoys all the engines to play with in
his latter part of life. They will soon be married 54 years. Well,
we wish you both a great Anniversary and many more happy years and
we pray Jim gets rid of his ailment.

A letter of information and commendation comes to us by way of
BILL BARTEL, Box 6398, Bakersfield, California 93386, as he writes:
‘For some time I have been concerned about ads in your ‘For
Sale and Wanted to Buy’ section of the Gas Engine
which I enjoy very much and read cover to cover.
I would like to congratulate you on the fine colored front and back
covers. Very attractive!

My concern is about the ads on 3 HP Fairbanks-Morse engines. The
enclosed photos of two of my restored 3 HP engines show there are
two models. When ads are placed in the GEM they
should specify which model they are referring to. I ran into this
problem trying to get parts for these two engines. The early open
crank model Z Serial #45321 (or a much larger engine) has a 4 bore,
475 RPMs and has 22% X 1 flywheels. The later model Z Type C is
rated 3 HP at 800 RPMs, has a closed crank case with a 3′ bore;
Serial #709060. The flywheels are 16 X 1. I hope this information
will help make it easier to sell or buy 3 HP Fairbanks parts.

‘I have had much pleasure showing my engines at shows and
fairs. By the way, some of the younger generation of collectors
might not know that many of the smaller gas engines were designed
to use as many Model T Ford parts as possible because Model T parts
were first produced in large quantities and available at garages in
rural areas.’

Tint this letter green and red from one of our Irish friends as
BREDA CRONIN, Dundullerick, Leamlara, Co. Cork, Ireland, writes:
‘Don’t know if you get letters from Ireland but here is one
now anyway. I am enclosing two photos of two of our tractors and
also our threshing mill. The one is an early Farmall Regular with
Pat upon it and his daughter, Michelle holding trophy, and

‘The other picture is our 1946 Field Marshall Series I
driving our 1895 Ransomes Simms and Jefferies 42’ Drum
threshing mill. We also have 19 engines and tractors all restored
and another hobby of cast iron seats.

‘My husband, Pat and myself both enjoy reading your

We have had many answers to the request of Homer Dotson,
Leetonia, Ohio 44431, about a Ford coil with a gadget on it which
converted into an electric fencer (page 12, July/Aug. 1982
GEM). Quite a few folks sent pages from the Le Jay
Manual of the LeJay Mfg. Co., the manufacturer.

The firm has had addresses at both Minneapolis and Belle Plaine,
Minn. We tried to find a telephone number for it in each location,
without success. If you know any of the company members, tell

Readers who replied to us with manual pages or other helpful
information included:

OLE P. OLSON, 737 Greenridge Drive, Kalispell, Montana 59901;
ROGER GROSSER, RFD Sutton, Vermont 05687; W. OTIS MASON, 207
Isundega Street, Westminster, S. Carolina 29693; ISAAC G. GEER, 947
Co. Ledyard Hwy., Ledyard, Connecticut 06339; W.K. STERRETT, R.R.
2, Box #1, Holton, Kansas 66436; HAROLD FOX, Box 108, Braman,
Oklahoma 74632; HAROLD GIBBLE, RD 1, Mt. Joy, Pennsylvania 17552;
WM. W. WILLCOCK, JR., Rt. 1, Box 650, Rolph’s Warf Road,
Chestertown, Maryland 21620.

The manual was copyrighted, and while we would like to publish
replicas of pages, we prefer not to do so until we can locate
someone connected with LeJay.

Response of readers was an indication of the type of person who
reads this magazine, and willingness to share. That gives us all a
sense of satisfaction in the work we do.

And now, Dear Ones, it is past time to close and I just want to
wish you all a most Blessed New Year of 1983 as this old year will
soon be closing take care and remember: a praying man can never be
a useless man. Have a Happy Thanksgiving and Holidays. GEM

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