Smoke Rings

By Anna Mae
Published on November 1, 1977
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ALLEN HABERMAN, 14321 Josephine Road, Largo, Florida 33540 is
asking for help: ‘I am a gas engine buff with my collection,
but I am going to do serious research into this. I want to know if
any readers can help me, by allowing me to benefit from their
experience. If an intake and exhaust manifold is made in one
casting, using the exhaust gases to heat this combination manifold,
what problems will I run into switching to kerosene, after starting
on gasoline? My idea is to run the twin passages together, with a
thin separation, for at least 12 inches, hoping this heat will
vaporize the kerosene enough for proper combustion. Please write me
if you have any information.’

A letter came recently from ALVA M. McCOY, 5128 N. Cannon,
Spokane, Washington 99208 – ‘I have this gas engine, a Paradox
from the Ohio Electric Company. I have tried propane in every way I
can think of and would greatly appreciate any help from anyone who
might have any idea as to how to get it to run.’ (Any help,

DICK GIBBENS, Route 2, Box 175, Schriever, Louisiana 70395
explains: ‘I’ve just acquired a Rock Island 1? HP hit and
miss, S.N. A59210 open crank engine. It has a Webster tri-polar
magneto with make and break ignition. I would greatly appreciate
hearing from someone with information on this engine as it is very
interesting and runs well.

I also have an F-M ‘N’ 12 HP, an F-M ‘E’ marine
and several Z’s and Lockwoods. I treasure my engines and

Here is a letter from KEN DAWSON, Anoka Engine Club Annex, 1311
19th Street, South, Moorhead, Minnesota 56560 who has some
information and also wants some letters from you: ‘I have been
collecting engines for going on two years. One of the engines I
have is a Taylor vacuum engine made in Elgin, Illinois April 9,
1929. I am trying to get a history of this company together with a
record of how many of these engines are still around. If you have a
Taylor, could you drop me a line sending the following information:
Serial number {stamped on right side of block), HP rated 1, 1?,2;
Style A, B, C; number of spokes 5-6 or tear drop style; number of
oilers, 1 or 2; date of manufacture (on bottom right side of
block), rotary mag or Wico EK.

Also any light sketches of decals these engines had. If you have
what you think to be a Taylor, but it has no serial number on the
block, please send a description. Taylor sold engines to two other
companies I know of, Universal Milk Machine Co., Albert Lea,
Minnesota (printed International Red) AND Empire Cream Separator
Co. of Connecticut (painted a lighter John Deere green). Any
information on your engines would be greatly appreciated.’ (I
need say no more – if you have this type of engine, please send him
the data.)

JIM HICKEY, 1336 Peach Avenue, El Cajon, California 92021
writes: ‘Please put this correction in your column – a few
months ago you published a letter from me which gave an incorrect
address. It was in Volume 12, No. 3, page 22. This concerns a
company called Pro-Tech which makes an excellent fuel tank sealant.
This product will seal seams and pin hole leaks and will anchor
down rust and scale. The correct address is: Pro-Tech Company, 924
Williamson Avenue, Fullerton, California 92632, Phone 714-525-4797.
I called and talked to them and they will ship a quart can for
$9.85 plus postage, the postage part would be C.O.D.

Also on page 7 of the Sept.-Oct. issue of G.E.M. (1977), Mr.
John Jilka mentions using a zinc coating to build up worn-out
pistons (?) I’d like to know more about this. Perhaps some of
your readers could tell us about this idea.

I would also like to correspond with anyone who knows anything
of an engine called CH & E. I found one out here, but none of
the collectors in this area have ever heard of it.’

TODD EYSTER, R. D. 1, Stewartstown, Pennsylvania 17363 writes
us: ‘Being a reader of your magazine for several years, I
don’t believe I’ve seen an engine like mine mentioned
before. It is a garden tractor named the Red E tractor, motor
#9827, patents #1,578,343 and #1,701,725. It was made by The
Pioneering Manufacturing Co. of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Any readers
that have information on this, please

GEORGE S. CLARK, 254 Pond Point Avenue, Milford, Connecticut
06460 is seeking any information available on Charter gasoline
engines as he is going to compile a list of all known Charter
engines in existence, so write him if you have one, or know of one.
(See ad in back under Wanted.)

WALTER E. SCHRAGE, 1219 Lawn Avenue, New Haven, Indiana 46774 is
asking for help: ‘I need your help on five antique inboard and
outboards. Where manufactured? By whom? When manufactured? 1) 3 HP
Harvard outboard, about 1908. 2) 3 HP Kenwood, about 1908 inboard.
3) 3? HP Champion A/C, about 193? 4) 6 HP Motor Go Jr. has Bosch
magneto on it. Tillotson carburetor, outboard 193? 5) 5 HP Motor Go
inboard. All five sold by Sears Roebuck, Chicago.’ (Get your
pencils ready, Men, and help Wait with his questions.)

DAVE BABCOCK, R.F.D. 3, Box 673, Cass City, Michigan 48726 would
like to correspond with someone who has a 12 HP Associated engine
on factory trucks. He especially needs to know the exact size of
the fuel tank and battery box.

More information needed – this time from R. J. BUSH, 11087
Dennison Road, Forestville, New York 14062: ‘Pictured is an
engine that we have and about which we cannot find any information.
It is a 2 cycle, constant speed, has no governor. The crankshaft
has a pulley on it, no starting mechanism on it. The gas tank holds
approximately 1 pint of fuel. There is a bracket on the front that
would seem to have been mounted stationary and the motor or engine
would be free to move to keep the belt tight. Any help you could
give me regarding the manufacturer and the use to which this engine
was put, would be greatly appreciated.’ (Seems an awful lot of
folks are awaiting letters this time.)

CHRIS C. DIEHM, 1238 West 223 Street, Torrance, California 90502
has a lot to tell us. ‘I answered the man’s questions as to
the cost, type and age of the plow pictured on the back cover of
Nov.-Dec. 1976 issue of Gas Engine Magazine.

It is a Double Strength Beam Brush Plow made somewhere between
1900 and 1905. The 1902 Sears Replica Mail Order Catalog has these
listed and while not of the same make, they are the same type of
plow. They were not only used for plowing under brush, but for use
in soil where there are many large rocks or small boulders hidden
or concealed a few inches below the surface of the soil.

The 1902 Sears Catalog lists them at $8.75 plus shipping or
freight charges. A local hardware store or implement dealer in 1902
probably would list it at $11.00 and claim that their plow is made
of better material than Sears plows.

Most brush and other special type of walking plows made before
1900 had wood beams. Most riding plows, whether a sulky or a gand,
had steel beams, since about 1880. Only the ‘wealthy’
farmer could afford riding plows before 1900.

I enjoy seeing the color cover pictures on both the Gas Engine
Magazine and Iron-Men Album Magazine. I have already ordered and
have received the color picture of the threshing scene from the
Case Public Relations Office.

I also enjoy and appreciate the spiritual content or Good Old
Time Religion statements in your editorials. Best regards to you
and your family.’ (Thanks Chris and I take that to mean not
only my personal family, but also the Magazine Family of

DOUGLAS KELLEY, 3601 Hollister #278, Houston, Texas 77080 is
seeking companionship in his hobby: ‘I enjoy your magazine very
much and look forward to receiving it. I have seemed to encounter a
problem in moving to Houston, Texas. While in northern Indiana, I
was very active in Branch #5ofE.D.G.E.&A.T.A.Now, I seem to
have trouble locating any clubs or shows in the South. I would
appreciate any help in this matter.

I have a John Deere Model D, 1937 that I hope to have here next
summer and am eagerly searching for a place to show it. Also, I
would like to attend some shows if possible. I know there must be
someone down here that shares the same interest I do in the
exciting and amazine world of gas engines. Thanks anybody for help!
(The only two organizations we have listed in Texas are: Texas
Early Day Tractor & Gas Engine Association at Duncan Seawright
Farm, Meridian, Texas 76665. Contact Dale Munday, 229 S.E. Gordens,
Burleson, Texas 76028 AND the Gregg County Historical Society
Museum which was to have been erected recently. Contact John W.
Hedge, 304 N. Glover Drive, Longview, Texas 75601. Anybody out
there interested in this same hobby – please get in touch with Doug
– he’s lonely for gas engine chums.)

Enclosed find a cartoon sent to us by the courtesy of John W.
Tichenor, R.R. 4, Shelbyville, Illinois 62565.

JAY JOHNSON, Box 17225, Dulles International Airport,
Washington, D.C. 22041 writes: ‘I just wanted to say how much I
enjoy your magazine and really look forward to it every two months.
I would also like to thank three people who have helped me out a
lot when I could not get something running. They are Mr. Walter
Barnhart, Mr. Turman of Roanoke, Virginia and Mr. Willy Enfild of
Winterstown, Pa. Thanks a whole lot especially to Mrs. Barnhart too
for cooking breakfast at all the shows I attend.

I also need information on the New Way gas engines. I have a 4
HP upright engine and need a diagram of the piece that goes under
the exhaust valve to make it hit and miss – can’t seem to find
any information on same. Thank you so much!’

One of our newer members sounds very enthused as he writes:
‘I just received my second issue of your wonderful magazine and
sent out 4 orders from the For Sale section. I need some advice
about my John Deere l? HP, Type E, Serial #237590. This engine had
no mag when I acquired it and I can’t see any place one would
be mounted. It appeared to have a point arrangement on the exhaust
valve push rod, so I hooked up a Model T coil to it and it started
and ran fine. My real problem is that I can find no crankcase
breather on the engine. Could someone tell me if this engine has
one and where it might be located?

For Mr. Jack Newhouse who inquired about a Model T spark coil
hook-up, I am running my John Deere, my International 1?HP Model M,
a Cushman Cub 2 HP and aMonitorr 1? HP vertical off of Model T
coils. I use a limit switch for points on the International and

I am just getting into this engine collection craze, although I
have seen many of them in operation when I was a youngster. My
other engines include a Stover 1?? HP OTI, a Homelite 28 volt
generator and 6 various types of May tags including singles, a
twin, a Model 88 and one vertical. My hands and fingernails
haven’t been free of grease for four months.

I would be glad to correspond with anyone that needs help in
setting up ignition systems when a mag is missing. Thanks for a
great magazine!’ (Letter was from FRANCIS (BOB) BRIGGS, 7601
22nd Avenue, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140.)

A note from Fiddlin’ Stan (STANTON S. HOWE, 4433 Red Fox
Drive, Helena, Montana 59601): ‘I got my first engine a week
ago, August 20th and had it cleaned up and running and took it to
the Threshing Bee at Belgrade, Montana, the 27th and 28th where it
ran all day for both days and never missed a lick. It is a John
Deere E1? HP- My step-dad threw it out in the 30s. We retrieved it
from the junk pile. It has had an (ingenious farmer) conversion on
the ignition system and now runs on a Ford coil and battery. He
also gave me an old Delco 16 V. light plant, all complete;
that’s a project for winter!’


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