An inquiry for help comes from F. C. WATTS, 83 Gordon Street,
Ormiston, Queensland 4163 Australia: ‘I am restoring a small 32
volt Delco-Light generator No. 289128 which has a Delco Start motor
no. 337-8508. None of the reprints I have carry this model. The
engine runs fine but I wonder if your readers could give me any
information as the model number would be a great start.’
I must again tell you folks-when you write me a letter for the
column, remember I cannot mention any article, part, books, etc.
unless it is also in the classified ads. The column is a medium for
advice, aids, information or just correspondence between the Gas
Engine Family and may not be used as advertising. I’m sure if
you think about it, you will understand this would not be fair to
our advertisers, nor to us as we need our ads to help us keep the
magazine going.’
ROBERT C. NOLAND, 2718 Cr. 120, Craig, Colorado 81625 writes:
‘I found most of a Waterloo Boy tractor. Somebody cut the front
out but most of the major parts are there. I would like to
correspond with someone that could help. See ad in Wanted
A new subscriber finds our magazine informative and helpful and
would now like to call on the knowledge and experience of the
readers: ‘I have, what I am satisfied to believe is a 1 HP
Titan engine. I have also been told it is a Famous. By magazines
and pictures, I could see a small difference in the thickness of
the heads, and feel it is a Titan. Did the Titan 1 HP engine have a
serial number? I have found numbers like G7637 on the cylinder side
and G6526 on the top of the base and other numbers that I feel are
parts or casting numbers. Could anyone tell if it had a serial
number and possibly what year of manufacture?
It is a horizontal water-hopper with ignitor and battery coil
ignition. Bore is 35/8‘ x 4’ stroke
and a brass connecting rod.
Many of us would like to hear from someone who has been in this
position, as we have extremely limited funds to put into our hobby
and cannot afford the help offered by dealers. We are counting on
receiving tips that may help us out.’ Write JIMMY G. JONES, 620
Locust Street, Carrollton, Illinois 62016.
Seeking answers on several questions, this letter comes from
KENT HOGE, Route 3, Box 779, Tazewall, Virginia 24651: ‘I have
enjoyed your Smoke Rings for years and now need some help from the
readers. As I have appreciated and have learned more from those who
send in information, than those who ask for help; so I will compile
the information I received from this request and send it in for a
future issue.
I have a 20 HP Famous or Victor International engine. It sets
horizontally on a cast iron base, has a Webster Tripolar mag and
hot tube ignition. The tag with the serial number is gone, but on
top of the cylinder near the head I find the number C409E. Will
someone please send me a picture or tracing of the tag? I need to
know in detail the color, pin striping, decals and age of this
For a 12 HP E Economy, serial number 196499, I would like to
know the date of manufacture. Also, when did Economy change their
decals from script to propeller.
For a Fairbanks Morse, model 32D14, 70 HP, 300 rpm, style Va.
What is the age and any other information available?
I am interested in operating an engine on coal dust or smoke.
Can anyone tell me how?’
Next letter is self-explanatory as CHARLES SANDERSON, 218
Elmwood Road, Lunenburg, Massachusetts 01462 writes: ‘Need
Help! I have a model A type C air-cooled upright New Way, serial
number 3086 and am looking for striping and pattern design for all
four sides of the crankcase. These patterns appear to be sprigs of
wheat, not the floral design. Any help would be
A challenge to the readers comes from ED F. EDWARDS, P.O. Box
197, Big Bend, California 96011: ‘Enclosed find picture of an
old ? air compressor that I acquired about two years ago. I was
told that it was used to pump fresh (breathable) air into an old
gold mine in Shasta County in northern California and was powered
by a 12 HP Fairbanks Morse engine. It is a crosshead type and there
are no casting numbers on it except for 25184 on the main bearing
caps and no nameplate. Both connecting rods are on each side of the
5 foot flywheel run off an eccentric. Let’s see if any of the
collectors out there can identify this as far as manufacturer and
the original color and the approximate year it was built.
I would like to thank everyone for all the help they have given
to me in the past in Smoke Rings.’
Can you furnish any help in locating information for this
engine?’ asks MACON MORGAN, R.R. 1, Box 177, Fairbanks, Indiana
47849. Phone 812-394-2325. ‘It is a gasoline engine
manufactured by Nelson Bros. Co. The engine is a single cylinder,
air-cooled, ? HP at 1450 rpm, 2?’ bore and 2?’ stroke, S/N
is 2VAG3867.’
A new member to our family writes: ‘I have just received my
second issue of GEM. I might get enough information to solve my
problem,’ comments DAVE PETERSON, Route 2, Box 349, Three
Rivers, Michigan 49093.
I have an air-cooled Nelson Brothers engine, 1? HP, S.N.
2VCG2321, manufactured in Saginaw, Michigan. I need ignition
information such as point setting, magnet polariety, type
condenser, etc. Help appreciated.’
Another satisfied customer writes: ‘I just had to tell you
how much I enjoy your magazine. It is the only publication that I
receive that I can’t put down until I read it from cover to
cover,’ says RALPH R. LOOK, 8006 Watson Lane, Wichita, Kansas
67207. ‘Old engine restoration is a very recent hobby that I
have become interested in, and I have a lot of fun with it. Many of
the engines being restored now, I can remember using, or at least
was around while they were being used.
The extent of my collection is two Maytag twins, which I have
one operating, an International Model L. A. of 1937 vintage and a
Wisconsin Model A.K. The Wisconsin has a lot of history for me, as
my father purchased it around 1947, when we were building a new
house. It powered a large table saw, air compressor, cup type
elevator in a grainery, a grain auger, and finally would up on a
baled hay elevator.
My father sold part of his farm about ten years ago, and let the
bale elevator go with the place. The fellow who bought the place,
used the elevator several years, and changed to stacking hay with
Heston equipment. The elevator was left out in a hay field for
several years, and the engine really took a beating. Some kids shot
the fuel tank off of it with a 12-gauge shotgun, and being out in
the weather, rust took its toll. It was stuck. The owner intended
to fix it up, but in the meantime, found another engine and decided
not to spend the time to fix it up. I asked him what he wanted for
it, and he told me to take it if I wanted it.
I brought it home, tore it down, cleaned it up, put a different
tank on it, painted it and have it running again. It is a real
pleasure to hear something come back to life that you ran when a
kid. So you can see that I am really hooked on the hobby.
My hometown of Stockton, Kansas started having an antique engine
show three years ago, and it has truly been amazing the way it has
grown in size and quality. I didn’t realize that there were so
many restored machines around this part of the country.’
DENNIS BACON, Psc Box 5946, Myrtle Beach, AFB, South Carolina
29577 encloses a photo hoping you can help identify his engine. It
is a two cycle because it fires on each revolution and it runs at
approximately 300 rpm. He cannot find a serial number or name
He also has a 6 HP Stover S.N. KC 149819 and would like to know
what year the engine was built and the original color. He also has
a Fairbanks Morse Type Y, 75 HP, 300 rpm and anything about this
engine would be appreciated.’
HELP!-calls BENJAMIN COREY, 3650 Green Corners Road, Metamora,
Michigan 48455. ‘I have acquired a 1? HP air-cooled Jumbo #5338
engine, and it is not complete. I would like to correspond with
owners of the same, hoping to receive help in restoration. Please
BOB SEELEY, R.R. 3, Box 176, Warrensburg, Missouri 64093 sends
this: ‘I have recently acquired a Taylor vacuum engine,
manufactured by the Taylor Engine Company, Elgin, Illinois. It is a
1? HP, S.N. 10159 and can be used as a gas engine or a vacuum
engine. It has an odd piston of two diameters. It’s frozen, so
I can’t imagine what it looks like. The mag is missing and a
sideshaft guide bracket is missing. I need information on the type
of mag, and mag mounting arrangement and the piston assembly, so I
can figure out how to get it out without breaking something.
History, mfg. date and color are also needed.’
By the way Gas Engine Family members, we really appreciate your
comments-both congratulatory and constructive; it makes us want to
do better all the time to please you in every way we can. Here
comes a letter from DON JANDEBEUR, 164 Warwick Avenue, San Leandro,
California 94577 and he begins with a nice remark: ‘God bless
you and all the fine people associated with the publication of GEM.
It is a great magazine and it surely fills a need for all of us
engine collectors.
I have a few questions that I would like to present to fellow
tired iron nuts like myself. I recently acquired through a trade
(thanks to GEM) a nice showpiece of which I know very little. It is
a one cylinder, water-cooled, 2 cycle upright marine engine. The
name on the flywheel states that it is 4 HP Nadler, manufactured by
the Nadler Foundry and Machine Company, Plaquemine, LA #2031. Would
like any information as to vintage and quantity produced from other
owners or anyone having knowledge of this engine.
My second question deals with a 4 HP Ottawa log saw engine
#6098. It has 2 flywheels and does not appear to have been a drag
saw engine. I’ve researched the past 12 years of this magazine
and find little mention of this model. How many of you guys own
one? I’d appreciate hearing from you as to original ignition
etc. My latest fascination is a Crosley steam whistle which has had
the entire top or chime broken off and disposed of sometime in the
dim past. The vibrator plate is about 8?’ in diameter and the
base is solid brass. Probably used on a tug boat in the San
Francisco Bay. Would like to correspond with other collectors
willing to make a pattern of missing chime. All letters will be
promptly answered.’
JOE ROLWING, Route 4, Mimosa Drive, Louisville, Tennessee 37777
requests the readers to send all information available on his
recently acquired early ‘Farrow'(Furrow) inboard 2 cycle, 3
port intake, 2 port exhaust, 3?’ x 4′ bore and stroke
inboard maring engine. It used to belong to his great uncle who
used to fish the Mississippi River around Cairo, Illinois.
Looking to the readers for an answer, this letter comes from
JOHN T. WILKINSON, JR., 13 Hollow Road, Wilbraham, Massachusetts
01095. ‘I recently purchased a 2 HP Novo, engine no. 28330 and
I’m looking for information regarding the age and also data
about the Novo Engine Company. In the deal, I gained a Fuller &
Johnson engine no Z188. Would you know the age and anything on the
No blue Mondays after reading this complimentary message from
BOBBY EATON, Ethelsville, Alabama 35461: ‘I have enjoyed every
issue since my first one a year ago. Your magazine has already
paid for itself. I have answered many ads dealing
with tractor manuals and some with restoring complete engines. I
agree with Mr. Bill Obernotte, Chateau, Montana, Jan.-Feb. 1981,
that it is a thrill to hear an engine ‘talk back to you’
after 20 or 30 years of remaining idle.
I also have restored an IHC Farmall F-20. I live on a farm and
use 19 IHC Farmall H and M tractors and also the F-20. My father
and I rebuild our own tractors, but parts are hard to find, almost
impossible for the F-20. But, through your magazine and ads we will
continue farming with these tractors for a long time. Thanks again
for a great magazine.’
A note comes from IMANUEL JACOBSON, R.D. 3, Valley City, North
Dakota 58072 as he inquires about-‘This is in regard to our
Latin American countries and South American neighbors to the South-
Does anyone ever hear about reunions of any kind in connection with
agriculture of the past? Argentina is a great grain and wheat
country and has been known to import all their machinery, and
perhaps from Germany and England- maybe those people don’t
enjoy life or do they?’
JOHN J. LEVORA, Route 2, Box 240, Bangor, Michigan 49013
comments: ‘I have 2 Emerson Brantingham Model U engines, a 1?
HP and 8 HP. Both are missing parts-or information about them. Are
they the newer owners of National Engine Company of Rockford,
ERVIN MARTIN, 7969 Fulton Road, Sterling, Ohio 44276 has an
engine with no name on it, but it does have a tag that states:
Engine 195346 RPM 350, HP 7 EK. He would like to know the name of
engine and how old. He also has a Silver King tractor, model 42,
S.N. 6209. It is a row crop type with one wheel in front. He would
like to know the age of this one also.
A newcomer to the GEM and an avid lover of flywheel engines,
HARRY L. COOK, 504 Walton Street, Wilson, North Carolina 27893
writes: ‘I’m new to this sport, but I have collected six
hit and miss engines and one Delco light plant since last October.
I’ve grown very fond of Fuller and Johnson engines, too. I am
green at this hobby, but I’ve met some outstanding people who
are so willing to help me get the answers I’m seeking. I’d
like to hear from other collectors and I would like to know the
original shade of green that was used on the Fuller & Johnson
engines. I would like to know the part number and who makes this
paint. God bless you all!’ (Thanks Harry and the same to
LEONARD IBACH, Box 160 Keystone Route, Rapid City, South Dakota
57701 sends this note and awaits your answer: ‘Recently I
purchased this Vaughan 4 HP log saw. The brass tag on engine states
Vaughan Motor Works, Portland, Oregon, engine no. 4495, 4 HP, Pat.
Mar. 15, 1905, Pat. Dec. 21, 1915. It looks to be all complete,
except the wood construction that everything was mounted on is
badly rotted and missing. I need to hear from anyone that knows the
dimensions of all the wood construction. I think it was a
stationary outfit, but maybe it had wheels under it. Is this
company still in business?’
‘I know this is a tall order, but I’d like to get my
engine running by summer and so I must find out this
information,’ writes HOWARD HOUCK, R.D. 1, Galaway Road,
Ballston Spa, New York 12010.
He continues, ‘I have an upright 1? HP Regal #552 by Regal
Gasoline Engine Company of Coldwater, Michigan. It looks to be dark
green and has a sparkplug on top and an altered governor and drive
gears. I would like to know the color with striping pattern, water
tank arrangement and size and a diagram or picture of governor and
drive gears mechanism. Also the year made and something about the
company.’ (That is a tall order, but many of our experts can
fill orders like that by answering all those inquiries, so watch
the mails.)
JOSEPH J. ENGLERT, 3825, Walworth, New York 14568 needs help. He
says, ‘I have equipment made by Shoemaker Automotive Equipment,
Freeport, Illinois, model D. It is used for boring the babbitt
bearings in connecting rods in engine. These folks are out of
business. I thought I could make contact through Smoke Rings as I
need drawings or photos, or see someone who has one of these
machines. Your March-April magazine was one of the best issues
Here is some information for many of you folks, comes from
HOWARD F. STEINER, 307 Bluebird Lane, Folsom, California 95630:
‘In the Jan.-Feb. issue of GEM, page 14, Mr. Carl Bogarders
asks for help in repairing a crack in the water jacket of his Witte
engine. Enclosed is my answer to Carl, but perhaps others can use
this information so I am sending it along.
I have a copy of the White Farm Equipment Company’s
q2Progress, Hart Parr From 1898-Charles City Plant – Oliver
Corporation. The last two pages list the tractor models, years they
were made and the serial numbers for each year to 1965 up.
Following is the arorementioned information:
In the late 30’s, I think it was the K W company that put
out a kit for repairing cracks in cast iron by what they called
‘sewing.’ The kit consisted of two drills, two taps, some
#6 and #8 iron wire rods, some iron cement and if ordered, a
pneumatic peening hammer. The procedure was as follows: With a cape
chisel, cut a narrow, shallow groove along the top of the crack.
Drill a hole at each end of the crack, size depending upon the
thickness of the casting. Tap the hole in the casting, and thread
the rod so that it will just go through the casting and tighten.
Put the cement on the rod before screwing it into the hole. Next
drill ‘X’ holes in which one leg of the ‘X’, screws
into the end post. After the ‘X’ holes are tapped and the
rods screwed into the holes, other posts are set in, which tie into
the other leg of the ‘X.’ This is done the length of the
crack. As each rod is tightened in place, it should be cut off at
about 1/16th inch above the casting.
When the crack has been tied off, fill the extending rods with
cement and then peen them into the groove so that a solid iron core
fills the crack. If desired, the surplus can be removed to leave a
smooth surface. If painted, the repair will not be noticed.
The taps generally used are #6-36 and 8-36 and the wire rods are
#6 and 8 B & S gauge.
I have repaired cracks in the valve seats of the larger engines
by this method when parts were hard to get.
Another repair we used to make was filling the scores in
cylinders, made by wrist pins, was with solder. In such work, the
score was cleaned thoroughly of oils, and scraped to the bare
metal. From the drug store we got a few crystals of sulphide of
copper. By wetting the crystal and the groove, then rubbing the
crystal in the groove, a copper plating could be made. Then, to the
usual soldering acid, add one quarter teaspoonful of salammoniac to
two ounces of acid, and use as a flux with half-and-half solder.
Cuprous oxide can also be used as a flux.
We made our own scrapers to smooth the solder to conform to the
cylinder wall. Of course, wages were not what prevented the
customer from paying for this time-consuming work. But even with
high wages, when restoring equipment, this may not be most
important, when replacement parts are not to be found.’
One of our newest members writes and needs some help from our
more seasoned enthusiasts. IRVIN E. STOWELL, Canton, New York 13617
says: ‘I recently started getting the GEM and look forward to
each issue. I am very interested in the many different kinds of gas
engines that are shown. I am writing for information concerning my
engine. I have an Associated 2? HP. S.N. 513152 or 518152. The
third number is not very clear. I would like to know the year of
manufacture and what type of color schemes and paint design the
company used on it, if any. I found this engine on a rock pile in a
field in 1978 and it took me until October 1980 soaking, tapping
and pampering that thing to get the piston loosened up. It sure is
interesting work.’
A plug for the magazine and hoping to get some data, this
writing comes from O. CHARLES DODGE, 994 Sherwood Forest Road,
Annapolis, Maryland 21401: ‘First of all I want to say how
great your magazine is. I have bought two engines through ads in
GEM and found the sellers to be persons of high integrity and even
though I will probably never meet them, if they lived next door I
know we would be friends. GEM is the kind of magazine that takes
days to read and with every issue I read about new and different
I am seeking information from anyone about the Highway Trailer
Company of Edgerton, Wisconsin. They made a winch that is used in
my 1937 Ford 1? T truck. The truck weas used by the C and P
Telephone Company in this area. They also made the special body
which held the tools and parts that the telephone men would use.
The data on the winch is Type SL 12RRC-82, serial no. W 3065,
Assembly Dwg. 169-A-100, order parts from issue-190-A-404. Are they
still in business? I would like to know anything about the winch or
the company.’
RINK MILLS, Roanoke, Indiana 46783 would like to see an article
on glass tube cutting. Anyone out there care to write on this? Sent
it to Smoke Rings and we’ll try and get it in the
GLEN SWENSON, 2101 Elm Street, Grand Rapids, Minnesota 55744
sends this picture and notice: ‘A friend has this iron critter
with the engine inside the drive wheel. I told him maybe someone-in
the family-could tell us. Also, I’d like to find out about
Witte manufacture dates.’
Following is a letter from JOHN SWIGART, Box 4412, Auburn
Heights, Michigan 48057-read it and perhaps you can help with this
‘A friend of mine is working on a very interesting engine
and while he is taking care of the mechanical end of it, I thought
I would write to you and see if we could get some help from your
readers to identify the engine and get some background.
If we can get a story together from your readers, I’d like
to write an article complete with photographs- I took these and I
plan on taking some external shots when the engine is finished. I
hope you can help us.’
John’s letter continues: ‘The engine has construction
features which are unique and should positively identify the
builder, but no one I’ve talked to has seen anything like
It looks like it might be an old inboard marine engine-two
stroke cycle, single vertical cylinder, one flywheel, plunger
coolant pump, igniter and induction coil. But, the timing is fixed,
it has no thrust bearing, and it has a governor.
The piston and crankshaft are like nothing I’ve ever seen!
It is a two stroke cycle engine with the mixture transfer from the
crankcase taking place only through a poppet valve in the piston.
The valve lift (and thus the speed) is controlled by a cam on the
governor weight which slides in and out on the crankshaft throw
responding to engine speed. The stem of the poppet valve extends
down through a hole in the wrist pin and the upper end of the
connecting rod to a spring and tappet which contacts the governor
cam as the piston nears bottom dead center.
The whole engine appears to be designed and built with a degree
of sophistication which is quite different from most engines of
that age. There are no part numbers of patent numbers evident
anywhere. It was a very expensive engine to build and sell which
explains why its unknown, but this engine has seen some work and
still is in pretty good shape. If we only knew what to call
CLARENCE AND LEE CRISWELL would like to remind you of their
search for John Deere serial numbers. Please read boxed material
One of our faithful contributors writes with pride and sends a
picture of a very important little lady, as GEORGE S. CLARK, 254
Pond Point Avenue, Milford, Connecticut 06460 pens this: ‘It
has been quite awhile since I’ve sent anything in so I am
taking this opportunity to send a picture of my granddaughter
having a good time on the dog-powered tread mill-who says you
can’t have fun on a tread mill? I collect many things besides
engines and this tread mill is one of my latest finds.
I have renewed GEM for several years now and I still eagerly
look forward to getting the magazine. Without a doubt, it is the
best one out-keep up the good work.
I also collect early Scientific American magazines and in a July
1889 issue was the following note. I thought you might like it.
Someone has said that a man never realizes how much free valuable
advice his neighbors have to give away until he announces his
intention to build a new house-how true!’
And that about winds it up for this time, my friends, take care
and have an enjoyable summer coming up. Remember-each day we can
say- This is the day that the Lord hath made, we will rejoice and
be glad in it. And remember a smooth sea never made a skillful
sailor. Remember that.
American ends with I Can.
Providence sends food for the birds, but does not throw it in his
nest. Genuinely and with Love.