Well, I am sure we must be in the prime time of Gas Engine
Reunions, wouldn’t you say-and have you noticed?? Each year
there are more organizations, more shows which means more good
times and more good friends-aren’t you glad you are hooked-??on
gas engines!
And now I’ll get right into the letters for I know you wait
from issue to issue to hear from your ‘hobby buddies.’
We’ll begin with JOHN KEIM’s letter. John lives at R.R.
1, Fairview, Kansas 66425 and he tells us: ‘After reading one
way of unsticking a piston, I would like to share our method of
doing it. This system will only work if the valves are either stuck
shut or can close.
The first thing to do is fill the cylinder with gun grease. Then
make a fitting to fit the sparkplug hole; probably an old bolt
would work. Saw the bolt off so it is about 1 or 2 inches long.
Then drill a hole through the center of it. After that, thread the
hold so a grease fitting will screw in it. Then put the fitting
into the sparkplug hole. Next, get your grease gun and put it on
the grease fitting and start pumping.
The grease gun can put thousands of pounds of pressure per
square inch on the piston while expanding the cylinder. You will
hear a POP every few pumps. This is, by far, the easiest process
for unfreezing a piston, that we have used and hope someone else
will find it to be successful for themselves.’ (Thanks John,
I’ll bet you will find some takers on this process of
unsticking those pistons. And that is what this column is all about
the ping each other with their engine problems-and of course,
enjoying it!)
PAINTERS! Please help KEITH E. MATHEWS, R.R. 1, LeRoy, Illinois
61752 with his requests as he types his thoughts to you. ‘I
have recently acquired in good running condition, a 1 HP E.
Hercules gas engine on trucks. The engine serial number is 250896.
I would like to know the model year and how to remove the old
paint. It has been repainted and I am told it is the wrong color
(now a dark green). I need to know the proper paint color, pin
stripe detail and color, what color to paint the trucks and
location of the decals.
Thanks for all the help your readers might send me.’
‘I have an old Allis Chalmers tractor with the serial number
RC3413. Could you tell me the year it was made and the color
scheme? Or tell me of someone who can? Thanks a bunch! Write DUANE
F. FISHER, Route 2, Box 236, Fincastle, Virginia 24090.’ (Drop
him a card friends.)
GARSON R. FIELDS, JR. writes: ‘As a new subscriber to your
publication, I wanted to drop you a note to tell you how much I
enjoy your informative magazine.
I have been collecting engines for over a year and recently
purchased a Boviard and Sayfang upright 5 HP air-cooled engine. The
serial number is 740. The engine is complete except for the torch
and chimney assembly that surround the ignitor tube and I was
wondering if any of the readers might be able to shed some light on
the design of this.
Also I am interested in the gas accumulator bag that would have
to go on the natural gas feed line.
The engine appears to have original green paint on it which is
in very good condition, but I am not sure that in fact this is the
original paint and if any of your readers can shed any light on
this, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thus far, I have only located two other similar engines in New
England and we are all without the torch assembly so any help that
could be given would help three engines in their attempt to come
back to their original condition.
Any correspondence with me should be sent to Box 277, Leeds,
Massachusetts 01053.’
This letter comes in answer to a request from GEM and Mr. Mills
of Roanoke, Indiana regarding glass tube cutting. Perhaps some of
you will be glad to read this from O. G. MADDEN, 116 Dolbeare
Drive, Louisiana, Missouri 63353: ‘Nothing beats the proper
tool. However, if one is cutting sight glasses for boilers, six (6)
inches or longer, I have found by being very careful a good copper
tube cutter will do the job. One must use extreme care while
marking the glass, as the tube will probably not be perfectly
round. Care must be taken to keep the pressure even while marking
the tube.
For short pieces, such as sight glasses in oilers, one (1) inch
or less, then a glass tube cutter made like a chain vice with a
cutter in each link is the only way that I know how to cut it. Even
with this type of cutter extreme care must be
taken or you will wind up with a bunch of broken glass.’
Sparkplug Veterans attention! Help answer a problem for EUGENE
F. KOVARIK, R.R. 2, Waucoma, Iowa 52171: ‘I need help with a
John Deere model E serial number 303634 3 HP engine. When I got
this engine the low tension magneto had hardly any spark. I charged
the magnets, still no more spark. Then I sent it to Chicago for an
expensive paint job, but it wasn’t any better. Hope someone in
Gas Engine Land can give me some ideas to get this mag sparked
A beautiful engine invented by BEN ROMICH, 13875 Cleveland Road,
Creston, Ohio 44217 and he sends a picture take a look! ‘In
your March-April ’81 issue you ask for a show of interest in
models. Here is one subscriber that has been ‘looking for the
mail’ since Volume 1, number 1, Jan.-Feb. 1966. I have always
had an appreciation for all collectors that have the ability to
make that missing part or repair the broken one and I think that
takes in everyone in this hobby. I also believe anyone can build a
small engine or cause a wheel to turn, by some means. That is where
the satisfaction is.
I would like to see more pictures and letters from ‘scrap
iron specialists’ for when an engine emerges from the scrap
pile it is quite a thrill.’
A new member of the hobby is making his debut to GEM with this
letter as ERNEST L. PEASE, Route 2, Box 160, Harpursville, New York
13787 writes: ‘I became a gas nut about six months ago. I find
your Smoke Rings interesting. I could use some help from your
I bought a small neat tractor and would like to know if the
manufacturer is still around, its value, how many were made and for
how long? I’ve never seen one nor has any of my friends. It was
made by Empire Tractor Corp. A brass plate on the left side of the
hood has this printed on it. It has an oval globe with the tractor
picture on it. Empire Tractor Corp., Philadelphia U.S.A. New York.
Another brass plate on the dash shows a shifting diagram on half of
it and the following information on the other half: Empire Tractor
Corp. S.N. 5943, Mfg. 11-47 Engine #J150947, Model 90. The engine
says Willy’s Jeep on the head. Nearly everything else is jeep
parts, has individual wheel brakes, a belt pulley in back. High and
low range 3 speeds ahead1 Rev. hand pull and lock trouble. Small
hyd cylinder to raise tool bar. Painted ‘Cat’ yellow. Has 9
x 24 farm tractor tires on rear. Ribbed on front. Everything is
working but 1 ex. valve. It has been stored in a barn 23 years. I
guess it was made from surplus WW II jeep parts. Looks like it
should be a collector’s item.
Hope I hear from someone out there that can tell me more about
this neat little tractor and what became of its manufacturer and
its present value. I’ll have her running as soon as I can pull
the head and free that one ex. valve.’
Take time and send a card to LOUIS MILLER, 807 Pine, Georgetown,
Texas 78626 and tell him the color of a 17-30 Minneapolis model B
tractor. He’ll be very appreciative.
Thank you for helping me in the March-April GEM states DUANE L.
McNABB, 4011 West Paget Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85021. ‘I
received a letter from Mr. Hallead in Michigan and I quote: ‘I
have no proof, but I suspect your corn grinder was manufactured by
Associated Manufacturers Company, Waterloo, Iowa. They were selling
engines and other machines including feed grinders under Associated
name until 1920, after which their name was changed to
‘Perhaps the note will jar a few more ideas about the last
word being Bull on the hopper. Thank you.’
A statement comes from EDWIN L. WARNICK III, 3606 Sky view
Drive, Huntington, West Virginia 25701. Ed says, ‘I have a 6 HP
Fairbanks Morse Z engine, serial number 455578 and a LeRoi 2
cylinder hopper cooled engine, serial number 43933. I would like to
know make and serial number of mag for the LeRoi. I am in the
process of restoring these engines and would like to know the date
of manufacture, color schemes and any additional information that
might be available. I will appreciate very much hearing from anyone
that can help.’ (Watch the mail box, Ed, you’ll get some
JUNE MORRISON, Route 1, Salt Rock, West Virginia 25559 has a 4
HP Acme engine and would like to see some pictures of the central
rods and linkage. Parts could be made if pictures would be
available. It is a 4′ bore engine. Please write above address
if you can provide the pictures or advice.
Hey guys! Many of you know dates of engines manufactured or
color or HP or etc. Get your pens ready as JIM GREENAWALT, 308
Sequoyah, Altus, Oklahoma 73521 needs your help.
Jim has recently gotten into collecting old one cylinder engines
and would like the year of manufacture, color and anything
informative on his restorable engines. They are an International
Harvester, LAA53935, 1 to 2 HP, 300-500 RPM; Emerson-Brantingham,
40902, 1 HP, 500 RPM, type H; Cushman Cub horizontal, 71856, 3 HP,
800 RPM, model R20; Cushman Cub horizontal, 78351, 4 HP, 850 RPM,
model R3 missing carburetor and Fairbanks-Morse, 174555, 6 HP, 400
Appreciation shows through this note as SAM MENDENHALL, 1088 N.
West Street, Galesburg, Illinois 61401 sends this: ‘I would
like to correspond or talk with anyone who knows or has any
information, pictures, colors, technical data, etc. on the Pine
Tree Milker, vertical 2 HP. Thanking you in advance I would also
like to thank the GEM readers who answered my last plea for help.
My phone number is 309-342-5783.’
‘Dear GEM Smoke Rings Greetings from Plains, Georgia.
It’s mighty hot and dry, but we keep on plugging away at the
old engines. I made a trip up home to Maine recently and picked up
several nice engines and am seeking some data on two of them.
First, the air-cooled engine, in picture, is one that has me
baffled. I have seen every size and shape air-cooled engine, but
this one is altogether different. The only sure information that
has been passed down is that it was bought in 1905. There also was
the thought that it is a Reliance, however, it is not like any
Reliance I have seen. Reliance engines are like Ideal sat least the
ones I’ve seen and have sparkplug ignition and the rocker arm
and valves are underneath. This engine is rather large, 6 HP, I
think. The bore and stroke are 55/8‘ x
7’. The crankshaft has bolted-on counterweights like a steam
engine. For some reason there are two exhaust outlets, one at each
end of the cylinder. The igniter is in two parts, the trip part
(ground) is on the side and the insulated part is on the end. Both
parts are made in a pipe-thread fashion. Gas tank is in the base
casting and the governor weights are behind the protective cover
shown on the flywheel. It is red with a very fancy black and gold
pin striping. It has a brass carburetor much like the Associated.
Also the governor latch, governor speed yoke and all ignitor parts
are brass. The engine runs unusually smooth and steady and has a
good working speed control. Any help in identifying this engine
would be greatly appreciated.
The other engine, we know what it is, but would like to know the
approximate age. I feel that it must be very old. It is a Domestic
side-shaft 2 HP, serial number 2732. It is a pumping engine and is
complete with pump jack. The hopper is open all the way around the
top. It has a round bronze rod and brass fuel pump. Of all the
Domestics I have seen at the shows, this one is much older. The
flywheels are bigger than other 2 HP models I’ve seen, runs
Hope to hear from some of the old-timers about these two
engines. Also would like to invite anyone traveling through to stop
and pay us a visit. We are 5 miles from Plains on U.S. 280. A lot
of retired folks pass by on the way to Florida, not realizing we
are here.’ (How very nice! So many of our GEM family are so
cordial and would love to have you stop and visit. Often this is
expressed in their writings and we enter it in the column if they
request. These fellows and gals who have this interest really are
close like a family. What a nice hobby that brings folks together
this way. I can see Elmer smiling as I write this and I’m sure
this wouldn’t surprise him.)
If you can help our friend from Plains, Georgia or if you want
to stop and see him, here is the address. ED LOWELL, P.O. Box 20,
Americus, Georgia 31709 or talk with him at 912-924-1744.
Plowing the Old Way is written on this picture and the letter
comes from DAVID J. WILLIAMSON, R.R. 1, Williamsburg, Indiana
47393: ‘Recently we plowed with our old tractors and thought
you would like to have a picture. We plowed with this 1935 (Bertha)
W-30, a 1937 A John Deere, 1936 Oliver 70, 1938 WK-40 and a 1939
F-20. My daughter Emily is riding with me on the W-30.
We love collecting tractors and talking to all the good people
who collect. I enjoy reading your magazine and look forward to each
Another comment on a previous letter as ROY M. NISSLEY, R.D. 3,
Box 290, Manheim, Pennsylvania 17545 writes: ‘May-June issue
Rink Mills, Roanoke, Indiana asks information on glass tube
cutting. I did some cutting with a fine 3-cornered file with
turpentine as a coolant, a cutting compound. I also used the
3-cornered file ground blunt on the end to drill a hole in the
bottom of the glass jar.
I have Gas Engine Fever too. I have several engines that all run
very well. I enjoy the gas news very much.’
Is there anyone out there that is knowledgeable about the
research and development of the 2 cylinder John Deere tractors? If
so, please get your pencil and write JERRY R. EASON, 321 Lakeview
Drive, New Johnsonville, Tennessee 37134. Phone 615-535-2017. Jerry
feels there must be some records, literature or some means by which
he can find some data on this tractor. He is especially interested
in the D and G models, their prototypes and development over the
years. A response would be greatly appreciated.’
A letter comes from one of our younger members of the GEM family
as JOE WIRTH, 5 East 6th Street, Prophetstown, Illinois 61277
writes: ‘I am 15 years old and collect old gas tractors with my
dad and grandfather. We have many Case International and Hart Parr
tractors and also many John Deere tractors. But one of the most
unusual and rare tractors is a 1946 or 47 LEHR tractor. It is
powered by a six cylinder Chrysler Industrial engine. It is much
like the Custom tractor that came along in 1950. What we need to
know about it, is the lettering, striping and etc. on the hood. All
information will be appreciated.’
(Try and help Joe find the data he is seeking, guys, and also we
hope to hear from Joe againperhaps in the future, you will write a
story of your engine. Joe, we’ll be looking for it.)
And you sitting there, reading this-remember a time or two you
were going to write a story but put it off, or thought we
wouldn’t want it you are wrong! Get busy and put your thoughts
together and mail it in to us. We’ll try and use it.)
L. H. LUCKADO, 9201 Guilford Road, Box 152, Columbia, Maryland
21045 answers Mr. Hoge who had written in a previous column of
Smoke Rings: ‘I understand you wish to operate an engine on
coal dust or smoke. As a small boy, probably 58 years ago, my
father who was a millwright on flour mills talked with a miller
some place in the Charlotesville area who had bought a new engine
designed to run on pulverized soft coal.
It generally took 3 or 4 hours to get it started and in a
week’s time cinders in the coal had scarred the cylinder wall
and was full of clinkers and he was ready to take a sledge hammer
and junk it.
My father told him it was made by a well known company that made
steam engines and oil and gas engines and air compressors in later
years. What his problem was and since he had spent a lot of money
for the engine, my father thought they would give him a big
trade-in on an oil engine, or probably he could buy just the new
head and cylinder and directions to change it to an oil engine. I
believe he changed to an oil engine and the company wrote they were
experimenting with heating coal with exhaust in a separate box and
then filter the smoke and burn it and they wanted him to try that,
but he had had his share of coal.
I do not know the mill or the miller’s name or exact place
or any of the details, as I was very young at the time. I have
worked in a modern steam generating station and soft coal smoke has
made acids and the fly ash has everything from gold and silver that
can be collected from it.’ (Mr. Luckado sent this writing to
Mr. Hoge, but he wanted it in Smoke Rings, thinking many of you
would be interested in it.)
Now, maybe you can help this man, not just to answer a question,
but to give him notes and facts, and perhaps a call; as he is
writing a book and you may be able to help make it happen. STAN
GRAYSON, 249 Mt. Lucas Road, Princeton, New Jersey 08540, phone
609-924-0091 is going to write a book about early marine engines.
He would like to hear from anyone who collects such engines or who
has historical information about particular companies.
A newcomer speaks up: WILLIAM S. CRONAN IV, 8471 Lemon Ave.,
LaMesa, California 92041 writes: ‘I am fairly new at engine
collecting. I just kind of fell into collecting marine engines. My
first is a 2 cylinder upright built by the Buffalo Gasoline Motor
Works. It is a 2 HP and needs much attention.
My main concern is my newest-an outboard. It is a two cycle, one
cylinder, approximately 2′ bore, 2-7/16′ stroke. Single
flywheel on top, approximately 9′ O.D., with a wood handle on
it for starting. Top main bearing has a grease cup. Most of the
engine is brass. The motor was stationary and it has a rudder that
hangs off the back behind the prop. It uses a model T sparkplug.
Can any of you engine buffs help with a name, year, horsepower
etc.? Can’t find a name anywhere, but a friend suggests it is
about 1910 manufacture date as it is very primitive. Enclosed is a
photo. This little marvel runs like a champ, but it is an orphan.
Please let this little jewel know his origin. Any information
sincerely appreciated. Thanks to you all and to a great
PAT AUMILLER, 330 Clifford Avenue, Union City, Indiana 47390 has
a Sheffield 3-wheel motor car (RR) and would like to correspond
with someone who has one or knows of one. Fairbanks bought out this
company in 1906.
Excited about his new find IRVING PHAROAH, 16 Debra Drive, Apt.
210, Potsdam, New York 13676 says: ‘I have located an engine.
The only marking is the name on the side of the water hopper,
Dazzle PATCH. I would like some information about these engines.
Someone told me they never made under a 5 horsepower. This one is
about a 1 HP.’ (Ever hear of a Dazzle PATCH engine,
Requesting his letter to go in Smoke Rings, EUGENE LABONTE,
Route 171, Woodstock Valley, Connecticut 06282 writes: ‘A while
back I purchased a shed which had an engine in it. The brass plate
attached on the engine says: Ellis Engines-Detroit, Michigan USA
No. 13093 HP. It is a vertical, one cylinder, with a water coolant
tank on the side. It has a flyball governor, and there is no valve
gear on the head. I’ve been told it is two cycle by some and
that it is 4 cycle with a slide valve mechanism by others. As I
would like to restore this engine, I would appreciate if anyone
could give me anything concerning operation, original colors, year
of manufacture, etc.’
GLENN KIRTON, Box 2271, Bracebridge, Ontario, Canada POB1C0
sends this: ‘As a new collector of gas engines for the past 3
years, I have several engines that I need help with as I restore
them. One is a T & M hit and miss, about 2-3 HP. I have no
colors, year of manufacture or anything on it. Second is an Olds
Type A #3, 4 HP and an Olds Type A #4, 6 HP. I do not have any
serial numbers on these as the plates are gone. I would like to
correspond with anyone in regards to the above engines.
I also have a F-M serial number C7517, Canadian possibly,
vertical, with water tank fastened to top of cylinder and to one
side, possibly 4 HP. I sure enjoy GEM and all the letters and
articles in it.’
KEITH McGILL, R.D. 3, Box 412, Washington, Pennsylvania 15301 is
a man with two questions as he sends along this letter:
‘Question #1How do you time a 1 HP Sandwich engine? I can find
an arrow on the crankshaft bearing cap, but no corresponding mark
on the cam gear. Question #2Could the Maytag mixing cans sold by
Herby Lane and advertised in your magazine be reproductions? I have
several very old mixing cans, as well as one from Herby and there
are many differences. (I’m sorry, Keith, I just don’t know
but perhaps you could ask the Herby Lane advertisers. If yours are
so different doesn’t sound like they are reproductions.)
Keep up the good work, and encourage your vast readership to
contribute more ‘How To’ articles.’
This short letter comes from JAMES ARMSTRONG, E. 1828 Joseph
Avenue, Spokane, Washington 99207 as he writes: ‘I am writing
in regard to a Case gas tractor made around 1925-27. The engine was
cross mounted. If I am right, they made two sizes, one I believe
was a 15-27, the other one was smaller. The exhaust pipe on the
larger engine was at a 45 degree. The smaller one I do not know. On
page 75 in your magazine of March-April, the picture on top of the
third picture left to right looks like the smaller tractor. The
larger tractor looks quite the same.’ I would like information
on both, please!’
We love to hear from our younger enthusiasts as well as those
who have been in the GEM family for years. BARRY CHORUM, R.D. 1,
Reeds, Missouri 64859 is one of our younger group and he writes:
‘I am hoping someone out there can answer my questions. I am 16
years old and have been collecting Tired Iron for about three
years. My first engine was a 1 HP Monitor which I restored to
original running condition.
Since then I have acquired several more engines including a 7 HP
Witte, serial number B34680. This engine is missing the magneto and
also has a model T carburetor. The push rod is also missing. Can
anyone tell me what type of magneto this had and what type of
carburetor? Also, what color this engine was painted? I was told
this engine was throttle-governed because it has a small rod
running from the governor to the carburetor. Any help I can get
will be very much appreciated.’
Enclosed is a picture of our 20-35 Flour City, serial number
1641. We would like to hear from other owners of this rare model.
This comes from JOE HABEGAR, Madison, South Dakota 57042. (See
Any information will be appreciated by this novice collector as
he writes: ‘Recently I acquired a Model GM John Deere tractor
and I would like to know the years they were made? Also would like
to know how many were made. Were the GM’s serial numbers
running concurrently with the G’s?’ Address is JOHN
HERPICH, R.R. 2, Box 302, Troy, Kansas 66087.
HALSEY GENUNG, R.D. 2, Box 178, Pittstown, New Jersey 08867
writes: ‘I came into the possession of a 3-wheel Silver King
tractor that I am trying to restore. I have talked to some people
who have helped some, from memory. I now believe this is a 1940
tractor; serial number is 4604. I need more help!
This tractor has a cast iron grill, a Continental engine with
starter, a 750 x 16 front tire, 36′ rims in rear and solid cast
I would like to know the oil capacity of this transmission,
rear, also capacity of each of the wheel gear boxes. And anything
about the brakes as adjustment etc.
There also has been some conflict about color. Should the engine
be silver or grey? Is the starter, generator, oil filter, magneto
and fan black? What color is the governor? Everyone agrees on red
wheels, however, some say red rims, others say silver rims.
The rear wheels have five nuts on studs around each hub. It
would appear that with the nuts removed the wheels would come
off-they won’t!
Anything you can tell me will be appreciated.’ (Get the
letters going to Halsey, fellows I am sure he will be watching the
‘I would like some information on the date of manufacture of
several engines,’ says DAVID BEATTIE, P.O. Box 2, Conway,
Kansas 67434, phone 316-834-2262. He continues, ‘One of the
engines is a 4 HP horizontal cylinder with water hopper Fairbanks
Morse, mag and igniter with open crank, serial number 147134. Also,
a 1 HP Cushman, serial number 8531, model 21, type T, horizontal
cylinder with open crank and headless. Also 2 HP Waterloo Boy,
serial number 201476 kerosene (model K?) with horizontal cylinder,
open crank, Webster Tri-Polar mag and igniter.’ (David would
like any serial number lists on the above engines and thanks you
for your assistance.)
Speaking of lists on engines, our next letter comes from MILTON
W. FOX, R.R. 1, Bicknell, Indiana 47512 as he tells us: ‘In the
Sept.-Oct. 1976 issue of GEM you ran an article for me entitled
‘Help Research International Harvester Tractors.’ I
received many letters on this and a hearty thanks to all those that
answered my article. Thanks is not enough so I want everyone that
is interested to know that I have three sheets typed up on the IHC.
If anyone is interested in obtaining these, they may have them by
sending me a self addressed stamped envelope.’ (There fellows,
that’s a nice gesture, write to Milton and get your tractor
listthis GEM family is very helpful to all the members and
interested hobbyists.)
KEN DOHERTY, R.R. 2, Geneva, Indiana 46740 has a gas engine and
would like to know the original color and the year it was
manufactured. His engine is a Woodpecker manufactured by the
Middletown Machine Company, Middletown, Ohio 6 HP, type KS, serial
number 21223, speed 375. (Please help him out if you can.) Says
Ken, ‘as a subscriber to GEM, I wish to compliment you for your
very interesting magazine. I read it cover to cover, each section
and article.’ (Thanks Ken, we appreciate your comment.)
A snapshot comes from THOMAS REGISTER, III, 3254 Julington Creek
Road, Jacksonville, Florida 32223 with his letter: ‘This
snapshot is of my 1924 Lindsey air compressor. Anyone that could
share any information on this unit, I surely will be grateful and
will answer you back.
I am a member of the Florida Fly-wheelers, a really fine engine
club. I recently acquired a new 1915 Dubree marine engine. It uses
a model T Ford rod and piston. I have 12 other engines in my
collection. I also collect blacksmith equipment and
A note of interest to everyone comes from RAY TOLER, 3305 Poplar
Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71603 as he first asks, ‘Did you
ever hear of rubbing a tombstone? You can do the same with
machinery nameplates. Enclosed is a sample rubbing from my Troy
engine. I use newsprint and a soft pencil.
I would like to know more about the Troy Engine & Machine
Company.’ (This could be of interest to both steam and gas
enthusiasts, both the rubbings and the history of the Troy Engine
Company; let’s hear from you men if you can get some historical
data and also if you use this type of rubbing to record data.)
People with problems that makes up a good bit of this column as
they love to help each others here comes a letter that says Hi and
Help!! It comes from RAY S. THURMAN, Route 1, Fergus Falls,
Minnesota 56537. ‘About 15 years ago I picked up an engine,
about 1 HP, in a junk pile in western Washington. After all this
time, I finally got the piston loose and now I’m trying to get
it together. Here’s my problem!
There is no nameplate on it, only parts numbers as follows: the
governor slides on the crankshaft just inside the left wheel with
the number A.K. 226flywheel number is A.K. 214, motor base A.K. 1A,
cylinder block A.K. 213, main bearing caps are A.K. 9. On the
outside of the left bearing cap is a very small No. 7 and on the
right is a small No. 5.
This engine has a Webster mag with an igniter, both work
perfectly after all the years out in the weather. It looks
something like an old Economy King that used to be sold by Sears
Roebuck, but several have looked at it and say it isn’t, so I
am looking to your magazine for help!’
Now here’s a good thought as I’ve often wondered about
this subject myself. This writing comes from JAMES F. CREWS, Star
Route, Box 4, Arbovale, West Virginia 24915: ‘The following is
something you might put in Smoke Rings. The answers might be of
interest to a lot of engine neophytes like myself.
At engine shows one often sees what is called the Baker fan.
Occasionally, in GEM, someone will refer to the Baker fan. Their
use seems to be a means of loading tractors or even engines to
exercise or test them. The people I have talked to at the shows
seem to be rather vague about them. Is there a way to calculate the
horsepower delivered to the fan by the use of formulas or tables?
Just how are the fans used? Where does the word Baker come
from?’ (Please, let’s hear the answers.)
Another engine enthusiast writes with compliments and questions
as MANUEL E. CASTRO, P.O. Box 364, Santa Margarita, California
93453 sends this: ‘First I want to thank all the people who
sent me letters and literature in regards to the engine pictured in
the March-April ’81 issue. I’ve received letters from all
over the United States. I would say the best way to get information
is through Smoke Rings.
Since I wrote last, I’ve picked up four more engines and
have more lined up. I need information with this one. It is an Otto
vertical. It has 24′ flywheels and is 42′ high. I don’t
know the horsepower and don’t know how this engine runs. Does
this engine use a magneto or is it battery powered? The piston is
stuck so I can’t take it apart right now to find out the bore
size and the stroke. The serial number is 9225what does it date?
Collectors around here don’t know the answers either. Otto
engines around here are quite scarce. I also need to know the paint
colors.’ (OK you men that have Otto engines should be able to
help Manuel on this problem.)
Another more recent letter comes from MILTON W. FOX, R.R. 1,
Bicknell, Indiana 47512. This letter is in reference to gas
tractors manufactured by Rumely (Advance Rumely) Company, La Porte,
Indiana. These were known as Rumely Oilpull. (Since this list is
not very long, we will print it as follows:)
In 1912, the M. Rumely Company purchased the Advance Thresher
Company and the Gaar-Scott & Company and later, the
American-Abell Company and the Northwest Thresher Company were
In 1915 the ‘M. Rumely Company’ was reorganized and
called the ‘Advance-Rumely Company.’
In 1924, Advance Rumely bought the Aultman-Taylor Company. In
mid 1931, Allis Chalmers bought out the Advance Rumely Company.
The chart shown below gives a detailed breakdown of
Advance-Rumely/Advance Rumely, La Porte, Indiana | |||
Tractors: Rumely Oilpull | |||
Model | Horsepower | Date | Serial Numbers |
B | 25-40 | 1910-1912 | 1 thru 2936 |
E | 30-60 | 1910-1923 | 101 thru 2503 |
F | 18-35 | 1911-1918 | 5001 thru 9177 |
G | 20-40 | 1918-1919 | 10425 thru 15221 |
1919-1924 | G741 thru G3894 | ||
H | 16-30 | 1917-1919 | 8627 thru 16254 |
1919-1924 | H3751 thru H9645 | ||
K | 12-20 | 1918-1924 | 12000 thru 21018 |
Do All | Rumely | 1928-1931 | 501 thru 3593 |
6-A | Rumely | 1930-1931 | 501 thru 1302 |
L | 15-25 | 1924-1927 | 1 thru 4855 |
M | 20-35 | 1924-1927 | 1 thru 3671 |
R | 25-45 | 1924-1927 | 1 thru 761 |
S | 30-60 | 1924-1928 | 1 thru 514 |
W | 20-30 | 1928-1930 | 1 thru 3952 |
X | 25-40 | 1928-1930 | 1 thru 2400 |
A few of these tractors were converted from the ‘M’ to | |||
Y | 30-50 | 1929 | 1 thru 245 |
A few of these tractors were converted from the ‘M’ to | |||
Z | 40-60 | 1929 | 1 thru 215 |
A few of these tractors were converted from the ‘S’ to | |||
This next letter comes from GEORGE A. MORROW, Wawota,
Saskatchewan, Canada SOG 5A0. There is a sketch with it, which
I’m sure doesn’t mean a lot to many of us. Maybe some of
you will understand and be able to let George know what is the name
of this item. ‘A piece the same shape as the one with the
screws in went over the top and the pieces I have drawn would lie
along side of it. The three pieces were thinly nickel-plated. I
drew the lines around the inside and outside of the article. I
understand you know what many articles are and for what purpose
they are used.’ (Not so, as much as we may be able to get you
the answers just going through the medium of this column here’s
hoping you’ll get some answers and send us the answer too Anna
George continues: ‘This one has file or hacksaw marks on it.
It belonged to a man who had a lathe, but he passed away before I
got hold of the article. I have had it at several antique sales and
showed it to many older people, but they do not know what it
‘We goofed!,’ says JOE SCALES, Rt. 1, Box 323A,
Ridgeway, Virginia 24148 as he writes: ‘I was growling about us
not getting our magazine and here we had let it run out! Well,
while at this, has anyone ever heard of a Turner & Moore marine
engine? It is headless 4 cyl. has built-in hand or foot (?) crank.
This one must be an early one as it has a single digit serial
number or maybe an experimental or prototype engine. Builder’s
plate says Turner & Moore, Detroit, Michigan. #2. Engine is
frozen and has cracked block. I have not tried to free it. Magneto
I also have Domestic 4 HP sideshaft, complete and running. Enjoy
GEM too well, not to get caught missing several issues, so you know
it is good.’
HERMAN SPACER, R.R. 1, Centralia, Kansas 66415 enclosed a
picture with his letter and he is hoping to hear from someone with
same hobby: ‘Enclosed is a picture of a 1935 Cletrac E 76 that
I have almost completed restoration. I have restored cars for
several years and about two years ago my sons got me interested in
old tractors and engines. I have since restored several wheel type
tractors. I have noticed that most people acquire crawler type
tractors then leave them sit. I now understand why. There is
considerable more time, effort, and expense involved in just the
tracks and sprockets than there is in most popular model wheel
I also am presently restoring a model H Cletrac. The small model
produced in the 1918-1920 period. The tracks and sprokets are
restored and am in the process of rebuilding the engine. The gear
has A335 stamped on it. I would sure appreciate hearing from
I received this short note and I thought I had the answer for
him, but I’ve looked and looked and can’t find it. CARLTON
PERRY, R.D. 1, Box 190, Putnam Valley, New York 10579 writes:
‘Please help me find name and address of person that wrote the
letter on page 15 of Jan.-Feb. 1981. It is the center column and
center letter. I would like to write to this person and I think I
can help him. I sure enjoy Smoke Rings. Thanking you for your
In closing let me say to all of you wonderful folks-enjoy your
summer and the meeting of old friends and the making of new
acquaintances who will probably become good friends. You know, I
don’t know when I’ve ever heard that the Gas or Steam
Engine Followers weren’t a compatible group. I always hear how
friendly and helpful each of you are I wonder if all hobbies
promote such everlasting friendships? Maybe it is just that all
happy and friendly folks like this hobby!
And a few words to ponder: Of all things you wear your
expression is the most important. All people smile in the same
language. Have no friends you dare not bring home. A true friend is
one who knows all about you and loves you just the same. Love ya
each and everyone.