Hi! Getting all packed – what’s that you’ve been packed
and ready to leave anytime for the good old Shows? Well, I just
want to give you a little bit of advice – Travel can broaden the
mind, lengthen the tongue and flatten the wallet – it can be
broadening in other areas also, especially if you stop at all the
recommended eating places. So take care, come back with your weight
in memories!
I’m not getting much response to the request for recipes for
the Cook Book – someone wrote and asked me if we want just recipes
or do we want old-time threshing recipes -I’d say – any kind –
and it would be interesting to have some of the old threshing
recipes – if we don’t have to make the recipe the size of a
threshing crew! Just wanted to remind you of this little item.
There are a lot of shows, reunions, auctions, etc. coming up –
and one that is important in this area is the auction that will be
held in Enola in Sept. – the Museum items from Elmer Ritzman’s
Korn Krib are going to be sold Sept. 27. There will be ads in each
of the magazines from now on ’til sale time. That sorta tugs at
my heart – as I know it does to his family also – but then Elmer
wouldn’t want it any other way – but to have the items go to
folks who are just as interested in preserving them as he had done!
I’m sure of that – cause he couldn’t take them with him –
or he would have – and I’m sure he wants them to be where they
can continue to present the history of the past to the future
generations.- You’ll be hearing more on this from me later.
And now onto our letters from the GEM members. This one comes
from GALE NOTTMEYER, Hoffman, Illinois 62250 as he tells us: ‘I
have an old engine which I am hoping someone can help me with some
information. I believe it is an old Lauson of about 1 HP. It has a
symbol on the gas tank with an L on it. The intake valve is opened
by vacuum on the downward intake stroke. The exhaust is opened by a
push rod which is cam operated. The piston is about 2-1/4′
diameter, overall height is about 14′. Any help on this would
be greatly appreciated. The carburetor and igniter is missing and
I’d like to know something as to getting it set up
From a new subscriber, H. W. KEATHLEY, 1535 Garden Street,
Glendale, California 91201 comes this message: ‘I have been
interested in old engines for sometime and have acquired several. I
am restoring a Hicks marine engine, I believe. There is no name
plate or numbers. My problem is the carburetor. It has one, but I
am sure it is not correct. If anyone knows about this engine, I
would appreciate a picture or information regarding the intake
manifold and carburetor. I have enjoyed this magazine very much,
especially your ‘Smoke Rings’ column.
From New Zealand comes a letter from M.I.G. Reid, 251 Huatoki
Street, New Plymouth, N.Z. – ‘As a result of writing to the
Science Museum, ‘re’ gas engines, I have been given your
address, for further information. Could you forward any information
with regard to the Stover Engine Works, Freeport, Illinois? I
recently came across a 5 HP engine in very poor condition and I
believe it was made in 1903 or thereabouts.’ (Help me
From TOM OLSON, Box 605, Coon Valley, Wisconsin 54623, we
received this letter: ‘I have been reading the ALBUM for the
past few years and I thought I would drop a line and tell you what
a wonderful magazine you have. I just received my Gas Engine
Magazine and I feel it is just as good. I am fourteen years old and
have a collection of gas engines. I wonder if anybody reading your
magazine could give me information on a Sandow gas engine made by
Detroit Motor Works. I would be glad to receive any information on
this engine.’
An apology from A. A. CRAFTS, 321 N. Firestone B., Akron, Ohio
44301 as he tells us: ‘Thanks for puting my letter in the
March-April G.E.M. even if I do not know how to spell the word
‘lighting’, but that’s not the half of it. One letter I
received pointed out that those engines were made in Kansas City,
Missouri and not St. Louis as I stated. I really ‘blew’ the
whole thing. I got to checking and the chap was dead right. It was
an honest mistake and I am sorry for it. Will have to be more
careful hereafter. I was seeking information and every little bit
helps. I will no doubt, get some more mail but I hope the engine
fans see my mistake and (let me off easy).’
A newcomer speaks out – ‘I have recently found a new hobby
that is proving to be very interesting – the old gas engines! But,
I know very little about them and I would appreciate any help I
could get on an engine I found that is in pretty bad shape.
Information on tag: Leader, Field Force Pump Co., Elmira, N.Y. No.
824, 3-1/2 HP moulded on flywheels – Fig. 142 A.08 The Leader Mfg.
Field Force Pump Co. This engine does not have a magneto. Would it
have been run with battery and coil originally?’ (This question
from WILLIAM E. YEAMAN, R.R. 2, Edinburg, Illinois 62531.)
WILLIAM J. RUNDLE, 2565 East Kleindale Road, Tucson, Arizona
85716 is seeking help from our Gas Engine Family as he writes:
‘I have two items which I would appreciate getting some help
on and hope you can get them into ‘Smoke Rings.’
1) Would like information on the Bosch BAO magneto tripping
device for a fairly early Witte headless 2 h.p. engine. The serial
number is 49371. The combustion chamber, mixer and exhaust valve
assembly bolt on the side.
The mag and springs are complete but the tripping device, which
is actuated by a push rod and cam, is missing. I have been unable
to see even a picture of what it looked like.
2) Would like information on a Fairfield, single cylinder,
upright, water jacket cooled, single flywheel engine. There is no
indication of where the ignition system was, except a handle to
advance the timing, nor where the gas tank was mounted and if there
was a water tank and pump. It is a 4-1/2 h.p. engine with the only
identification being the number 034.’
Another member of our ‘Family’ seeking help is HARVEY A.
WAHL, Route 1, Box 61, Dundee, Minnesota 56126 as he sends us this
‘I would like to have the following letter published in the
Smoke Rings section of the GEM to assist me in obtaining
information concerning my Flour City gas engine.
I recently purchased a Flour City gasoline engine and have since
restored it and have it in running condition. I would like to
receive any information from the GEM readers on these engines which
were manufactured by the Kinnard-Haines Co., 44th Ave. N. &
Bryant Ave., Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Specifically, I do not know the exact horsepower of my engine or
the year in which it was built. I believe it is either a 10 or 12
hp. My engine has Serial #1013 and has a 7-1/2 inch bore with a 10
inch stroke. The diameter of the flywheels is 48-1/2 inches by 3
inches wide. The pulley diameter is 29-1/2 inches by 8-1/2 inches
wide. Looks like you readers will have to get busy and help these
fellow members!
The following letter with several queries comes from PAUL
BORCHARDT, 137 North Center Street, Naperville, Illinois 60540.
‘I am a relatively new subscriber to GEM and I would like to
take just a moment to compliment you on the extremely interesting
and informative publication you put out. I look forward to each new
issue and only regret that they’re not published monthly.
I would appreciate any information that other readers might have
regards an engine I just purchased. It is a 5 HP Waterloo hit and
miss operating off of an igniter system. The Serial #138652. It
shows patent dates of: Aug. 7, 1900; Dec. 3, 1901; Oct. 7, 1902;
Aug. 6, 1907; Other patents pending.
It was sold and distributed by The P. J. Downes Company of
Minneapolis, Minn. I would be particularly interested in: 1)
probable date of manufacture; 2) original color that the engine was
painted; 3) any literature yet available on the engine. Thanks for
any information you can generate and keep up the good
And Thank you – Paul – welcome to the GEM Family.
The next topic is from L. H. EARNSHAW, 5 Little Tribe St., South
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia – ‘Could you give me any idea of
age, etc. of a Lighting set -Sterns Motor Manufacturing Company,
Luddington, Michigan – 32 volt, 1500 watts, Engine No. 8411. Also
we have an unidentified air-cooled engine horizontal, 4′ x
4′ bore and stroke, Lunkenheimer mixing valve. Only
identifications are casting Nos. Crankcase Xlb, Cylinder X4B,
Flywheel X71, Exhaust rocker XE3. This is peculiar in being an A
frame underneath cylinder Axis of valves are at right angle to
cylinder which has no separate cylinder head. This engine is
somewhat similar to a Tom Thumb International. We believe it is of
American Manufacture. Hoping you can give us some clues. We are
very pleased with your interesting magazine and we think it is
great.’ (Thank you Sir, and we hope you get some data on your
Lighting set).
An avid subscriber sends this message – ‘I enjoy the G.E.M.
very much and two months is a long time to wait between copies. I
have a problem and I thought maybe some of the G.E.M. readers can
help. I am restoring an engine with a name tag that reads
(Air-Cooled Motor Co. Lansing, Michigan). It has a 6 inch bore and
6 inch stroke. I need to know the horsepower, color and a little
history if possible. Keep up the good work with G.E.M.’ This is
from RAY BURK-ETT, 5445 Co. Rd. 55, Gibsonburg, Ohio 43431.
MILBURN R. SMITH, R.R. 3, Lebanon, Indiana 46052 is looking for
information on a two cylinder Continental. He would like to know
how the radiator was mounted above the flywheel and of what size
was the radiator.
Street, Hogansville, Georgia 30230 laments: ‘I expect lots of
the engine boys have had this experience. They are in the back yard
running an engine with a buzz coil and some member of the family,
looking at TV comes to the door and screams to cut that thing off –
that it is coming in on their program. I guess some people would
rather look at TV than listen to an engine run.
Here is what I’m getting at – why doesn’t someone that
knows what they are doing, show us a diagram of how to filter out
this noise and make everybody happy? I am not that good of a
mechanic. However, I have tried several things that did not work. I
am sure there is a way to ground out this interference. Why not
publish this information for all of us to use?’
RONALD O. PAYNE, R.R. 2, Canton, Illinois 61520 tells us: ‘I
have been a reader of your fine magazine for about a year. Recently
I purchased two gas engines and I would like to know when they were
built. One is a Leader made by Field Force Pump Company, El-mira,
New York. This is a 2-1/2 HP model with serial number 7571. The
other is a Hercules 1-1/2 HP No. 259665. Both of these engines are
open crankcases and have been restored. If anyone can give me any
information about either engine, I would answer any letter and
appreciate anything about these. Also how do you tell the
difference between the Hercules built in San Francisco, California
and the one built in Evansville, Indiana. I don’t know which
one I have.’
A friendly communication from E. A. ‘NUTE’ ANKLAM, Box
54, Culbertson, Montana 59218 as he says: ‘Saw the request in
the March-April GEM by Victor M. Arman of Hannibal, Ohio for the
song ‘Out Where The West Begins’ so I looked up an old
friend of mine, Mr. E. L. Bowers of this city as I was sure he
would have a copy of it if anyone did and sure enough he found an
old postcard with the words of the song on it. Maybe some of the
GEM readers would like to see it.
Like Mr. Arman, I also feel that you are doing a great job
printing the GEM and I read every issue from cover to cover and
enjoy it a great deal and from time to time get a lot of valuable
information from it. I have been restoring old engines for the past
several years and show them each year at our Annual Threshing Bee
& Antique Show here at Culbertson, Montana. We have what is
supposed to be the biggest and best show of its kind in the whole
state of Montana. We started out twelve years ago hoping to be able
to collect and restore for showing, around a dozen old tractors and
possibly other pieces of old antique machinery that had been
standing in fence corners around the country. Well, we hit our goal
the first year and at our eleventh show last fall, we had a few
over one hundred old tractors and equipment in our parade.
Our show is the fourth weekend in Sept. for two days and if you
ever come to Montana don’t fail to drop in and take in our
show. Our equipment is all shedded in the summer and winter, but
it’s always open for inspection, so if at any time you or any
of your readers happen out this way, be sure and drop in and see
us. We are really OUT WHERE THE WEST BEGINS.
A tip comes to us from ED GLADKOWSKI, JR., R.D. 1, Box 156 B,
Jamesburg, New Jersey 08831 – ‘Both Central Scientific Company
and W. M. Welch Scientific Company (both of Chicago) sell
vibrator-type Induction Spark Coils. They cost around thirty
dollars, but are very nicely made with oak cases, flat base and
outside-mounted vibrator contacts and screw type connections, and
would add a nice finishing touch to a show engine. Ask for the one
inch coils, which means they throw a one inch long spark – they
make three inch, but they cost over ninety dollars. The one inch I
saw was made for the Supply Company by Pontiac Coil Company,
Pontiac, Michigan, so you might be able to order direct from them.
Hope this helps someone.’
Questions from CHARLES Q. ENGLISH, R.R. #7, Box 129A,
Evansville, Indiana 47712 – hope you can help him out! – ‘Can
anyone tell me the proper colors and lettering for a two cylinder
opposed Bates tractor built in 1911, a 1916 Waterloo Boy Model R
with single speed open transmission and a 3 HP Servel gas engine?
Does anyone know of any other two cylinder Bates tractors or Servel
gas engines in existence?’
From CHARLES C. ALLEN, R.R. 5, Estherville, Iowa 51334 comes a
letter requesting information in helping restore his engine.
‘I am turning to you for help through your column
‘Smoke Rings’ in G.E.M. as so many other gas engine
enthusiasts do in times of need. I am presently restoring a 7 h.p.
Thermoil ‘Kerosene’ Engine, serial number 2537. It is a
1916 model made by the R.M. Hvid Co. of Chicago, Illinois. This
unit was sold by Sears Roebuck & Company.
The engine is a diesel, four cycle, hopper cooled, with a
throttling type governor. I would like to hear from others who have
an engine like this. I especially would like to know what the
original color or colors were. If necessary what colors would have
to be mixed in order to achieve the original color? Maybe someone
could send me a sample so that I could match it. It appears to have
had yellow pin stripes on the water hopper, base and fly wheels.
The fuel tank is mounted on top of the engine above the crank
The R.P.M. is not stamped on the name tag, nor is there a place
for it, does anyone know what it is? I would appreciate any help on
this. Thanks!
HERB LITTLE, 1300 N. Green-way, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73127
sends along some cozy words about the hobby – ‘I have only been
collecting for about two years and have only been to one show, but
my feet are itching to get started this Spring.
I really enjoy your magazine and I have trouble laying it down
after it arrives.
My collection is small so far. I have enjoyed the searches for
engines and tractors. I enjoy working on them, but I think that
most of all I enjoy the finished product. A piece of rusty iron
that comes to life after you clean, repair and paint it! ‘(And
you gas buffs know exactly what he means, don’t you?)’
GARY STANLEY, 617 Juniper Street, Junction City, Oregon 97448 is
a 12 year old eager member of Branch 15 of Early Day Gas Engine and
Tractor Association Club. He has a 1 3/4 HP Hercules or Economy
engine, one of the two. Some people think it is a rare engine. Gary
would like to know more about it and he would like to know where to
write to get a manual – any ideas??
A missal from ARLIS SPRINGER, R.R. #2, Delavan, Illinois 61734
tells us: ‘Reading the different letters in Smoke Rings in your
March-April 75 issue, I came upon the paragraph about Art
Anderson’s A-C 20-35. Well, I went to my collection of
literature on different tractors and I found that I had a 43 page
magazine printed in 1928 on the 20-35 tractor.
When we lived in a house we rented near here, the night before
we moved, we went into the attic and found about five boxes of old
magazines, pamphlets and etc. about tractors, cars, Caterpillars,
combines and about anything you want and these are all original. We
went to the owner and asked about the magazines and he did not want
them, so you know we were tickled. But in the last year or so, I
became more interested in the gas engines. Well, there wasn’t
anything on gas engines in the collection, so in one way I was
kinda disappointed, but I do love to look at the old pictures.
Well, getting back to the 20-35, it has a page on the Eisemann
mag. Here is what it says about the mag. (The Eisemann magneto has
acquired a world-wide reputation for being a quality product and
some of the best known automotive manufacturers are using it
exclusively. It is equipped with an impulse starter in a dust proof
housing. Starting is easy and there is no danger of back firing
with this unit.
Another desirable feature of the magneto is the fact that it has
a variable spark control. The ignition is cut out by simply moving
the timing lever to the extreme retard position. With this
arrangement a great deal of unnecessary wiring is eliminated and
the tractor has a neat, clean-cut appearance, instead of the usual
mess of wires and rods found around the magneto.
The magneto is entirely waterproof and weather cannot short
circuit or damage it. Magneto trouble is unknown with the
Allis-Chalmers 20-35 tractor.)
I thought readers would be interested in this because something
was mentioned about the spark in the article. My magazine says
nothing of a Model M or E. Here are some specifications on it.
(Handle 4-14′ plow, a 32′ separator, 16′ combine. In
low gear, it’s guaranteed to pull 3750 lbs. and high gear 2875
lbs., 2-1/2 to 3-1/4 MPH, weighs 6800 lbs., 4-3/4′ bore,
6-1/2′ stroke, displacement 461 cubic inches under full load
motor speed is 930 rpm, has 32 gallon fuel tank. 90-1/2 inch wheel
bore and etc.’
Arlis found a lot more on the A-C tractor and also on the AC
Crawler tractor Model K-O, A-C, Rumely combine, Harvester, A-C
Monarch ’50’ which was made in Springfield, Illinois. So if
you fellows are interested in information on these mentioned, why
not write to Arlis.
Another newsy letter from NATHAN HICKOK, Amboy, Minnesota 56010
– He chats with us in this manner – ‘Well, this is the first
day of Spring and this morning it really feels as if maybe Winter
in Minnesota may be over. The snow is melting down and away from
the engine’s shed doors and now before long, I hope Tom and I
can get at our engines once again. We here in good old Minnesota
had lots and lots of snow. One of our buildings was almost
completely covered and one had a good fifteen foot drift right in
front of it.
The snowmobiling is over here at the present – now we need a
mudmo-bile! This bit of writing most likely isn’t one bit
interesting for those in our snowy part of the country, but to some
others it could be interesting.
We have had several very interesting letters from engine men and
boys from different parts of the country. Had one from a Lynn J.
Anderson at Haenly Falls, Minnesota who says he is just starting,
so I presumed he is a young one, but maybe not. Anyhow, he talks
like an engine man and wants engines. But I guess we all do,
Had an engine man from Sherburn, Minnesota tell over coffee the
other day that he had missed a nice Edwards in Minneapolis for
sixty five dollars. That would almost make me take an overdose.
This fellow from Sherburn has a daughter that’s one of the best
little engine buyers I have ever met. Well, I saw her standing in
about three inches of slush one day wearing little low shoes and
will you believe, she got it bought, she sure knows how to nod her
head and that’s what it takes – just keep on nodding your head
and you’ll get the engine, Huh? (Having the money helps too
Nathan – Ha Ha)!
I sure do like to go to sales, but when engines sell up above
the two grand figures, it sure gives me a stiff neck.
Now remember all you people, we always have time for company
-come see us at Amboy!
There is a bunch of enginemen in Northern Iowa and Southern
Minnesota that would like to start a small association, but so far
we can’t seem to get it off the ground. I was supposed to
receive a bunch of names of enginemen from some of these fellows,
but so far haven’t had any. Come on all you guys in these
parts, let’s see what we can do! It’s just too far for us
to go clean to Butterfield, but those enginemen at Butterfield sure
do roll out the red carpet for their company. They treat us like
long lost friends; my boy couldn’t believe it. They helped us
get parked, gave us gas, carried us water and the works.
And last year at Truman, Minnesota at Pete’s big day, it was
just as nice and Mrs. Ramon Pete even gave the engine ‘shower
offers’ dinner and supper. Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Pete are
wonderful people. I wish I had some of his brains.
Had a nice letter from Gil Easter at Canyon Country, California
and he finally got our Galloway home. Talk about engine men being
crazy! We buy ’em in California and haul ’em home and he
buys them in Minnesota and hauls them to California. No wonder Mrs.
Hickok looks at me so kinda funny once in a while -but I wonder
about her once in a while too – when she buys dishes and etc.-
(Nice cozy letter Nathan – you’ll probably get some visitors
with such a nice invitation. And Good Luck on getting your
Association started – I’m sure you will, just takes
My model tractor that I built of miscellaneous parts. It is 1/2
scale of Mogul 45 tractor, powered by 4 HP Mogul gas engine,
pullford conversion rear axle and wheels used to make a tractor,
from Model T Ford car. I exhibited it at several shows in 1974.
It is a tractor. It is Twin City with a 4 cylinder, vertical,
cross-mounted engine.
Here is a picture of a tractor that we recently acquired. It is
a Twin City with a 4 cylinder, vertical, cross-mounted engine. The
tractor is 16’10’ long, 8’6′ wide, and
10’2′ high. The rear wheels are 84′ high and 20′
wide. The front wheels are 42′ high and 10′ wide. So far we
have not been able to find out too much about it. The catalogs we
have, only show Twin City tractors with vertical in line engines.
It is probably a 25-50 or a 30-60, but we can’t be sure since
no one we have talked to has ever seen another one like it. We
would appreciate hearing from anyone that has any information on
this tractor, or knows of another one like it. This tractor
originally came from north-central Iowa. Some of the readers may
have seen it at Tom’s Country Market in Manly, Iowa in the past
few years. According to the previous owner, the tractor was in
running order about 10 years ago when he bought it. Since then it
has been sitting outside and has not been run, so it does need
quite a bit of work to get it going again. We hope to have it ready
for the Lake Region Pioneer Threshermen’s show at Dalton, Minn,
next Sept.
And now I’d like to talk to our GEM Family, on a serious
note- last issue of G.E.M. there was an ad under For Sale with just
a phone number – following is an excerpt from one of the letters I
received: ‘I phoned this number, which is long distance as it
is in the St. Louis area and my call was answered by a man. He told
me the ad was a joke, that it had been placed in the GEM by a
friend of his, that he did not have the tractor and that he had
gotten dozens of calls on the ad.
To my thinking, your GEM is being used by these Jokers as a
plaything. If this continues, how is a person to know the authentic
ads from the joke ads? I hope you will be able to stop this
foolishness.’ (And believe me, so do I – it caused me quite a
bit of time and trouble and embarrassment – however, the ad was
tracked down to the sender and I have written him about it. I’m
sure he never realized the problems it would present – for he is a
regular contributor to the magazine, but we all make mistakes now
and then. But PLEASE let this be a lesson to all our friends, think
before going ahead with a decision as this one – it really resulted
in being costly for the ones that called, and also disappointing;
and very time consuming to others. Still love you guys though)!
GARY L. ROOKUS, 1266 Whiting, S.W., Grand Rapids, Michigan 49509
is grateful as he says: ‘I enjoy reading your Smoke Rings as I
have received help from it many times. I would like to thank Johnny
Cascian of Martinsville, Indiana and Dale R. Hindal of Byron
Minnesota for their aid in my restoration of a 6 HP Faultless gas
engine. Both gentlemen were a very big help.
I would like to hear from anyone who might have a 6 HP Faultless
gas engine, or could assist me with their catalogs that might have
picture of this engine in them. I have only seen three of these
engines and I own two of them.
I really enjoy your magazine. Keep up the good work and great
articles and pictures.
(Thanks-and it’s because you folks are interested in this
type of hobby that makes the magazines desirable to the engine
Not all spinning enthusiasts are ladies! The gentleman seen here
is Sam Gockley of El Cajon, California and he spins yarn from
nearly every suitable material-in this case, dog hair! [Photo by
Jim Hickey]
A most welcome note of appreciation comes from BILL DITTE-MORE,
604 North Lincoln, Route 1, Box 305A, Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 –
‘I received my copy of the 1975 Steam and Gas Show Directory
today. What a nice idea! (They sell for $1.00 plus 25c
postage-lists the reunions and shows, museums, etc. to visit for
I want to tell you how much I enjoy the Gas Engine Magazine.
When the magazine comes, everything else takes a back seat until I
have read it the first time.
The Gas Engine Magazine has been a lot of help to me. Sometimes
one sentence will help get me over a perplexing problem. Also the
(for sale) section has a wealth of information. Reproductions of
authentic decals put the finishing touches on a restored engine or
tractor and the articles and pictures are also very helpful.’
(Thanks Bill, we need that, anytime!)
Another seeker of advice is CHARLES GARRETT, JR. 2660 Delaware
Drive, Florissant, Missouri 63033 who wants to tell us two things:
‘First, I really enjoy the G.E.M. as well as my J.D. Type E
1-1/2 HP engine mfg. in 1926. I am a member of the Ill.-Mo. Tractor
& Engine Club.
Second, I recently purchased a 2 cyl. 2 cycle gasoline engine.
The cylinders are vertical and in line and individual iron
castings. They are headless or jug type with the ex haust and
intake parts on the same side, one above the other, exhaust above
and intake below with the transfer passage on opposite side, all
cast integral with the cylinder. The case is two piece with split
line horizontal. The engine support arms extend out from the case.
Both pieces of case are aluminum. The flywheel is on front with
breaker cam and fingers behind it. The drive flange is on other end
as is some sort of accessory drive with a gear on crankshaft. The
crank end of the rod is hinged and secured with one bolt. The bore
is 3-7/8′ and stroke is approximated 3-1/2′. The piston is
approximately 4-3/4′ long. I haven’t gotten them out of the
cylinder yet, so am not sure of dimensions. I was told that the
pistons were supposed to be Model T Ford and the engine is a
Roberts marine, built in Muscatine, Iowa. I would like to verify it
and would like the dates company was in business and engine
manufactured. Could you help??’ (I hope you get some answers,
Hoping for an answer this time-comes a second request from J. A.
SEELEY, Dermuth, The Green, Woolpit, Bury St. Eds., Suffolk
1P309RQ, England – ‘In August of ’74 I wrote to you
regarding a Stover engine. The Stover engine I have is called a
Carbrooke engine which was assembled here at the Carbrooke Foundry,
Walton, N. Norwich, Norfolk, England. I contacted them – luckily
still in business – and was told that these engines were exported
to Pilter in France and they exported them to the Carbrooke Foundry
who assembled, painted and fixed them on trolleys, sledges, etc. to
be sold in our country. They assembled them from 1910 – 1930,
firstly selling under the Pilter name and later on with Pilters
permission sold them under Carbrooke nameplate. Stover No. is
stamped on end of crankshaft and Carbrooke No. on the brass
Listed are various particulars of my engine: No T142663, bore
5-1/2′, stroke 6-3/4′, flywheel diameter 28′, face
2-1/2′, Webster tripolar Type K25 ignition being low tension
having a straight bar striker. Hit and miss governing. Big end
grease, main bearings use oil wells. Casting Numbers as follows.
Cylinder No. E402, Base tank No. E461, Flywheel E407 and E408,
cylinder head E604.
Hope that I get a better response this time. Thanking you for a
most interesting magazine.’
And on that letter, I think it is time to end with a few words
of wisdom – ‘Horse sense behind the steering wheel is more
important than horsepower under the hood’ and ‘Watch your
talk – horse sense is seldom hitched to a waggin’
Bye bye for now – have fun and keep those letters rolling in –
we need to hear of your activities.