Smoke Rings

By Staff
Published on March 1, 1973
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Courtesy of Bill Morganfield, Winner, South Dakota 57580.
Courtesy of Bill Morganfield, Winner, South Dakota 57580.

Hi Good Friends! I know, I know– you’re anxious to get
‘out to the Shows’ but be patient, it won’t be long now
and if you live Southward, there are a few real early and you could
be packing your bags (and engines) for them now. Have fun!

We’ve had a rather odd winter (so far) back East–one day
it’s freezing and real wintry-the next day its like
Spring-enough on the weather report and onto some advice and

Don’t forget Fellows, if you are interested in locating
parts, or certain engines, etc. I cannot put this in my column as
that is really an ad and you must write in and put in the
Classified ad department–as to history, or colors of
machinery–this type of information–I will gladly mention–I’m
sure you understand.

From BILL LOWERY, R. R. 2, Waynetown, Indiana 47889 writes us:
‘I have an old Novo gas engine. Would you have any information
on the old engine? I would like to know approximate age of the
engine. I have noticed air freight that bears the same name as the
engine I have. Could this air freight lines at one time have
manufactured this old engine?

The identification plate has the information on it-NOVO-No.
24010, 2 HP, 600 Revs. Novo Engine Company, Lansing, Michigan.
Manufactured for the Leader Iron Works, Decatur, Illinois–Owego,
New York. Any information that you have to offer on the old engine
would be greatly appreciated.’ (There you are Guys–get your
pens in hand).

‘Through your friendly column, I hope to get more
information on the following engines I’m restoring. I’ve
started to restore a Silent Alamo motor generator set rated at
1KW-32 volts-2000 r. p. m., Serial 12908, but I need help on
description of the wiring as the complete panel board is

I would also like information on a Stickney vertical engine
single cylinder flywheel with 5-1 reduction gears and pump
jack–all in one unit. Also, does anyone have information on a
Renfrew horizontal sideshaft engine with flyball governor. Thank
you for any help.– (This letter came from LARRY HEAL-EY, 122
Magnolia Avenue, Scarborough 703, Ontario, Canada M1K 3K8)

HAROLD RIGSBY, Route 1, Box 108c, Cicero, Indiana 46034 would be
very happy if someone would write him and tell him what kind of
igniter and magneto he needs to restore his Sandwich Cub engine,
No. AA25534. (Please Fellows, any information!)

GEORGE S. CLARK, 254 Pond Point Avenue, Milford, Connecticut
06460 is looking for information on the 12 HP Charter hot tube
ignition engine. He says there is one on page 34 of March-April
1970 G. E. M. He wrote to Mr. Harry Hall who submitted the picture
in the hopes of getting some information, but Harry knew nothing of
this engine. George would like to know if perhaps the owner of this
engine or one like it might write him with any data on the Charter
engines. George recently acquired a Charter engine and is anxiously
awaiting to hear from fellow Charter engine enthusiasts. He even
mentioned he might send us a story later on with pictures of the
restoration of his engine.

R. E. FROWNFELTER, Rt. 5, Box 1336, Evergreen Sta., Gulfport,
Mississippi 39501 sends us a cheery message and request:
‘Recently I retired and now have ample time to pursue the new
hobby of Gas Engines. In the past 6 months, I have obtained two
engines. One is a 2 HP Witte and last week I was blessed with a 2?
HP Stover, No. TB273182, Type CT-2. Will you assist me through your
‘Smoke Rings’ articles in the wonderful Gas Engine

You may have guessed it–I need a ‘waterfall’ of
information. Hopefully the experienced will advise as to the year
the Stover was built. I need information on how to time the engine
and amount of oil to put in the crank-case. There are no clubs or
‘buffs’ in Mississippi and believe me, I need
HELP.’-(There’s a challenge Fellows, he is in an area where
we don’t hear much about the engine hobby–don’t let him

An encouraging billet from GEORGE T. MARTIN, R. R. 2, Wyaconda,
Missouri 63474–‘Just a note to let you know that we really
enjoy the G. E. M. We have taken it just about from the first and
have all back issues. We have a fair-sized collection of well over
one hundred gas engines, mostly those made in the middle west.
Would like to get in touch some time with some collectors in the
East and trade information.

ROSCOE F. PERRY, R. R. 2, Box 91, Delta, Ohio 43515 is seeking
answers in his letter.–‘I have a three phase 220 generator.
The nameplate is not very plain. It says (‘LA’ ALT currant
generator The Louis Allis Co., Mil-waukee, Wis.). Could someone
give me information on it? Could you get 115-120 of it safely? I
can make out the K. V. A.-15. The generator and exciter is clean
and in good shape. It is belt driven.’ (Hit the mails Men with
the data).

JAMES P. RILEY, Box 269, R. D. 2, New Bridge Road, Rising Sun,
Maryland 21911 writes: ‘I am restoring a 2 HP Cushman Cub, one
cylinder engine, No. 68289, Model ZR14, 750 rpm, solid flywheel,
throttle governed type.

Maybe someone out in Engine Land could furnish me with some
information and year of manufacture.’

A little different request comes from GLEN GRAY, 1790 Van Buren
Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55104.-‘I have had a very busy year
as my work demanded so much of my time that I didn’t get out to
my usual amount of shows. I am a member of Western Minnesota Steam
Threshers at Rollag. I spent 5 days there (which I couldn’t
have done except I used a week’s vacation).

I was assistant Parade Chairman in charge of gas units. It was
my job to get them out in assigned numerical order. We had 105
mobile internal combustion units, most of them went every
parade–two parades a day–eight parades in all. We had very good
weather and attendance. I also ran Mr. Larson’s 1913 model F
single cylinder Rumely Oil Pull.

I would like to hear from other people involved in parades, as
to size, method of handling if outside units are used (as bands or
marching units), safety measures used and rules and
regulations.’ (There Parade Chairman is a letter for you to

From CHESTER FOSLER, R. 2, Box 151, Milford, Nebraska 68405
comes this revealing bit–‘I have some information that might
be of some interest to you. On the back cover of the July-August
1972 G. E. ML, Mr. Alaf Venden has a picture of what he calls two
Tom Thumbs. I recently borrowed some IHC literature from 1915 which
gives detailed specifications of IHC Titan and Mogul engines. The
only Tom Thumb listed is the air-cooled one. The water-cooled one
with identical specifications, except for the water hopper is not a
Tom Thumb, but is clearly marked Titan. They also list a Titan,
Jr., but it is slightly smaller and has a side exhaust rather than
upright as on the Titan and Tom Thumb. Hope this clears up some
confusion regarding water-cooled Tom Thumbs.’

ALLEN HANAWALT, Route 4, Box 40A, Logansport, Indiana 46947
asks: ‘I found a 2 HP Frost King Jr. made by John Lawson
Manufacturing Company of New Holstein, Wisconsin. I have never seen
one before, have you?’ (I’m sure he must mean this be
directed at you ‘buffs’–for I’m not too sure of what
engines are by looking at them).

In January-February issue we had a letter from ALBERT H. NIKKEL,
Box 261, Tracy, Iowa 50256. (I forgot to put his address in last
month so am repeating his request, with address). Albert is a John
Deere collector and would like to hear from other John Deere owners
and John Deere two cylinder fans. (My apologies, Albert and you
asked if you could send pictures in–sure enough, well try and get
them in.)

JOHN DAVIDSON, Box 4, Bristol, Wisconsin 53104 tells us in his
writing: ‘I’m enclosing the story that goes with the
picture you printed in the GEM of Jan-Feb 1973, page 45, as
follows: (PLOWS 14 ACRES AN HOUR-That motor plows can outdistance
horse plows was again demonstrated at Purdue University, October
14, 1911, when three Rumely traction engines hitched to one unit of
fifty Oliver plows turned over a field of stubble at the rate of 1
acre every 4 minutes and 15 seconds. The objects of the test were
to determine the practicability of the traction engine and to find
out the size of the engine and the number of plows that could be
used to advantage on the average farm. Many combinations, from a
single cylinder engine with five plows to the monster turnout of
three traction engines with fifty plows, were tested. The latter
cut a strip nearly 60 feet wide and turned over 7 acres every mile
it traveled.

Each of the fifty plows was independent of the others, rising
and lowering with the surface and adapting itself to the uneven
ground. The tractors were operated on a low-grade kerosene
distillate, which is said to cost about 4 cents a gallon. The three
motors consumed a total of 22 gallons an hour, making the fuel cost
of plowing about 6? cents per acre. However, the plows were set
rather shallow, plowing only about 4? to 5 inches deep.)

Also, I would like to say the Jan-Feb issue has a very nice
cover. However, –The best way to keep friendships from breaking is
not to drop them. Bye bye, and God Bless Each One and may you have
a good Reunion year!

My brother, Lester and I, grading the first road into Winner,
South Dakota, in 1914 with our 40-80 Avery Tractor and Austin
Western Grader and elevator. Photo shows our coal shack all hooked
up ready to move to a different location. I still own the outfit
including coal shack. Note tank pump on front end with which we
filled radiator. We used about 90 gallons of coal, which later was
named kerosene, also a gallon or so of gas for starting in a
day’s work. Later we used a 120 holt. Now I let this tractor
rest. We started using steam engines in 1912.

I have an Aultman Taylor Steamer in my steam engine collection
that I got new in late 1918.

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