JOHN BECK, Star Route 2, Bismarch, North Dakota 58501 writes:
‘I hope one of your readers has an Adams, one cylinder, 2
cycle, railroad engine, as I have the same and need much
information. Some of the parts are missing, but I have the carb and
enough else there to get it running some day. If someone could lend
me a photo of a complete engine with the original 3-wheeled running
gear would be a big help.’
A young enthusiast writes: ‘I am 15 years old and own my own
magneto repair business. I was wondering if anybody out there in
GEMland has any information on magneto coil winding and magnet
recharging? I run stuck whenever somebody needs this done, and
there isn’t anyone out here in Lynden that knows how.
Any correspondence I get will be answered. While I’m on the
subject, I also have just finished restoring my 1938 John Deere AR
that I received two years ago.’ (This letter comes from JOHN D.
MAAS, JR., 8311 Guide Meridian, Lynden, Washington 98264. Sure hope
you veterans in this business can give John a helping hand.)
H. L. RITTER, Route 5, Box 127, Fulton, New York 13069 says:
‘Hi Smoke Ringers! I have asked questions before and got many
good answers, so I have another – I have a Fuller Johnson pump
engine. It had a broken crankshaft. I got another one. The manual
says the connecting rod gets lubricated from a grease cup on end of
There is no hole for a cup nor is there a hole in crank throw
for grease to come out. How do I lubricate the connecting rod?’
(There’s another letter for you to write, Fellas! Thanks for
being so helpful.)
LEON DEFFERDING, Route 2, Black Creek, Wisconsin 54106 tells
you: ‘I am sending you a photo of my side shaft gas engine
which I bought a few years ago. It is an air-cooled Marvel 5 HP,
Serial #114, manufactured by the Marvel Motor Works, Kewaunee,
Wisconsin. I had it to three shows in Wisconsin this summer and it
ran very well all day. It runs on a Model T spark coil with a gas
fuel pump and has 3 drip oilers and 3 grease cups which are all
I don’t know much about this engine and found out at the
shows that there is only 3 known in the state of Wisconsin and not
much is known about them either, or how many were made and their
ages. I would like to hear from anyone else who has one or any type
of information about the company.’ (Lots of folks hunting
answers – will keep you writers busy, won’t it??)
DONALD L. SIEFKER’, R. R. 13, Box 302, Muncie, Indiana 47302
writes: ‘I need some helpful information on two engines I own
and have nearly finished restoring. Perhaps a note in Smoke Rings
would bring me some assistance.
I need to know the colors of paint and any striping (if any) for
a Cray Brothers gasoline engine. They were made in Cleveland, Ohio,
last patent date is 1907. Mine is 4? HP open crank, hit and miss,
igniter fired.
The other engine is a Detroit made by Detroit Engine Works in
Detroit, Michigan. It is about 1? HP with vertical piston, 2 cycle,
tank-cooled. I need to know paint colors and any striping. Also any
other information on this engine, especially starting, igniting and
speed control and adjustment. Last patent date is 1909. Thanks for
any help!’ (And then he added Have a good FALL (Autumn that
is!) – so glad he clarified that statement and he also said GEM is
a jewel – Thanks Don.)
A note of appreciation from PETE HUISMAN, Box 187, Wilmont,
Minnesota 56185: ‘Just want to say Thanks for a great magazine.
I really enjoy it and enjoy the great show reports. I would
appreciate any details which your readers would be able to give me
on a scale model of a Rumely Oil Pull 15-30 ‘F’ or 30-60
‘E’. I’d like to make one.’
A note from DON RETTBURG, R. D. 1, Boodbury, Pennsylvania 16695:
‘GEM is a great magazine and is well read at our house by my
two sons and myself. We just added a McCormick Deering W-12 Serial
#WS2362 to our collection. This tractor was partly disassembled but
I think we have all the parts. I would like to know if any of you
readers could help, especially with a picture of a W-12, especially
the seat area. Would also like to know the year the tractor was
built and the original colors.’
Here’s a letter from ROBIN W. GAY, 197 Russell Street,
Cleveland, Qld. 4163, Australia: ‘I am writing in the hope of
finding out some information on an engine which I have acquired
recently. I have heard of only one other of this type in Australia,
but am yet to contact the owner of it.
The details of the engine are as follows: Standard Gas Engine
made by the Standard Gas Engine Co. of San Francisco. It is a
vertical open crank of 7 HP 360 RPM. It is, in fact, a GAS engine
and not gasoline, however, it has been converted to run on gasoline
or as we call it, petrol.
Just a point of interest, it becomes confusing for many people
when talking of engines as ‘Gas Engines;’ many people
outside the USA and Canada, that is. When Americans or Canadians
refer to a ‘Gas Engine,’ they generally mean a
‘Gasoline Engine.’ 1 don’t know what you call a true
‘Gas’ engine (that is an engine which draws on a gaseous
fuel and not a liquid fuel.) In Australia, for instance, we refer
to engines as being ‘Petrol Engines’ (liquid petroleum
fuel) and ‘Gas Engines’ (gaseous fuel). Now I had better
get off this subject, before I get confused (even more).
Enclosed photographs of the Standard Gas Engine and I would like
to know anything at all the readers may be able to tell me about
it-particularly the date of manufacture of these engines. It would
appear they would be well before 1910. What type of ignition system
did they have? This one has been greatly altered to make it high
tension spark plug ignition. What type of gas were they made to run
on? Also are there any ‘Standard’ engines in the land of
collectors in U.S.A. or are they in fact, a rarity over there?
I will be pleased to hear from anybody about this engine and
will surely answer any letters.’
FLOYD RADKE, 1200 Reynolds, North Las Vegas, Nevada 89030 asks:
‘Do you have any address of the nearest Engine Club to Las
Vegas, Nevada that I could get in contact with as my FA-60052 1936,
F-20 is now restored to a very respectable condition.’ (We have
no clubs listed for Nevada, but maybe you fellows could realize
better than I which would be the closest organization-do let Floyd
LESLIE GOFF, 9161 Queen Street, Fort Langley, British Columbia,
Box 403, Canada JOX 1J0 has this to relate: ‘I’ve lately
picked up a 3 HP side shaft engine of the following data on the
nameplate-Peerless Motor Co. Makers, Lansing, Michigan U.S.A. Shop
#2852, 3 HP. This engine is complete and turns over, but valves
rusted solid, but that offers me no difficulty, because if I
can’t free them, I’ll cut the stems off and drill out and
make new ones. What I’d like to know is the year of manufacture
and what color it was painted. I’m a subscriber of Gas Engine
Magazine and enjoy it immensely.’
A letter from the country above us comes from one of our
interested newcomers as LARRY HANNAH, 903-14th Street, New
Westminster, British Columbia, Canada V3M 4P8 writes: ‘I have
been interested in old engines ever since I have been exposed to
the remains of them as a child. I’m only 29 now, so I
didn’t grow up with them in a useful sense, but they were
always a curiosity to me.
We have just gotten our own house, so I can now collect a few
engines, etc. I am a fan of the enclosed crankcase engines such as
the McCormick Deering and F. M. CZ engine of which I have a 1? and
6/7 HP. The F.M. Style C is definitely the ultimate Z engine having
roller bearings and being self lubricating. Mine is vapor cooled
and mounted on a cast iron base for driving a generator. I intend
to drive a 110 V alternater with it. I would be interested in
hearing from anyone who shares my interest in enclosed engines,
particularly the F.M. CZ, self oiling models.
I also have a Massey Harris, Type 2, Shop #1K4312, 1.5 HP 650
RPM made in Canada. I wonder if this engine is very common as I
have not seen ads or articles concerning this engine. Perhaps
someone could tell me more about it.
I recently subscribed to GEM and received two issues and am
eagerly awaiting the next one.’
Then from PAUL HARTER, 2737 E. 12th Street, Joplin, Missouri
64801 comes this bit: ‘Am enclosing a picture of an engine I
have. I’ve asked some friends who deal in engines, but they
don’t know the make, ft has the letter V before the number on
all parts. It uses EK Wico magneto. Name plate is missing and
lettering on engine is so blurred it cannot be read. Would really
appreciate any information.’
A letter from BERNARD L. SCOTT, 117 Highview Drive, Cocoa,
Florida 32922 and he says: ‘I have been enjoying GEM and
collecting engines for several years. I have two engines in my
collection that I need information about. They are a Type F Briggs
and Stratton ? HP with two flywheels and a battery ignition. The
serial number is F251. This is the earliest B & S that I have
seen and I have not seen another like it. I would like to
correspond with someone who knows about it. I need to know the date
of manufacture and the color scheme.
The other engine is a New Way upright Model C, Type E, 4? HP,
serial number 682. I need the date of manufacture, color and
striping scheme. This engine was highly decorated when it was new.
One end of the crankshaft is slightly bent causing the flywheel to
wobble slightly when it is running and I need some ideas on how to
straighten it. Some of the other engines I have include a 3 HP
throttle governed Sattley, 1920; a 2? HP Gray Type G hit and miss
and a 2 HP Type T Fairbanks Morse upright, 1913. I am anxious to
hear from other engine collectors in regard to any of the above
engines or information on them.’ (Hope you find a pen pal,