Now for the funny part! I had been hounded to sell it and turned
down all offers, since it was the only sideshaft I had and a small
one to boot. One party that was interested in buying the engine
asked if I would be at the farm the next day, and I said
‘probably’. I stayed away from the farm the following day.
About 4:00 this person came to my house and told my wife he had
bought the engine from me but couldn’t find me, and was
wondering about leaving the money and taking the engine. He got the
engine, Ruth got the money, and I got the shaft (not the side
shaft). Yes, she kept the money! ‘It’s all in the family
anyway,’ she explained. (Andy sounds like a good sport, who
loves his wife.)
This picture is of a new subscriber, who may have become our
youngest, this May. Her name is JENNIFER HILL, 13127 W. Watson
Road, St. Louis, Missouri 63127 and she turned 3 years old in May.
The engine is a 3 HP Fairbanks she got from her grandpa, who worked
with her dad to restore it. She reports, ‘I have shown my
engine at the Arch Show, May 20, 1984. I received an exhibitor
ribbon and button for showing my engine. I belong to the Ill-Mo
Tractor & Engine Club, Inc.’ Welcome to Engine Land,
Very interested and seeking information, this communication
comes from MRS. EUGENE BERG, R.R.2 Wege Road, Appleton, Wisconsin
54915: ‘My husband and I just purchased an Eagle 6B tractor. As
far as we have been able to find out, these tractors were built
around 1936 by the Eagle Manufacturing Co. of Appleton, Wisconsin.
The tractor has all its original parts and we want to restore it to
its original condition. We would like to gather as much background
information as possible about the tractor and Eagle Manufacturing
Co. We also need to know what the original color is, where we can
get a picture of it in color, if there is a possibility of getting
decals for it. We would greatly appreciate any information you can
give us.’ (How about it friends, can you help these
An interesting letter comes which may be of interest to many
from MYSTIC SEAPORT MUSEUM, Nancy d’Estang, Shipyard Research,
Mystic, Connecticut 06355: ‘The Shipyard of the Mystic Seaport
Museum is restoring a Gloucester fishing schooner from 1921.
Originally, she had installed a 1923 Fairbanks Morse 100 HP marine
engine a diesel engine CO, made in Michigan. That is all of the
information we have.
‘Is there anyone who has a collection of old Fairbanks Morse
catalogues from which we could get specifications on these engines?
Specifically, we need to know the diameter of the propeller shaft
and the crank shaft before we can correctly rebuild the ‘shaft
log’. We have contacted the company, but their records were
destroyed 25 years ago when the marine division was consolidated in
Beloit, Wisconsin.
(I hope someone out there will be able to help you, Nancy, so
watch the mail!)
An important message comes from MERL BARNES, 7013 North view,
Boise, Idaho 83704: ‘I found something that may be a help to
old tractor collectors. There is quite a lot of two inch pitch, one
and one quarter inch roller width roller chain in the junk yard
here. It would cost fifteen cents per pound, a small charge for
cutting and freight. Write me and I will get it and ship it to you.
I do not expect to make a profit. I made arrangements for them to
hold it until the next G.E.M. comes out.’ (Thanks much,
Merl, I bet some of the fellows will be appreciative of this let
him hear right away).
Seeking many answers, this letter comes from DWAIN RUSH, Route
1, St. Vrain, New Mexico 88133: ‘I have acquired a few old
engines. I have one that no one in this part of the country knows
anything about. It has about a 3′ bore and 5′ stroke. The
flywheels are 1 wide 19′ across with the number 1H21. The head
has a number 1K47. Carb. or gas mixer has number 1K50 12 on it. I
would like to know the make, color, age and any other information.
I really look forward to the wealth of information I get.’
JACK VERSTEEG, 1215 Jays Dr. N.E., Salem, Oregon97303 writes:
‘I have gotten quite a few inquiries about the article in the
Jan-Feb. issue and most have been quite pleasant. I would like
however, to add the following:
I want to thank all of you who inquired about the article about
the building of a magnet charger and coil. In our correspondence I
have learned a lot and hope that you have too. The side note on the
article was made entirely from my experience and no one else’s.
I am sure that things are quite different in other areas of the
country. The main article was originally printed in an issue of Gas
Power from the early 1900’s. I did not add or subtract anything
from this article. It has been reprinted in other periodicals from
time to time and is not meant to be gospel, just informational.
Thank you!’
‘I recently acquired a Universal Unimoter 2 KW 110 volt
engine made by Universal Motor Co., Oshkosh, Wisconsin. It is a 4
cyl. with an American Bosch magneto, Mayer updraft carb. from
Buffalo, New York, brass radiator and 3 brass priming cups. The gas
tank is under the engine. The person I brought it from said it is
about 1922 and is a 14 HP. I need more information and to know the
firing order, year etc. Engine No. is 5409.’ (This comes from
STAN MATLOWSKl, R.D.#i, Box 199, Hunlock Creek, Pennsylvania
‘I have been reading G.E.M. for three years and have enjoyed
it very much. The articles are great,’ states JOHN NOAKES, 7380
Mosherville Road, Litchfield, Michigan 49252. Phone
‘Now I need some help. I have two Gibson tractors, a model D
and Model Super D. I would like to know if anyone has any
information on the Gibson Tractor Company. The tractor was produced
by Western American Industries, Inc. from Longmont, Colorado and
Seattle, Washington. I would like to know when and how long they
were in business, any information on serial numbers and original
(According to C. H. Wendel’s Encyclopedia of American
Tractors, the Gibsons were marketed in the early 1950’s and
only for a few years. Four models were presented, using either
Wisconsin or Hercules engines. Maybe another Gibson collector can
give you more details!)
‘I have a question for Gas Engine readers! In 1938 the Avery
Farm Machinery Co. of Peoria, Illinois produced a straddle row
tractor that could be readily changed from a tricycle type for
cultivating to a standard tread four-wheel conventional type. This
was done by swinging the wheels and spindles in or out as needed.
The trade name was RO-TRAK. An artist’s picture of this tractor
is shown on page 34 of The Agricultural Tractor 1855-1950, part II.
Does any collector have one of these and how was steering
accomplished? (If you have the answer please write ]OHN R.
HEATH, Box 57’C School Street, Sullivan, Ohio 44880).
‘I’m sending you a picture of the cutest little engine I
ever got hold of. I got it up north of Clinton, back in the hills
from an old boy who took it all apart and could not get it back
together,’ says ELWOOD BUD HUTT, Route 2, Poplar Street,
Clinton, Arkansas 72031.
He continues: ‘It runs good but don’t know what it was
used for. The name plate states Mote Mower Co. ‘Junior’
Detroit, Michigan #J258-Model EB Engine #1167. From the looks of
the little mag it must be very old and not too many around.
Love your articles and magazine hate to even lay it down more
power to you folks!
P.S.That’s a Fairbanks Morse in the background.’
MIKE HILL, R.R.I, Helenville, Wisconsin 53137 Phone
414-593-8404, purchased a Harley Davidson gas engine built in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin and would like information such as the year it
was built and HP. He wonders whether anyone else has one like
He sends this picture with this information taken from the
engine: Harley Davidson Motor Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Engine
#686, Model F515, 2 7/8′ bore and 3′ stroke, 21 cu. in.
eng., 4 cycle air-cooled engine, counter clockwise rotation,
throttling governor, Tillotson carb and the magneto was an American
Bosch Type S, crankshaft and connecting rod have roller bearings.
The only other information he has come up with is it was built
sometime in World War I for a railroad company.
‘After reading the Sept-Oct. 1983 issue for close to the
10th time, I came across this 1935 Mechanix St Invention magazine
diagram showing, of all things, a 110 volt as power plant being
powered by a 2 cylinder Maytag engine, tells LLOYD A. DEAN, Route
3, Box 309, Tuscola, Illinois 61953.
‘According to Mr. Jensen’s serial number chart, the
first of these engines was built in 1937 and my own was built in
September 1937. This picture of a twin cylinder engine appeared in
1935. It is exactly like my 1937. Waukesha built opposed 2 engines
early, but they were much longer than this one.
If anyone has a comment or wishes to correct me, please do
I just can’t tell you how much I enjoy G.E.M. I especially
enjoy reading about others working for months on pure junk just to
have it run again. To suggest using a restored engine for any
purpose besides show is to invite looks of utter shock from the
Seeking information, this letter comes from REGINALD R. LOVIS,
5582 Little Canada Rd., East Bethany, New York 14054: ‘I have a
railroad section car mfg. by the Adams Co., Chicago, Illinois. Was
this engine made by the company that made road building equipment?
Engine is two cycle and the flywheel is the wheel that runs on the
rail to drive the car. I have the engine about ready to run hope to
have it in our show in Alexander in September. I have been to a lot
of shows in U.S.A. and Canada and have never seen one of these
engines. Any information will be appreciated.’
RICHARD WINDSOR, Box 202, 11955 Allegan, Irving, New York 14081
needs a question answered: ‘I am restoring a 8 HP Patten gas
engine, but I have a problem. The engine is complete all but a
flange that goes over a 2 ‘ hole on the left side. What I am
trying to find out is what is this hole for? It is either an
auxiliary exhaust, an auxiliary intake or a water hole for water.
There should be someone out there that has run one of these, for it
is on a little power pump, an oil well, which is pictured in the
Wendel’s American Gasoline Engs. on page 384.’
Seeking advice on the following, RUSSELL N. WARREN, 1091 4th
Street, Los Alamos, New Mexico, 87544 sends this: ‘I recently
obtained the engine pictured. It is called a Hurst Greyhound, 3 HP,
manufactured by the H. L. Hurst Mfg. Co. in Canton, Ohio. Mr. Owen
Hartley had a letter in Smoke Rings in the Mar-Apr. ’84 issue
on page 15 about the same engine. Notice how the valves and spark
plug are all in a separate cut-out piece that can be taken off. The
number on mine is 3 610.I have found some old ads from the company
in the Breeders Gazette about 1914 or 15. They manufactured
sprayers. I found one ad in a Country Gentleman that just
advertised the engine alone. Does anyone have any information about
this engine-color, dates, etc? All letters will he
A letter sails in from RAYMOND SCHOLL, Route 1 Box 459-A, Sugar
Grove, North Carolina 28679. Phone 704-297-4406: ‘I have
recently acquired a 1 HP Springfield mfg. at Springfield, Ohio. The
engine has side shaft and cross shaft across the front of the
cylinder. The governor is driven by a round belt and the flywheels
have five spokes. The engine weighs a whopping 550 pounds. Does
anyone out in Engine Land know the correct color scheme and pin
striping pattern? There are traces of maroon and in some places
dark green over maroon. Can anyone tell me the year of manufacture?
It is 1 HP #2820 Type A. This engine was operated on natural gas
and is of the 4 cycle type. I would also appreciate hearing from
other Springfield owners. Have a good summer and keep the flywheels
Perhaps this is a new find for many of you folk sit sounds like
a good place to visit on your list of museums. ELMER WINN, 665
Highland Park Drive, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808 sends this:
‘Recently while my wife, Joan, and I were on vacation in
Arizona, we had a pleasant surprise. We were visiting the small
mountain town of Jerome, and found the ‘Gold King Mine &l
Museum.’ From about a quarter of a mile away we could see a
large gas engine hard at work. The engine turned out to be an open
crankcase 30 HP Witte sawing firewood. We learned this engine runs
8 hours a day, 7 days a week and has not missed a day in nearly two
‘The Gold King Mine & Museum is a ‘Hands On’
mine museum 18 years in the making by Don & Terry Robertson.
They have a children’s petting farm, an Assay Office, a
Blacksmith Shop and the ever present Boot Hill. There were many gas
engines on display from HP to 80 HP.
‘As an owner of a Fairbanks Morse Type H 6 HP I was
especially interested in Don’s Fairbanks Morse collection. Some
I noted were a 1 HP Type Z Headless, a 3 HP Type Z, a 1 HP and a 2
HP Style D, a 7 HP Type ZC, a 15 HP Type N, a 22 HP Type N
Sectionalized Hoist and a huge three cylinder 80 HP Type R. Other
engines were a 50 HP West coast Side-shaft, a 1937 Maytag lawnmower
and a 5 HP Pierson with a flywheel that contains the radiator.
‘The entrance to the museum is through a gift shop featuring
paintings by Terry Robertson. She paints on ‘found objects’
such as saws, gold pans, old skillets, old shovels, flat rocks and
barn wood.
‘The Gold King Mine also has a picnic area and campground
with restrooms and hot showers. So if you are ever in this area I
would recommend stopping by and trying some of Don &.
Terry’s hospitality.’ (Sounds like something a bit new
and no doubt a good place to stop when traveling).
JOHN R. RESCH, 216 Coleman Avenue, Spencerport, New York 14559
sends this: ‘I have been receiving your magazine since 1971 and
I have every issue. Every once in a while, I go to the basement and
get an envelope of them. I keep each year in a separate envelope. I
want to take time to comment on this wonderful magazine. It is the
only magazine I know of in which everything you read is good. Every
other magazine I pick up has some smut of some kind, but not G.E.M.
Thanks for a magazine such as this!
‘I would like to know if someone who reads this magazine
could possibly help me. I have recently acquired a Waterloo Boy gas
engine, about 2 HP. According to C. H. Wendel’s book, they only
made this engine one year. I think it’s 1912 and I would like
to find someone who has an engine like this as there are a few
things that need repair. I need to know more about ignition,
painting and striping etc. Thanks again for a beautiful
‘Enclosed are two photographs of a one-lung engine I located
in a field. I wonder if you might recognize the make. Looking
through old books, I think it might be a Ferro Special, but I am
not sure. Any advice will be of assistance to me,’ writes
JOSEPH A. KOVACS, Box 857, Gold River, British Columbia, Canada
NORMAN W. NYHOF, Route 1, Oostburg, Wisconsin 53070 sends out a
call for help as he asks: ‘Does anyone out there in Engine Land
have any information on a 1924 Fuller &. Johnson? I would
especially like to know the combined weight of the connecting rod
and 3’ piston complete with bearings, rings and wrist pin.
direct connected Fuller & Johnson power plant as shown on page
192 of Wendel’s American Gasoline Engines.
I received this lite plant a short time ago and any information
would be very much appreciated. Many thanks!’
A very informative letter comes from ANTHONY BAKKEN JR., 2175
Mangum Road, Memphis, Tennessee 38134: ‘If anybody wants
information on the IHC Type L engine I have it as I own the 33rd
one built. Engine numbers went from 101 to 600 so only 499 were
This comes out of the last engine parts book that IHC printed in
6-27-38, EC*1-A Parts Catalog-McCormick-Deering Engines. ENGINE
SERIAL NUMBERS (Built at Milwaukee Works, 1714 West Bruce Street,
Milwaukee, Wis. Serial shop number is stamped on name-plate only).
Engines are numbered as follows: 1 HP Type ‘L’, Gasoline,
skidded(500 R.P.M.).. .EW101 to EW600 made in 1929Magneto Used Wico
This book also covers LA 1 235 HP Type M 1, 3, 6, 10 HP; Type L
1 HP. Also has all serial numbers for above and year
A story for the Engine Buddies to enjoy comes from ROY HOUGH,
Sun field, Michigan 48890: ‘I want to tell you the story of my
1924 International truck. We bought the truck twenty years ago and
at the time it had a well rig on it. We junked the well rig, as it
was constructed entirely of wood and was of no use. For the next
several years we drove it around our yard without rack and
unrestored. Five years ago in the fall, the bumble bees made a nest
in the clutch housing. The next spring we started the truck and
drove it around the yard as usual. But, the following spring, we
were unable to push the clutch pedal in. Then decided it was time
to restore the whole thing. Running it with the bee’s nest in
the clutch housing mixed the nest honey and the honeycomb all
together and rusted the clutch plates so badly we had to make new
ones out of stainless steel. This would solve the rust problem.
Next, we went to work on the cab, the cowl and doors. They are
steel and only needed cleaning, but we had to completely rebuild
the wooden part of the cab; also had to make a new seat and back
rest. We made the rack and side racks out of seasoned oak all the
metal fittings are stainless steel. The only work needed on the
engine was a stuck valve. The old engine starts and runs like a
Each year we run it in our Sun field Farmer’s Picnic. In
1981 we were asked to run it in the parade at Grand Rapids,
Michigan for the dedication of the Gerald R. Ford Museum. In 1982
we ran the truck in the Holland Tulip Parade, Holland, Michigan.
Each Fourth of July we go to Cascade, Michigan where my daughter
lives and we take the grandchildren and their friends and run it in
their annual parade. Up until now the old truck has not missed a
‘It’s me again, with a report on our show,’ says
JAMES DEKLE, 430 Colton Avenue, Thomasville, Georgia 31792.
‘Yep, it’s over!! I’m talking about the 2nd Annual Deep
South Gas and Steam Engine Show held at the Deep South Fairgrounds,
in Thomasville March 24th and 25th. By anyone’s criteria, we
have to deem this show, from the exhibitor’s standpoint, a
colossal success with 38 exhibitors showing 130 gas engines, three
antique tractors and five steam engines.
To add frosting, there were two tables of very old hand-operated
machines, two grist mills and a few antique automobiles. Several
miniature gas and steam model engines rounded out the running
Collectors were mostly from the southern states, with a few far
away exhibitors as was M. L. Forbes from Marshalltown, Iowa. It was
good to hear Mr. Forbes say, ‘Thomasville was certainly worth
the trip.’
The weather, though threatening, cooperated beautifully with
only a light rain early Sunday morning. Our Sunday church service
drew 30 worshippers and we were blessed with an excellent speaker,
The Rev. Mike Evans from Deltona, Florida.
Our show is free to the public, no admission fee for viewing or
parking, and a cordial invitation is issued for those who missed
this year to mark their calendars.’
K. E. WOOLLEY, P.O. Box 1049, Laverne, Oklahoma 73848 would like
to know the original colors of the 16-32 Leader tractor, wheels and
body. Tractor was manufactured until 1920.
In the May-June issue of G.E.M. page 17, we printed a letter
from DONALD L. SMITH who was asking for some information on a 5 HP
Stickney #23717 engine. We inadvertedly left out Mr. Smith’s
full address. For anyone having any information, his address is
R.R.I, Box 2784, Laurel, Montana 59044.
Lots of good letters in this issue so I won’t take up much
more of your time except to say Home is the place where we are
treated best and grumble most isn’t it great to go home??–Bye
Bye Love Ya All Keep writ in’ GEMuinely, Anna Mae