Smoke Rings

By Staff
Published on May 1, 1978
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A restored 1913 Mogul 10-20 HP kerosene tractor.
A restored 1913 Mogul 10-20 HP kerosene tractor.
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This is a 2/3 scale model 'D' spoke flywheel John Deere.
This is a 2/3 scale model 'D' spoke flywheel John Deere.

The long-awaited spring weather has finally come upon us. We
have dug out from the harsh winter and are now prepared to relax
and enjoy the beautiful sights and sounds that only Springtime can

Spring has also prompted many inquiries to our column; so
let’s get down to business with the many, many letters:

Sometimes people travel all over the world searching for
diamonds, while once in a great while someone finds them in his own
backyard. ERSA WILLIAMSON of Corydon, Iowa was one of those who
found a diamond in his back yard – well almost. A dilapidated shed
was torn down on a farm only a few miles north of Corydon. When all
the many years of accumulated debris was cleared out, there was an
upright Stickney engine. The engine was in fairly good shape –
except for a possum dead in the water hopper, drowned due to the
roof leaking water into the hopper. Two gears had broken teeth, but
this will be a small item as there is a welder here in Corydon who
can weld anything but a broken heart. The problem is Ersa knows
nothing about this engine in the matter of operation. It is a hot
bulb or hot tube ignition type and Ersa needs help. He would also
like to know the approximate dates these were built, surprisingly
there is no model number or serial number plate on it. The only
identification on the engine is a very, very faded decal that you
can barely make out the name Stickney. Ersa would appreciate any
help he can get. Here is his address: Ersa Williamson, Corydon,
Iowa 50060.

SIGURD  K. RUDORF, 5276 Boettce, West Bend, Wisconsin 53095
writes: ‘In the last issue of the magazine, you wrote that I
had certain information on the Smith-Briggs Motor Wheel. That led
to quite a number of inquiries, and I was happy to mail the
requested information to all but two of the folks who wrote to me.
In one case, I was not given a return address, and can’t read
the name, so if Mr. Robert G– -g- — will write to me once more,
and give me his address, I’ll send him the package.’

MORSE B. BAKER, 4100 West Huron River Drive, Ann Arbor, Michigan
48103, tells us he has complete blueprints of gas and diesel lever
engines. The diesel is a 2 cycle and the gas is a 4 cycle. The
engines were made in Charleston, Illinois, sometime in the 1930s.
He needs information on the whereabouts of any of these two

BERT BRYANT YOUNG, R.R. 1, Box 704, Dover, Delaware 19901
explains to us that he is presently restoring a 3 HP Empire
gasoline engine sold by the Empire Cream Separator Company and
would like to know what the correct color of this engine is
supposed to be. Also, he indicates, that in the Jan.-Feb. issue of
GEM there was an article by a man who restored a Model L Case
Tractor. Mr. Young has a Model L Case that is yet to be restored
and it needs a lot of extensive maintenance. It is an old mode!
with a flat fan belt and it is on steel wheels. He would like
information on the availability of repair parts, either new or
used, but in serviceable condition. Also any technical data
pertaining to the engine, as well as other components of the
tractor would be helpful.

H. L. RITTER, Route #5, Box 127, Fulton, New York 13069 wonders
if any readers can give him any information on the ‘Parker’
marine engine made in Fulton, New York, around 1900.

BLAKE  MALKAMAKI, 10839 Girdled Road, Concord, Ohio 44077
says: ‘A little advice – be careful when trying to remove
pistons from Fairbanks-Morse engines. There seems to be a weak
spot, just in from the end of the cylinder. We have cranked two
F-Ms by using oil under pressure.

WAYNE CULLER, 323 South Jefferson Street, Frederick, Maryland
21701 is seeking any information on the Joy McVicker tractors that
were built by the Minneapolis Steel & Machinery Company of
Minneapolis, Minnesota. He says the only picture he ever saw of one
was in the book, ‘Agricultural Tractors 1855-1950.’
(That’s a new name to me – how about you?)

We hear from MIKE HALEY, 7167 Haverford, Mentor, Ohio 44060 as
he says: ‘Thanks for a great magazine. I need some help on
Fordson tractors. My dad and I are planning to buy a Fordson and I
would like to know as much as I can about these tractors. I am 13
years old and have been interested in engines for about three
years. My father and I have about 5 old big engines in our
collection. We have a lot of small engines such as Briggs &
Stratton, Lauson, etc. We also have a Stover CT-2 engine. I would
like to hear from any other Stover engine owners’

B. D. BATCHELOR, Tuahiwi Road, Kaiapot R.D., North Canterbury,
New Zealand writes us: ‘We have just had a visit from some of
your country folk. They called here on a Farmer’s Tour. One of
the couples was Mr. & Mrs. Ted Worrall of Loma, Montana, well
known to GEM readers. Some of our club members were very happy to
take them on a full day tour and see some of our restored relics.
There must be a lot of your countrymen who come our way, but only
see the tourist spots. If any more GEM readers are traveling this
way and care to write me, I would be only too happy to give them
any information they would require.’

JON ZELZLER, P.O. Box 26, Bagley, Minnesota 56621 tells us he
just read an article in another magazine concerning the fate of an
old 4-8-4 steam train engine. Its fate is to go to the scrap unless
someone can salvage it. Please contact Ray Maryland. That’s the
only address available.

Mr. Zelzler also would like to extend a personal invitation to
all gas engine collectors to help celebrate the 25th Anniversary
Show at Rollag, Minnesota this year during Labor Day Weekend.
Contact Elaine Everson, Hawley, Minnesota 56549.

MIKE ARENS, R.R. 1, Watkins, Minnesota 55389 writes to ask about
his 6 HP Galloway serial #35659. He would like to know what year it
was built and what the correct paint color is. He also just
purchased a Fairbanks Morse serial #737724 with the nameplate
missing. He doesn’t know what type or horsepower it is. It is a
double flywheel (spoked) self-oiling throttling kerosene engine.
The flywheels are very heavy for the diameter. They are 15 ?’
in diameter and 3 ?’ wide. The left pulley has two belt groves
in it.

W. S. HUGHES, Box 226, New Smyrna Beach, Florida 32069 tells us
of his recent trip to Ireland: ‘My boy and his cousin located
an old engine, but I didn’t get to see it. However, while
talking to a friend and showing him some old engine pictures, he
told me of a lad nearby that was a collector. I went to see him and
we hit it off perfect. He has several old tractors, combines,
engines, etc. I sent him the address of GEM as I am sure it would
be of great interest to him.

DONALD RICK, 1122 E. Shady Lane Road, Neenah, Wisconsin 54956
would like to hear from anyone who owns a 20 HP International
Victor screen-cooled and also a Lindes Alamo 6? HP gas engine.

PATRICK RODDEN, 27 Coburn Avenue, Showhegan, Maine 04976 has
just obtained an old one lung engine. He is wondering if someone
can tell him what kind it is. The only readable markings are the
serial number G10495 and the 1? HP which is stamped on the front of
the engine. The water hopper is curved in which he supposes is made
for two round gas tanks; one for kerosene and the other for
gasoline. A friend made two gas tanks for it and Patrick piped them
up to the carburetor which isn’t original. It has a make and
break magneto on it and the engine seems to run pretty well. It is
in good shape with the original green paint still on it. There is a
decal on each side of the water hopper but are quite faded. He
would appreciate any information.

BRIAN NEUMANN, Box 106 Maitland 5573, South Australia inquires
on behalf of a friend regarding a 40 HP gas engine made by the
Union Gas Engine Company of San Francisco in 1896. This engine was
installed in a two masted sailing ketch in 1905. The ketch was
built in 1874 and is 72′ long. It sank in 1925 in 16′ of
water. His friend skin dives and has raised the propeller and shaft
which was buried in sand. These are now in a museum. The engine
appears to be upright, two cylinders with about 30′ disc
flywheel on the front end. He would appreciate details such as bore
and stroke, rpm, weight, and if a brass nameplate was attached and
where, etc.

Christensen 5 HP, Serial number 6699, Type LC, RPM 375.
Manufactured by the Christensen Engineering Company, Milwaukee,
Wisconsin. Is this engine the same as the Bodgen?  Courtesy of
Walter A. Taubeneck, 4213 80th Street, N.E., Marysville, Washington

WALTER A. TAUBENECK, 4213 80th Street N.E., Marysville,
Washington 98270 is interested in corresponding with gas engine
collectors in British Columbia, Canada.

ROY S. MAST, Route 4, Millersburg, Ohio 44654 asks: ‘I would
like to know what was the original color of a 1928 McCormick
Deering 10-20 tractor? Also what mag was originally on 10-20
tractors? I was lucky enough to find a complete gasket set. Need
all the information I can get on Alamo Blue Line engines. Thanking
you all in advance.’ (If you have the answers, speed ’em to

RICHARD BELL, 2600 Bewell Avenue S.E., Lowell, Michigan 49331
would like to hear from anyone who has information on the Keller
engine. ‘I have a 1? HP Serial 2576. It has a brass tag on the
water hopper – Eav Clare Mfg. Co., Eav Clare, Wisconsin. I
understand it was made by the United States Switch Company of 
Eav Clare. It has a brass Lunkenheimer carburetor, very fine gold
striping and is a maroon color. I would like to hear from other
Keller owners,’

A. L. HEILAND, 15323 C.R. 25A, Anna, Ohio 45302, writes that on
page 17 March-April Magazine, a man sent in that he wanted to
contact someone who had a 1937 Huber Model B tractor with a Buda
engine in it. He failed to put his name and address on the ad. Mr.
Heiland has a 1937 Huber with Buda engine that is restored and
running very well. He found it in a junk yard with many small parts
missing. After a lot of driving and writing, he finally got it

MARVIN BRINK, 3325 Beckley Road, Battle Creek, Michigan 49017,
writes that he is fairly new to this hobby and needs some
information on an air-cooled Ideal gas engine. He believes it is
about 1 HP. The flywheels are 2′ high. When acquired it was
less the carb. Any information would be appreciated.

SCOTT STROVEN, 14038 68th Avenue, Coopersville, Michigar 49404
recently bought a Bull Pup ant is wondering if anyone could give
him any information on his purchase.

WILLIAM J. RUNDLE, 2565 East Kleindale Road, Tuscon, Arizona
85716 is interested in hearing from collectors about the Economy
engines manufactured by Sears Roebuck at Sparta, Michigan before
Sears started selling Hercules and Stover engines under the Economy
name. He has an engine number 12398, an ‘Improved Model,’ 4
HP and would like to know when it was built, what is the
significance of ‘Improved Model’ on the name plate and was
the Lunkenheimer mixer made like an elbow that sucked air in from
the side or was it a straight through arrangement sucking air
upward past the mixing point.

A note from HERB PERSING, Route 1, Pittsfield, Pennsylvania
16340: ‘First, I would like to brag up the magazine-it is the
greatest! Then, I would like to hear from anyone who has a 6 HP hit
and miss Stover and a 1? HP Little Jumbo. I now have 20 engines and
there is no other better way to get your hands dirty than working
on the old smokers.’

D. RANDALL, Aldsworth Close, Fairford, Glos. G17-41b England,
sends us a dating list for Lister engines, made by R.A. Lister and
Company, England. The Lister engine is very similar to a Noud
engine made in hopper and tank versions, all vertically enclosed
with throttle governing. They have a very reliable engine and many
of the older ones are still being used.

HENRY WILKS, Route 2, Box 221, Brinkley, Arkansas 72021 sends us
a picture of a small steam engine he has. The tag on the engine
says: Kingery Mfg Co., Cincinnati, O. He wonders if this engine was
used on a popcorn wagon? It is about the size of a Cretors popcorn
engine. The flywheel measures about 8′. He also wonders the age
of the engine. He also asks readers if they know anywhere he could
send the engine to have it reworked. A few parts are missing on it
and would have to be made.

TOM AND ERNEST RYDER, Auburn Road, Millbury, Mass. 01527 are
seeking information on Lansing engine parts and etc. (see ad in
Mar.-April 1978 GEM under Wanted). They also are seeking advice on
Cushman Motor Bean Special. Write ’em if you can help!

From TRUMAN A. KEENEY, R.D. 2, Box 25, Middletown, Maryland
21769 – ‘I have purchased a friction drive, gear feed sawmill.
Is there any information available in connection with the setting
and operation of a sawmill? This type information seems to be
unavailable in all the magazines.’ (Anyone have the answer – or
an article?)

ROBERT D. SCHWEERS, 216 Rose Street Whiting, Stevens Point,
Wisconsin 54481 would like to hear from anyone who knows the color
and if there are any decals for an Ottawa 3 HP? Did Ottawas have

EDWIN H. BREDEMEIER, Route 1, Box 103, Burchard, Nebraska 68328
says: ‘Some time ago, someone wrote about restoring a Case
Model CD industrial tractor. I just received a repair parts list
for that tractor dated 3-32. Now, I would like to see if there are
any of those tractors around. It was the Model C Case tractor with
wheels removed and mounted on tracks.’ (Anyone out there want
to comment on this to Ed – he’ll be glad to hear from you.)

Perhaps someone can write CALVIN BROOKOVER, 10907 Cleveland,
Kansas City, Missouri 64137 as his letter states: ‘I would like
to know if there are any engine collectors in the Newport News,
Virginia vicinity. I am going to visit my mother and dad there in
June and would like to visit with any collectors near there. I have
35 gas engines and a 20-75 HP Nichols Shepard double cylinder steam
engine and I am a member of Branch 19 Mo.-Kan. AG. Hall Early Days
Gas Engine and Tractor Association. I am a subscriber to G.E.M. and
to I.M.A.’

Some help wanted from VERN TIETZ, 966 Post Lane, Clarkston,
Washington 99403 as he tells us: ‘I have been collecting and
restoring gas engines for almost two years and have acquired some
that I need help with restoring. They are a 3 HP International
Famous ,vertical  water-cooled, S. N. LA24188, a 6 HP
Galloway, S. N. 23552, a 1? HP Associated Johnny Boy, S. N.

I would like to find out what year mine were manufactured and
how many of that model were manufactured and how many of that model
were manufactured altogether. Also would like to know any starting
instructions, paint color and pin striping or details. Any help on
these would be greatly appreciated.’

ROBERT ENGLER, 3881 E. Hoppe Road, Gagetown, Michigan 48735
writes: ‘I am sending a picture of an engine I need information
on as to age, where it was made, and for what purpose. There is no
tag or numbers on the engine only the word PENNSYLVANIA across the
top of the crankcase cover. Any information would be

EWALD RATASEP, Eastford, Connecticut 06242 has some information
you may find rewarding: ‘One of the greatest problems we
tractor collectors face is that we have a fine old tractor but the
sheet metal is gone – deteriorated. I had a stroke of luck
recently. I ran into a real sheet metal artisan. He can copy
anything out of sheet metal using the same techniques that were
used in the 1800s and early 1900s.

I had a sheet metal tank off the Waterloo Boy Model R, year
1917. This man took my tank and removed the fittings from it. He
made me a new tank and everything, the seams, the rivets, and the
fittings were in the right place. I doubt an expert could tell the
difference. He put in the swash plate, the tie rod and everything
exactly as original.

I asked this fellow if he could make fenders for these old
tractors and he said he can make an exact copy. I don’t want to
give out this man’s name and address as this would constitute a
free advertisement. However, if anyone is interested in his
services they could contact me by letter and send me a SASE. I will
pass the letters on to him. He told me that if the GEM members
showed enough interest that he would run an ad in GEM.’

ROY D. HOLLER, 3838 So. 80th, Franksville, Wisconsin 53126
-sends us an enthusiastic writing: ‘I enjoy the Gas Engine
Magazine very much. I can’t wait until the next issue comes. I
am in need of some help! I have many gas engines and several old
tractors. I have a very nice IHC W-30, 1935, on steel which threw a
rod. I am in need of replacing a rod, piston and bearings. I would
like to know if a rod and piston from an IHC 10-20 would fit? Some
say it might. Also how to best repair the block? A piece about
3’ broke out next to the inspection plate. The tractor ran fine
before this happened. So I must get it going. (Send your ideas as
to helping him fix his tractor.)

It would be nice to see some articles on (How to do – ideas and
hints) in the magazine. (That means you veterans or pros will have
to get busy if we are to get these types of articles.)

JAMES A. GREEN, 21378 S. Pleasant Street, Riverdale, California
93656 would like to know the age of the following engine: an Alamo
Style ‘M’ 2? HP 500 rpm. He would like to hear from anyone
that can give him this information.

W. SCHRAGE, 1219 Lawn Avenue, New Haven, Indiana 46774, has some
questions about the Lukenheimer and Essex carburetors. He seeks
information as to when these were in use, what is the horsepower,
and what is the name of engines according to the size of these
carburetors: ?’, 1′, 1?’ and 1?

A restored 1913 Mogul 10-20 HP kerosene tractor, shown above, is
part of the operating collection at the Owls Head Transportation
Museum at Owls Head, Maine. Also to be on view this summer will be
vintage aircraft, automobiles and other vehicles related to
transportation. In the machinery shed, visitors will be able to see
a 600 HP Corliss engine being erected. Across the way, the Maine
Antique Power Association has its museum with a fine collection of
gas engines and related machinery. The facility is open mid-May to
mid-October. (Photo courtesy of Charles Chiarchiaro, director.)

We have some writing from NORVAL MORGAREIDGE, 34 Fisher Lant,
St. Helens, Oregon 97051: ‘In the Sept-Oct 1977 issue, you
printed a letter from me about an air-cooled gas engine which I
restored. There is also a picture of it. I stated that it had no
marking. I forgot the number ZA13 on one flywheel and No. DJ12 on
one main bearing cap. The other two parts on opposite side have
numbers about the same. I still haven’t found out anything
about this engine. I now have a 2? HP Mogul IHC restored and
running, serial #CZ3945. I wonder if anyone can tell me how old it
is and what it had for ignition? The igniter is missing, also the
mag or whatever. By recessing a spark plug to clear the exhaust
push rod and a contact for timer, it was O.K.’

GEORGE BOYER, Cresent City, California 95531 writes: ‘I have
a small Witte engine that I need some information on. The serial
number is 102617. Nameplate also has the word ‘special’ and
a place for a number, but no number. Hopper is machined flat and
has an unusual extension casting that is inclined at an angle,
lower at the cylinder end than at the flywheels. It measures (from
machined surface on cylinder to top of water hopper) 2?’ at
cylinder head end, 6′ at flywheel end, 10?’ long, 8?’
wide. Also crankshaft protrudes 61/8′ at pulley side. Can
anyone tell me the horsepower, year made, and what this engine was
built for. It is similar to a 2 HP Witte I used to have and burns

This is a 2/3 scale model ‘D’ spoke flywheel John Deere,
built by myself and my family during the summer of 1974. The rear
wheels and differential are from a Sears Roebuck garden tractor,
the front wheels from an old elevator, and the engine is a 2
cylinder Cushman, which we laid flat and run backwards so the
flywheel would run correctly. The front axle was fabricated by us
using 1936 Chevrolet truck spindles. We hand formed the sheet metal
hood and fenders. It was an interesting and rewarding project for 3
of our kids (Laurie 17, Alan 15, and Scott 11, at the time). They
learned a great deal about mechanics and enjoyed showing it at Mt.
Pleasant and Denmark Shows. We’ve had some ignition and
carburetion problems, but we’re gradually getting them worked
out. Courtesy of Adolph Gerst, Route 2, Box 79, Burlington, Iowa

ROBERT C. NOLAND, B.B. Route, Box 38, Craig, Colorado 81625
would like to hear from some people with some information on the
ignition system on an Alamo 6 HP Type A engine and also a John
Deere Type E 1? HP. His John Deere has a magneto on it and can get
some fire but not enough to make it jump the gap on a spark plug.
Mr. Noland thinks part of the ignition is missing as there is a
lever by the spark plug but the part that it runs is missing.

HAROLD W. HAUGER, R.D. 2, Mt. Vernon, Ohio 43050, has a couple
of problems with his 1? HP International Type M engine which needs
attention. First, considerable ‘blow-back’ occurs into
drip-oiler which causes him to wonder if cylinder is receiving
proper lubrication. He wonders if this can be corrected. His second
problem is with the igniter. Frequently sparks jump from the
igniter to the igniter trip rod when the engine is running. Could
this be the result of poor insulation around the fixed electrode?
He would appreciate any help.

LARRY N. JONES, R.F.D. 2, Box 83A2, Richmond, Virginia 23233
writes in regard to Mr. Ritter’s and Mr. Tooms’ article
about the big Maytags: ‘My grandfather had both a single and
twin Maytag of the 60 and 80 HP variety. These engines were used to
power a sawmill, planning mill and cabinet shop. Some of the unique
features of these engines were as follows: the scaled up one gallon
multimotor oil cans were something to see, being a small chap at
the time I don’t know the capacity of these cans, but I do
recall there were 20 to a flat car, which he took a shipment at a
time. He had a crane which served both to unload these items as
well as to lift off the filler cap and plug.

Grandpa had a deal going with the crew on the 7:00 A.M.
north-bound freight to start these engines, this consisted of a
1′ rope with a hook on the end and the other end wrapped around
a large drum on a jackshaft which was belted to the engines. This
rope was hooked on the side of a car to pull it, the length was
calculated to reach a point where the train had to stop to switch.
What a calamity there was when, upon occasion, these engines would
kick back. I have seen them drag the train back ten car

These engines created enough wind that people living in an area
five miles wide and ten miles long were able to erect windmills to
pump water, saw wood, run grist mills and make electricity, for
this reason electricity was quite late in coming to this

CLAUDE SCHOLMA, 9853 56th Avenue, Allendale, Michigan 49401 says
he enjoys our Gas Engine Magazine and is wondering if anyone in
Engine Land can tell him what color a small 9-16 HP Caterpillar
tractor is painted? It has rollers under the truck and is a 1921

The River Bend Steam and Gas Show is held at Claude’s farm
every year – so maybe some of you will be able to recognize who is

Here’s a short note from JOSEPH A. MERCER, R.R. 1, Box 110,
Hookstown, Pennsylvania 15050, phone 412-573-4392: ‘If anyone
out there is having trouble with a hot tube engine, tell them to
write to me and I will try to help.’

This one cylinder diesel engine is shown at the Western
Minnesota Steam Threshers Show at Rollag, Minnesota. Jim Withers,
Osakis, Minnesota is the owner. Courtesy of Rudy Gustafson,
Karstad, Minnesota 56732.

Seeking your aid is JON SEL2LER, P.O. Box 26, Bagley, Minnesota
56621: ‘Can anyone out there in Gas Engine Land help me find
out anything about the Enterprise Mach. Co. and their Westman and
Busy Bee gas engines? Would like to hear from anybody who owns one
of these engines. Am missing parts from mine and need one to look
at for pattern. I am in the process of writing a history of that
company for a book I am writing on early American gas engines.

Also, anyone who can help me with information and history of any
early American gas engine, it would be quite helpful, as I would
like to include as much in my book as possible. I hope to finish my
book in a couple of years. It will include history of engines and
their makers, history and pictorials on various shows and reunions.
Also a section on hobbyists, collectors and their engines and a
section on engine operators of old. And many, many photos of
engines and ads. Please help me!’

DIXON B. FREELAND, P.O. Box 679, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401
wants to share with you some of the help he has received from the
readers of GEM: ‘Am still reading and re-reading every issue of
the fine Gas Engine Magazine. Isn’t it a wonder that the
members are still finding old engines?

Haven’t written to GEM since 1976 and it’s high time I
did to tell you how much help I’ve had from your readers.

Richard Hamp of San Jose, California gave (and still gives) all
sorts of help and information. He gave me a lead on John Toom of El
Cajon, California who machined a beautiful new igniter for my Ideal
engine, based on an identical one owned by Dick Hamp. How’s
that for good help?

Ollie Knepper of OK Book Sales in Belleville, Illinois provided
much needed information and sold me books I needed. John Bovens of
Davenport, Iowa sent me instructions and parts list for my Waterloo
Boy. I never thought I would be lucky enough to find this
information. So, I am indebted to GEM and these good engine men who
are willing to give their time and effort to keep the engines
running and help a fellow collector!

And by the way, Dick Hamp and I would still like to hear from
anyone who has instructions or parts list for Ideal engines,
particularly the upright, 1? HP model. These were made in Lansing,
Michigan. Would sure appreciate hearing from anyone who could help
us. I would also like to correspond with anyone who has
instructions or other information on the ‘Handy Billy’
Pacific Marine Pumper Y-200, Type N.Y., S. N. 29960, 9.8 HP.’
{Lots of reasons to write Dixon.)

Chatting to the Smoke Ringers is DEAN T. KEDINGER, Route 1, Box
83, Oakfield, Wisconsin 53065: ‘Just a few lines to let the
readers of GEM know about some of my engines. I have been
collecting engines since 1969.I have three and am looking for
information on them or someone that has one like mine. One is a
Simplicity gas engine made by the Turner Manufacturing Co., Port
Washington, Wisconsin, S. N. AB7408, rpm 435. It is a throttling
governor engine and runs on gas or kerosene.

The second engine is an 8 HP Simplicity, S. N. BE9163, rpm 350,
hit and miss, runs on gas. The third engine is a Taylor Vacuum, S
.N. 9162, 1? HP, rpm 480. My information is that this was made in
or before 1924, This engine is in good shape, has original paint
and decals on it. It also has solid flywheels on it with no holes
in them. I’m interested in hearing from anyone having one of
these with whatever information they can supply. I’m also
looking for someone, or the person I talked to down in Edgerton,
Wisconsin about a Taylor Vacuum. Thanks for all the forthcoming

JAMES E. CREWS, Star Route, Box 4, Arbovale, West Virginia 24915
wants some answers: ‘I have a couple of questions regarding
fuels (other than gasoline and kerosene) that I would like to see
some discussion on, since people are getting more energy conscious
and we are told that our oil supply is becoming a serious

Are there other fuels that readers are knowledgeable of, that
our hobby type engines, the old low compression single cylinder
types, can easily be adapted to? Does anyone know whether alcohol
may be used as a fuel? Also, as a side issue, how does one go about
converting a gasoline-kerosene engine to propane or natural gas and

Again, I enjoy GEM very much, and look forward to receiving it
long before it is due.’

From VINCE DAILEY, P.O. Box 528, Ronan, Montana 59864, this
writing: ‘All of you in GEM Land and Smoke Rings – I never
heard of a Happy Farmer Tractor until last July. It must be a rare
tractor, because I have seen only this one so far. There is one in
eastern Montana and another in southeastern Nebraska. This tractor
is mostly all there with spare parts and free engine. I need
distributor parts as advertised in the Want Ad section. If anyone
has one of these tractors, I will help all I can. I have the
original instruction books and repair price list for 1917, 1918,
1918 revised. It was built by La Cross Tractor Co., La Crosse,
Wisconsin. Happy Farmer Tractor, 12-24 HP, model 4496, tractor
3541. Now I need a complete distributor assembly or plate with
parts as shown in picture

LES H. HILLEMAN, 411 S. Summit, Iowa City, Iowa 52240 starts
out: ‘Attention! As a subscriber to your magazine which I
enjoy, I thought you might be able to give me some information I
have been wanting or else advise me of someone to contact (or the
following: In the past two years I have obtained and restored an
old 1? HP Hercules gas engine to good running condition and I would
like to know as near as possible the year it was built. The
following is on the brass tag on the block: Engine No. 316690 ; RPM
650, 1? N HP. The engine has an EK Wico magneto which I had worked
over and now puts out a fine spark.’

A letter comes from a new subscriber, STEVE ROBERTS, R.F.D. 2,
Newport, Vermont 05855 and he begins: ‘I recently acquired a
small engine for my 10 year old son who has a strong interest in
these engines. I need information anybody can give me on a 1? HP
Type F, speed 525, S .N. 49916, hopper-cooled engine. It reads
ALPHA on the engine, De Laval Separator Co., New York and Chicago.
I am missing the magneto and have no idea how it was set up. The
engine has a spark plug, but also a batted cover on left hand side
that goes into a separate chamber, it doesn’t seem to go into
cylinder though, could this have been for an igniter at an earlier
point? Will appreciate hearing from anyone on this.’

A letter of appreciation from EVERETT L. MARTIN, N.W. 310 Janet,
Pullman, Washington 99163: ‘I want to thank you for printing a
letter of mine in the March-April 1977 issue of GEM. I received
many responses from all over the U.S. and through additional
correspondence have made many new friends.

My interest in gas engines continues. This past summer, while on
vacation, I located two new projects. One is a Dependable
Delco-Light, product of General Motors, serial 8320147 and the
other is a McCormick IHC 3-5 HP Type LB engine, 300-500 rpm pulley,
serial #1 BB 52277. Would appreciate hearing from readers with
similar engines. Thanks again!’

RALPH T. UNTERZUBER, 3132 Bradwill Road, Richmond, Virginia
23225 is trying to restore an old gas engine and needs much
information. The identification tag is (Smith’s Great Western
Serial #53002. Manufactured by The Smith Manufacturing Company,
Chicago, Illinois.) He will appreciate hearing any details you have
for him.

Waiting for your letters is ANDY GORTSEMA, Box 223, Fairfield,
Washington 99012: ‘Somebody out in Gas Engine Land could
probably give me some information on an old Challenge engine I
have. This engine has a serial number of 93 stamped on a nice brass
plate and also 4.4 HP, not 4? but 4 point 4. It has a dry head with
the igniter in the center of head, has intake valve pocket bolted
on one side of cylinder and ex valve pocket on the other side, also
has timing gear on left side of engine. This engine had been made
over to spark plug ignition. I want to change back to low tension,
but am having trouble figuring how the tripping mechanism worked.
If anybody has an engine like this, I would sure like to hear from

BILL TROTTER, 34 W. Euclid, Barron, Wisconsin 54812 writes:
‘I hope one of your readers can identify the engine in this
picture. The stroke is 12′ with a bore of 6?’. It has a
regular exhaust valve in a dry head and a port for the rear
exhaust. It has a hit and miss ignition with flywheels that measure
36′ with 3′ face. Any information would be a big help. All
letters will be answered.

From BLAKE MALKAMAKI, 10839 Girdled Road, R.D. 3, Concord, Ohio
44077 comes some information on Cletracs that will be interesting
to you folks that are enjoying these as a hobby: ‘I have serial
number listings for the following Cletracs: AG (1939-42); AG6
(1944-57); AD & AD2 (1939-57); BD & BD4 (1940-56); BG4
(1939-40); BG6 (1940-44); BGS (1944-55); CG (1939-42); DD
(1939-57); DG & DG4 (1939-58); E31 (1938); E42,62,68,76
(1939-42); ED38,42 (1939-41); ED2 (1939-41); EHD2 (1939-40); EHG
(1939-41); FD6 (1939-45); FDLC (1941-45); FDE (1945-51); FG6
(1939-43); GG (General) (1939-42); HG (1939-51); HGF (1947-49); HGR
(1945-48); MG1 (1942-43); MG2 (1942); MG3 (1942); OC-3 (1951-57);
OC-4 (1956-57); OC-6 Gas (1953-57); OC-6 Diesel (1953-57): OC-12
Gas (1955-57); OC-12 Diesel (1954-57); OC-15 (1956-57); OC-18

For the year of manufacture for your tractor, please send me
your serial number and SASE.’

In closing, I would like to pass along to the readers these
sentiments sent in to us from Gene Hartwig, Goodrich, Michigan
48438: ‘It does my heart good that you hold the religious slant
in your magazine, that one can read a real personal testimony of
what Christ means to them. I am very thankful for what He means to
me as my Savior.’

Enjoy the Spring.

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