Smoke Rings

By Anna Mae
Published on March 1, 1980
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This next writing is from WAYNE GRENNING, 318 Summit Street,
Boonville, New York 13309: ‘I have just purchased my first
antique gas engine and need some assistance in restoring it. There
is a brass plate on the top of the hopper. It says ‘Engine No.
305620 R.P.M. 475 Horse Power 3FD.’ On the side of the hopper
behind the magneto there is a stencil that says ‘Jaegeur
Machine Co., Columbus, Ohio.’ On the front of the hopper above
the valves there is a decal that says ‘Hercules Corporation,
Evansville, Indiana U.S.A.’ On the base under the magneto there
is an oval brass plate that says ‘In correspondence always
refer to mixer and engine as No. 4 I Model D10H Jaegeur Machine
Co., Columbus, Ohio.’ My engine has a Wico EK magneto with a
kill button. The serial number is 774320.

My first question is: what was the relationship between the
Jaegeur Machine Company, and the Hercules Corporation? In some
literature I have acquired, the Arco, Economy, the Hercules
Corporation and the Jaegeur Machine Company are synonymous. Is this
true and what is the relationship between these companies?

Does any reader know the original color of this engine and when
it was built?

Thanking your readers for any help with my project.’

This next letter could be very important to a certain
individual. Read it as it is typical of the concern for each other
in this Gas Engine Family. It comes from BILL HACHTEL, 8901 Smith
Road, RD 6, Willoughby, Ohio 44094: ‘Six years ago I answered a
plea in your column from a Michigan man looking for information on
a Euclid Electric & Mfg. Co. engine. In pursuing information I
ended up with the name tag for the engine. The engine has since
been sold and if the buyer would contact me, he can have the

HERB PERSING, R.D. 2, Pitts-field, Pennsylvania 16340 has a 3?
HP Associated and a 3? HP United-about the only difference is the
water hopper, he claims. He would like to know who copied who and
what the color of each engine is. And he adds, ‘Would like to
thank you for a wonderful magazine.’

JAY JOHNSON, 6726 Oleander Circle, Roanoke, Virginia 24019 has a
problem: ‘I have a Garden tractor made by David Bradley. It has
three wheels and is called a Tri-Trac, two 12′ wheels in the
front and a 16′ wheel in the back it is powered by a Wisconsin
engine about 6 or 7 HP. You sit over the rear tire when driving
this tractor. I have talked to Sears but they do not have any
information on it as to the year. See picture. And thanks for any
help and also for your help in the past.’

Next-JOHN PIERCE, 13149 Kingston, Huntington Woods, Michigan
48070 writes: ‘I have greatly enjoyed Gas Engine Magazine over
the past several years and I hope someone can assist with the
identification of a small inboard marine gas engine (picture

The engine is a two cycle with the letters ‘E &
cast in the intake/exhaust manifold and has a Cuno
timer driven by gears and shaft. The flywheel is 9′ diameter,
piston stroke 2? and bore approximately 2?’. Also any ideas
about the original carburetor?

Another letter asking for help comes from ROBERT W. DAVIS, 204
Edgewood Drive, Boone, North Carolina 28607: ‘I am restoring a
very old Westinghouse vertical gas engine manufactured about 1900,
looks like 10 HP or could be 15 HP, flywheels 32′, diameter
width 3?’, ignition by buzz coil and plug or dynamo unit. I
need good pictures of the valve, rocker arm, fuel pump and governor
units. I have two good pictures from George Kempher of Emporia, PA.
Any information you have will help.’

ALVIN SCHROEDER, 414 Pitcher Park, Devils Lake, North Dakota
58301, phone 701-662-3022 writes: ‘One of my first engines I
purchased was a 3 HP Stover. It is water hopper cooled with open
crankshaft and igniter 450 rpm, #W75856. Is there any way I can
find out how old it is and any other information about it.

Also I have just purchased a 6 HP Fairbanks Morse Z, 400 rpm. No
serial numbers on nameplate-all it says is Patent Applied for. It
has open crankshaft and has been converted to spark plug. Any idea
what year it is? Also what do you use to seal the movable point on
a 1? HP JD igniter? Will appreciate all information.’

Now we have some communication from a fairly new member of the
G.E.M. family; DAVID LAURENCE, Box 45, Dexter, Minnesota 55926:
‘I am a new subscriber to G.E.M. I have been collecting gas
engines about six months. I am hoping that the G.E.M. readers can
help me with a couple of my engines.

I need help on getting information on a Webster inverted
vertical engine. I believe it to be the same as the 2? HP Webster
pictured on page 34 of the Jan.-Feb. G.E.M. owned by Ed Edwards of
Big Ben, California. It has 24′ flywheels and is blue in

I would also like to know anything on what I believe to be a 3
HP McCormick Deering. It is the same in detail and the same blue
color as a 1? HP McCormick Deering engine I have, except for the
name tag on the water hopper. Instead of the small tag, it had a
tag approximately 4?’ x 5?’. Any help you readers can give
me will be greatly appreciated. Keep up the good work on a great
magazine. Thank you.’

NORMAN S. JOHNSON, Spirit wood, North Dakota 58481, phone
701-252-2231 sends two pictures of engine which he would like to
know the manufacturer and also the value of the engine. It is
complete and in running order.

LEO LATRAVERSE, 343 Central Street, Berlin, Massachusetts 01503,
phone 617-562-6129 sends this letter: ‘I am writing my first
letter to you to say what a wonderful job you are doing. Also, I
have recently acquired a 4? HP Waterloo Boy gasoline engine,
#121070. I have many questions about it. I would appreciate it if
any of the fellow readers of GEM would send me any information on
it. I would also like to see a snapshot so I can see how original
my engine is. My wife and I have been exhibitors at many shows in
New England and New York and have attended shows at Portland,
Indiana in 1977 and 1978-what a great bunch of people I have met at
all the shows that we have shown our engines. Keep up the good

T WHITE, Misery Bluff, Dayton, Montana 59914 needs help:
‘Maybe somebody will perhaps help me. A friend gave us an old
drag saw mechanism less the saw and wheels. The question is what
size and type wheels and what kind of saw? The name is Culver Pat.
Jan. & Feb. 1870. It has a wheel near center connected by rod
to saw, wheel is 23′ diameter. How was this powered and with
what, if any? Was it cranked by hand? What color and if hand
cranked, what size crank? Any information will help and I will
replace your postage. Thanks.’

This following missal comes from LEONARD J. RAHILLY, 1028?
Bement Street, Lansing, Michigan 48912: ‘Last issue you ran my
letter about production dates for IHC tractors. As a result, I
received a nice letter from John Cohoon, Steele, Missouri who has
several old IHC tractors and who has done more homework than I have
on the dates. John tells me that the original Farmall was made
1924-32, F-20 1932-1939, F-30 1931-39 and that IHC changed from
grey to red on Nov. 1, 1936, in the interest of better visibility
on the road.

I have just started work on an F-20, no serial plate. I guess by
the round spoke wheels and old-style governor that the tractor is a
’36 or ‘37.1 saw this bedraggled looking but substantially
good tractor behind a house. The owner said, ‘She’s
froze-been there about a year.’ I figured more like two years.
When the man said he wanted to sell it to a fellow who was going to
junk the engine and put in a Chevy, I got out my check book. A four
day soak with lots of kerosene freed the pistons and one warm day
the engine started. The compression was very poor at first, but has
been improving with running it. One cold day I found the
transmission stuck. There was about a pint of frozen water in the

I have been tinkering with cars and tractors for years, but am
kind of new to restoring. It would be great if experienced
restorers would share their successes in removing rusty bolts,
freeing stuck engines and other useful tips.

When I was growing up in New Jersey, we used a 7 HP Schram
hit-and-miss to operate a hay hoist. I have never seen the Schram
engine in any shows in the Midwest. Perhaps there are readers who
can tell us something about these engines. We also had a couple of
small John Deeres for corn shelling and such jobs. One of the more
interesting engines was a Taylor vacuum engine that we used to
operate milkers until perhaps 1940. The Taylor had a stepped
piston, with a valve in the side of the larger part of the
cylinder-rear, nearer flywheel. It was hit-and-miss with a fly-ball
governor, very reliable. My father was told that it had been
designed as a compressor, but doesn’t know if that is true.
Anybody out there know about the Taylor? Were there other vacuum
pump engines similar to the Taylor?

As long as I’m palavering, I’ll pass on a memory of a
New Jersey neighbor who kept a 1917 IHC Titan 10-20 until well into
the fifties. It had the old angle iron lugs and the wheels were
spaced perfectly for corn rows. The lugs did a great job of cutting
the corn stubble in front of the disc. We looked forward to fall
when we would again hear the old Titan popping along at 500 RPM and
about two miles per hour.’

RICHARD BOCKWOLDT, R.R. 1, Dixon, Iowa 52745, phone 319-843-2270
sends this writing: ‘I’m sending a picture of a tractor
that I am restoring now and I need some information to complete it.
It is a Coop tractor, similar to the Huber Model L. Most all
castings are on the two tractors are of the same number. It has a
VIS 14A Waukesha 4 cylinder engine and engine manufacture date is
Nov. 1934. The tractor serial number is 11180 on a piece of metal
on the inside of the left rear fender, same style as Huber. I would
appreciate help as what color it should be and any other color trim
and lettering.

When I found this tractor in Willard, Ohio salvage yard it was
painted red with the letters COOP on the radiator painted black.
Also I would like to know what they called this tractor. I’ve
been told it is a COOP #1. I don’t know. Were there many of
these made? Any information will help me restore it back to its
original shape.’

An interesting letter comes from ERVIN MARTIN, 7969 Fulton Road,
Sterling, Ohio 44276: ‘The Augustine Rotary Engine-an article
in the G.E.M. Sept.-Oct. 1976 issue describes a highly efficient
engine. Used in a large 7-passenger car, it gave as high as 45
miles per gallon of fuel.

If this type of engine were manufactured today and used in
modern small light weight autos, I think they would at least get 75
miles per gallon of fuel. The secret of this engine having a better
performance than a diesel, seems to be the almost perfect
scavenging of exhaust gasses, leaving the cylinder empty to fill up
with cool fresh air and fuel, resulting in a powerful clean burn
power stroke.

Mr. Augustine received ten patents from 1911 through 1923 for
rotary engines. One was a steam model. In 1925 a patent was granted
to Augustine Automatic Rotary Engine Company of Buffalo, New

I would like to hear from anyone that would like to build one of
these engines. I have copies of nine of the latest patents. Does
anyone know the location of one of these engines?’

ROBERT STREET, R. 4, Decorah, Iowa 52101 would like some help
with his Whitman’s Sutton engine. He is missing a part (see
want ads) and would like to correspond with anyone who has this
kind of engine.

Many questions waiting to be answered-send letters to ROBERT L.
BUSH, 11515 Beaver Creek, Salem, Ohio 44460: ‘My grandfather
left me a United 2? HP gas engine. It was used in his coal mine to
pull coal cars out of the shafts. This is my only gas engine and I
have disassembled, sand blasted, painted and am well on my way to
having it finished. Some questions are unanswered and perhaps your
readers can help me out. I want the engine to be as close as
possible to the way it was originally. It is a Type A, No. 153966,
built in Lansing, Michigan. I would like to know the year it was

Also I’m interested in knowing if the engine was pin
striped. I know larger horsepower United engines are, but the 2?
HP?? I looked for evidence of stripes before sand blasting, but the
engine had been repainted, at least part of it. One side of the
water hopper was stenciled with the words United 2? HP. Were both
sides of the hopper stenciled?? The side that was stenciled was on
the belt drive side. Did it have battery ignition to start and
switch to mag after warm up? Only the mag is on it, but evidence is
present that it may have had both ignition systems.

Last, but not least, I have the original gas tank, round-flat
top and bottom like a cooking pot. Was it located in the rear or at
the front by the mixer? Grandfather had it mounted by the mixer but
pictures of larger horsepower Uniteds show it in the rear. And, was
?’ pipe used for gas line?

I realize these questions sound a bit pickey, but I want the
engine to be A-1. I’m very proud to own it. I have written and
called at least ten people with United engines for sale, looking
for answers to these questions, but no one agrees on the

You have a fine publication. Keep up the good work.’

Next letter comes from RICHARD (DICK) HEAVEN, 860 La May,
Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197- perhaps you’d like to share it:
‘It has been a long time since I have written to you people but
have meant to often-(but time).

Well anyway as soon as the choir had sung the 2nd service on
Easter we started for California by way of Arkansas. We visited in
Arkansas, Kansas and California. I saw a steam engine and some old
tractors in Adrian, Texas. I threw a stone in the Pacific Ocean. We
stopped at a saw mill in Oregon. I took a quick look at a steam
threshing rig in Idaho. We saw Old Faithful in Yellowstone- lots of
snow. We stopped in Billings, Montana to visit my stepbrothers,
visited a Pastor friend in Wyoming then on to Greeley, Colorado to
visit my wife’s aged aunt over night. We went on to Nebraska
and visited a cousin at Bloomfield on a farm. We had never met
before but it wasn’t long before we knew that we both liked old
tractors (ha). He had two old tractors, a model A, John Deere
tractor and one AO John Deere and a model A Ford truck, but then he
took us over by Nebrara, Nebraska, to see a man’s great
collection which took two or three hours that afternoon and then
took us out to supper. The next day I tried to help with our family
history that I knew about. We went back to the collection of steam
engines and tractors. We took pictures of some of the big ones
which I had never seen, but had read about. Then we had to hurry
home. We were gone three weeks and covered 7,000 miles in a new

You know where I had read about all these steam engines and
tractors? In your good magazine!’

A picture and a problem from WALT CELLEY, R.R. 1, Cabot, Vermont
05647: ‘I have recently traded for an uncommon engine and would
like help with the date of manufacture, color and any information I
can get. There is a compressor on one side of the engine. It is
about 2 HP with very heavy flywheels. There is the remains of very
fancy pin striping and it seems to be a well made engine. I think
it is a Richmond Standard but the name tag says Granite 2788,
Foster & Hosier, Chicago, Illinois. Has anyone heard of a
Foster & Hosier engine?

Also I have a restored 15 HP Abenaque portable. I would like to
hear from anyone having a 15 HP or larger Abenaque.’

JOHN LEVORA, Route 2, Box 240, Bangor, Michigan 49013 sends this
one: ‘I have acquired an old 1 cylinder air cooled diesel
engine, which I believe was built by American Marc Engine Co. in
California. I would like to know if they still exist or are gone
forever. The last time they advertised was 1963. The model I have
appears to be 1940 circa. Also would like to acquire a Caterpillar
22 parts and service manual (see want ads.)’

A third letter comes in this month from DOC SCHUSTER, 3535 Glen
Oak Drive, Eugene, Oregon 97405- has a good deal more information
that we hope the readers will like to hear: ‘Since last writing
to you, more letters on John Deere engines have arrived. Here are
two good ideas for those who need crankcase ventilation:

(1)  Rifle drill the front crankcase cover
bolt through the head with a hole about 1/8
diameter to a depth of approximately 1?’ deep. Then drill a
connecting hole that is also 1/8
diameter through the bolt shank to meet the bottom of the previous
hole. This provides ventilation when the crankcase lid is bolted
down. And/or…..

(2)  Remove the rivets from the serial
number plate that hold it to the governor plate, and leave the
holes open. There is very little oil vapor in the governor box
while the engine is running and oil will not blow out of the

The advantage of these two suggestions is that extra holes
through the crankcase lids are obviated.

Another plausible explanation for lubrication to the magneto
gear-side bearing is as follows: oil is thrown against the inner
‘roof’ of the crankcase cover. From there it runs down the
magneto plate. Part of this oil drips onto the magneto gear shroud
and is thrown off, but a smaller part runs onto the end of the
magneto case and into the bearing oil reservoir.

Sounds complicated but it makes sense, especially if the reader
draws a cross-section of the area.

Correspondents seemed to be unanimous about two things
concerning John Deere engines: they are relatively oily, but when
set up properly are easy to start and run beautifully.’

A short letter and some information comes in this writing by H.
L. RITTER, Route 5, Box 127, Fulton, New York 13069: ‘Well, it
is nearly snow time again here in central New York. Sometime ago, I
asked about the master coil. I received several letters about it. I
have some to answer yet. They all tell the same things and so I am
sending copies of some diagrams and advertising received-hoping
they can be copied in G.E.M. for you all to see.

We have had it exceptionally warm so far this year. My engines
are all stored for the winter. Won’t be doing much with them
before next April or May.’

The diagrams, ads, etc. are shown on page 23.

That about ends it for this time, my friends-but in closing,
I’d like to leave this bit of verse with you-I’m sure it
hits home with many of us. Called DIRTY DISHES-Thank God for dirty
dishes, they have a tale to tell; while other folks go hungry, we
are eating very well. With home and health and happiness, we
shouldn’t want to fuss, for by the stack of evidence, God’s
very good to us-Bye Bye-Love La!


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