Here we are-rolling right along into the 79 shows, roundups,
jamborees or whatever you choose to call them-they’re fun and
great vacations for many of you folks-to others they are new at all
this and getting a taste of gas engine fever- which will probably
put a boost in the rank of subscribers which gives the G.E.M.
family more inspiration to keep on growing. Not only will our new
members get enjoyment and help from our publication, but no doubt
you’ll find some beautiful friendships which we hope will
continue over the years-and now on to the letters:
And here is one of our subscribers with a note for help: ‘I
have been enjoying the G.E.M. and I.M.A. magazines for a year and a
half. So I am new at collecting and restoring and need help.
Recently, I bought a 2 cylinder Leroy engine. It is frozen, cranks
backwards, doesn’t give horsepower rating-so I really need
starting information. Your magazines are great and keep up the good
work. This comes from DAVID BRUMBAUGH, Route 1, Box 192, Camden,
Indiana 46917. (Hope your G.E.M. brothers write you real soon.)
JOSEPH MARION, E. Main Road, Little Compton, Rhode Island 02837
has recently acquired a 10 HP vertical Stoddard gas engine,
manufactured in Rutland, Vermont and an 8 HP horizontal sideshaft
Miami, manufactured by Middleton Machine Company, Middleton, Ohio.
Any information anyone has on either of these engines, will be
greatly appreciated.
EDWARD T. SMOLINSKI, 6901 Coolridge Drive, Camp Springs,
Maryland 20031 is awaiting your help: ‘I recently acquired a 1?
HP 500 R.P.M. McCormick Deering gas engine, in perfect condition,
manufactured by International Harvester Company, No. A-W80779. Is
there any way to determine the exact year of manufacture? I thank
you for any help and information you can give me.
Information wanted from PAUL W. PROFFITT, Route 5, Glasgow,
Kentucky 42141 as he tells us: ‘I have a Rock Island engine,
serial #A30539, 1 HP. I would like to know the year it was built
and the original color.’ (Do hope you proffitt
from this letter to our readers who might be able to answer
GEORGE POPP, 1814 So. 3rd, Niles, Michigan 49120 says: ‘I
need help! I have two Cushman upright engines with overhead valve,
push rod and impulse magneto. I’m looking for instruction and
what colors were these engines-and year they were made. They are 4
HP.’ (You’ll probably be hearing from some of our faithful
writers, George.)
RANDY DEWEESE, Route 1, Box 293, Clinton, Kentucky 42031 has
quite a bit to say: ‘I just received my first copy of G.E.M.
and was so inspired by it, I had to write this letter. All the
stories are great but Smoke Rings has to be the best!
I am only 15 years old, but have been collecting old wrenches,
spark plugs, used tractor parts etc. for as long as I can remember.
I don’t know why, but they just always fascinated me.
I need some information on an engine that belonged to my
grandfather. The engine plate reads- Detroit Engine Works-Builders
of Stationary Engines-Detroit, Michigan U.S.A. Serial #1677. This
engine is almost 100% complete, except for the spark plug wire and
the battery, I think. The engine is a headless two stroke,
water-cooled with a flywheel on each side. The water tank sits
behind the vertical engine, on top of the gas tank which sits on
top of what I think is a battery box. (Randy has enclosed some
pictures, but sorry they were all too dark to reproduce.)
My problem is I don’t understand the electrical system, the
way it fires, it has what I am sure is a throttle that is connected
to the flywheels. I also need to know what type and mixture of fuel
to use. The color was black, I think, but I need the detail work to
complete restoration. Is this engine rare? Does anyone out there
have one? I would like to know.
I also have another problem with another engine I acquired from
a relative. The engine plate reads I.H.C. Vertical Engine
Manufactured by International Harvester Co., Chicago U.S.A. Patents
Pending-HP 3 – Speed 360 – No. L13817 E.
On this engine the piston is stuck and being I am not an
experienced guy, I would like to know some of the better ways to
remove the piston, for I have tried everything I know.
I also need some close up pictures of the head and valve
What is the best way to restore an igniter?
I also have a McCormick Deering 22-36 on rubber, two early F-20
Farmalls, one on steel, one on rubber and a 1938 F-20 Farmall on
factory rubber, a couple of Maytags, lots of odds and ends and an
unrestored 1929 ‘AA’ 1 ton Ford truck.
I never realized I had so many fellow engine lovers. It’s
like living in a new world, knowing there are so many of us out
there.’ (Get your pencils sharpened-Randy needs a lot of
232A, Cambridge City, Indiana 47327: ‘I’ve an urgent
problem! I had a copy of a Maytag Service Manual reprint which I
purchased through someone advertising it in G.E.M. It was being
used in a Junior High shop class. During an absence of the teacher,
the substitute let it get away. Now can you tell me where I might
send to get another one, or forward my request to the proper place?
Thanks so much for any considerations.’ (I don’t know who
he means, but perhaps the party he bought it from will see this and
write George.)
A letter from STARBOLT ENGINE SUPPLIES, 6701 Dorsey Road,
Laytonsville, Maryland 20760: ‘Note the heading on this letter.
It represents an attempt to give our friends and collectors a
dependable source of much needed, we hope, parts and supplies for
engine restorations. We have been on the fringes of this type of
enterprise for several years, selling used parts, decals, fittings,
etc., at engine shows in our part of the country and Portland,
Indiana and Greenville, Illinois.
We started out in a small way with rough iron castings last
year. This met with great success and we had so many requests for
other castings and for items like springs that we decided to expand
our inventory and go into mail order.
In expanding we have invested much time and effort as well as
money to create an initial inventory of most-requested items. Now
we are ready to go, we have our stock and we have our machine shop
set up so that we can supply finished parts. We hope these efforts
meet the needs that so many have mentioned to us.
The name, Starbolt is the contraction of the last names of the
two Bills who are involved – Starkey and
Another letter requiring an answer comes from JAMES F. CREWS,
Star Route Box 4, Arbovale, WV 24915: (I think the WV is West
Virginia!) ‘I wonder whether anyone can help me with
information on a Fairbanks Morse 1? HP Serial #641816, Model Z. I
think this engine was part of a generator system. When I got the
engine, it was mounted on one end of a long cast iron base. The
opposite end of the base had slots for mounting what I think was
the generator. The engine is vapor-cooled (small radiator assembly
over one flywheel). Also, this one of the two flywheels is extra
wide and heavy, with a fan mounted on it. It may be that this
engine is described on page 38 of the Jan./Feb. 1972 issue of GEM.
Maybe someone can clear this up and tell me what I have.
Kind-of-a different letter, but with human interest, comes from
AL HOBERMAN, 14321 Josephine Road, Largo, Florida 33540: ‘I am
a member of the Florida Flywheelers, which is an active club down
here in the South. The club is promoting a Club Caravan to the
Midwest this summer, which could include Portland, Indiana on the
last weekend of August and, of course, Old Threshers at Mt.
Pleasant, Iowa the next weekend. I have not missed that fantastic
show for several years.
I ordered a rare gasket from ‘Gasket King’, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada last fall. Mr. Lynch sent a prompt reply with price
and avail ability. A check was immediately sent, however, I had not
received the gasket by mid-January so I wrote him a note. He called
me long distance, twice, to get the facts and sent my check back
the following week. None of this was the man’s fault and
besides sending back my money, he invested in two long distance
calls. I hope you will be kind enough to give this honest man the
recognition he deserves by printing this letter.’ (O.K. Al –
’tis said and done-we all should be that honest, but it
doesn’t always work out that way. I must say, though, very,
very few times anything like that has happened to our publications
over the years. This is my 22nd year with Iron-Men Album Magazine
and, of course, we are in the 14th year of G.E.M.)
THOMAS G. LEE, Route 3, Calhoun, Kentucky 42327 writes: ‘I
would like to correspond with people who are interested in the
early model W. C. Allis Chalmers tractor, people who are in the
process of restoring or have one already restored. I have two W. C.
tractors already completely restored and painted. One is a 1937,
the other is a 1938 model. I hope to some day have one each year
back to the first 1933 model.
My dad and I also own a 40 HP J.I. Case steam traction engine, a
65 HP J.I. Case steam traction engine and a 65 HP J.I. Case
portable boiler.
Keep up the good work with your magazine.’
Seeking help is DONALD R. AUGUSTINE, 7226 Lennon Road, Swartz
Creek, Michigan 48473: ‘I enjoy the G.E.M. and look forward to
each issue. I have a Handy Andy gas engine manufactured by the
Galloway Company, U.S.A. and would like help on original paint
color and paint striping. Also would like information on wheel
truck for this engine. This engine has 10?’ fly wheels. I would
appreciate any information and would gladly pay postage if anyone
has the information.’
ED F. EDWARDS, P.O. Box 197, Big Bend, California 96011 sends a
photo with info and questions on the Hagan engine: ‘Here is a
picture of a hopper-cooled Hagan engine. I have a copy of the
original (reprint) catalog of the Hagan Company, Winchester,
Kentucky, and it shows no pictures of a hopper-cooled Hagan and
doesn’t even make mention of a hopper-cooled version of the
Hagan. The only engines shown in the catalog are the tank cooled
type of Hagans. I would like to hear from any readers of GEM that
have any information on the hopper-cooled version of the Hagan
engines. Were the hopper-cooled versions of the Hagan an early
experimental engine that was quickly discontinued for the tank
cooled version? I have looked through all of the back lissues of
GEM and have never seen any pictures of a hopper-cooled Hagan.
Maybe the other gas engine nuts (like myself) would like to see
what these hopper cooled Hagans look like. The tag (heavy brass)
reads as follows: Reliable Gas and Gasoline Engines, Manufactured
by the Hagan Gas Engine & Mfg. company, Winchester, Kentucky,
Model B, S.N. 561. What was the original color of this engine? The
only indication of any date on the engine is on a small brass tag
that is located on top of the strange combination of the carb.
& governor which are both built together as one unit, and it
says Pat. April 7, 1903, if that is any indication of the year of
this engine. This hopper-cooled version of the Hagan in all other
respects works the same as the tank-cooled type. Throttling
governed, same type of ignitor, valve train the same, etc. The
engine gets gas up to the carb. (and governor) by means of two
brass chains located inside the long black casting
‘connected’ to the bottom of the carb., as the engine runs,
a belt which runs from the pulley on the flywheel to the governor
and carb. combination turns a sprocket inside which cycles (turns)
the chain around (inside the casting) and the gas, which sets in
the bottom of the casting ‘sticks’ to the chain and is
raised up to the carb. by means of the rotating chain, at which
time the proper amount of air is mixed with the gas on the chain
and of course is drawn into the combustion chamber for the
compression stroke, etc. The governor (which is built into the
carburetor) controls the amount of gas and air mixture going into
the cylinder by means of a tapered cone shaped regulator. This
Hagan engine is one of the heaviest engines (rated at 3? HP) for
its size that I have ever seen. It weighs over 1200 pounds. I would
sure appreciate any information that anyone has on this engine as
it is the most interesting throttling governor engine that I have
seen. P.S. I own this Hagan engine.
DOC SCHUSTER, 3535 Glen Oak Drive, Eugene, Oregon writes: ‘I
have received many appreciative letters regarding my
igniter-testing article, which was very satisfying. However, most
of those who wrote did not seem to know where to buy new mica
insulating material to rebuild their igniters. They were supplied
with the information, but I wonder how many other engine rebuilders
would like this information also.
Since GEM is devoted to supplying useful information, here are
the names and addresses of two potential mica suppliers: N.A.
Kruse, Box 14, Park Ridge, Illinois 60068 and GOR-NEL-CO., Chicago
City, Minnesota 55013. Phone 612-257-2350.’ (Hope this helps
some of you fellows hunting mica material and thanks
GLENN ALLEN, Schaller, Iowa 51053 says: ‘I am trying
desperately to gather more information about that Augustine engine
that was in Sept.-Oct. 1976 GEM. Anything you can
give me will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!’ (Anyone out
there-if you can write Glenn with some date-he is really awaiting
your letters.)
ROMEO DAUPHINAIS, 822 Minnie Street, Port Huron, Michigan 48060
tells us: ‘I was visiting in Wisconsin last fall with a friend
who has quite a few antique water and air-cooled engines. I am
interested in air-cooled ones. I have three Briggs and Stratton at
present (W-Wl-A). I do not know how old they are. My friend tells
me I may be able to obtain this information from you.’ (Not
from me Romeo, but perhaps from some of our readers-here’s
hoping they get in touch with you.)
And here comes another informative letter on an item many may be
interested in – VERNE KINDSCHI, Route 1, Box 66, Prairie du Sac,
Wisconsin 53578 sends it along: ‘After having restored gas
engines for almost 20 years now, one problem I have often run into
is that the insulated grommet type washers, which were made of
fibre, were deteriorated beyond use from weather, oil and
This type of washer is generally found on jump spark ignition
engines, using battery and coil; they were used on the timing
As these fibre washers are not readily available today, and
being that there are so many different sizes, it has always been a
big problem how to insulate the timing spring.
I have recently used some material (available thanks to space
age technology) which works real good for making new washers. I
bought some Teflon, round rod, and machined this rod into the
washers of the size which I need. This Teflon is very durable, and
machines extremely easy, and can be machined very thin without
breaking. Although it is quite expensive, one must remember that it
takes very little of the rod for each washer.
I recently machined four washers, using one inch of rod. Thus
the cost per washer is quite small. Although I realize Teflon is
nothing real new, and perhaps many have used it, only recently have
I ‘discovered’ it.
Probably this Teflon rod is available from many places; however,
the one place I know of where you can order it in small quantities
is Coles’ Power Models, Box 788, Ventura, California
MICHAEL HORAK, Dutton, Montana 59433 sends a lengthy letter:
‘I have been reading your G.E.M. magazine (subscribed to by my
son, Charles) for quite a few years now and I sorta feel like I
know you personally.
In your March-April 1978 issue on page 12, I read a letter from
Oliver Sorrel, R.D. 2, Box 246, Morrisonville, New York, asking for
information for his engine No. 15, J 16126 R.P.M. 775, HP 1?-2,
part numbers prefix G.E.
This is the fourth time I have seen letters in GEM asking for
information about this engine. I have an engine like it. I
don’t know who made it, but it was sold by Sears Roebuck &
Company during the 1930s to early 1940s. It is painted light brick
red, resembling red lead. When Sears quit selling the Economy, this
little engine was the only water-cooled engine sold by Sears.
The Economy is a heavy weight water-cooled engine made in 6
sizes, 1? to 12 HP, was painted a medium red and was made by the
Hercules Engine Company. Maybe they made this little engine for
Sears-I don’t know.
I found my little engine in an abandoned farm junk yard. The
Wico magneto was gone and the lever to operate the magneto was
broken off, but of course, I had to get that engine running. For
ignition, I made a breaker box and fastened it to the water hopper
where the magneto was. Into this box I installed the movable
breaker point with lever, from an old air-cooled model Z Briggs
& Stratton washing machine engine. Opposite this point, I
screwed the adjustable point from a Model A Ford distributor. Along
side this I placed condenser and mounted a 6 volt Ford coil on top
the breaker box.
To activate the breaker points, I installed a push rod from the
cam lever up into the breaker box to the movable breaker point. The
push rod is made of a short piece of a plastic pencil so it
won’t short out the breaker points. I use a six volt battery
for ignition-any way the engine runs.
Last fall I visited a cousin in North Dakota and lo and
behold-he had an engine like mine, but a later model, all there and
in running order. He said he got it new from Sears Roebuck and
Company in 1942.’
A man seeking help through this column is EDWARD G. WHEELER,
R.R. 2, Sibley, Iowa 51249: ‘Recently I received an old tester
of some sort and I would like to know just what it is and how to
use it.
It is a wooden box approximately 9′ square and 5′ high.
Inside is a light bulb and a K.W. buzz coil with the buzzer on the
outside of the box. No wires are connected to the coil. On the top
are 2 light bulbs, one large and one small, 3 wires with insulated
probes and a switch. The unit has a cord for an ordinary household
plug in. If anyone out in Gas Engine Land can help, I would
appreciate it very much.’ (NUFF SAID-if you know-let Ed
MARVIN L. SMITH, R. 2, Box 306, Alexandria, Indiana 46001 wants
some answers: ‘I recently acquired an old 2-wheel walk behind
garden tractor. I would like any information that anyone could give
me as to age, paint scheme, and are decals available? Is the
company still in business? What is the HP of the engine and
It is a Standard Twin S/N 405C7729 manufactured by the Standard
Engine Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2 cyl. cam drive with 2
speeds forward and one reverse rear P.T.O.-individual wheel brakes
18′ spoke wheels, impulse F.M. mag crank start. I have it
running but used carb. as it is cracked and leaks fuel. Any help
would be appreciated.’
A short letter with a request comes from PHILIP G. VAZZANA, 242
S. Poplar Street, Greenville, Mississippi 38701: ‘I have looked
back through my issues of GEM and cannot find any information on
how to check magnetos. Can any of you guys tell me a simple way to
check magnets and condensers? This information will be forwarded
back to G.E.M. for subscriber information.’ (Thanks Phil, send
it along if you get some replies.)
PAUL G. BARESEL, 14139 Riverview, Detroit, Michigan 48223, phone
313-534-3889 has a few questions: ‘I am a newcomer to the world
of flywheeling. I got involved with flywheeling while in Florida. I
didn’t devote much time to it due to my duties while in the
U.S. Coast Guard. I am now relocated in Detroit, Michigan. My
future wife comes from here and we met in Florida.
I would like your help on a few questions. Since I am a newcomer
to the Detroit area and not originally from it, does the GEM know
of any clubs in the area I can get involved with. I would also like
to hear from fellow flywheelers in the area. Where would I find out
what color to paint a 1912-13 McCormick Deering 1? HP gas engine?
Where could I find a listing of any shows in the area or state?
(Many listings and ads are published in the G.E.M. Also you will
notice our ad in the magazine for the Steam and Gas Directory which
can be purchased from our office in Lancaster-it has hundreds of
listings of shows in it and right now sells for $2.50.)
GENE HARTWIG, 4884 Brigham Road, Goodrich, Michigan sends a
letter and picture as he asks: ‘Would anyone out there in
Engine Land have one of these Victor Tractor Kits? Would anyone
around Loudonville, Ohio know who made it, etc.?
I have a tractor like this. I cut this ad from a January 1922
issue of Tractor and Gas Engine Review. I would surely appreciate
hearing from anyone.’
BERT HINES, 7666 No. Orange Avenue, Cape Canaveral, Florida
32920 writes: ‘Friends-It was a great surprise to find my
Bessemer Engines books reviewed in the present issue. Not only
great, but a pleasant surprise too.
Please accept my thanks to you all, and a citation of merit to
Bill Lenox for a job nicely done.
The book has sold 75 copies to date. Not enough to pay its
printing costs, but certainly enough to establish me as a person,
though without an engineering background, greatly interested in
antique engines, and a person who takes delight in researching an
Some of the gratifying results of such research are those one
meets, either by mail, phone, or in person.
Far beyond the monetary gains or losses lies the pure gold of
new contacts made; new people with old ideas I’d never
imagined, and older people with new ideas far ahead of anything
I’d imagined.
For example, new people, often young, now exploring the hot air
and solar heated air engine potentials in old turn of the century
experiments; and old stationary engineer citing the rare
‘convertibles’ that ran on both combustive substances, as
well as, and simultaneously with, steam. Information is the
‘pay-dirt’ of research, and my greatest pleasure; who needs
better reasons to follow these persuasions?
Communicating by mail comes this letter from R. B. (DICK) ALLAN,
Box 66, Dubuc, Sask., Canada SOA 0R0: ‘I am a relatively new
subscriber to your magazine having so far received just two copies,
but have really enjoyed them both. It has a lot of really useful
information. I have been collecting one lungers for the past couple
of years and find it a very rewarding hobby.
I have two engines that are almost identical. They have a brass
plate stating they were sold by T. Eaton Company of Canada Ltd.
That is the only identification they have. No engine number of name
or date or anything else. One has an air-cooled head and
gear-driven governor while the other has a water-cooled head and a
flywheel governor, both hit and miss.
The one with the air-cooled head has the cast iron base arched
on each side, while the other is flat all around. I remember these
engines when I was younger, but never owned one. I remember one
engine that seemed to be the same as these, but it was painted dark
green or black and it seems to me it was called Waterloo. I would
like to know who made these engines. The one I know, was around a
1914-15 vintage. I also have a 7 HP Pride of the West made by
Desjardin Company. The general construction and design seems to be
the same as the Eaton engines. Now, did Desjardin make engine for
Eatons or did Waterloo?
Hope someone can give me some information on these engines.
(Hope so too, Dick).
Another new member of the family needs help as SKIP R. WHITE,
Box 125, Mesilla Rock, New Mexico 88047 writes: ‘I am a
newcomer to the Gas Engine hobby and would appreciate all the help
I can get. I have a Stover, Model K, 1? HP gas engine that is
missing the exhaust rocker arm, mounting bracket and whatever holds
or guides the push rod to activate the exhaust rocker arm. Any
information about this particular gas engine would be greatly
This letter written in March comes from H. L. RITTER, Route 5,
Box 127, Fulton, New York 13069: ‘Spring is in the air and
engine in the blood. According to our weatherman, we had over 200
inches of snow here in Fulton, New York (not all at once). A few
bare spots are beginning to show through.
Here is some information on the G E engine. I have two addresses
of manufacture-General Engine Company, Franklin Park, Illinois. And
I was told this was a sub-division of Auburn Cord & Dusenberg,
Auburn, Indiana (car mfg’s.)
The Syracuse Surplus Co. now Morleys of Syracuse, New York
purchased a large quantity of them in the mid 1950s. They sold for
approximately $72.00. Few were sold, so after a year the price was
cut in half to get rid of them as the company was moving.
These engines, I am told, run hot. My engine has a 2?’ bore,
17/8‘ stroke. It has a blurred decal with
Franklin Park, Illinois address. The carburetor is Tillotson and a
mechanical governor. Some of these engines had a I
have the rubbing of one. It includes S.N. 156053. The valve
clearance setting, intake .009 cold-exhaust .012 cold on the Model
D. The model will be found only on engine with nameplate. The head,
I understand, is quite flat and has quite a high compression. Also
hard on head gaskets.
To lengthen gasket life, drill and counter bore head and block
for 1/4-20 cap screw. Do this in between each head bolt. It gives a
more even squeeze on the gasket. I also tape a piece of grit paper
to a smooth surface and lap gasket surface of head for smoothness
and to connect warpage. That is about all I can say about the G E
engine in general.
The engines sold in Syracuse were sometimes connected somehow to
a water pump.
I will soon be getting after a couple engines, Gray and Empire.
Have had some parts reworked during the winter months. Also have 2
Ottawas to get running. It will be nice weather when you read this,
so enjoy as another winter is on its way.’
EDWIN H. BREDEMIER, Steinauer, Nebraska 68441 wants to know if
someone in the Gas Engine Land could tell him how to mix gas and
oil for a 3/4 HP Associated air-cooled engine that was on a washing
RAY PICHEL of R.D. 1, Box 213, Hellertown, Pennsylvania 18055
sends a note to share with you: ‘Necessity Ah, the Mother of
Invention- recently bought an engine with an improvised rocker arm.
Seems the original rocker arm was either broken or lost, so this
dude used an engine truck wheel which had the same size diameter as
the length of the rocker arm. He cut off half of the wheel and put
a bushing in the bore to accept the rocker ar bot and presto – a
rocker arm!’
MRS. WALTER ‘DOC’ SCHRAGE, 1219 Lawn Avenue, New Haven,
Indiana 46774 writes: ‘I will answer all of Walter’s
letters sent to him. If anyone wants the years of IHC 1904 to 1916
gas engines, send parts numbers of 1 to 50 HP – Titan, Tom Thumb,
Famous, Nonparial, Famous, Victor, Mogul Jr. 1 to 50 HP Moguls,
send parts numbers, serial number and prefix letter. Send SASE and
please print clearly.
Also years for McDeering ‘M’ 1?-3-6-10 HP. L-1? rare
one. LA – LB -1?-2?-3-5 HP. Send prefix letter, HP, serial number.
We also have years of 1921-1960 cast iron Briggs& Stratton.
Send HP, serial number, type anf if 2 flywheels. Years of 1923-1946
John Deere 1? E 3E 6-E, 1? E 3EK 6 – EP. Send HP and serial number.
Years for Maytags. Send type, Serial number, HP vertical flywheel
10? – ? HP 12′ – 1 HP. Specify battery and coil or magneto
coil. Model 82 – send base size 13 x 3 – 19? x 3? – and serial
number. FY – ED 4 -19? x 3?, 13? x 3? 13?x 2? and serial number.
Maytag years Twin Cyl 72 D Wico coil 1937 to 1942; 72 D Eiseman,
none manufactured 1943 – 1944-1945 war products; 72 D A – large
coil, serial number have 6 and 7 digits. NOTE: We have collected
serial numbers of Maytag 45, 941.
We enjoy your wonderful magazine. Doc is getting much better,
thanks to GEM. We received over 500 cards-it sure cheered up
CARL BLACKWELL, Route 2, Box 206C, Wynne, Arkansas 72396 says:
‘I have just bought a John Deere Model LA with the serial
number plate missing. Could anyone tell me what year this tractor
was built by the number cast on the engine block – L4210T and
9-22-A. I also need some parts (see ad).
AL HASE, 7113 W. 2nd Street, Rio Linda, California 95673 pens
this note: ‘God bless you and yours from California for a
wonderful job on the help we need. As some other gas engine nuts, I
thought that I would never write to G.E.M. for help, but I was
wrong so I need help with a Bull Pup (I never heard of
that-I’ve heard of Bull Dog) mfg. by Bates & Edmonds of
Lansing, Michigan, S.N. B24959. I would like to know the age of it.
Also the rocker arm is missing. No one in the club has one like it
as far as I can find out. I hope some gas engine nut, like me, out
there in Engine Land can help me.’
Get pens and papers, guys, as this fellow wants a lot of
answers: TOM HICKEL, 135 Schwartz Road, Lancaster, New York 14086
writes: I have an Ellinwood engine made in Los Angeles, California,
Model 44, HP 4.4, Serian #5014. It is very well built. It has an
aluminum block with timken bearings on the crankshaft and a cast
iron cylinder. It seems the engine was manufactured for industrial
use, because it has a large gasoline tank. I would like to know how
popular these are and how many were built, what was their main
purpose and how the governor is set up.
Then I have an Emerson & Brantingham Type H, S.N. 43879. I
would like to know how many of these were built and the approximate
age. I would also like to know the approximate value in various
parts of the country.
Now then, my Fairmont and Montingham engine has no
identification plate. I think it is 1? HP. Where were these built?
How many were made? Also would like the date of manufacture and
value in various parts of the country.
I have a Flying Dutchman, 1? HP, S.N. 35380. I would like to
know when it was built and approximate value.
I also have a Vanduzen made in Columbus, Ohio. I cannot find any
model number. The only one I can find is 2? stamped on the crank.
It seems to me it stands for the horsepower. I would like any
information on this engine.
Thanks for your help and cooperation. All letters will be
DOUGLAS ERICKSON, 3952 Douglas Road, Coconut Grove, Florida
33133 writes: ‘We have a boat powered by a Murray and Tregurtha
Marine Engine, serial #530 showing the last patent date of May 31,
1904. When the boat was hauled and stored in about 1917 the salt
water was drained from the water jackets, but unfortunately the
latter were not flushed with fresh water. Through the years, the
salt crystals that remained continued to cause rusting with
attendant swelling that has cracked the four separate cylinders
wide open. Is thee any way of repairing this condition? To cast new
cylinders without patterns would cost a fortune, yet the rest of
the engine is in mint condition. Any suggestions will be deeply
An informative letter comes from JACK W. HEALD of Turlock,
California: ‘There seems to be a new revised interest in the
Fordson tractor, now that they are becoming scarce.
I have noticed that your readers send in many inquiries
concerning the Fordsons, so perhaps they might be interested in
knowing that a National Fordson tractor club exists. The membership
fee is only $1.00 a year to cover postage as all correspondence is
by mail, although individual members manage to get together at
major swap meets.
About three years ago this started as a local club, spread
nationwide, and now has over 100 members in most states, Canada,
England, Scotland, Australia and New Zealand. We exchange
information, and I send out a ‘Fordson Newsletter’ every 6
From the overseas correspondence we have now found two Fordson
publications available, as well as reprints of original manuals, a
number of books containing articles on Fordsons, model toy Fordsons
available, etc.
Recently I have become the American distributor for the
‘Fordson, 1929-1952 models, Part I,’ by Allen Condie of
Scotland. Also, the 4-times-yearly ‘Fordson Magazine and
Register’ by Arthur Battelle of England, can be ordered through
our club. Both of these contain a series articles, historical
information, pictures, maintenance hints, etc., concerning the
Fordsons models ‘F’, ‘N’, and ‘E 27
Here in Turlock a complete card file index is kept on
‘Wanted’ and ‘For Sale’ new and used parts, (as
well as tractors). We have located and purchased some NOS parts,
and are looking for more all the time. For example we can provide
NOS (New Old Stock) head gaskets, pistons, valves, etc. We can also
obtain newly manufactured fan belts, radiator caps, and even
From original company lists we can identify the year (and
sometimes, month) of manufacture, provide original paint colors,
xerox copies of factory and privately produced accessories and
attachments….for example, like the Ferguson plow, a two point
system invented by Ferguson, who later went in with Henry for the
Ford- Ferguson system.
So, perhaps some of your readers might want to join our
organization. Write to: Jack W. Heald, Big Valley Fordson Tractor
Club, 2160 Carrigan, Turlock, California 95380.
JOHN VIALAND, Route 2, Box 108C, Argos, Indiana 46501 needs your
help: ‘I have recently purchased a small tractor made by Shaw
Mfg. Company of Galesburg, Kansas. It is a Shaw Du-All model R 12
T, powered by a two cylinder Wisconsin air-cooled engine model T F.
This tractor is similar to an unstyled model ‘L’ John
Deere, but it is slightly smaller. I would appreciate hearing from
anyone with information about the tractor and/or manufacturer.
Thanks for this service. I enjoy your magazine very much and
look forward to each issue.’
Here’s a letter from PVT. E-2 EDWARD G. CHRISTIAN,
203-50-2725, M Co. 3/3 ACR, Fort Bliss, Texas 79916: ‘G.E.M. is
a wonderful magazine – and my favorite. I wish it would come
monthly because I can’t wait for the next issue.
I have many small engines and G.E.M. has helped me identify
them. I just bought a flywheel engine yesterday-March 20, 1979-not
far from El Paso. Jan.-Feb. issue 79 identified it as a Fuller
& Johnson Model N. I think it is a 3 HP. I would like to thank
the people of G.E.M. for new friends I met through it. I have some
old light plants and glass cells for them. I have a Farmall F-12.
I’ve also got a complete Cunningham lawn mower with the Model
EA engine like in Jan.-Feb. 78 issue.
I am from Pennsylvania and now in Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas,
area and would like to find more engine collectors. I would like to
hear from someone who knows about 16 vt. Brenard #243 cycle,
water-cooled light plant with Robbins & Meyers
Next letter comes from JIM WALDORF, R.R. 3, Osakis, Minnesota
56360: ‘I am just getting started in old tractors. I have
always been interested in them and now after about two years I have
acquired 3 F-20 Farmalls. I have subscribed to your magazine and I
think it is great. I am 24 years old and enjoy working on my old
tractors in my spare time.
I could use a little help. I would like to know how to tell the
correct year of an F-20 when the serial number is missing. Also,
any other information on the F-20 anyone could give me. One of the
F-20s is a parts tractor.
I also ran across an old 6 cylinder Rumely tractor on steel. It
is believed to be a 1928 model with serial number 6A786 with 50 HP
on the belt. It was last used to run a sawmill out in the woods and
has been under an old shed. The engine is free and should run
without too much trouble. Does anyone have one or could anyone tell
me more about this tractor? Also, is it very rare? Is this the
correct year of the tractor? I would also like to know what this
tractor’s approximate value is in running condition. Any
information would be greatly appreciated.’
GEORGE BOYER writes: ‘To everyone who has corresponded with
me in the last couple of years, I now have a P.O. Box and so my new
mailing address is Box 422, Smith River, California 95567.
I found some snapshots of an Aermotor, 3 HP that someone sent me
while I was going to Oklahoma State Tech in Okmulgee, Oklahoma and
I don’t know if I answered your letter. The pictures were taken
in the back of a pick-up, sort of burnt orange in color. I would
like to thank you at this time.
My handwriting isn’t the best, and I think Anna Mae might
have misread some things in my last letter to Smoke Rings (very
possible, George) in the March-April issue. First, the
Sattley-Montgomery Ward engine should be 1? HP instead of 1 HP and
the 4 counties mentioned should be Mendocino, Humbolt, Del Norte
and Currie, in case anyone had tried to find them on a map and
ended up thinking that maybe there were some awfully small counties
in California.
Anyone know of serial numbers lists for Ottawa? Still need a
date on my 5 HP S.N. TE27344.
Good luck with your finding and fixing of the old
Next letter comes from overseas- GEROGE JOHNSTON, 1270 Gold
Coast Highway, Palm Beach 4221, Queensland, Australia: ‘I have
a small collection of vintage stationary engines. The latest
addition is a Frost King made by the John Lauson Manufacturing
Company, New Holstein, Wisconsin. I have written Tecumseh Products
Company and their Mr. Jack Lichles suggested I contact you
regarding the age of this engine, as unfortunately owing to change
of ownership of the company, little or no material is available to
reference the models.
The engine in question was purchased second hand in November
1927, by the father of the person from whom I purchased it. He
thought it was bought new in the early 1920s. Incidentally, it was
still in running order and had been used as recently as December
’78. Details of engine as follows Engine No. 23496, HP 1?, RPM
475. I am hoping you can be of assistance to me as I would like to
compile a history of each engine.’
DON FITZGERALD, 2362 Gale Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105 has
some information which will interest some of you: ‘For all the
Fordson fanciers in G.E.M. Land, I would like to recommend you get
a subscription to the Fordson Tractor Magazine and Register.
Subscription information can be found on page 25 of your Nov.-Dec.
1978 issue of G.E.M. I have found it to be entertaining and very
On another subject now-the brass fitting on the later model
Fordson Holley carburetor does not lend itself to modern gas line
installation. This fitting can be replaced with an Aeroquip #2216 x
4 x 6. This will allow the use of modern copper line compression
style fittings.
Still on carburetors, but for the Marvel-Schebler TRX-15 on your
Graham-Bradley. There is a distributor who has gasket sets and
needle/seat shut-off units. The address is V. E. Petersen,
Distributor, 28101 E. Broadway, Walbridge, Ohio. Phone
419-838-5911. Mr. Baumbarger.
The last item is this-a club has been started in California for
Fordson tractors. For one dollar they will send you a newsletter.
The address is Big Valley Fordson Club, Attention: Mr. Jack W.
Heald, 2160 Carrigan, Turlock, California. I hope this information
proves useful to someone.
A new member of our G.E.M. family writes: ‘I am a newcomer
to collecting old engines. I am 15 years old. The only thing I have
running is a 1928 Caterpillar tractor, Model 10. Now here is my
problem. My grandfather gave me an old Fordson tractor. It had set
out under an evergreen tree for at least 30 years. It seems to be
in pretty good condition, but is very weathered. I would like to
know the age of this tractor, but I looked all over and cannot find
a serial number. I’ve seen other Fordsons at engine shows, but
none quite like this. It has a closed sided radiator and the
gasoline tank is combined with the kerosene tank, not on the side
of the air washer. The kerosene vaporizer has been removed and
converted to run on gasoline. And also what was the original color
of this?
I would also like to know if there are any engine clubs in
Connecticut that I could join. Any help would be
W.E. NEAL, 613 8th Avenue, Charles City, Iowa 50616 sends this
along: ‘You had a question raised on when Farmall came out with
the F-30 Farmall. I have a 1932 March-April Tractor Farming
Magazine put out by International Harvester Company. It shows that
the Farmall 30 recently took its place beside the original 2 plow
I believe they came out with the F-30 in the fall of 1931. They
never were painted green. The original color was a dark blue-gray
with red wheels. I had the first red Farmall that was sold new. I
got it new in the spring of 1936; the next year they were all
painted red. It was an F-30, serial number 10101.
M & H came out in the fall of 1939. I have books to prove
all of this. This winter I purchased an F-20 Farmall. With the deal
I also got a lot of old tractor catalogs on steam engines, gas
tractors, etc.
That’s about it for now-at this time as I am writing this we
are under the threat of having to be evacuated due to the accident
at Three Mile Island-It is not pleasant thinking of what could
happen-but this I know-God knows all about it-and I’m sure he
loves every one of us dearly and we’ll just have to keep our
trust in Him. Whatever happens, Christ has said ‘Lo I am with
you always’-I hope many people are praying and turning to God-
Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us – Trust in the Lord with all thine heart
and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways
acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.
GEMuinely and With Love Anna Mae