All kinds of greetings to the Gas Engine Family as you are
through another season of Reunions and are already planning with
that gleam in your eye for the future year-did you really find some
beauties to purchase this year? Or a rare engine to encourage your
mechanical abilities in restoring same? Or perhaps an interesting
story on how you found your engine and what fun hours you had
restoring it? We’re waiting to share all these bits of interest
with the G.E.M
And now to the letters, and we have many-ROBERT M. BANKS, 11,
Warm brook Lane, Chapel-En-Le-Frith, Stockport, England S.V 126 NL
tells us: ‘I am seeking information about an engine built by
the Mianus Motor Works, Stand ford Connecticut, U.S.A The engine is
a 7? HP single cylinder 2 storke marine engine, No.30901. I’ d
like to know the requirements. The type of ignition fitted as this
has low tension points as well as a spark plug in the cylinder head
and a high tension mag driven by a gear wheel between engine and
gear bore. For what type of craft were these engines normally used?
This engine was not found in a boat, but crated up in a packing
case in the basement of a cotton mill.
Would anyone have a history of the Mianus Motor Works that would
divulge some information?
Thank you for the interesting and entertaining reading available
in the G.E.M.’
CHUCK HIATT, Orion, Illinois 61273 pens this: ‘Thought
I’d drop a line to let you know how much I enjoy the Gas Engine
Magazine and especially Smoke Rings column. I know lots of people
get help from it.
I’ve become interested in the history of the Root &
Vandervoort Engineering Company which made the R & V engines.
I’ve found some information on the company and would like to
hear from anyone who knows something about their history so I can
write an article for G.E.M. Thanks much and keep up the good
work.’ (Thanks for the boost, Chuck, and I think you’ll be
getting some letters from the gas buffs).
HARRY L. RITTER, R.D. 5, Fulton, New York 13069 calls out:
‘Hi Smoke Ringers! I have been procrastinating this year, that
is, on old iron. I have been busy repairing old Iron mowers
recycling-have started some of the oldies to keep them from getting
stiffened up with old age (like me). Am now working on my Fuller
Johnson pump engine. I hope to get it going this year.
I’ve had it over two years now. I had a lot of help from you
folks. I have tried to answer all letters, so if I missed anyone,
I’m sorry.
I have a small engine of about 2 HP. It is minus a head.
There is no name, only a blurred decal on it which reads G E
Genera! Engine Co., Franklin, Illinois. Can anyone give any clues?
If so, please blow a smoke ring my way.’
TIM STEWART, Route 2, Box 233H, PasoRobles, California 93446 is
still interested in hearing from anyone who knows about Armstrong
engines; are they really rare?
Also he would like to get in touch with Bob Bates who used to be
Parts Mgr. of Witte engines. (Look for letters, Tim).
From WALLACE TINSLEY, Route No. 10, Box 176, Anderson, South
Carolina 29621-this letter: ‘I sent an inquiry a year or so ago
about an engine that I am restoring. It is a Rockford made before
1912. There is a picture in G.E.M. 1972, May-June issue, page 23,
left lower corner. Does anyone have any information on engine?
I also have a very old F.B.M. 1? HP headless, serial No. on
water pot is 98143, I think. The carburetor is missing but other
than that it is complete. Information on these will be appreciated
and I will reply to letters.
I enjoy G.E.M. very much. It is a real reference
BUD HUTT, Clinton, Arkansas 72031 needs any kind of information
on a 4 HP Fairfield gas engine #1619, vertical. Says a good picture
would help him also.
Bud also tells us that between Joe Craft of Ward and Dr. Scotty
Little of Hope, Arkansas that they are getting a gas engine club
started. (That’s great, let us hear more about your
organization when you get it formed).
Take notice-this is a notice from TOM CAMPBELL to his many
friends: ‘To all my engine friends from G.E.M. and the
shows-due to government red tape, my R.R. and Box No. is gone and
they have given me a house number 39443 Greenbay Road. It’s
still the same place, just different mailing address. Keep on
SCOTT STROVEN, 14038 68th Avenue, Coopersville, Michigan 49404
is a Bull Dog engine nut and wants some history.’ Who made the
Bull Dog engines first? Fairbanks or Bates & Edmens? What year
did they start making them? Is there anyone out there who has a
Pull Pup?-I have one. Write me any information.’
This bit from JIM GUNTHER, 6078 Azurite, Riverside, California
92509: ‘I am new to this hobby and could use any help from our
reders. I have an Ottawa drag saw, two flywheel, not running yet. I
would like to correspond with other collectors of same.
Pictured is a Novo single flywheel upright-any data on this will
be appreciated.’
If you want to help HENRY L. SWARTZ, Route 2, Jamesport,
Missouri 64648, he would appreciate hearing from you: ‘Have
just received the 2nd issue of G.E.M. and find them very
interesting. I have an engine repair business and now have several
Maytag engines that customers have brought in to have repaired.
Some people in this area still use them on their washing machines
and I am having trouble finding parts. Am wondering if any readers
could tell me what I could substitute for the main crankshaft
bearings and seals.’
JERRY GERRIOR, 237 Centre Street, Danvers, Massachusetts 01923
sends this next note: and picture:
‘I just obtained a vertical 2 hp. I.H.C. one lunger with
patent date 1905. I would like to know if anyone could tell me what
goes where the arrows are pointing, and what the water tank looked
like. Any info on this engine would be very helpful in restoring
A note from JOHN W. HORNSEY, 1060 Waterloo Road, Berwyn,
Pennsylvania 19312 as he looks for help:
‘I am fairly new to collecting antique engines and have a
small collection. Your magazine and the folks at Kinzers have been
a big help. My most recent acquisition is a Silver King tractor
serial #3359 with Hercules engine model 1XB serial #419851. Can
anyone tell me the year of manufacture? I know Silver Kings are not
the rarest of tractors but I have nothing to help me with its
restoration. I would like to hear from anyone who can provide
technical information such as timing, how to stop oil leak from
clutch housing and history of this make. Any letters will be
greatly appreciated,’
See if you might be able to help ERWIN KRETZSCHMAR, Route 3, Box
157, Floresville, Texas 78114 as he relates: ‘I have been
collecting tractors and engines and always wanted a large
generator. Well, I finally found one with an 80 HP Tipps engine
with control panel, but the sad story is they stripped it of all
copper wire connections; so I would like to hear from someone who
has one that could give me instructions how to rewire. It is a
General Electric alternating current No. 4020350, speed 327, KW 48,
Volts 240, Amp 144, cycle 60. I’ll appreciate if you help me
BILL HOSSFIELD, 50 Oakwood Drive, Ringwood, New Jersey 07456
wants this entered in the Smoke Rings column: ‘I have just been
given an engine by my grandfather. It’s been in his barn for as
long as I can remember. Could someone identify it for me? It has a
brass tag on the top of the water hopper with these numbers (Engine
No. 314064, RPM 550, HP 2GH). The flywheels are 18′ x 1?’.
It has a Wico magneto. The tag on it is not readable except the
imprinted numbers 871312.’
PHILIP VAZZANA, 242 S. Poplar, Greenville, Mississippi 38701
says: ‘Thank you Guys for the information about my engine. My
engine is a Hercules 1? HP manufactured around 1923. I am still
interested in restoration information. I just started this hobby,
but have a terminal case of the Gas Engine Fever. And-May all of
your engines crank on the first try!’
GORDON AEBIG, 312 Maple Street, Shelby, Michigan 49455 is a
newcomer to our Gas Engine Family and writes: ‘I have an F-30
Farmall tractor and I wonder if someone can tell me what years
these tractors were built. I don’t see many for sale in your
magazine and parts are unavailable in all salvage yards where I
have looked. These tractors are very scarce in my part of the
country. Here is a picture of my engine.’
CHARLES W. SCHURMAN, 416 Blake, St. Joseph, Missouri 64504 needs
your help: ‘At a recent farm sale, I got a six hole Sandwich
corn sheller. The people that had it did not know how old it was as
they had bought it as a used one. There is a metal plate on the
side of it with the number 1035. Can any reader out in Gas Engine
Land tell me how old my sheller is? The sheller is in very good
shape, only some wood in the cab and shelled corn elevators need to
be replaced. The paint is good to fair as it has been in a shed. It
has not been used for about 40 years.’ (You’ll probably
hear from our readers, Charles).
A second letter comes from HARRY L. RITTER, Route 5, Box 127,
Fulton, New York 13069 as he tells you: ‘I would like to thank
you all for helping me with my engines. Without you, I would never
have made it. Also to Anna Mae for being able to decode my
I have a couple more questions to ask-How much clearance should
there be in rod and main bearings of the old engine? Also, the
magneto on my Fairbanks Morse 2 HP has started to ooze a tar-like
substance. It started during winter storage in (unheated) shed. I
have run it about five minutes. What shall I do? I hate to ruin
By the way, I have my Fuller Johnson pump engine running. (See
Sept-Oct. 1976 G.E.M.).
JIM HICKEY, 1333 El Rey Avenue, El Cajon, California 92021 sends
this: ‘There has been very little in past issues of G.E.M. on
the Meco engine. I have a 6 HP Meco, serial number A1549. Bore and
stroke is 6′ x 8′. This engine looks quite a bit like a
Witte. Can any readers tell me what, if any, connection there was
between Meco and Witte. Are the Meco engines rare?’ (Let Jim
hear from you if you know the answers).
The following missal comes from a newcomer, CRAIG WILSON, 28280
Seabiscuit TL., Evergreen, Colorado 80439: ‘The July-August
1978 issue of GEM was my first and I have read it cover to cover
several times. I was bitten by (the Bug) when I spotted an old
Economy engine covered with dirt at a nearby antique shop. Over the
years, I had seen old engine exhibits at various State Fairs and
marveled at those beautiful machines that had been restored to
their original condition. So I purchased the Economy and hauled it
home in the trunk of my car.
So-now I need a little help from the readers of GEM. The magneto
assembly is completely missing from the engine and I must either
construct a new one or find one to purchase in my travels. The
engine is a 1? HP, 775 RPM Economy, Engine No. 15 JK 9028 U, with
the date 9-8-33 stamped on the block.
One other thing I must mention- my subscribing to your magazine
was the result of advice given to me by Bill Swets, a fellow who
has rebuilt many old time engines and who lives near Timnath,
Colorado. I was told by folks in the area to see Bill for advice on
how to get started with this new hobby.
I arrived at Bill’s farm in mid-afternoon while he was busy
with farm chores. After introducing myself to Bill and his Dad, he
set aside his chores for an hour and a half while he showed me his
collection and provided insight into what our hobby is all about.
If Bill is typical of the people you find fooling around old gas
engines, there’s a lot more folks I’m anxious to meet!
Thanks for your help!