By Staff
Published on January 1, 1979
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Wide tread John Deere GP tractor late model. Only 445 of these built 1932-1933. Taken at the Tipton, Indiana show on August 8,1975. Owned by Danny Whisler of Lebanon, Indiana.
Wide tread John Deere GP tractor late model. Only 445 of these built 1932-1933. Taken at the Tipton, Indiana show on August 8,1975. Owned by Danny Whisler of Lebanon, Indiana.
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GEORGE JOHNSON, Chester, Iowa 52134 writes that he has an engine
made by Chris D. Schramn and Sons, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania-makers of gas and gasoline engines. There is no other
information on the name plate but it is a very simple engine and
runs well. He thinks it is about a 1? HP and would like to hear
from anyone who has a similar engine.

ARNOLD L. MILLER, 1615 N.W. Fredith Lane, Topeka, Kansas 66618
is seeking information on a ‘one minute engine’
manufactured by Minute Manufacturing, Newton, Iowa. It is a four
cycle, hopper cooled, upright engine. The governor works by
stopping the rotation of the cam on the timing gear. He needs to
know what the ignitor looks like and any other available
information. He also would like to hear from anyone who has or has
seen any of the following engines: Miller, Arnold or Rock
Island’s upright, tank cooled or 12 HP or larger. He is trying
to find out how many of these engines exist.

DON FITZGERALD, 2362 Gale Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105 needs
some help as he writes: ‘As a means of introduction, I am a
member of the Central Michigan Antique Tractor and Engine Club.
Also, I am up to my elbows in Fordson Tractors with a
Graham-Bradley thrown in for good measure. Can GEM find a
subscriber or friend who could work out an equitable formula for
rating tractor pulling with the moving weight on the semitrailer? A
formula, so that all tractors, regardless of weight, would be
equalized when the formula is applied, along with the tractor
weight and length of pull. How do tractor pullers in other sections
of the country handle this problem?’

BILL TROTTER, 34 W. Euclid Avenue, Barron, Wisconsin 54812 asks
us: ‘I would like to know if any collectors in G.E.M. have a
White engine made in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I understand there is
one in each of the Dakotas. Would answer all letters for I would
like to correspond with anyone with the White.’

‘Who knows anything about this tractor?’ asks JERRY
WYATT, 31925 Florida Street, Redlands, California 92373. ‘I
have checked with several clubs, books and longtime tractor dealers
and on one has seen one. I bought it from its second owner
(1930-1976) who claimed it was experimental. The engine is a
Waukeshw 4 cylinder, 4′ x 5′, April 1927 . . . the rear
wheels turn by means of foot pedals, the front by stearing wheel,
or the front wheels can be made to free-wheel by a clutch assembly
and hand operated band brakes used for stearing. This tractor was
last run in 1930 and last started in 1940 or 41. The only wear is
from sitting out most of its life.’

LYLE A. OPPERMAN, 801 Park Street, Baraboo, Wisconsin 53913
tells us: ‘I am compiling a list of owners of the
‘Sta-Rite’ gas engine. It was first built in Racine,
Wisconsin and then later in LaCross, Wisconsin. I need complete
information that is on the nametag and also what type of magneto
was used on the engine. After the list has been compiled, I will
send the list to all owners.’

A.J. BROCKHOUSE, R.R. #1, Meredosia, Illinois 62665 recently
purchased a Primm oil engine. It is a hot plug two cycle, 150 HP,
single cylinder with a 22′ bore. It is a horizontal engine and
double flywheel. He would like to hear from someone who has a
similar engine or has information, literature, etc. He would also
like to hear from anyone who has a two cycle 3 HP Eli gas engine.
This is a cross head engine that is hopper cooled.

C.H. CHASE, Concord, Vermont 05824 writes: ‘I just received
my first G.E.M. (September-October issue). It was very good
reading. On page 17 you pictured a Bull Dog 4 HP. I have a 5 HP
Bull Dog that had set on edge of an old cellar hole for 35 years. I
have it restored but have not started it yet. This engine has
jurnels set at about 30 or 40 degrees that are hand oiled with caps
made of brass. I think these should be filled with waste to hold
oil. Could someone tell me when the engine was made and if it was
made by Fairbanks-Morse? It is Type B-D, serial #B17944, 5 HP,
speed 375.

WALTER DOC SCHRAGE, 1219 Lawn Avenue, New Haven, Indiana 46774,
wants to thank all his G.E.M. friends who wrote to him since
October 1969 to the present. He received over 30,000 letters and
has 24,000 in his collection which he keeps in neat boxes. He has
6474 names and addresses in his ledger and 3400 photos from
friends. He will continue to answer all letters.

GEORGE BOYER, Smith River, California 95567 sends us some
information: ‘The Augustine engine differs from the Wankel in
that it uses pistons instead of an internal rotor. The term rotary
in this case comes from the fact that the entire engine rotates
around the crankshaft. The Augustine engine got its economy from
better scavenging of the cylinder through use of the ‘split
piston’ design, where there are two pistons per combustion
chamber, one to control intake, one for exhaust. This is much like
the design used by the Puch Motorcycle Company in some of its bikes
sold through Sears. Also, the Augustine turned its fuel, already
vaporized by the carburetor, into a dry gas by preheating it before
it entered the combustion chamber. Hope this helps

GEORGE BULLEN, 31 Yanderra, Arana Hills, Brisbank 4054,
Australia writes us: ‘I have recently acquired an unusual
engine of U.S. manufacture exactly like the one in the photos on
page 33 of G.E.M. January February 1976. I am in the middle of
restoring it and as there seems to be a few parts missing, I would
be very pleased to hear from anyone who has restored one of these
engines. I would appreciate any information. My Ideal has n6
nameplate on it and I can only find casting numbers on the various
pieces. There is no indication of what the RPM may be.’

JOSEPH BUYAN, 6032 S. Ashland Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60636
has a Monitor CB2 upright gas engine that he is restoring and would
like to know if anyone could give him information on how to wire
the ignition on it for a battery and coil.

RAYMOND SCHOLL, Route #1, Sugar Grove, North Carolina 28679
sends us this picture and says: ‘This is a I.H.C. Famous
Pumping Engine.

It shows the parts that were missing from the engine Jerry
Gerrior, Danvers, Massachusetts, pictured in Smoke Rings, page 12,
November-December G.E.M. This picture I sent was taken from the
I.H.C. Booklet that I advertise in the G.E.M.’

From 1316 Fairview Road, Columbia, Missouri 65201, MARK S.
GIBSON writes: ‘Oh my goodness I do need some help. I have this
Fuller & Johnson pump engine. The pictured sketch shows the
front or flywheel side of the crank case, and that’s the way it
looks. There isn’t nothing there but two bosses with set
screws, a cam, a couple shafts and at least a full inch of crud,
which has been accumulating since I reckon 1909, because that’s
the patent date stamped in the flywheel. I can make the parts if I
know what they look like.

EDGAR WHITE, 112 Overbough At. Clairsville, Ohio 43950 needs
information. He is in the process of restoring a number 5, type A,
shop #B-0584, 8 HP Olds horizontal gas engine. It is tank cooled.
Can anyone give him the information and the diamation of the tank
that is in back of the flywheels?

KENNETH OLIVER, Route #2, Box 292-A, Ooltewah, Tennessee 37363
is seeking friends that enjoy their hobby: ‘My wife and I have
found no other gas engine interests in the Chattanooga area. We
would like to take this opportunity to ask anyone in the telephone
area of Chattanooga to let us know of their hobby.

Also, in the September-October G.E.M., page 16, there is an
article and picture of a Stover 6 HP engine. I have a 2 HP, 500
RPM, serial #Y109697 that I need help on. If there is an artist
with such an engine, I would like to have drawings on the governor
weights and all related linkage including gears from flywheels to
head. I am a machinist, having my own shop, and can reproduce these
parts with a pattern or drawing.’

LEONARD WAHL, 2688 Martin Way, White Bear Lake, Minnesota 55110
expresses his approval of our publication as he writes:
‘I’m subscribing for another year as this is the magazine
that I can hardly wait until its arrival. I am not an avid
collector but like to have a few engines around. I have only four,
but don’t have room for many more. I have a Fairbanks-Morse 2
HP; a 3-5 HP McCormick-Dearing and a 2? HP Stover CT-2 and a
Cushman C-7.

I was wondering if any of your readers can tell me if the
Cushman which is 4 HP had a Wico EK magneto.

Thank you for a good magazine and God speed to you!’ (He
needs an answer Fellas).

From 541 N. Green Street, Valentine, Nebraska 69201, NORMAN
OSNES writes:

‘I really enjoy the GEM and the Smoke Rings letters. It is
also encouraging to have you share your testimony, for I too have
placed my trust in the Lord Jesus. Rewarding isn’t it? So what
is so rewarding about being laid up all summer with a couple kidney
stone operations. Well, looking on the bright side I got to go back
and reread some of my GEM’s and write to a few Smoke Rings

I also got to attend the 4th annual Threshing Bee at Burke, S.D.
This show features small engines, tractors, old cars and trucks,
horse drawn machinery and other antique items. They have a flea
market and other special events to highlight the event. Even though
the event is only 4 years old, it seems to be growing and we are
looking forward to a bigger and better show next year. It is
usually held the 2nd week end in August.

I just couldn’t miss it even though I was still weak from
surgery. Why! Well you see when I was 12-13 years old I went with
my Dad on his threshing run with this same machine. I shot a lot of
grease into the boxings and let the grain spout plug up many times,
too. Of course, for a boy, it was more fun than work and I loved
every bit of it. It was kind of sad to see the combine take its

I have to give credit to my brother, James (Jim) Osnes, of Burke
S. Dak. for restoring the machine. He also fixed up and repainted
Dad’s 1935 ‘D’ and 1931 ‘GP’ wide tread (which
is somewhat rare), both John Deere. We want to get a Standard tread
‘GP’ to make the set. The threshing machine is a
1949-28′ JD machine which my Dad bought new. Dad was a John
Deere man all the way.

Yes, this show was all it took to get us started in small
engines along with our tractors. And, of course our first engine
was a JD type ‘E’. We now have two JD’s, one having an
original pumpjack, direct driven off the end of the flywheel. We
have it and an International ‘LB’ engine with attached
pumpjack fixed up in a working display pumping water. We have a 12
HP diesel Witte and two Maytag engines running. (We’re still
looking for a 40-80 HP yet).

If one gets out and looks around, there are still engines to be
restored and we have a few still to get running. We have a few
Fuller & Johnson Farm Pump engines, an upright IHC called a
Famous Hopper Cooled Junior, a McCormick Deering 1? HP, an upright
Cushman, and one we are seeking identification of. This is where I
hope our Smoke Rings friends can help. It stands about 25?’
tall, 40′ long and 27′ wide from end to end of the
crankshaft. The flywheels are 24′ in diameter and 1
11/16‘ thick. The piston is 4?’ in
diameter and has a 6′ stroke. There is the #D5834 on one end of
the open crankshaft and the #B46 or 8 on the connecting rod. That
is the only numbers I can find on it. It has been changed from an
ignitor to a spark plug with a point system fixed up on the open
timing and pushrod gear. A governor on the flywheel controls a
lever that stops the push rod just like it does on the J.D. type
‘E’ engines. It is red in color, except on the face of the
flywheels it is blue. The blue looks original but am not sure.
There it silver colored emblem on water hopper. I think the wheels
are also original equipment. Well, I hope some one can tell us what
it is. I have it ready to run, as soon as I get the ignition worked
out on it.

I might add that collecting antiques is not new to us, we have
been saving old items for some time. We have a Mountain Dew Bottle
collection along with numerous other bottles. I have an insulator
collection and have a Bicentennial License Plate Set. I want to get
a set of ’76’ plates from every state, if I can. I would be
interested in corresponding and trading license plates, insulators,
and mountain dew bottles with anyone wishing to.

I want to thank you for your wonderful and helpful magazine and
all our Smoke Ringers for the information I will receive. I will
try to answer all letters.

GORDEN E. WARE, Barber Pond Road, Pownal, Vermont 05261 explains
that he is a newcomer to the ‘….Field of Engine Restoration.
While attending the show at Dublin, New Hampshire, I saw a man
loading parts to an Ottawa drag saw which was for sale, into an El
Camino-type truck. Since that day I have purchased an Ottawa 4 HP
that was on a drag saw. I would like very much to find out who that
person (man) was, so that I can purchase the parts that he had for
sale. All I have is the motor, no gears or saw, etc. (See wanted
ad.) If anyone has any information about this person please call
collect 802-823-7221.’

RALPH OLMSTED, 120 Guadalajara, New Iberia, Louisiana 70560
comments on a recent article: ‘The story about ‘How to Find
Old Engines’ is very true. I worked for many years traveling
from state to state and used this time to hunt engines. I found
many this way. Three years ago a promotion took me off the road and
I thought this was the end of my engine searching. I still talk up
engines at every chance and have found my best engines close to
home. It took me about 2? years to get a 2 HP vertical Stover.

I keep the engines I am working on at the place I work. The
other day a man walked in, saw my engine and said he had one like
it. The very next day I was at his house and came home with two
rare engines which his wife wanted him to get rid of. One I am
extremely proud of. It is a vertical, open crank, side shaft, hit
and miss, make and break with the name on tag of Savanagh Darley,
Chicago, Illinois. The tag gives no HP, serial, or RPM. It is
4′ bore and 6′ stroke. With the exception of the governor,
it looks like the ‘Winnebago Chief’ built by the National
Engine Company, Rockford, Illinois.

I would like to hear from anyone who has an engine similar to
mine. The engine is free and complete (see picture).

The other engine is a Rawleigh Schryer, l? HP, 600 RPM made in
Freeport, Illinois. It is a hit and miss, igniter has been replaced
with a spark plug and the cylinder bolts on to the base at the
bottom. On each of the main bearings is a little special made glass
jar that you put oil in and invert over a hole in the main bearing
cap. This engine will take a little more work but is free and in
reasonable shape.

Well, anyone got one like it, please let me know. I could use a
good picture of it.

The Lord has blessed me with a good year of engine-it us and may
we all have many more.

BARRY E. TULLER, R. R. 3, Box 78, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa 52641
speaks of our November/December issue: ‘I was both pleased and
surprised to see my engine on the cover of that issue of the Gas
Engine Magazine. I’ve received many letters from other R &
V owners. Now, I have some questions I hope readers can help me
answer. I’d like to know what names Witte sold their engines
under. I have three Wittes, 2 HP, but only one has a Witte
nameplate. The second one was sold under Sprayer Engine, by the
Bean Pump and Spray Company of San Jose, California and the third
under Trojan, by the Stowe Supply Company of Kansas City, Missouri.
Also I would like information on Rawleigh engines made by the
Rawleigh-Schryer Company or the W. T. Rawleigh Company of Freeport,
Illinois. I have a 4 HP, 350 RPM, serial #D4390. Does anyone know
the year, color, or original striping? I would also like to know
anything about the history of the company. I’d like to
correspond with others who have an engine of this type. I answer
all letters. Thank you.’

A letter from KENNETH E. MEYER, P.O. Box 27, Jewell, Ohio 43530:
‘I have never written to Smoke Rings before. I really enjoy
this column. I have answered a few of the ads. I even had visitors
all the way from the state of Florida, Mr. and Mrs. George H.
Mills, to look at my Ideal lawn mower after I answered his ad.

I have 70 gas engines now in my collection and now I even need a
little help. I would like to find out what has happened to Ernest
H. Goddard of 3645 Wings Way, North Highland, California 95660. I
have written several letters to him and they have all come back. He
had new parts fabricated for 8 cycle Aermotor gas engines. So
I’m hoping that he might read this or maybe someone out there
will know of him or his parts and drop me a line. Thank you very

JAMES ADKINS, JR., 808 S. Turner Road, Independence, Missouri
64056 tells us: ‘I have been reading your magazine for about
one year now and enjoy it very much. I have recently purchased an
Ottawa gas engine and saw. The engine is complete and running.
However, I am having trouble figuring out how the saw hooks up to
the engine. I would like to know if there is some way a person
could get diagrams of how this is hooked on or if someone knows and
would be willing to help me out. I would also like to know the year
it was made, if possible. The data on the tag is as follows: NO. TE
29648, 5 HP, speed 550 RPM. It was manufactured by the Ottawa
Manufacturing Company.’

In closing, the holiday season is upon us once again and at this
time I would like to wish each and everyone a safe and happy
Christmas and New Year. Hopefully 1979 will be a good year for us


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