Smoke Rings

By Staff
Published on May 1, 1983
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The G.E.M. Family is all very busy like the
birds and the bees with the Shows about to swing into another
season of engine energies, tractor talk and admiring glances at the
restored items and newly discovered old ones. Keep in touch with us
and don’t forget to give us the human interest parts and puns.
No need to ramble on as there are many goodies coming out the stack
of Smoke Rings.

A letter of appreciation comes from ERNEST L. PEASE, Route 2,
Box 160, Harpursville, New York 13787: ‘I would like to take
this opportunity to thank the many people for all the information
sent me on my request of my Empire tractor. I had to completely
disassemble it to wash and scrape off the layers of old dried oil,
grease, rust and curled up and dried paint. It took me and Anna a
week of steady work and 5 gallons of universal spirits. We got off
nearly every speck of old grease. Had a lot of masking to do as I
wanted to spray it. Gave everything a primer coat first. My
son-in-law was here on his vacation with my daughter, June. I let
him have the honor of spraying all the parts. My daughter had to
keep making trips into Binghamton to the auto finisher store for
more school bus yellow paint, which he had to mix especially for me
to get the correct original yellow. It took a total of 2 gallons to
spray it top and bottom. I finished it too late in the season to
take it to our Club’s Show in Maine, N.Y. I bought a tag-a-long
trailer this year and took it to several shows. It drew a good
crowd at them all and a lot of people remarked that they had never
seen one. I did run into one man that said he owned one years

‘I am enclosing a picture of the Empire. I had not removed
the masking tape from the head lamps yet. The nuts were later
painted black along with the fan, governor and air cleaner and a
few other parts. It starts and runs really nice. It was surely
worth all the work and money for the paint. This Empire tractor
mfg. 11-1947, Model 90. S/N 5943, Engine #J150947. Keep up the fine
work that G.E.M. and your column does. (Well,
that’s one more satisfied gas buff.

An answer to one of the letters comes from WALTER S. KASAL RR1,
Box 87, Chelsea, Iowa 52215 as he writes: ‘To answer Bill
Obernolte of Chateau, Montana, the name of the tractor he found and
pictured on page 10 of Jan/Feb. 1983, is a Flour City made by
Kinnard-Haines Co. Minneapolis, Minnesota, The 20 HP model had
6′ drive wheels with 16’ face. Engine bore and stroke was 4
x 5 and had two clutches. The 30 and 40 HP tractors had two piece
crankshafts with four main bearings, two in the center. Each half
crankshaft had a flange and the two flanges were bolted together in
the center between the two center main bearings. That is the reason
why the engine blocks on the big tractors had a wide space between
them, and yes, the one Bill found is about a 1912 model. I very
much enjoy the G.E.M. and have all

‘I am writing again PLEADING for help on my old Pierce
engine.I had a little note in the magazine last July asking for
help and got responses from two of our good engine buffs. These two
good friends both have a Pierce with 2′ pistons and mine has a
5’ in which the set-up is considerably different.

‘My engine, as well as the two mentioned above, is a
vertical-built engine. The cylinder wall, water jacket and head is
one casting with the firing chamber at the bottom. I need to
communicate with someone about the carburetion, ignition, setup,
governors and the paint color. Come on out there in
GEM land- do we have any more Pierce owners?

‘I would also like for someone to contact me on a Sattley. I
need to know about the governor and the paint color. This engine
has a 4′ piston and has no I.D. tags.’ MARION MENDENHALL,
Mound City, Missouri 64470. 816-442-3683.

STANLEY CROSS, Lamar, Nebraska 69035 had asked a question in the
Sept-Oct. issue 82 about a Maytag car and got many answers from his
wonderful G.E.M. friends. He thought you should
hear the information: ‘The Maytag was formerly the Mason and
was bought about 1907 according to advertisements. It was known as
a Premier Hill Climber and men witnessed to its ability to climb
50% grades with a full load of passengers. Models were: ABC models
which were the two cylinder water-cooled costing from $1250 to
$1350. Models DEF were four cyl. water-cooled costing $1750. A
leading feature of the motors was the absolute elimination of
gaskets. The bodies were high class wood and upholstery was No. 1

‘Thanks to those who identified my What Is It? as the Red
lawn-mower engine and sent information on the extra water hopper on
the IHC LAs. These were used particularly for milk coolers, or
where unattended for a period of time.

‘I would like dates for Cushman Cub #A9974 Model

‘This is my first letter to GEM. I have
gotten more information from Smoke Ringshan any other source,’
says GERALD FLEMING,5805 Dar-rah Road, Mariposa, California

‘Now, I need some help from my fellow engine buffs. I have a
stationary water pump? Engine has 5′ bore, 2′ stroke and
sliding valve. Water pump is on bottom of engine, connecting rod is
a sliding block that connects the steam piston and water pump
piston, total height is 33′. Only wording is East Hampton,
Mass. Any information on make or date would greatly be

LELAND KOERNER, 413 E. Oak, Route 1, Chatsworth, Illinois 60921
asks: ‘Anybody with a solution? The Webster magneto, the one
with the trip on the end, eventually will die of a worn armature
shaft-all on one side. Has anyone a practical repair on this?
I’ve been afraid to weld the worn spot up for fear the heat
might damage the armature. Would be glad to hear from anyone who
has the know-how.’

‘You have a super magazine,’ comments JAMES E. DAENZER,
7285 Bradley Road, Saginaw, Michigan 48601. He then goes on to say,
‘I have a Root & Vandervoort, Type D, Triumph Line, S/N
D647793, 6HP gas engine built for the John Deere Plow Co. on what I
believe to be, the original truck. Is this a somewhat rare engine?
I would like to find out how many were built, the original colors,
if the decals were R & V or John Deere and where placed. Did it
have striping, where and color? Would like to know history of R
& V. See my ad in back of this issue.’

Here comes some help with replacing crankshaft timing from TOM
CROZIER, RR#1, Ailsa Craig, Ontario, Canada NOM 1AO: ‘I thought
the GEM readers might like to share this idea. I have an 8 HP
Massey Harris that needed the above mentioned. Pulling the flywheel
seemed too difficult so several of us came up with the following:
Depending on the size of gear, cut out a ring about 1/3 the
depth-width of the gear. Make a ring to replace the one cut out.
Drill and tap the ring and gear so you can screw the two together.
Cut the gear in half at the bottom of a tooth. Cut the ring in half
so each cut is at 90° to the cut of the gear. Weld a piece of key
stock to the ring so it fits the crankshaft key slot. Assemble the
four pieces. This particular gear was a common Boston gear readily
available. If anyone has an 8HP Massey Type, I would like to
correspond with them. Thanks.’

A newcomer to the hobby writes asking for help by the name of T.
RANDY, RR1. Box 1039, Kittery, Maine 03904: ‘I recently
acquired a Fairbanks Morse Z 3HP @475 RPM engine, S/N 561281. It is
in need of some restoration and I wrote to the F-M Engine
Accessories Operation for information but the only thing still
available is a parts list, which alone, I felt would not be useful
enough to me. They did inform me the engine was built in 1923.

‘As a novice to this fascinating hobby, I thought perhaps
some of your readers may have detailed information or could
recommend some source for me to pursue.’

On the move, TOM VAN MEETEREN, Route 1, Box 301, Valley,
Nebraska 68064 writes us: ‘I have recently moved from Rapid
City, S.D. to Valley, Neb., a distance of 575 miles. This is not a
big feat, but along with household goods, we also moved 1 16HP
Reeves steam engine, 6 antique tractors and about 80 stationary gas
engines. The largest is my 20HP International Famous. How’s
that for dedication to the tired iron hobby?

‘I would really appreciated corresponding with someone about
my 20 HP Famous. It appears to be a very early one and has the
remnants of a hot tube ignition system on it. S/N UB 3467 . It sat
out in the elements for many years, south of Broadus, Montana and
is missing a few items. It also has a compression relief port on
the far side, but everything except the hole is gone.’

BART KISTER, 7560 Morning Side Drive, Indianapolis, Indiana
46240 sends a picture and needs help in restoring it. Can you help
him identify it? He says: ‘Pay no attention to the pulleys on
the shaft. Supposedly this engine came out of NE Indiana and may
have been used as a stationary engine. Main bearings have a little
play and I think it has always been used in fresh water. Any help
will be appreciated. Also see diagram.’

GERALD WAGONER, Route 2, Warrensburg, Missouri 64093 needs to
know the make of this engine. The only numbers he has found on
water gasket reads HP 6-8 RPM 450 No. 233837SR on a base Made in
U.S.A. 4K6, gas tank cap 34K4, Head 6K6 and Ex. valve rocker arm
9K6. Any help will be appreciated.

ISABEL C. D. HATCHETT, Administrative Assistant, Science Museum
of Virginia, Commonwealth of Virginia, 2500 West Broad Street,
Richmond, Virginia 23220 writes: ‘Our museum is gathering
information on the Bessemer gas pump engine. Does anyone know if
these engines were used in Virginia’s oil and natural gas
fields? If they were, we would be most interested in knowing
exactly where they were used.’

This inquiring letter comes from DAVID BEATTIE, Box 2, Conway,
Kansas 67434 as he says: ‘I have a Shaw Equipped Ford Tractor.
I would like more information including paint color, year of
manufacture, and quantity made and if anyone else has one. The
information I have is as follows. Shaw Mfg. of Galesburg, Kansas
made this tractor in the late 1920’s. The radiator, engine,
transmission, frame, and rear end is Model T Ford. Shaw made the
front and rear cast iron wheels. The front wheels look like a
wooden Model T but the spokes are cast iron along with the skid rim
(a Model T hub cap screws on). Both front and rear axles have been
narrowed about 12′. The frame has been shortened about 24’.
The rear wheel is mounted in front of the rear axle with the rear
end being turned upside down to run in the correct direction. It
has the standard 3 pedal Model T transmission. It is unrestored but
in running condition. There is no name plate or tag.

‘The engine S/N S 19247 KAN is in the same place as a Model
T on the side of the block above the water outlet but it is not a
Ford number. The mounted 1 bottom plow is a Ferguson-Sherman Serial
#12686 with patent dates of 1921 and 1925. I have a copy of an old
piece of literature showing a picture of the tractor and
identifying it as a Shaw equipped Ford tractor.’

JIM OSNES, 16420 Fillmore, RR2, Brighton, Colorado 80601 needs
your help and he writes: ‘A few years ago I acquired a U-2 HP
Sattley S/N 2450 Speed 500 throttle-governed kerosene fuel engine.
I do not yet have it restored. I have contacted many collectors and
no one has any knowledge of this particular model. Need to know the
year and color. Also want to know what kind of ignition system it
has, ignitor or plug? There is a large oval hole in the side of the
head at the 1:30 position with 2 studs on
2&5/8‘ centers. There are no bosses
or studs on the engine to mount a magneto, but there is part of a
trip mechanism on the pushrod. So does it use a magneto or a
battery and coil?

‘Here are some numbers: head 2T-10, cylinder hopper U-4,
crank bearing base T-3, cast fuel tank, lower base, U-35, Cam
bracket 2T-14, Cam T-15, governor bracket T-18, connecting rod 3K6,
solid flywheels U-2. Hope these will help to identify it.’

Here come some answers to some of your letters of request as
ELLSWORTH WEILAND, 6201 Mason Road, Sandusky, Ohio 44870 tells us:
‘The tractor on page 20 of Nov-Dec. 1982 G.E.M. and owned by
Craig Orme is an Oldsmar built by Olds-mar Tractor Co., Oldsmar,
Florida. It brought back a lot of memories, as I was at one time
many years ago the proud owner of one. I purchased it about 1935
from a small hardware implement store at Fitchville, Ohio, picked
it up and hauled it home in Dad’s dependable 1927 Chevy truck
one cold day in January. Like Craig, I was unable to find any
numbers or lettering on any of the castings. It must have seen very
hard use as many of the parts were welded. I did get it running,
not too good but could drive it around the yard, steering was a

‘At the time I could not contact GEM for
information, but did mention it to another implement dealer who
gave me a copy of the Red Tractor Book 1921, much to my surprise it
was illustrated. Wrote to Oldsmar for a manual and other info.
Several weeks later, I received a reply from the Chamber of
Commerce stating that they were only in business a short time and
not many were built and they could not understand how one ever
reached Ohio. Now, we find one in Portland, Oregon. Also stated the
factory had a very bad fire, all parts and information destroyed.
Well, I still have the Red Tractor Book but not the tractor.

‘In 1941 the government decided to build a power plant in
our area taking around 9,000 acres and we were one of the 125
families forced to move. So the Oldsmar and a number of other
choice items were sold for scrap, 10-20 Titan tractor, 1 HP
Sandwich, 5HP Majestic and United gas engines. I really hope Craig
can save his and wish him lots of luck. It is a rare one and
probably the only one to survive.’

ELLSWORTH also went on to offer information in response to Gary
Kappedal’s letter in the Jan.-Feb. issue-which is covered later
in this column.

‘To the Great Guys of Gas Engine Land,’ writes HENRY
GONET, 103 Norman St., New Hyde Park, New York 11040. ‘I want
to thank all those who answered my letter from Nov-Dec. issue.
I’m pleased with the answers but my problem is without the name
and S/N plate, I cannot check the age or date of manufacture.

‘Also, I just acquired a Taylor Vacuum engine Type B, 2HP.
The name and S/N are missing on this one also and I can’t find
any number stamped on any part of this engine. I would like to know
the original color.’ HOMER D. RUFENER,

Route 2, Box 157, Sardis, Ohio 43946 writes, ‘Thanks so much
for your efforts, an earlier column brought surprising results for

‘The last time I wrote, I asked if anyone knew of Reid gas
engines that could be placed in a listing. Several people wrote,
(thanks to all of those who did) and it helped make the list become
something worthwhile. Now I have a hundred or so engines listed,
some of them I found myself and a lot of them were submitted by
engine owners.

‘My reason for the listing, is to seek out various changes
in the engines, how many of what size were made, and possibly to
find out manufacturing dates.

‘Since the last time I wrote, I managed to get a Reid engine
home, running, and to a couple shows. I still have to paint it and
put it on better skids. I have taken the engine to
Sistersville’s Oil and Gas Festival and to the Town and Country
Days show so far.

‘Reid engines seem to be one of the most fascinating engines
built, because of the way they were built and just simply the way
they sound when they run. Also, if everything’s right, they are
one of the easiest engines to start, out of any-big or small.

‘The engine I have is #6669, a 15HP left-hand mounted
engine. (Left-handed is with the scavenger cylinder on the left
side seen from the rear of the engine.) Would anyone want to
venture a guess at the date of this engine? From what I have
figured out, it seems to be built somewhere around 1901. Despite
its age, it is still nearly like new. The engine was put out of use
around 35 years ago except for intermittant use for servicing the
well. After that, it sat completely idle for around 20 years. This
engine nearly got it by the junk man, who had already taken
everything between the derrick and the engine’s shed.

‘Again, I wonder how many people out there have Reid engines
that could be included in the list. What I’d mostly be
interested in to help (by way of detail at the present time) is the
horsepower, serial number, and whether it is left- or right-handed;
this is told by looking from the rear, noting which side the
scavenger cylinder (air cylinder) is on.

‘One final curiosity; lately, I ran across an old water pump
at a local sale. On the dome it reads, ‘UNIQUE, No. 1, Union
Steam Pump Co., Battle Creek, Mich.’.

‘Never before have I seen such a water pump. It is a double
acting pump with a 2×4 inch cylinder; the piston is fitted with a
leather on each side. The pulley on top is on the counter-shaft,
with about a 4.5:1 reduction to a lower gear. There are two
connecting rods, one on each side of the pump, leading forth to a
crosshead clear out on front, and the piston rod enters the front
instead of the rear. I now have it restored and painted. Before
restoring it, I had it set up and drove a steady stream through a
garden hose nozzle with about 150 pounds pressure. An engine talks
rather loudly when belted to the Union water pump. Though not a
very large pump (20′ long, 20′ wide and 18’ high), it
weighs an even 200 pounds without plumbing or skids. Does anyone
know of such a water pump, or have any information on one of

Well that’s all for now. I wish everyone good luck at the
shows and I plan to see a few folks just like everyone else. For
those guys (and gals), keep it up out there in engine

Here’s a tip, may be of interest to many of you folks. It
comes from WM.R. BECK, Professor a the University of Toledo, 2801
W. Bancroft Street, Toledo, Ohio 43606. This was in answer to a
request of a letter carried in the Smoke Rings column of Nov-Dec
1982 issue from Albert Gingras, 763 Templeton Road, Athol,
Massachusetts 01331. Albert sent this on to us: ‘You inquired
about small hydraulic water ram pumps. I recall an article in a
past issue of The Mother Earth News which gave directions and plans
for building a ram out of standard plumbing parts. It sounded so
good I wished I had running water so I could make one. You could
write the magazine at Box 70, Hendersonville, North Carolina 28791.
They stock and sell back issues.’ (Thanks Al for sending
the Professor’s comments on to us, perhaps many of our readers
will appreciate this

‘Dear Good ‘Ol Boys, I want to thank you all very much
for the information on the Eshelman toy car. Your pictures and info
helped me more than you know. Well, see ya’ll at the Engine
Shows and remember: Old motors never die, they just keep
chuggin’ away!
‘ RHONDA CLAY, Box 277, New London,
North Carolina 28127. Rhonda, 15 years old, had a letter in Smoke
Rings Jan-Feb. 1983 issue.

‘Enclosed is my renewal for another wonderful year of G.E.M.
and I.M.A. magazines. I always look forward to the next issue. They
never seem to come often enough.’ comments JOHN R. HEATH,
Sullivan, Ohio 44880.

‘I am in need of some help from Smoke Rings readers. I am
restoring a 1940 Case V C tractor. It has a Continental F 124 four
cylinder engine. A letter from J. I. Case Co. states that this
model was made only two years, 1940 & 1941. I would be
interested in hearing from anyone who has one of these in
captivity. It would be interesting to know how many of these units
still exist.

‘I am restoring a Montgomery Ward air cooled one cylinder
engine. Model #14L C5131 H, S/N #108925, Catalog #87-5131, 2300
RPM, 1 HP. This engine has a kick starter, also LAUSON is cast in
the engine block. I need the year of manufacture and the original
color. Can anyone help?

‘I recently traded for this engine with the identification
being an early Fairmont rail car engine. Can anyone out there in
the land of rusty iron verify this, identify the engine, or give me
more info about it?’ asks PAUL BEST, 201 S. Locust, Waldo,
Arknsas 71770.

‘The engine has no nameplate, no S/N and few casting
numbers. The water hopper has #A-26 and the base #A-7. It is 4
cycle and uses a Schebler carburetor. Lubrication is by splash
system with grease cups on the mains. The engine is headless and
has a 4’ bore. It uses battery and coil ignition to an A-25

‘The lever showing above the edge of the flywheel is to
reverse the rotation direction. Unlatching the lever, sliding it
outward and latching in this position selects the second of two
lobes that operate the exhaust valve. One cam lobe is ground for
clockwise rotation and the other for counter clockwise

‘The Schebler carburetor is the only part needing repair.
Can anyone tell me of a suitable substitute float? Or how to build
a float for this type of carb? The float was of cork, wasn’t

‘For anyone with a Novo engine, complete production data can
be obtained from American Marsh Pumps, Novo Engine Division, Box
23038, Lansing, Michigan 48909.

‘And for the F/M collector, many parts are still available
for the later models. I ordered the parts to restore a Model Z
Style C and the only part not available was the starting crank.
Even the original gas tank was available, the one with the offset
filler neck. The parts are now made in Mexico and your can obtain
them from your F/M dealer. Check under listing for oil field
equipment or from Bell Manufacturing Co., Box 1079, Bowie, Texas

‘I have a complete parts catalog for the Z. Style C and
I’ll be glad to help with part numbers and such if S.A.S.E. or
postcard is enclosed. Remember, lots of the ZC parts interchange
with earlier engines such as dish wheel.

‘As a last thought, I’d like to encourage all the
collectors of old iron to look over the listing of engine shows for
Arkansas-see Stemgas Show Directory and come visit one of our
shows. ‘(Thanks for the data of all of the above, I’m sure
the readers will appreciate it.)

‘What is it?’ asks ROBERT WOMACK, Box 292, Goldwaite,
Texas 76844.

‘The engine in the picture has a brass tag on the front of
the water hopper that reads-No. B44153 MFD by Geo. C. Christphen
& Son, Wichita, Kansas. It is plug fired, wet head carb for
kerosene and Wico EK mag. Also would like to know color of paint on
my Lauson 6 HP No.80002, Type WS749.’

JOHN G. CARRICK, Box 912, Augusta, Maine 04330 states: ‘I
have seen only two Gray Model S marine engines; one is mine. Both
these 6 HP two cycles lacked the pressure lubricators. Does anyone
know what alternate method of lubrication may have been used? I am
particularly concerned about lubricating the connecting rod
bearing. I would also appreciate info on linkage from cylinder
mounted throttle and timing control quadrant to carburetor. Thank

Here is a buddy that needs your help and would welcome your
correspondence as CHARLES .D. RAKES, Box 445, Bentonville, Arkansas
72712 sends this writing.

‘Always looking forward to the next issue of the G.E.M., and
especially Smoke Rings by Anna Mae, for interesting questions and
answers about gas engines. I have three engines that I would like
to find out more about as to when they were manufactured, rarity,
and any other technical information? Also would like to correspond
with anyone who has similar engines.

‘The first engine is a WEBER side-shaft, tank-cooled, with
36′ flywheels. 5 x 10’ bore and stroke. The brass tag has
the following information: Shop #6037, with the number 9870 above
the shop number. WEBER GAS ENGINE CO. builder, Type ‘A’
Kansas City MO.

‘The second engine is an Emerson Brantingham, 3HP type
‘U’, serial #16360 and rated at 475 RPM’s. This engine
is on orginal trucks, and is a TG (Throttle Governor) engine. I
have not seen another like this ‘EB’ and would like to know
more about this type of engine.

‘The third engine is an air-cooled (fan) SANDOW on org.
trucks, and the brass tag has the following information: SANDOW
GASOLINE ENGINES, Ser. #54438, 1HP, Sandy McManus, Inc., Waterloo,

‘All or the engines are ignitor ignition.

‘Thanks again for such a great magazine and a wonderful
medium to exchange engine information.’

LARRY SHELTON, Box 171, Fair Oaks, California 95628 would like
to correspond with someone who has a complete Raleigh-Schryer 6HP
engine like his. He has parts missing and he doesn’t even know
what parts; maybe you could help him. He says he can find no
information on these engines.

He also has a 4HP International Victor engine that is supposed
to have a circulating water pump at rear. He would like to know
what kind of pump.

‘I enjoy your Gas Engine Magazine very much. The articles
are so interesting and informative,’ relates TONY REINHART,
Route 4, Box 222A, Van Wert, Ohio 45891.

‘I would appreciate some information on some gas engines
that I recently acquired. The first is a Mall chain saw, Model
#OMG, Assembly #4600H, S/N G-90859. The second one is a
Direct-Drive chain saw, Model #410 425, 3.5HP Manufactured by
Lancaster Pump & Mfg. Co. Inc. Lancaster, PA. I also have two
Clinton engines, Model #700A, S/N D0198578, RPM 3200, 1 HP and
Model #701AS, S/N CC71041, RPM 3200, 1 HP. Any information or
service data on the saws and engines would be greatly appreciated.
All letters will be promptly answered with many thanks.’

The following comes from CARL M. LATHROP, 108 Garfield Avenue,
Madison, New Jersey 07940:

‘When we arrived in Long Key for the winter what a surprise
to see that my neighbor, Mike Pierson, had an Elgin outboard motor
on his sailboat. Sears Roebuck patented their 2 HP engine in Canada
in 4938. I had one of those old reliable ‘kickers’ for an
auxiliary engine on my own sailboat, Wood Pussy, in 1948. This was
pleasant memories revisited.

‘Now comes the problem that I believe some of your readers
can solve. There is practically a club of Maytag ‘buffs’
and there are Jeager restorers. Is there anyone out there
interested in old outboard engines and especially the Sears

‘This particular one is marked Model 401-16884 and carries
S/N 943442. Mike has it all apart at this point and is reworking it
to put it in full running condition. He has heard of one other and
is on its trail with the hope that one can be a source of spare

‘We would like to hear from anyone else who is following
this same trail.’

D. T. KEDINGER, 2277 Hwy 103, Oakfield, Wisconsin 53065 has an
old engine and is seeking help. It is a HP tank-cooled with 10′
x 1′ flywheels with a 2′ bore and 1′ stroke, headless
engine with the intake and exhaust valves under the cylinder which
are controlled by a cross shaft connected to crank by a bicycle
chain. He continues, ‘I’m told it is a Froom made in
Indiana. Anyone have any history of information? Also, would like
to know about a HP tank-cooled New York engine and a 3 cylinder
Kahlenberg marine engine made in Two Rivers, Wisconsin.

‘I would also like to hear from other collectors who can
give me a name and address and phone number of any foundries who do
loose pattern work in cast iron or brass or aluminum. I hope to use
this info for a directory for all of us collectors.’

‘Hi, just a few quick questions but first-what a great
magazine! Saw my first one a couple of years ago, but I have been
working with engines since I was very young,’ says JEFF HOLZ,
131 Stewart St., Maywood, New Jersey 07607, phone 201-845-8445.

‘I want to ask if there are any collectors of Continental
air-cooled 1 cyl. engines out there. I’d like to correspond
with them and would like help on two of my stationary engines,
Witte #61203 4HP headless and United #111098 2HP with fin type
cylinder head. Need year of each and would like to see manuals for

‘I might not read the daily paper or other magazines, but I
always find time to read GEM cover to cover,’
says BOB KACZMAREK, RR1, Box 92, Kimball, Nebraska 69145.

He continues: ‘I have been hauling old tractors and parts
home for several years. Last fall I hauled home a tractor which
really isn’t old enough to be an antique, but it has caused
more comment sitting in my yard, than any I have hauled home. It is
a Gambles Farmcrest 30 made by Cockshutt. It runs real good and the
sheet metal is perfect. It has Gambles Crest rear tires. Now ,the
questions, the only numbers I can find on it are on a plate on the
engine. The engine model number is 4B153. In the lower right hand
corner are the numbers 11459 and 298537. Is one of these the serial
number? Does anyone know the year model? Anyone have the correct
shade of red and cream or yellow to use for paint? Are decals
available? I would appreciate any information on this tractor as
they are unknown in my area.

‘Enclosed are pictures of two tractors I have which have
home built cabs. The 1929 John Deere D still runs but has been
retired for many years. I grew up on a ’28 D but we didn’t
have cab lights or upholstered seat. We had our first factory cab
in 1961. This was one of the biggest improvements ever to become

‘The 1952 Massey Harris 55 diesel had sat for 11 years when
I bought it. It runs real good. I have removed the cab and will
paint and decal. My Dad bought a mate to this one new. We ran it
over 10,000 hours. One of the best tractors we ever owned.’

JERRY FARMER, 5733 Bluebird Lane, Minnetonka, Minnesota 55343,
(612-474-6127), shares an idea of a get-together for interested gas
enthusiasts: ‘During the winter months this weighs heavily on
my mind. Activity in engines seems to take place in Aug.-Sept. and
then all is darkness for months. May I suggest a little gimmick
that has worked well locally this past winter? We notify all eager
stalwarts to come have breakfast at McDonalds on Saturday morning
once every two months. Each person is asked to bring a guest, some
do and some don’t, and all are asked to bring something to pass
around, such as a carburetor, a magneto, or an old catalog. Some
bring engines in their trunk or truck. Good fellowship, engine
confab, video tapes, slide presentations, all are possible and
easy. All it takes is for one local person to get on the phone.
Local libraries can often supply equipment. Anyone around
Minneapolis who would like to come has only to send me his or her
phone number. (Sounds like a lot of fun for gas engine buffs,
I’ll bet more meetings like this are going on and more will
start up

‘I want to thank your readers for the information I was
seeking on my Rocky Mountain transmission and two North East
Electric Co. starter generator units,’ says GARY KAPPEDAL,
Route 1, Box 163, Lengby, Minnesota 56651.

‘Following is information I received and I hope it is of
help to someone else. The Rocky Mountain transmission turned out to
be for a Ford car or truck. Most believed it was for a Model TT
truck! The transmission has 3 speeds, under, direct and over,
giving the Model T, 6 forward and 3 reverse speeds. In under-drive
it gave 85% more power; in direct, the original Model T speeds and
in overdrive it cut the engine speed 30% or increased the car or
truck speed that much. Many people mentioned not to get caught with
the transmission in neutral on hills, as you don’t have breaks
then! One source mentioned it cost $125.00 extra for the
transmission and another said it was around $85.00. Rocky Mountain
also made brakes for Ford vehicles.

‘On the North East Electric Co. starter-generator units, I
understand there were four models, being O, D, G and GA. The O must
of been the first. The Model D in 1915 and 16. Model G 1916 to 1922
and Model GA 1923 to 1926. The Dodge Bros, auto used this system
the longest and I understand even in 1927 a four cyl. using these
units could still be purchased. Graham Bros, trucks used these
units from 1919 to 1926. Dodge finally bought Graham Bros, and
became Dodge truck.

‘The unit mounted on the left side of the engine and was
connected internally to the crankshaft with a silent chain, like a
modern timing chain, having a 3 to 1 ratio. The units have one
armature, but the field windings have tow sets of winding, a heavy
set and a much lighter one. The unit had four poles and were what
is called compound wound, having a differential effect of the
series field upon the shunt field. The third brush was adjustable
to raise or lower the charging rate of the generator function.
Moving the third brush in the direction of rotation will increase
the charging rate! The differential effect of the series field upon
the shunt field means the one bucks the other. Meaning that, if the
shunt field builds up a north polarity on one given field pole, the
electricity flowing in the series winding on the same field pole,
wants to build a south pole polarity, thus the one bucks the other
and limits the output of the generator. A cumulative-compound would
work hand-in-hand, producing a stronger field polarity, the
opposite of differential compound.

‘On starting the Dodge 4 cyl. the ignition was turned on,
spark retarded on lever and the starter pedal depressed. This would
make the unit work as a starter, turning the engine over at 1/3 the
speed of the unit. With the engine running, the unit turned three
times as fast as the engine. When the engine ran fast enough and
the output of the starter-generator reached high enough, it would
automatically close the circuit on the cut-out, thus charging the

‘In a copy sent to me, it says when the car got up to 9-10
mph the circuit closed on the cut-out. Below that it opened, thus
preventing the battery from discharging into the unit. The charging
rate as shown by the ammeter should be 4 to 7 amperes with a well
charged battery.

‘Everyone who wrote said these starter-generator units were
very good and didn’t give trouble, but the chain gave trouble
now and then. Sometimes when it broke, it would break other things
too and jam up. After 3000 miles of driving the chain tension may
need tightening. A loose chain will whip and is indicated by a
knock in starting and at low speeds, disappearing at 18-20 mph.

‘Some who wrote made mention of converting these units into
welder generators and also into 110 volt power plants by having
them rewound. Also, the field coils were used to make transformers,

‘For some time, I knew Dodge used these units years ago, but
wasn’t aware of what I had, until my neighbor saw them and told
me what they were. Before that, I had sent my letter into the
magazine, for which I’m glad, as I learned more about these
units, plus found out what the transmission was for and a lot more.
‘I also learned that other autos used similar starter-generator
units, but not as long as Dodge. Hudson used the Hudson-Delco.
Buick and Cadillac used the delco. Maxwell used the Maxwell-Simms.
Franklin used the Cyneto KLR unit. Also the Graham Bros, truck and
the Packard used starter-generator units.

‘I have a 1975 Bolens G-10 garden tractor which has starter
and lights. This uses a Delco-Remy starter-generator unit. Many
other makes of garden tractors used the same unit. By outside
appearances, it looks like a common generator, but it differs
inside. I noticed it has half as many segments on the commutator
and heavier windings on the armature. When starting the engine, all
you hear is the engine turning over! Goes to show that the
starter-generator unit is far from dead.’

LARRY WESTLAKE, Freeport, Nova Scotia, Canada BOV 1B0 says he
has a twin cyl. marine Palmer Bros., Cos Cob, Conn, gas engine,
3′ bore x 3′ stroke, no s.n. He needs to know the rated
power at RPM as he intends to install it in a boat at some future

He continues, ‘I would like as much info as possible.
Although it was running just before I obtained it, I would like to
know enough about the specifications to identify it positively.
When the engine was retired, the replacement was a then-new 1945 5
HP Wisconsin which was still pushing the original hull around on a
British Columbia lake when I last saw it about 1978.

‘I do not see many references to Canadian-made engines in
your magazine. I have seen a good many Easthope engines in use or
rebuild-able on the west coast and here in Nova Scotia many Acadia
hopper-cooled stationary engines still earn their keep. Are these
engines less collectable because they were built north of the
border? They sound just as nice when they run!’ (We just
don’t hear of them

ORVILLE RUSCH, Route 1, Box 131, Wheaton, Minnesota 56296 would
like the color of a Fuller & Johnson Model NC, S/N 168742. Also
what are the colors of a Waterloo gas engine. He has two 2 HP
engines alike and one is green and yellow and the other one seems
to be pink or gray. S/Ns are 114705 and 121818. . .WALT NIELAND,
Route 2, Carroll, Iowa 51401 has recently acquired an old burr
grinder, 4′ burrs, which has United cast in the frame. The
burrs are dull and the color is a uniform coat of rust. He would
like to know where made and also the color. . .INGVARD K. HAUGEN,
Route 1, Box 102, Hannaford, North Dakota 58448 has two 6 HP Stover
engines and would like to know the color or number of paint needed
to make them look original. One is a Model 1913 and is running and
uses a battery for spark and seems to be painted red. The other is
a 1905, had been painted gray and has a tri-polar magneto, not
running. . .JASEN J. SHANE, Route 1, Box 418, Berrien Springs,
Minneapolis 49103 would like the history of the R. H. Sheppard Co.
of Hanover, Pennsylvania. They made Sheppard Diesel tractors in the
early 50s. Who founded the company and what happened to it? How
many models were made? Love to hear from anyone .. .REID M. KNAPP,
Route 7, Box 51, Frankfort, Indiana 46041 has a McCormick Deering
corn shredder with 3 fiber pulleys on it and also steel pulleys.
The fiber pulleys aren’t in very good shape but might be able
to be saved if they could be treated with something and the other
one has pieces gone out of it. So he is looking for your
help…BILL GRAVES, R.D. #3, Camden, New York 13316 has been
looking for information on a 25 HP Marion gasoline engine. He would
like the color and would like to know whether or not it could be
converted from natural gas to gasoline. Would like to see some
literature on this engine. . .ALBERT PRITCHARD, 615 South Center
Street, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 53916 needs help on his latest
engine, a 4 HP Economy Improved Model S.R. 22707, year of
manufacture and who mfg. it and any other data… JAMES E. FOGLE,
JR., RR#1, Box 233, Peculiar, Missouri 64078 has a small Essex hot
air engine patented in 1904. It was used to run window displays and
also had a fan attachment for cooling the store. He saw a picture
of the fan attachment and would like to know if anyone has any
other info on it…D. HAYLETT, Route 3, Norton, Kansas 67654 needs
help with a 2 HP Dempster engine. He purchased an iron pile where
it was dismantled and he also thought there was an upright Cushman
2 cyl. He needs help to tell him which pieces go to the Dempster,
want ad was in Mar./Apr. GEM… HAROLD W. HAUGER,
Route 2, 10819 Tucker Road, Mt. Vernon, Ohio 43050 would like to
know the year of manufacture of a 25-45 Cross Motor Case Tractor
S/N 60756 and also a 1 HP Hercules gas engine S/N 26449…DAVE L.
BABCOCK, 3445 E. Deckerville Road, Cass City, Michigan 48726 would
like to know the correct colors and possible dating info on 8 cycle
Aermotor engines. . .LEON MEADE, RR 1, Box 73, Dewey, Oklahoma
74029 has an International 2 HP vertical Famous. It shows 1905 as
the date patented- it uses the water pump. He also has a 1 HP Titan
Jr. that uses the ignitor and would appreciate the original colors
for these engines…P. S. BROOKE, Jr., 830 E. 35th Avenue, Spokane,
Washington 99203 recently acquired a Travis Bike Motor made by the
Starbrand Corp. of Indianapolis, Indiana. He would like any
information on this motor … EARL JONES, Route 1, Box 144,
Farmington, West Virginia 26571 would like information on what he
thinks is a marine engine mfg. by Jackwood Ash Motor Co., Jackson,
Michigan, Model 24 HP 4, mix oil/gas. Water pump operated on cam
along side of cylinder … TERRY SEEDORFF, RR1, Box 35A, Arlington,
Iowa 50606 found an old gas engine on his grandparents’ farm, a
Bull’s Eye, S/N 5061, Type GE, HP 2, 500 RPM. He would like to
know where or when it was built and any information. . .KEN
HAVEKOST, Route 5, Monroe, Michigan 48161 has a cast iron implement
seat with Dodge name cast in rear. No one can give him any info on
a Dodge Farm Imp. Co. He is wondering what he has as he doesn’t
think early Dodge car seats were cast iron. . .JOHN THOMPSON, Route
2, Box 48, Barnesville, Minnesota 56514. 218-493-4288 needs help
with a Plowman 15-30 tractor which he is going to repaint. He would
like to know the correct color of tractor and lettering on side
panels, and if more than one color was used. . .ANTHONY BIZJAK, 807
Terrace, Pullman, Washington 99163 found an old Maytag single and
would like to know what color green it was painted and where he can
find the paint. . .ED ROININEN, Route 4, Box 88, Gainesville,
Missouri 65655 needs information about Thermoil engines
particularly #T 1126, 5 HP, color pictures of injector linkage,
approximate date of manufacture also. He wishes the collectors in
Texas would let us know about shows there. (We have only one listed
and that is Golden SpreadAntique Machinery
., Route 2, Perryton, Texas 79070-their show is September
17, 18 this year)…ART SINNING, 6944 11th Avenue South,
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55423 would like some help with colors on
the older cast iron Briggs & Stratton. He has seen many that
are a deep maroon and others so rusted he couldn’t tell. .
.STEVE HEINZ, 23 Larkspur Lane, Lafayette, Louisiana 70507 needs to
hear from you about his engines. He has a 1942 1-2 LBA engine
#105547 and a 1931 Type M International 1 HP #104476. He needs info
on color, decals and striping of both engines. . .CARL BLACKWELL,
Route 2, Box 206C, Wynne, Arkansas 72396 wants to know what year
John Deere stopped using spoked wheels and started using the
pressed steel wheels. . .ERIC A. GANJON, 1432 Hughs Shop Road,
Westminster, Maryland 21157 says anyone out there with a WD40,
POD40, TD40 McDeering diesel with problems with the diesel pump can
contact him as he thinks he may be able to solve your problem. .
.DON BIEWER, Route 1, Barnesville, Minnesota 56514 wants info on
Holt and Caterpillar combines as he is planning on restoring one. .
.DAVE HARRIS, 116 E. State St., Erie, Kansas 66733 has acquired a
Wonder Cement Mixer built by Wonder Construction Company of
Waterloo, Iowa and wants info on this company or the Wonder
gasoline engine built by the Waterloo Cement Machinery Crop, of
Waterloo, Iowa. . .ELSNER MACHA-CEK714 Union Street, Northfield,
Minnesota 55087 wants to thank all the fine people that sent him
help with his engine. The response he received was overwhelming. .
.GEORGE HUTCHINS, Lancer, Saskatchewan, Canada SON 1G0 wants help.
He has been trying to make many different exhaust whistles but has
not made one that works as well as he would like. He says you are
to come to his rescue… PAUL CRAIGUE, RD#1 Washington St.,
Claremont, New Hampshire 03743 wants to ask the readers’ help
on his 8 HP Simplicity. He wants the year of manufacture, where the
company was located and a little company history. S/N is

And that, Dear Ones, brings the column to the end except for a
few words of wisdom-The most important ingredient in the formula of
success is knowing how to get along with people-A grudge is too
heavy a load for anyone to carry-It is better to fill a little
place right than a big place wrong. Bye bye, Love Ya’all.

We regret that a last minute RUSH of advertising forced us to
eliminate some of our articles in this issue. We are exploring new
printing techniques to allow for larger issues, and hope to carry
more stories in the next issue. We felt it was important NOT to
turn away show or auction ads since they are of a timely


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