Smoke Rings

By Anna Mae
Published on May 1, 1977
article image
Henry L. Abels

CARL BLACKWELL, Route 2, Box 206C, Wynne, Arkansas 72396 is
hoping someone will be interested in his letter: ‘I have an
engine that I have just acquired. It is an 8 HP, 275 rpm hit and
miss, built by the Southern Engine and Boiler Works, Jackson,
Tennessee. It has 40′ flywheels, 3?’ face and is quite
heavy. It is complete except for the carburetor (see ad under
Wanted). What kind of carburetor did this engine use? Also it has
right glass oilers for the mains and a right glass mounted on the
grease shield; how did the oil get down to the rod bearing? I would
like to hear from anybody who has one of these engines. What was
the color? When were they made?’ (Got the answers? Let Carl
hear them please.)

MIKE RAMPOLDI, 28222 Vine Avenue, Escalon, California 95320
would be interested in some basic information on Novo engines -I
think he means the whole list of them -with serial numbers,
horsepower, RPM, year and purpose. If anyone cares to work up a
list like that-send it to me and we’ll see if we can get it in
the magazine-would probably please a lot of folks.

And two questions from JAMES G. HAYNIE, Route 2, Ash Grove,
Missouri 65604; ‘Help! Can anyone tell me if there is any way
to tell if the ignitor is firing on an engine with a low tension
mag on it?

Also, what was the connection of the United engines and the
Associated engines as many partsare lettered the same and are
interchangable? Hoping for some answers!’

MAURICE ROBERTS, R. R. 2, Otterbein, Indiana 47970 is seeking
information as he states: ‘I have acquired an odd engine which
is incomplete. The horizontal water hopper has the name Stickney
and 1? HP cast on it. The gas tank seems to be mounted on top of
the water hopper. Can any of your readers help me? I need
information on the ignitor and the valve train. Thanks for any help
you can give me.’

DAN STEINHOFF, New Ashford, Massachusetts 01237 asks for help:
‘I am trying to authenticate the record set by a Holt 120
tractor pulling a 24-bottom plow. I have seen several references
and pictures about this in the magazines, but to date have not been
able to come up with the official date, place and supervision of
this test.’

RON CAPRON, 187 Fairground Heights, Springfield, Vermont 05156
sends this: ‘Just received my first copy of the Gas Engine
Magazine and enjoyed it very much and am looking forward to future

One of the engines in my collection is a Regal marine engine,
single cylinder, four cycle, 2 HP Model Y, No. 9851 manufactured by
the Regal Gasoline Engine Co., Coldwater, Michigan. This is
equipped with a wipe contact type Bemus timer manufactured by Motor
Specialties Co. of Waltham, Massachusetts. The carburetor, water
pump and oil pump are bronze as are the throttle and spark levers.
I wonder if anyone of the readers might be able to give me some
information, all I can get. I would also like to find out the
approximate date of manufacture.’ (Ron is a newcomer to the Gas
Engine Family-try and help him if you can.)

H. L. RITTER, Route 5, Box 127, Fulton, New York 13069 says:
‘I hope this will answer Lewis Murray of Lansing, Michigan
(G.E.M. Jan-Feb. page 18). Perhaps someone near him has a charger.
Also could someone tell me what issue of G.E.M. had the articles on
Maytags? It featured a picture of a Maytag lawn mower.’

A comment for the column says LYLE CUMMINS, Box 1544, Lake
Oswego, Oregon 97034:

—-I was interested to read what David Herbst said in the
January issue about the Hvid engine. I thought a few more comments
might be in order. Another firm, Cummins Engine Co., also bought a
license from R. M. Hvid. The company was formed to build this 6 and
8 HP of single cylinder, horizontal design. Cummins built them
mainly in the 6 HP and under version. Beginning in 1920 Cummins
supplied 1? and 3 HP ‘Thermoil’ engines to Sears Roebuck.
Hercules was the manufacturer of the larger engines. One of the
major obstacles to the Hvid engine (a modified version of the
earlier Dutch Brons concept) was an increasingly higher flash point
of kerosene that the engines burned. Compression ratios beyond
practical limits were required for starting. These fuel injection
problems with the Hvid brought about the invention of the
mechanical system by Clessie L.Cummins that in principle is used by
Cummins Engine Company today.

I enjoy reading GEM very much and look forward to its

Couldn’t pass this comment up-and it comes from ED HANSON,
1346 Melrose Street, Chula Vista, California 92011 -‘I just
sent a letter to you with an ad, etc. before I had seen the article
on page 12 from Jack Versteeg about the lad in Ohio on the list of
engines. I will surely write him right away, as I have already
contacted Gas Engine Mike. Your Smoke Rings column is the best
thing since sliced bread. It is just fantastic! I also want to
thank JackVersteeg.’

A bit of talk and a request from HENRY L. ABELS, Route 5, Clay
Center, Kansas 67432:

I have an early 3 HP Cushman upright binder engine Model F,
Serial #163 which has the carburetor and manifold also clutch
release parts missing. I would like to hear from someone who has
one like it so I can know what to look for. I am enclosing pictures
of it.

I was interested in the letter from Mr. David Herbst, Esparto,
California in Jan-Feb. 1977 GEM about the Thermoil and Hvid
engines. Several years ago I read the book ‘MY LIFE WITH THE
DIESEL’ by Mr. Cummins. This is the man who invented the
Cummins Diesel Engine which has been used so much in heavy trucks
and construction machinery. This is abook on his many trials,
failures and financial problems and types of engines he designed
over the years getting the business started. In this book he tells
of making the Termoil under Hvid patents for Sears Roebuck. It may
have also been sold through the Hercules Engine Company. I recall a
statement in the book about the engines being returned as
unsatisfactory to a point where there were more engines coming back
than going out. It is a good book to read for any one interested in
engines. Your library has it or can get it.

PETER E. NUSKEY, 1552 Bristol Road, Southampton, Pennsylvania
18966 conveys this note of interest: ‘My brother bought me a
G.E.M. subscription for Christmas and now I’ll probably get
G.E.M. forever.

Once before I asked for a sample copy and got March-April 1971.
This has lead to a chain of events that is terrific! On page 7 you
had a ‘What Is It’? from Missouri. I wrote to him and told
him I had a book (original) about that engine. He wrote and told me
someone was going to manufacture the castings again. This year, I
finally bought the castings andhave been in touch with someone else
who has finished an engine. The engine-Parcell & Weed-really an
interesting engine.’ (That is nice to pass these little stories
along and we’ll be waiting for a story from Peter on this
Parcell & Weed engine-never heard of them.)

A complimentary letter from a satisfied customer as FRANK MANES,
Blanchard, Iowa 51630 writes: ‘I would like to thank you for
publishing an article in your Jan-Feb column. I asked some
questions concerning IHC tractors and threshers and I received
several letters from other collectors and am corresponding with
some of them. I have received some nice pictures from these
collectors. 1 have been lucky enough to purchase a 1936 F-30
Farmall in the past year.

I enjoy very much your magazine and these letters I have
received. It seems that for the most part these collectors are a
very nice class of people-and you have a nice magazine-keep up the
good work.’

MORRIS BLOMGREN, Route 1 (Falun), Siren, Wisconsin 54872
remarks: ‘As you have heard fromso many, I know I sure like the
G.E.M. The only book which is better is where you can read John
14:2’ (Praise the Lord-that’s a pretty good

Our hearty congratulations on the birth of another new club
which is namedIAMO, standing for Iowa and Missouri -I guess they
mean IAMO Antique Gas Engine Club (see article). They have three
projects lined up for this year already, in three different
locations-bet we’ll be hearing more from this enthusiastic

JACK C. BULLOCK, 5296 Golden Road, Pleasanton, California 94566
is a new member to the hobby and is the owner of a recently
acquired 2 HP restorable Stover gasoline engine Model CT-1. This is
his first engine and he is eagerly awaiting help from veteran
folks. Also, is the company or its successor still in business?
(Please write him, he’ll be happy to receive your notes.)

Seeking information is KEN DAWSON, Anoka Engine Club Annex, 1311
19th Street South, Moorhead, Minnesota 56560: ‘Afterlooking at
a few GEM’s a friend had, I saw what I was missing so I got a
subscription to your magazine and really look forward to every

I have been collecting engines for a year now and have quite a
few. I would like to ask the readers some questions on one of my

It is a Universal milking machine engine manufactured by the
Taylor Vacuum Pump Company, Elgin, Illinois. I have an original
manual from the Universal Milking Machine Company of Albert Lea,
Minnesota showing this engine with spoked flywheels, but the one I
own has solid flywheels with three teardrops in each. I am
wondering if these are originals or not. Also many of the other
parts on this engine are similar to parts found on a 2 HP Stover
with air-cooled head. I would be interested in hearing from anyone
who may have one of these engines as I may need an idea to sizes of
some parts that need rebuilding. Any general information on this
engine will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.’

TOMMY H. SHOUSE, Box 113, Taylorsville, Kentucky 40071 is
delighted with his first issue of GEM, says it has been very
helpful to him in many ways. He also would like to correspond with
anyone having a McCormick-Deering tractor. His is a WK-40, 6

Inquiry from E. A. ‘NUTE’ ANKLAM, Box 54, Culbertson,
Montana 59218: ‘I have a question concerning the picture of
Lloyd Jones and his Galloway engine. (Jan.-Feb. GEM). As near as I
can figure out from the picture, it is quite dark, it appears to be
the same as one that I have, but mine has a nameplate on it that
says it is a ‘Chore Boy’ made by Associated. I was
wondering if that engine could have been made by some company and
sold under different names. We generally have several different
makes of engines accumulated here each year at our annual Threshing
Bee and Antique Show, but I neverhave had an opportunity to see an
air-cooled Galloway. Does anyone have any ideas on this?’

WALLACE TINSLEY, Route No. 10, Box 176, Anderson, South Carolina
29621 needs help with his Waterloo gas engine which he bought
recently. He would like to know what kind of a carburetor was used
on it and any other information. It is a 4 HP model 24934, patented
August 5, 1900 to 1909, bought in 1907, does not have RPM, was made
in Waterloo, Iowa.

DANNY FARNEY, R. R. 2, Box 96, Cherokee, Oklahoma 73728 sends
this appreciative writing: ‘I’m the fifteen year old boy
who wrote to Smoke Rings for information about my Fairmont gas
engine. Couldn’t have been more pleased with all the fellows I
heard from. The Fairmont Company is so helpful. Sure are a swell
bunch of guys who readG.E.M. I found out what I was wanting to
know.’ (How’s that make you feel -terrific!? And thank you
Danny for taking the time to write such a nice letter to the


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