Well, I don’t know about you, but it takes all my vim and
vigor (I have my own energy crisis, you see) to keep up with the
events of daily living. First of all, this time of year is a busy
time for everyone with banquets, meetings, etc.
We have a pretty active family at home yet. Tommy, age 9, is of
course out again for Pony Baseball (so have the meals ready, Mom,
at all different hours for all kinds of activities that end or
begin at all times-there’s always a meal warming in the oven
for one of them, or dishes in the sink-after they were just all
cleaned up and put away–oh well, I wouldn’t wish it any other
way, I count my Blessings every day – sometimes I just don’t
have the pep to enjoy them all). Also, I’ve been helping at Cub
Scouts one hour a week – we had our last weekly meeting for the
summer – (now let me see – what will I do with that extra
Then there is Keli, age 17, who has been having quite a busy
spring -Sports Banquet where she received a trophy for Most
Improved Basketball Player – (after a broken finger and a sprained
ankle) to become most improved – that’s something, but
that’s not a very comfortable way to do it. We’re very
happy for her. Then there was Baccalaureate Services, Graduation
and the excitement of the Senior Prom – was it really time for her
graduate?? Where did all those precious years go??). Incidentally,
she’s my side-kick and even helps me with some of the typing at
which she is very able.
And then Donnie is still with us, age 20, and he had a
Firemen’s Banquet which we attended and he received the
‘Rookie of the Year’ award for making 32 out of 36 calls.
These fellows are really to be commended. Donnie is not the fast
moving person in the world, but he is there – when that siren goes
off, he’s jet propelled. What would we do without the volunteer
I guess I told you Hubby Ed is back to work for which we are
very grateful. It was a trying winter with lots of unprepared
happenings, but we’re none the worse for it – God has been with
us all the way.
And now, I must get on with the column – Many of you folks will
remember Dennis McCormack of Timonium, Baltimore, Maryland -as he
used to contribute quite a few pictures to both magazines. He and
his wife have recently built a Cannonball House in St. Michaels -a
Museum to house his collection of engines, drawings, photos, early
tools, records and technical library. I believe it is a 5,000
square foot building constructed on a 250 foot by 75 foot site in
St. Michaels. Like Dennis says, ‘Some people collect furniture
or bird’s egg, I collect engines.’
The McCormacks have been married 45 years and have lived in 26
different locations around the world while he followed a career in
mechanical engineering. He was born in England and left when he was
22 years old. Since his retirement, he has been collecting and
restoring early examples of scale models and full sized steam hot
air and gas engines such as those evolved in 18th, 19th and 20th
Says Dennis, ‘People have hobbies because they hope to leave
something useful behind. I believe it is important to preserve the
stepping stones by which man took himself out of slavery.’
We wish the McCormacks much success with their new venture and
we will be watching for some pictures and some more data one of
these days.
W.J. HICKOK, Amboy, Minnesota 56010 has an unusual request – at
least to me it is — ‘I need some help or advice or call it
what you may. My son, Tom, and myself are collectors and rebuilders
of gas engines. We have quite a few of them. Enough to last me out
–I think– and we still find another now and then. Now here it is
— We want an engine from a foreign country. We’d like it from
Ger many, Denmark, or Sweden, but we don’t know how to go about
it. Can you and will you help us with it? It is going to take some
doing, but I think it can be done.
We have engines from a lot of different places but now we want
one from another country.’ (How about it, Fellers?? –Any
You know we had put out a call for extra Sept-Oct. Gas Engine
Magazines and Iron-Men Album (Sept-Oct. also). We wish to thank you
men who rallied to the cause as we received quite a number of them.
Now, I hope we’re not deluged with mail, but if you are keeping
the complete years and need this one, contact Helen and as long as
they last, we’ll see that you get one.
JOHN E. KINSEY JR., 4 Holly Drive, Saratoga Springs, New York
12866 wants you to know this- ‘So far I believe I have the only
12 HP gearless Olds known. It is complete on wooden trucks and
I’m in the process of restoring it. If anyone, but anyone, has
one of these engines, please let me hear from you no matter how
little you can tell me about this big fellow. When I’m finished
with this engine (in about two years time) I hope to take it to
several shows in our area and maybe help someone else with their
engine. Thank you so much.’ — and he signed it A true G.E.M.
HOWARD SHARRAR, 92 Sussex Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M551K2 is
looking for information on the old Monagon walking drag line, circa
1890 to 1914 that were used out west for irrigation and reservoir
dredgings. Anyone out there know anything about it.
An interesting letter from ROY C. KACHEL, 42919 S.E. 172nd
Place, North Bend, Washington 98045 -also has some questions for
you – As a new subscriber to GEM, I am most impressed with your
magazine and particularly Smoke Rings. Your readers seem willing to
lend a helping hand with information to those, like myself, who
need help in restoration of these remarkable old engines, to
preserve a sound out of the past that our grandchildren have never
During a Canadian vacation, last Sept., I was able to obtain two
gas engines from an ‘old codger’ who assured me that
I’d never be able to make those old junkers run. Well, I have
one restored and running beautifully. It is a Fairbanks Morse, ZC,
3 H.P. However, I confess, I surely do need information and parts
for the second one, which is a vertical Cushman, Mod. C, 4 H.P.,
850 R.P.M., #44232, Pat. No. 14, 1911. The mag is missing, as well
as the crankcase side plate, which, I believe, included a drive for
a water pump. Also, I don’t know whether this model had a gas
tank or a radiator. I need to know the color originally used. Any
Cushman fans that can help me?
Another engine I have is a horizontal 2 cylinder Edwards. It has
a cracked block, and is missing the mag and drive, plus the
carburetor. There is no information on the engine outside the name.
I would guess it would date back to the twenties.
I would like to obtain an ignitor, make and break, open
crankcase engine in the 1-1/2 to 3 H.P. range. I love that old
nostalgic sound and as I work for a school district, I would like
to introduce the young people to one of the greatest sounds on
earth. They seem to enjoy a taste of the past.
LORNE HARRIS, R.R. #2, Dresden, Ontario, Canada NOP 1MO recently
purchased a Sandusky Model J 10-20 tractor. He would very much
appreciate hearing from other owners of these tractors and he
especially would like to know the original color of his engine.
JAY HOEKSTRA, R.F.D. 1, Box 47, Bigelow, Minnesota 56117 sends
this note – ‘Please thank your readers for all of the letters
that I received about our Fuller & Johnson (page 39, col 1, and
letter, May-June issue). The replies I got were all very
helpful.’ (Jay also mentioned that he is 17, his brother is 27.
So glad you could help them.)
JOHN F. HARRIS, R.R. 6, Box 145, Frankfort, Indiana 46041 has a
few words for us – ‘Last fall I went to an auction about five
miles from here and bought a 1940 John Deere model G tractor for
$60.00. I installed a reground crankshaft, ground the valves, had
the governor rebuilt, as well as the carburetor and magneto. I
cleaned and painted it. There are a few finishing touches to add
and I hope to take it to a couple of the shows this year. (So watch
for John and John Deere-Fellows!).
John also goes on: ‘To Mr. and Mrs. George Matthews who
moved from N.J. to Ark. and anyone else who moves–we moved from
S.E. Penna. to central Indiana two years ago. Believe me, we have
no loneliness. I joined three more shows here in Ind., teach Sunday
School and Bible School and farm 240 acres, all with old two
cylinder John Deere tractors. We have no others. We have two model
B. (1940 & 1943), a 1945 model A. and 1940 model AR and 1940
model G. Also have 1951 model A. and two 1952 model 60s. We’re
75% finished corn planting and that’s high. There are four old
pre-1939 JD model As working within 4 miles of us. Also one old
1937 model A with starter applied.’ (Sounds like they have
enough tractors right around there to have a show?).
JON SELZLER, Guthrie, Minnesota 56451 sent along a picture of an
engine he bought recently. It is a 3 HP Galloway, very old as it
has lots of brass. Jon has an ad out of a 1909 Farmer with that
engine shown. He would very much like the readers to tell him if he
could find the original carb. Engine is complete and shows little
RALPH HESS, Route 1, Box 998, Buchanan, Michigan 49107 writes:
‘The letter by Bernard Hann (see page 14 of May-June G.E.M.) is
good as the I.H.C. 10-20 was world’s best tractor. In 1930
there could be four of these for every sec. (640A). My grandfather
John H. Hess spent ten years at Waterloo, Ont. before coming to
Berseen Co., Michigan. If he has good land as he states, then trees
like maple, hemlock and walnut are there. If he states he has pin
oak, jack pine or poplar, then he has poor ground. We used a Model
‘F’ 18-35 for threshing and burned kerosene but changed to
white gas and increased water and engine stayed clean. The 10-20
was the greatest power per pound. The 12-24 Hart Parr was greatest
power per pound on the belt. Yes a 12-24 portable was just above 30
belt horsepower. A 18-36 portable was not 45 belt
JAY KOBISKI, R.R. 3, Waupaca, Wisconsin 54981 would like to know
something about Sheppard tractors that were built in Pennsylvania.
Any information on them and when and why they don’t make them
any more?? (How about it Fellows? I’m not sure I’ve heard
that name before except connected with Nichols & Shepard and
that’s steam and spelled differently.).
MP. GRAFFAM, Box 192, Union, West Virginia 24983 is a new member
of our Gas Engine Magazine family and would like to know where you
would go to get new glass parts for replacement in sight feed
lubricators. If anyone knows please write Mr. Graffam.
We have a newcomer to the family – JIM EDMONSON, 8-A
O’Daniel Avenue, Newark, Delaware 19711. Jim is interested in
Otto engines and would like to hear from anyone that would like to
correspond. He asked me if we have any articles on them – we
probably do – but I do not have a way to know just where each
article is located in our magazines. If you fellows know of an
article Jim would be interested in, please let me know and if we
have the magazine, he is interested in it.
LESLIE E. GOOD, 30 W. 13th Street, Front Royal, Virginia 22630
has a Domestic gas engine #18106, 1-1/2 HP made by Domestic Engine
& Pump Co., Shippensburg, Pennsylvania. He would like to
correspond with someone who could give him some information on this
engine. Some of the parts are missing and he doesn’t know what
they look like.
A good tip for all gas enthusiasts comes from EDGAR WHITE, 112
Overbough Ave., St. Clairsville, Ohio 43950. He has a good method
to keep brass oiler and piping like new on gas or steam engines. Ed
has used this method for years and claims it works – ‘Remove
the tarnish with a commercial brass polish OR if you prefer, use
salt with lemon juice or hot vinegar OR washing soda. Dry
thoroughly and polish with a clean flannel cloth. Then spray with a
clear metal type or automotive type lacquer.’ -(Hope it works
for you – and Thanks, Ed.).
STANLEY WENTWORTH, R.R. 3, Ray, Indiana 46737 writes this plea
for help – ‘I received my first issue of G.E.M. the other day
and have enjoyed it very much. I have two engines – an
International LB 1-1/2-2-1/2 and a Novo S.U. 3X4 Serial Number
23066. I need to find out what make and model of mag I need for
this engine. Also, the governor hook-up. I am not sure of the oil
fill level on it either, or the HP. Any information would be
helpful. Thanks much.’ (Don’t let our new member down,
An interesting missal comes from BERNARD A. HINES, 7197
Mississippi Street, Merrillville, Indiana 46410 as he states,
‘The article (The Half T. Boat-in Jan-Feb. ’74 G.E.M.) was
a masterpiece of writing and a wealth of factual information. Mr.
H. Upshur, I certainly do thank you. You were there as evidenced by
your complete article. I never expected so complete treatment of
the subject.
Now, do any of your readers know of the cast-iron vertical
double flywheel, 2 cycle, 1 cylinder Scott engine made in Kansas
City, Missouri? No nameplate but could be 2 to 4 HP and weighs
about 250 pounds.
An appreciative writing from BRIAN STAUSS, Walnut Grove, R.R. 1,
Box 41, Alvaton, Kentucky 42122 as he expresses ‘I would like
to thank everyone at G.E.M. for printing my (What Is It?) in
March-April issue of 74 G.E.M. I received nearly 20 answers from
all over United States and parts of Canada. Each letter convinced
me I have a Johnson Iron Horse, circa 1930.
I would like to particularly thank Mr. Fred Parker of Blackfoot,
Alberta, Canada who was kind enough to send me a nameplate for my
engine. I was not able to write him as I did not have a complete
return address.
I really enjoy your magazine and so do my friends, as my old
issues are well thumbed after being passed around.’
T.R. STEINER, R.R. #1, Mt. Cory, Ohio 45868 is restoring a 25-40
Allis Chalmers. The numbers cast on left side of engine is 46214
and numbers on right side are AM1153 – 36. He would like
information as to age, engine information, etc. He would also like
to hear other owner’s tips on restoration.
RICHARD R. ROEDEL, Box 89, Tylersport, Pennsylvania 18971 needs
some help – see if you can help him and perhaps others at the same
time. He tells us: ‘I am having trouble finding someone who
knows how to pour a bearing. I have a 1/2 HP Economy with the
bearing inserts broken (sides) and even though I was given a
complete connecting rod, I would like to use my own. Therefore I
would appreciate hearing from anyone who could give me a blow by
blow description of Babbitt Bearing Pouring. Thanks again for a
great column and also a tremendous magazine.’ (And thank you
Richard for the enthusiasm).
And here is a letter from a happy subscriber who received help
on his question:- ‘In regard to information requested about a
supposed truck using Fordson Power Plant (G.E.M. May-June page 37).
The replies have been very gratifying. I have received replies from
many parts of the U.S.A. One of the writers stated he was also
sending the information on to GEM. All of this proves you have a
fine magazine and the readers are very kind and thoughtful.’
That comes from CLARENCE G. LINTZ, Hydro Glen, Freeland, Mayland
The man who sent him the information and also to us was
ELLSWORTH WEILAND, R.D. 1, Sandusky, Ohio 44870. Herewith is the
data on the Fordson Power plant tractors or otherwise known as
Toppins Tractor Truck Unit -Toppins Tractor Trucks are not an
experiment but thoroughly reliable tested and efficient trucks. All
parts which go into the construction of our trucks are designed
particularly for heavy duty work. The reliability, service giving
and satisfaction producing possibilities of the Fordson does not
need to be explained. As for the quality of our units let it
suffice to say that they are built up to the standard of the
Fordson motor which is their power plant. In the Toppins Tractor
Trucks we furnish to the user of motor truck transportation trucks
which cannot possibly be duplicated under any circumstances for
anywhere near the price.
The operating cost of the Toppins Tractor Truck is remarkably
low. Because of the fact that it is powered with a Fordson power
plant it is possible to operate these efficient units on kerosene,
the cost of which is considerably less than the cost of operating a
gasoline consuming power plant of the same size. The upkeep cost is
low because it is a known fact that practically all upkeep costs
can be charged to motor parts replacement. Fordson parts cost much
less than replacement parts for power plants of the average heavy
duty truck. The depreciation cost is low because as everyone knows
a motor truck is usually junked because its power plant is beyond
repair. In most junked motor trucks you will find that the frame,
springs, wheels and front and rear axles are practically as good as
the day the truck left the factory. In the Toppins Tractor Truck it
is possible to replace its power plant, a Fordson motor at less
than the cost of a complete overhauling job on the ordinary heavy
duty truck motor. In short, the Toppins Tractor Truck gives perfect
service with an exceedingly low first cost, operating cost and
depreciation. I will pay you to investigate.
Mr. Weiland got his information from Ford Owner and Dealer of
July 1923. He says he has never heard of any others – possibly some
of your readers have heard of others?
From CHARLES A. MORRIS, 615 Rockhill, Kettering, Ohio, 45429
comes this letter:
‘I acquired this tractor by accident as I’m sure many
collectors do. I had taken the
radiator off one of two JD’s I have under restoration to be
repaired. In the course of conversation at the radiator shop I was
asked if I knew someone who might be interested in a ‘hand
plow.’ The gentleman said he had a picture of it and produced a
sheaf of brochures and manuals on the Kinkade. This wasn’t what
I expected from the description so I asked the price. I thought it
to be a fair one and the Kinkade found a new home on the spot.
I would like to hear from some fellow readers about the Kinkade.
The approximate number built, the run of production (years), and
relative value. The Kinkade has a plow, discs, sickle mower, and
cultivators and is in running condition. The serial number is 404
L. 3601.
In my present collection I have two L-1 Gravely’s, an early
Cub Cadet, and a horsedrawn wheat drill (three rows), and
cultivators. I have presently under restoration a 1936 Model
‘B’ John Deere, a 1950 Model ‘M’ JD, and a Bantam
yard tractor, 5 horse, about 1955.
I am new to GEM and the hobby. I have been interested much
longer than I have been able to collect, but I’m on the way and
the barn is bulging. (Welcome to our G.E.M. family, Charlie!).
From DONALD E. ROBBINS, 3645 State Road, 718 West, Troy, Ohio
I see my GEM subscription expires this issue so I will send
$4.00 subscription fee for some more gas. A few months ago $4.00
would go a long way to fill up the average car gas tank, but now I
can get only about eight gallons for $4.00.
Mr. Lestz, I read your article with interest,’ A Challenge
To Ingenuity’, on page 37 January-February of GEM 1974.
As you may or may not know, our old style hit and miss gasoline
engines were very hard to beat for fuel economy. The old timers
used to say you could run a 1-1/2 H.P. hit and miss gas engine all
day for a gallon of gasoline and they would just about do that. Of
course, the reason for this economy was because they fired under
full compression when a power stroke was needed and coasted usually
with the exhaust valve open, when a power stroke was not
Some fellows say a throttle governor would use about twice as
much fuel as a hit or miss engine. I rather doubt if there is quite
that much difference in fuel economy, but there is no doubt a hit
and miss is more economical on fuel economy. Of course, one
disadvantage is that a hit or miss engine does not have quite as
even speed as a throttle governor but for most of these jobs, such
as pumping water, etc., a little speed variation was not important
I see Joe and Pat Fahnestock occasionally on the road since Joe
and Pat go up and down our road on their way to work. We certainly
enjoy reading Joe’s articles in the G.E.M. and I.M.A.
ARTHUR A. CRAFTS, 321 N. Firestone Building, Akron, Ohio 44301
was thinking of us and passed this bit of information along to you
readers. Remember in July-August 1973 centerfold of Gas Engine
Magazine and on page 23 of September-October G.E.M. there was
picture and write-ups on the Goodyear Express?
Well, Arthur sent us an obituary of Jay Roy Spencer, 84, driver
of the pilot Goodyear Express from Akron to Boston in 1917, as he
died April 29, 1974. Mr. Spencer drove a 1915 Packard truck to
Boston and back to test Goodyear pneumatic tires and to promote
interest in overland freight transportation.
The 29 day round trip paved the way for long distance trucking
industry that made Akron the trucking capital of the nation. Mr.
Spencer retired from Goodyear in 1957 after 32 years as a service
driver and mechanic. Last summer, he was in the driver’s seat
of the old Packard, renovated by a Holt, Mich, man before it left
Akron on a reenactment of the original Goodyear Express run. (As
Arthur stated, ‘Another of the persons that made a little
history in days past has gone to his reward.’)
And that about winds up the column for this time – and in
closing remember – ‘Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on
others without getting a few drops on yourself – Ralph Waldo
Emerson said it – and he was a wise man. GA-74