By Staff
Published on March 1, 1972
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Well, we are getting some winter now and I’m rather glad as
I was apprehensive that perhaps we would get it all at once around
Easter–maybe now it will be Springtime when we are accustomed to

I hope all our GEM family has been enjoying good health and
friendship through the magazines and letters to each other. We have
many this time, so I won’t take up space with my gabbing.

R. H. RAEBURN, 3105 Churchill, Malton, Ontario, Canada tells us:
‘In Nov-Dec. issue of 1967 on page 24 you show a two cylinder
opposed engine under the What Is It Column. I think it was the
following summer a similar one was displayed at Steam-Era with a
sign What Is It?

A short time ago a friend and I went to the Canadian Automotive
Museum at Oshawa and there is one of the same there and listed as
being out of a car called Tudhope built in Orillit, Ontario in the
early days. It was a friction drive engine crosswise in frame and a
friction roller held against flat disc (not visible in picture) on
the other end of crankshaft. Speed was varied by moving roller in
or out on the disc or to the opposite side of center for reverse.
As to who built the engine or when, I have no idea. The Tudhope
Company, I think, are still in business and build farm equipment.
(Hope this information will be of some help).

RON MAGNUSON, Good Hope, Illinois 61438 would like to hear from
any of the guys who collect spark plugs or have any that would like
to trade or talk about–(get busy you spark pluggers).

I think you are all familiar with the regular column running for
quite awhile in the Gas Engine Magazine known as ‘How Your
Hobby Started’ written by Carleton M. Mull, 3904-47th Ave.,
Seattle, Washington 98118. Carleton sent me this picture a good
while back of he and his lovely wife–the picture is in color so I
know you won’t see the beauty as I do, but Mrs. Mull raises
roses and this is in their rose garden and that is Lake Washington
in the background. I thought I’d like to share it with you.

GEORGE BURGIN, Kirkton, Ontario, Canada is pondering over some
questions he would like answered by our good readers: ‘I have a
number of questions concerning a Centaur Tractor. I purchased it in
the fall of 1971. The serial number is 327317 and was built by The
Central Tractor Company, Greenwich, Ohio. It has a two cylinder
LeRoy engine, number 62009. I would like to know in what year this
tractor was built. How many were built? Does anyone sell the
mounted implements such as plough and cultivators? I also would
like to correspond with someone who has such a tractor to confirm
color scheme as I am in the process of restoring the tractor. Thank
you for your services in Smoke Rings’

TODD L. CURLL of Currsville, Pennsylvania 16221 would like to
find an old model ‘Titan’ International tractor. If any of
you fellows know of one, please comply to his request. Thank

W. L. CUNNINGHAM, 4335 Barker Street, S. E., Washington, D. C.
20019 would like to correspond with anyone who has Nelson and
Johnson Utilimotors.

GENE URBATSCH, 7701 Nassau Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80237 typed
us a note–‘I have recently obtained a Fuller-Johnson 1? HP
gasoline engine. Since I am a novice in this area, I would desire
any information or any direction for information regarding the
Fuller Johnson Manufacturing Company. The identification plate
indicates the engine was manufactured in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The
engine serial number is 17171 .’–Come on fellow engine
buffs-help your new owner of a Fuller-Johnson engine.

BOB BOVAIRD, 90 East 33rd Street, Hamilton 53, Ontario, Canada
tells us: ‘I went to a Gas Engine Show this Fall and after the
show, I remembered a farmer that had one of these engines. So 1
went to see him and he sold it to me for $10.00. The name on the
side of it is OLDS. Is there anything that you can tell me about
this engine? A fellow at the show gave me your
address.’–(Let’s not let him down, Friends.)

RAY PICHEL, R. D. I, Hellertown, Pennsylvania 18055 would like
to hear from anyone that owns a Quincy engine, He would like to
know all he could about the; history of the engine and where he
could get a manual. He also stated that he had placed an ad in GEM
and received answers from all over U. S. A., Canada, Australia and
England, He says, ‘GEM people live all over the world!’

ALAN C. WILL, 425146th Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422
questions us: ‘I would appreciate you asking in your column if
anyone has any information on a Monarch engine, built by Royal
Engine Co., U. S. A., Model C-l, Serial Number 5649, 3 HP. and
develops 450 rpm. I believe the color to be dark green with yellow
striping. Although I have not seen this engine running, I am eager
to hear it pop and work again. I hope to show it around Minnesota
and Wisconsin this summer.

I can hardly wait for the next issue of G. E. M. which is read
entirely as soon as possible.’

Thank you Alan and you’ll probably get some information from
our readers-good luck!

From WILLIAM VOL-H E N I N G, 12930 Brandon Road, S. Rockwood,
Michigan 48179 comes this epistle. ‘I have recently purchased a
Coffield Engine made by the W. H. Callahain Co. Pat. 1897 with
5?’ bore and 12′ stroke. Side shaft that stops with the
governor and a fuel pump that apparently meters the gas to the
carburetor. The exhaust is ported and a valve also looks in some
ways like the old Otto engine. The engine is a very fine job of
casting and has nice brass work and is in very good shape.

I would like to hear from anyone having one of these engines as
I have never seen a set-up like it or heard of the make

Send the message, Gents, to the man–Bill is waiting expectantly
for your words.

‘Would any of the readers have any information on a No. 4
Jewel stationary steam engine? I bought one recently and would like
to know more about it.’ comes the inquiry from M. G. EPP, Box
39, Hadar, Nebraska 68738. (I’m sure some of you men that deal
with gas and steam have the answer.)

All owners of Townsend tractors-get in contact with PHARES
STOLTZFUS, Newport Road, Ronks, Pennsylvania 17572. He’s
anxious to hear from all of you.

Via air mail flies this correspondence from DES CLAXTON,
Bamawan, Via Rochester 3561 Victoria, Australia: ‘I am 23 years
old and my wife is 20 and we have 82 engines in our collection.
Many of these are Australian built engines and we would like; to
correspond with other young collectors interested in the details on
some of these engines. I would also like information on the 2 HP
Stover engine as it looks identical in the pictures as an engine
made in Australia by Cooper Engineering Company known as the
‘Cooper Little Wonder’ shearing plant engine.’

Now, there is an overseas friend for you readers, and he wants
to get to know more of our GEM family. Don’t let him down,

In quest of information on a certain tractor arrives this
writing: ‘I was raised on a Saskatchewan farm and be came very
interested in all engines at an early age. I remember that our
neighbour had a 32 inch Red River Special separator which they
drove with an Ohio 25-45 gas tractor. Now, we did not visit these
people as they lived a considerable distance from us and as that
country had quite a lot of bush and high trees on it. We could see
the straw coming up from the blower of the separator and hear the
engine. It soundedlikea191130-60Rumely Oilpull. The same firing
order and I understand it had steel gears that made a high ringing
sound when it was moving. However, I never got to see the engine
and being a subscriber to both your magazines, I have looked in
vain to see a picture of an Ohio gas tractor and to hear some
comments on it.’ That letter comes from SAM COUPER, 164
Birch-dale Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba R2H 1S4.

He has me curious too, now it sticks in my mind that maybe we
did have a picture in one of our magazines–would any of you good
friends know? You see I keep all kinds of records but I have no
index on engines and where to find them in the magazine. I would
appreciate it if you would write me and let me know if there is one
in our magazines or if any of you have pictures on this engine,
send us one with a story, please.

DAVID L. REGULA, R. R. 1, Maple-wood, Ohio 45340 presents us
with this statement on a subject appearing in previous issues.
‘In both the Sept-Oct and Nov-Dec. 1970 issues of G. E. M. two
stories are about the John Deere Dain tractors. Well, to solve both
Mr. Johannsen and Mr. Carsons mystery, there is at least one, maybe
two of these tractors in existence. Page 33 of Jan-Feb. 1971 G. E.
M. shows a John Deere Dain in a picture taken by Gerald E. Hoffman
at an engine show. (Being an avid John Deere fan, I can’t help
trying to help).–Thanks David, that’s fine to point this out
to us. And David would like to hear from others interested in John

E. WM. TIMMERMAN, Oakley, Illinois 62552 is one of our family of
both magazines and a contributor. In a recent letter he was telling
us of his 24 in. cyl. Keck Gonnerman threshing machine which he
uses to thresh wheat and oats every fall. Then he grinds some of
the wheat with an electric coffee grinder, one like they use in
grocery stores and then his wife bakes whole wheat bread from the
flour. He says they never buy bread at the stores any more and they
like the homemade bread so much better and it makes such wonderful

Just thought the above was an item of interest for all–I wonder
how many people do bake all their own bread these days.

GOOD NEWS!-from J. H. BENNER, JR., 313 Ruby Street, Lancaster,
Pennsylvania 17603 as he relates: ‘I have something to tell all
readers of this magazine and I am sure they will be interested in
knowing that the Maytag Company has FREE brochures available on
Parts and Service. This covers single and twin cylinder engines,
also parts. The address is The Maytag Company, Newton, Iowa 50208.
Please mention the fact that you saw it in the G. E. M. when
writing them. They gave me permission to announce this and quite a
few parts are available.

Some of you kind people have helped me out from time to time so
I’m trying to return the favor. I hope some of you will benefit
by this information.

My engine collection is up to about 12 now, thanks, mostly to
Glenn Ament of Ament Bros. Power Products. Glenn is a real pal and
he has a really nice collection.  You should see his 1903
Domestic–Beautiful! Runs as nice as it looks.’

Nice gesture John, and we are happy you can use our magazine as
a medium for distributing this type of information.

Springtime and Easter are not too far away and with the Spring
comes so much new life–and there isn’t one of us that
doesn’t expect it, is there? See how much we take for granted
from our Creator? We’re so used to him doing so many things for
us and how thankless we sometimes are–Forgive us Father we
don’t mean to be that way. It’s one of our human frailties
that we must keep trying to better.

I found some excerpts on Life and thought you might ponder on
them, one for each day of the week. (1) There are two ways to slide
easily through life; to believe everything or to doubt everything.
Both ways save us from thinking.– Alfred Korzybski. (2) Life is a
one-way street. No matter how many detours you take, none of them
leads back.–Isabel Moore. (3) There are three ingredients in the
good life; learning, earning, yearning.–Christopher Morley. (4)
Life is like an onion; you peel it off one layer at a time, and
sometimes you weep.–Carl Sandberg. (5) Life is the art of drawing
without an eraser. -John Christian. (6) If only one could have two
lives; the first in which to make one’s mistakes and the second
in which to profit by them.–D. H. Lawrence. (7) Life is tons of
discipline–Robert Frost.

That gives us a lot to think about and perhaps appreciate life a
little more each day–wouldn’t you say?

My John Deere wide tread. I got this tractor last spring and
spent a lot of spare time working on it. I need steel wheels for

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