By Anna Mae
Published on November 1, 1976
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Well, by now, I guess winter has ‘set in’ all over the
parts of the country that claims this yearly season. Hope your
spirits are up for the forthcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas
Holidays. Surely you know you have my Best Wishes and Blessings for
the upcoming weeks – just wish I could drop in and say Hi to each
one of you. We’d sit a spell, chat a while, break bread,
I’d even help you tie that bow on the package, mix the batter
of cookies or whatever and then together, have a prayer and then a
Christian hug or handshake; away I’d go to the next member of
our G.E.M. family-well, can’t be that way but I can wish you
well through this column and you in return respond when I get your
letters and your beautiful comments – I guess I’m just saying
‘Love ya and God Bless.’ And now onto the sharing of each
others ideas and interests as we publish the letters and expound
our views on the printed page—

CHARLES FOLAND, R. R. 3, Grant City, Missouri 64456 recently
purchased an Economy 5 HP gas engine in excellent condition. He
would like to know the original color of engine.

WM. C. KUHL, 464 South 5 Sebewaing, Michigan 98709 comments;
‘I have two Ideal gas engines and would like to know horsepower
of same. No. 1 has a 12-?’ diameter flywheel, 3?’ bore
4′ stroke. No. 2 engine has 11′ diameter flywheel, 3?’
bore ?’ stroke. No nameplates on either engine.

I enjoy magazine very much – can’t wait til it comes every
two months.

From NEIL ATKINSON, 120 Bay Street, Cleveland 4163, Qld.
Australia, the following: ‘I hope you will be able to help me
with an engine I am restoring. It is a Keller engine made by the
Bloomer Machine Works of Bloomer, Wisconsin. Engine number is 2037
and it is rated at 1? HP at 500 RPM. It can be described as a
horizontal hopper-cooled four cycle with an automatic inlet valve
and governed by hit and miss governor operating on the exhaust
valve. The crankshaft and running gear is open and lubrication is
by grease cup and sight feed lubricator.

So much for description, now my main problem is there is no
magneto and I would welcome any information regarding this,
assuming of course that it was magneto ignition; also the
carburetor or mixing device seems original but ever so simple, so
any information to this and the year of manufacture would be
greatly appreciated. ‘I’m trusting that your readers may be
able to help.’

BRIAN BATCHEON, Tuaheive Road, Kaiafroi, R. D., North
Canterbury, New Zealand is in the process of restoring an R & P
(Russell & Post, Alma, Michigan) tractor. He has a sales
brochure with all relevant information except the date of
manufacture. The brochure was printed in 1918 so he thinks perhaps
this is a guide. 18 of these tractors came to New Zealand and he is
hoping for some assistance.

KEVIN COX, 36 Queens Road, Earls Colne, NR Colchester, Esses.
C062RS, England relates: ‘The reason I am writing is that I
would like some information on the early 1930s, 40s and 50s
American tractors and combines and although there seems to be a lot
of people in England have catalogues, etc. I cannot get any and I
should think there is a lot still waiting to be bought in USA and I
would willingly swap color photos of English or American tractors
for them.

As to myself, I am 21 years old, wear glasses and am quite mad
on old tractors (American ones especially) and a few of my friends
have quite a few tractors, mostly Fordsons and an English tractor
called the Field Marshall which was a very popular tractor just
after the Second World War.

Your G.E.M. and I.M.A. magazines are the best I have read on old
tractors and steam engines. I have six files I have made on old
tractors, one folder devoted to the Massey Harris Company. If
possible, I would like leaflets on the Allis Chalmers, Case, John
Deere, Oliver, Cletrac and any combine literature, and would be
most grateful for any information.’

ROGER DOLLIFF, JR. 2680 Pheasant Road, Excelsior, Minnesota
55331 sent this letter quite a while ago – I’m sorry Roger, it
escaped the column for too long, but here ’tis-

Please help on my Monitor Upright model VJ, Serial #14635 – 1?
HP. I bought this beautiful engine at an auction and am chomping at
the bit to start it but am worried about the lubrication.

Can anyone tell me if this model is supposed to have lubrication
other than that from crank case splash. If not, at what level is
the oil supposed to be carried?

Two or three local old-timers that I have called, though they
weren’t sure, felt this engine should have a drip oiler up
higher to lubricate the cylinder walls which would certainly seem
logical to me. But, very close examination just doesn’t show
where one would have ever been. Can anyone help me with this
question? If one of you knows and would drop me a card with your
telephone number, I’d be happy to call.

WARREN & LEE HETTERLY, 4141 South Pass Road, Everson,
Washington 98247 have sent this picture so you folks could help
them with some information. It is a McCormick Deering T-10, Serial
#1988. Can you help them as to manufacture date, or any other

From one of our newest members of the G.E.M. Family – TIM
STEWART, Route 1, Box Z33H, Paso Robles, California 93446 –
‘I’m a new subscriber and just received my second issue of
G.E.M. It’s really great! I read it cover to cover, even the
ads, and found it is exactly what I was looking for-and that Witte
engines are still in business.

I have two Wittes, a 1?  HP and 2 HP. Both are stuck. The
little ones piston was badly cracked and all the valves were stuck
on both engines. I’m having some problems though the little
Witte I have finished/but it throws oil and grease all over – I
know this is somewhat normal, but not this much; am I over
lubricating? (5 seconds per drop oil). Also, could someone tell me
what color the 2 HP Witte is. It has Wico EK mag, 2-6 spoke
flywheels, exposed crank. If anyone has engines like this, please
write me. I also have a J.D. 3 HP Type E, restored and a Stover,
Ottawa log saw 5 HP, Cushman Cub-which run, unrestored. Also have a
Delco Light 32V gen. in original crate.

I’m only 19, but still old enough to remember using these
engines to make cement, pump water and spray with the Bean sprayer.
My father wants to cut a big tree with the Ottawa before I paint
it, because chain saws can’t do it. Old dead oak trees will
dull the chain too fast.

Our neighbor rancher allowed me to maintain his fleet of F-M
Model Z, Style C 3 HP engines. He uses six of them to pump water
for his hundreds of head of cattle. Something tells me these little
engines never die. Another rancher uses 1? and 3 HP

(Nice to hear from our younger men in this hobby-he has quite a
few engines for his age.)

DOUG EVANS, 102 Standish Drive, Ridgefield, Connecticut 06877
tells us: ‘Although I’m an antique outboard buff, I’ve
recently restored a ‘Johnny on the Spot’ one lunder and
would appreciate any advice relative to any information source for
this engine.’ (Nuff said).

CLAUDE BARRY, 422 E. Jackson, Woodstock, Illinois 60098 is
hoping someone will write him with information on his Novo HU 3316
x 4, 600 R. and 4 HP Stover made in 1916 or 17.

‘Hello to All in Gas Engine Land’ writes JEFF BARTHELD,
Route 2, Box 145, Rogers, Minnesota 55374. And continuing:
‘First of all I would like to thank the kind people of G.E.M.
for printing my story about the Leroi in the July-August issue.
Next, I would like to thank Rev. Geo. Goodwin and Glee Berry for
sending me Stickney pictures. Also to Gene Sowards and E. Wm.
Timmerman for writing about the Leroi. You’re all great

Now I’m going to send up an S.O.S. to all you people out
there again and I hope someone can help me. In early January, I am
going to be doing a project in school, one for my computer class
and also for my English class. I’m going to be doing a report
on rare gas engines. I have some information on a few that is on
the list, but for the most part the rest of the engines are rather
vague to me. If you could help me with the following information I
would greatly appreciate it. I need to know: 1) Who built the
engine, 2) When was the engine built, 3) Where was it built, 4) The
year the company stopped producing engines and 5) A photograph of
the engine if at all possible. The photo is not necessary, but it
surely would help quite a bit.

These are the engines: Eagle side shaft, Emerson-Brantingham,
Field, Farquhar, Gade, Jacobson, Master Workman, Mietl and Weiss,
Olds, Springfield, Sure Cool, White and Delaksle, White Lilie,
Wisconsin side shaft, York, Rezes, Schramm and Chris, Richee,
Rockwell and Chris, Plymouth Jr., Nelson side shaft, Lawson and
Lutton side shaft, Jumbo, Jerry Boy, Domestic side shaft, Busy Bee,
Bulldog, Alamo, Superior.

I sure do hope you great guys out there can help. It would make
an impressive computer program and English report, if I could get
all this information on them.’ (That’s a lot of work for
somebody – let’s hope he gets quite a few letters.

Would the person who wrote me on the Hvid engine in response to
Mr. Hochstetler’s question in one of our magazines, please
write me again. I have the article with sketch, but somehow the
envelope got away from the letter and you did not have your name on
the letter. Thanks!

TOM McCUTCHEN, Supt., Milan Field Station, Route 2, Box 133,
Milan, Tennessee 38358 has a need as he writes: ‘Your magazine
is enjoyed very much. I need your assistance in obtaining
information on early farm implement wrenches the wrenches that were
usually supplied with the implement. I have started a collection of
the above and need to identify those that do not have the company
name on them. Any assistance will be appreciated.’ (Now that
seems like a ticklish problem – how would you go about that
Fellows? Since he does not know which implements they belong to and
no name on them??-Maybe you can help!).

DAVID ROBERTSON, 20 N. Frederick Street, Evansville, Indiana
47711 sends this picture of a tractor he needs information on as to
year and he would like to know if anyone would have a picture of it
as it left the factory. Any information will be welcomed. It is a
McCormick Deering Fairway 12, Serial #FOS 884.

EDWARD HANSON, 1346 Melrose Street, Chula Vista, California
92011 is wondering if there is a publication or a list of American
one cylinder engines that were manufactured from 1940 back. I
don’t know of any – perhaps this will give someone an idea to
start research on this item.

ALIRVINE, 52821 Ditman Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19135 is
interested in any information on a New Day (that’s way he says,
but I’m wondering if he means New Way) air-cooled 1910 era
upright engine. He’s just gotten interested in gas engines and
says he has a lot to learn.

JAMES D. WOOD, Route 1, Box 73, Leesville, Louisiana 71446 has
an old model Witte single cylinder 12 HP engine and would like to
know if this engine has a magneto, also what is the age of the
engine? I’m sure he would be happy to hear from someone who
knows of the Witte.

‘Really enjoy the G.E.M.’ says CARL L. BORGSTROM, 35530
HY D, Dousman, Wisconsin 53118, and continues: ‘Recently
obtained a Buffalo 4 cyl. water-cooled engine, S.N. 1067 made by
Buffalo Engine, Buffalo, New York. Also a Delco Lite Plant S.N.
229261. Would like to restore these and would appreciate any type
of information or history available on these engines.’

And from ROY C. KACHEL, 42919 S.E. 172nd Pl., North Bend,
Washington 98045 comes the following:

‘It would be most helpful if I could get information on
these engines:

WITTE-Serial #B3976,no H.P. rating, but with 16′ fly wheels,
throttle governed and with Priming cup. I need to know what type
magneto is used, also what was the original color?

What color was a Gray Engine? It has no name plate, but has
15′ flywheels. It is probably a P? HP, hit and miss, with make
and break ignition.

What color was a Termaat and Monahan, 2 cycle vertical engine? I
also need information as to oiling. Is the oil mixed with the fuel,
or does the engine receive the oil from oil cups? Where and how is
the fuel tank mounted? Where is the battery and coil mounted and in
what size box?

I would appreciate any information on the above engines as to
vintage, dates, (of manufacture). All letters will be

From LEE HOUGHTON, Wallingford, Vermont 05773 arrived the
following missal:

‘I very much enjoy G.E.M., too bad it doesn’t come out
monthly. The pictures ‘ sent in sure help to identify some
engines I am not sure about. I have only been collecting engines
one year and have a lot to learn. Some questions are: Color of a
Ruggles? What type of magneto did it have? The name tag says it was
made in Poultney, Vermont. I also have a Gray with a chain drive
magneto I believe to be made by the same company except the
nameplate says ‘The Gray–A.W. Grays Sons Middletown Springs,
Vermont’ and is cast bronze. This engine is tank cooled and the
Ruggles is hopper cooled, however, both engines share an unusual
pedestal type base and many castings are alike.

I have 60 engines my largest engine being a 12 HP Economy until
I find something larger. Some other favorites include an Olds 4?
HP, IHC Famous screen cooled-4 HP, set of John Deeres-P?, 3, 6 HP,
Galloway 6 HP, set of Economy except 9 HP, two steam engines-7 and
9 HP, Novo 4 HP and a 6 HP. Sandwich on a saw rig I use to cut my
wood. Unfortunately, there are very few engines left in Vermont and
I am traveling further to find them.’

BOB DEIST, Route 1, Beverly, Ohio 45715 sent this one in ink:
‘I have never written to the SMOKE RINGS before, so I thought
it was about time. I went to several shows and displayed engines
and a 4-wheel drive Massey Harris some times. A lot of people
wanted to know what kind of paint I used, because it looked like
the engines were waxed. The name of the paint my dad and I like is
Dean & Barry. You can get a good smooth coat with a brush. We
also use auto body undercoat to fill rust marks, then sand it
smooth. My dad does most of the painting and also likes to go out
looking for engines.

I would like to know if anybody knows how the crank pin is
lubricated on a 2 HP Burn Oil, and if anyone has any information on
the Burn Oil Diesel. It uses the R.M. Hivid Co. Patents.

We sure do like the G.E.M. and I.M.A. – so keep up the good

KARL W. HERR, Box 565, Kent, Washington 98031 sends some
encouraging comments: ‘I started collecting about two years ago
and I find your magazine a great help. The old
‘Oil-in-the-grease-gun’ trick submitted in your column by
friend, Walt Taubeneck really works great. Please put any of those
ideas you get in your future columns (sure will and thanks for

HERBERT LEWIS, 55 High Street, Dalton, Massachusetts 01226 is
looking for some help from the G.E.M. readers. He has a 3 HP
air-cooled Domestic Type A engine that he hopes to restore to
original condition. It is now running with a spark plug and Ford
coil, originally had a friction driven magneto, spark coil and make
and break ignition. He would appreciate hearing from anyone owning
a similar engine, air cooled or water-cooled as the ignition and
related parts would be the same. (So he’ll be waiting for your

Seeking the reader’s help is CARL E. MARTIN, JR., 2719
Hughes Road, Adelphi, Maryland 20783 – ‘Early this spring I
acquired a Standard Garden Tractor #44192. I assume it is a
Monarch, having seen one at a show with (Monarch) stamped in raised
letters on the air shroud. Mine does not have this. The engine is
square, single cylinder, 3′ x 3’, battery coil ignition and
uses a Tillotron M15A carburetor. I finished restoring it in
September 1976. It runs very well and is stronger on the pull than
a Georgia mule. I am presently seeking information on it as the
dates, horsepower, who sold them, etc. I will be more than grateful
and will gladly answer all letters. (Carl has an ad under WANT ADS
in this issue-check it.)

RAY PICHEL, R. D. 1, Hellertown, Pennsylvania 18055 would like
to correspond with anyone who has had an Ohio Cultivator Company,
Vellevue, Ohio Haypress. (Hope you get some letters.)

DIXON B. FREELAND, Frede-ricksburg National Military Park, Box
679, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401 writes us: ‘Have been
enjoying G.E.M. and articles for several years now and figure it is
about time to write and tell you how much I appreciate the fine
work you people are doing in helping to keep our hobby alive. I got
into ‘tired iron’ a few years ago–Keeping ’em running
is so much more worthwhile than seeing engines in a museum-and did
you ever see another hobby where everyone is so helpful?

Meanwhile I need some help with a find old engine I think may be
fairly old. I have it reworked except for the ignition system. When
I got the engine, it had only a plate bored for a spark plug and a
stud on the timing gear. I think it must have had an igniter and
spark coil or perhaps a magneto. The engine is an Ideal upright.
The brass plate on the water jackets says (The Ideal Gas and
Gasolene Engine, Ideal Motor Co. No. 1175, 1? HP, Lansing,
Michigan.) I would so greatly appreciate any information to help me
restore this ignition system correctly. If not possible, I hope
some of our good readers can help me rig up a method to use a spark
plug and coil.’ (Good Luck Dixon – and readers.)

JERRY W. WEBER, R. R. #2, Box 782, Lewisport, Kentucky 42351
encloses a picture and paragraph as follows:

Enclosed is a picture of an Upright Fairbanks & Morse 2
cycle engine. As far as we can find out it was built for use in a
boat. It belongs to a good friend of mine, Mr. Joe Whitehouse of
Cloverport, Kentucky. He purchased the engine in January 1976. It
was taken apart and parts were thought to be missing but on
assembling it, we found out that all of the parts were there. Joe
had it running a couple of weeks after purchasing it. Joe would
like to hear from anyone owning one of these engines or anyone
having information on it as to year of manufacture, how many were
built, and approximately how many years were they manufactured. Any
information is to be sent to Mr. Joe Whitehouse, Cloverport,
Kentucky 40111.

Looking for help with one of his old gas engines is MIKE
STOCKAMP, R. R. 3, Greenville, Illinois 62246. The name of the
engine is Monarch, Model TA4, No. 15111, 1? HP, 500 RPM. It was
made by Royal Engine Company, Saginaw, Michigan. He would like to
know the year of manufacture and when they first started making
these engines and when they quit. Also, he wonders if there were
other sizes than 1? HP, if so, what sizes?

STETSON C. CARTER, Hulls Cove, Maine 04644 says: ‘I have a
Weber engine, 2? HP, bore 5′, stroke 6’, hit and miss
governed, ignition is make and break, four cycle, single cylinder,
horizontal. The engine is cooled by an external water tank. (See
sketch at the bottom of the page.)

Since this engine was identified by some good members – the
Maine Antique Power Association – because there is no
identification on the engine, only a few numbers – the engine was
identified by its construction. I was told that only one other
Weber engine is known to exist in this area. So my question is, are
there any other Weber engines in Gas Engine Land?’

JIM GUTENBERGER, R. R. 1, Colby, Wisconsin 54421 writes:
‘Please accept my appreciation for a great engine magazine. My
problem child is a 1? HP United engine that has part of the magneto
missing. One horseshoe magnet and the output wire are gone. The
only identification mark readable on it is a ANM on the remaining
magnet. If anyone out there can tell me what kind of magneto this
is, I would appreciate it.’

W. M. FOREHAND, Box 124, Porterville, California 93257 is
seeking all information possible on old two wheel, one cylinder
engines, such as old Fairbanks Morse, Waterloos, Stovers and
others, also on steam engines, tractors and gas engines – any
information you wish to share with him as he is going to restore
old engines.

JACK BELLM, Route #3, Box 105, Alexandria, Kentucky 41001 is
seeking informative material on a marine engine used in a boat on
the Ohio River in the Cincinnati area. It is a Ferro Special
manufactured by Ferro Machine and Foundry Co., Cleveland, Ohio,
Type T, 3 HP, Serial #37189. He would also like the year of
manufacture and original color of a Domestic side shaft with a Wico
PR Type Mag, 2 HP, Serial #24858. (Be a good buddy and help

This is the season where love abounds-I believe even the hard
hearted perhaps get a speck of softness on that rebellious nature-
-Lord, I pray that each one could be touched with the Love you
bestowed on us when Christ came to earth – ‘A new commandment I
give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that
ye also love one another’ John 13-34—-‘If we love one
another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.’
1 John 4:12—–Love comforteth like sunshine after rain – William
Shakespeare-Love is the name of the game of life – LOVE is what
it’s all about – Anna Mae.

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