Smoke Rings

By Staff
Published on January 1, 1978
1 / 11
2 / 11
3 / 11
4 / 11
5 / 11
6 / 11
No. 2 Delco
No. 2 Delco
7 / 11
No.3 Airline
No.3 Airline
8 / 11
9 / 11
No. 1 Bessemer
No. 1 Bessemer
10 / 11
11 / 11

BRRRRR! It’s getting pretty cold right now and lots of snow
flurries – hope the storms hold off till we get the preparations
for Christmas finished – which makes me realize that when you get
hold of this issue-  it will be 1978 – hope it’s
GREAT-  for each of you. And onto the letters – we have so
many – so glad you folks enjoy this medium of communicating to all
the readers:

H. L. RITTER, Route 5, Box 127 relates: ‘Smoke Ringers and
Greasy Hands – I think I have answered all your fine letters to
date. If this has not been done, sorry I missed you. But here and
now I thank all you nice people.

I am enclosing some items I had put in The Bugle (a paper which
is put out by Pioneer Gas Engine Association, Inc. – a local

To Mr. Harry L. Ritter: (About the Maytag Engines)

The side shaft Maytags were made to operate the large industrial
and institutional size washing machines. They were made in 40 and
80 HP. Originally they were tried in a 2 cycle version, but the
smoke and noise were 80 times worse than the standard Maytag. If
you’ve been to a show with just one Maytag, you know what they
could be like. The addition of the side shaft and valves was the
only change from the standard Maytag design. In order to save
design costs, every part was scaled up rather than redesigned.

You would have to see the 10 foot diameter pot metal flywheel to
really appreciate it. 80 M.P.H. winds were generated by the cooling
fan and were a real hazard to anyone trying to stand within 60′
of the suction side.

The 12′ diameter spark plug used is now a real
collector’s item.

A sight from my youth I’ll never forget was the starting
procedure. Teams of 6 men each would jump together from a 16′
platform on to the kick starter pedal. I don’t have to tell you
the results of a ‘kick back.’ Please let me know if you
find one of these engines.John Toom

From Our Members:

How I Got Started in Engines

A couple of years ago, I dug out of the rubble, a Maytag, and a
Briggs & Stratton washing machine engine, that had been kicking
around for at least 18 years. (We still have the washing machine
for the Maytag). I got them both so they would start and run fairly
good. My grandson (age 6 at the time) was interested. He got so he
could start and stop them, too. So, to keep his interest up, I got
a couple more small engines. He operated them too. So I kept on
buying. He has not lost interest, and neither have I. The only
thing I lack at the moment is room to store and show. The older we
both get, the deeper our interest grows. I hope I can see the time
he does his own work on them. HEY! You members, how did you get
started? HARRY L. RITTER, Rt. 5, Box 127, Fulton, New York

P.S. Did you know Smith Motor Wheel turned into Briggs &
Stratton Engine Company – some information on the Smith Motor Wheel
can be had from: S. K. Rudorf, 5276 Boettcher Drive, West Bend,
Wisconsin 53095.

TOM McCUTCHEN, Superintendent Milan Field Station, The
University of Tennessee, Route 2, Box 133, Milan, Tennessee 38358
would like to know if some of you readers could help him with
information on steam whistles. In July 1976 he ran an ad and sold a
brass Powell Chime whistle to a lady in California. Before running
the ad he showed the whistle to a collector friend and asked his
opinion. He stated that it was ‘all there’ and in good
condition and gave him an idea of how much to ask for it. When the
lady in California received the whistle she reported that it
arrived in good condition but a portion of the bottom section was
missing and it would not blow without it. A small disc that fits
down inside the bottom section, air travels up from the bottom out
and around the disc to create the whistle. Tom has asked everywhere
about the disc and gotten no information. (Could anyone help him
with information?)

From ROD VAN PELT, Box 38A Nor. Rt., Kimball, Nebraska 69145:
‘Dear Anna Mae & Smoke Rings, just a few lines to let you
know that I think your magazine is the ‘greatest.’ Although
I’m a youngster in the GEM family, I have been interested in
old rusty tractors for quite a few years. I want to also thank Dale
Church, Wellington, Kansas who introduced me to GEM about a year
ago, and for his help in my restoring of an L Cast SN #313921.
Besides that L Case, I have an 18-36 Hart Parr SN #30690 which
I’m restoring along with a Farmall F-30 SN #16932. The F-30 and
L Case were the first two tractors I farmed with so they carry
quite a bit of sentimental value. Although they were old then, I
still enjoyed farming with them and was especially proud of the L
Case which was given to me by my uncle. The Hart Parr needs lots of
work and few parts (see want ad). As for gas engines, I only have a
Model 8 Maytag SN #461519 (stamped on flywheel). I know very little
about the Maytag other than it is a 1 cylinder air-cooled.

I also have a Fairbanks Morse water cooled 1? HP Z-D. It appears
to be all there. The SN is very rusty, but I believe it is #756349.
The first number, which I know is very important, is especially
hard to read. If it is a 7, could someone tell me the age of the
engine – also the Maytag? I also have a stuck valve on the F.M. It
is all the way in and I can’t tap on it or get a hold of it.
HELP! I also need a crank (see ad). The engine has only 1 flywheel.
I believe the crank is to be on the other side of the engine, but I
don’t know if there should be 2 flywheels or not. I would like
to hear from your readers about these two engines and would like to
hear from anyone who is restoring an L Case, F-30 or 18-36 Hart
Parr. Maybe we could help each other with some problems which lie
ahead of us. I want to thank all of the readers who answered my ad
in September-October issue. GEM readers are the nicest people I

RICHARD WOLFF, Main St., Woodbury, Connecticut 06798 wants to
know if anyone can give him information on an Avery four cylinder
opposed engine with 6?’ bore. The only information he has is
patent #1113204.

GEORGE BOYER, General Delivery, Crescent City, California 95531
says, ‘I NEED SOME HELP! A while back, I wrote Mathen Hardware
& Supply Company in Louisville, Kentucky and got my letter back
with ‘out of business, return to sender’ on it. I would
like to hear from anyone who has information on the Mercury-Disston
chain saws they used to sell. Also, I would like to thank everyone
who wrote to me with information on the Aermotor gasoline engines.
I did not get a chance to write everyone and thank them.’

From ‘The Ace,’ 33 Power Square, Greenfield,
Massachusetts 01301. ‘To Anna Mae and the Smoke Ring Readers:
Thanks to a fine senior citizen and his son, I’ve become
acquainted with this fine magazine (GEM), excellent hobby, and met
quite a few interesting folks in the last five years. As with most
readers, I go from front to back numerous times, reading all
articles -whether they pertain to my problem or not. My winter
project now is such that I have to ask for help or any information
at all, so that my deadline can be met (5-27-78). The engine is an
‘Avery’ of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 4 cylinder, opposed, 2
carburetors, 5?’ bore, 6′ stroke, water-cooled, K-W
ignition magneto, and was mounted on 18′ skids to run a
sawmill. Thank you all who read this and hope to hear from someone
soon. Write or call collect 9-10 P.M. E.S.T. 413-773-5574.

From STANTON S. HOWE, 4433 Red Fox Drive, Helena, Montana 59601:
‘I’m looking for some information on this engine. I believe
it is a Fairview, probably about 1? horse. It is a two cycle, tank
cooled, upright, with a hit and miss governor, I would appreciate
anything anybody can tell me about this little engine. I have it
about ready to go back together and should have it running before
too long.’

DAVID CESAN, 240 Chapin Road, Hampden, Massachusetts 01036
writes, ‘Thank you so much for printing my article on the
‘Mystery Engine’ in the November-December issue of GEM.
I’ve received several very helpful and informative letters from
all over the country. All letters identified my engine as a
‘Challenge’ made by the Challenge Windmill Co. of Batavia,
Illinois. The company was in business from 1867-1945 and guesses
have it that my engine was built shortly after the turn of the
century. Even though I answered each letter personally, I again
thank everyone who was kind enough to write me. Some of the finest
people I’ve ever met belong to the gas engine society.

Now, I’d like to do a good turn for fellow engine
enthusiasts. In the restoration of an engine, the owner likes to
get as close to the original color as possible. It’s nice to
have the engine just the way it left the factory, so many years
ago. If other collectors would be interested in writing to me
giving what code number of paint they used on what engine, I’d
like to try to comprise a list of various engines and their
matching proper paint. This list, I would send back to GEM for
publication for the benefit of all. For instance, a friend of mine,
Al Olsen of Coventry, Connecticut had a paint chip from a
‘Domestic’ gas engine professionally analyzed and the
correct paint for an authentic restoration is Dupont Dulux Enamel
#81372M. I have painted my Domestic this color and it is very
attractive. I think this list could be a great help to everyone, so
please write and tell me what you used for this engine.

From H. L. RITTER, Route 5, Box 127, Fulton, New York 13069.
‘Hi, Smoke Ringers! It is me again. I have received many nice
letters from many of you who have taken the time to get rust and
grease off your hands and write. I think I have answered all of
them, if not I am sorry. If it was not for engines, I believe I
would be nuttier than I am, as I am retired. I also tinker with
some modern ones too.

Speaking of being retired, I have tired all my life and now
I’m starting all over again. Anyone wanting information on
International, IHC or McCormack Dee ring, write to International
Harvester Company, 401 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
60611. For Wisconsin, Teledyne Wisconsin Motors, Milwaukee,
Wisconsin 53246. I am trying to get information on a Parker Marine
engine. I have most of one. They were made in Fulton, New York
about 1900. I spoke to a man (by phone) whose uncle had one. End of
information so far. Would appreciate any you might have. Also
information on ‘Hopper Cooled’ gray about 2 HP.

In answer to Alva McCoy, November-December 1977 GEM: If your
‘gas’ engine was run on a ‘natural gas’ you are now
using ‘propane.’ You might have to put on a volume tank or
mixer. Perhaps the propane tank does not give volume enough for
full charge. Mr. H. G. Thurston, Old Engine Nursing Home, Baldwin
Road, Cayuga, New York 13034 had similar trouble with a gas engine.
He might be able to give answers.’

FRED DODD, 24819 N.E. 8th Street, Redmond, Washington 98052 has
a Cletrac Crawler Tractor that he has restored but the radiator is
missing. He is looking for a picture of one so he can build one.
There is a casting number on the block No. 1-12-22 and the serial
number is 539-36.

C. H. OEHMICH, R.R. 2, Box 103A, Chesterton, Indiana 46304 sends
us the following letter: ‘I was re-reading the March-April 1977
issue when I came across the comments of Gisli L. Bjornson, page
20. He was wondering about the Electric Wheel Co. of Quincy,
Illinois and the Crawler tractor which they made. I do not know
what happened to the company, but the last time I saw one of their
Crawlers was at the National Road Builders Show and Convention at
St. Louis, Missouri. I think the year was about 1930. These
tractors were painted a medium shade of grey and, if I remember
right, they were trimmed in bright red. The four cylinder engine
had individually cast cylinders and the entire machine seemed to be
well engineered. Electric Wheel Company made steel wheel farm
wagons before they started making tractors. They then made a 14-28
HP wheel tractor, which they called the ‘All-Work.’ It had
a four cylinder (individually cast) engine with 5′ bore and
6′ stroke, mounted crosswise on the frame. It had 2 speeds,
1.75 and 2.5 MPR. Belt pulley was on the left side. My father
bought one of these second hand in about 1923. We used it to pull 3
plows (it would pull four 14′ plows in loose soil). Also ground
feed for the neighborhood in the winter months. Also pulled a small
husker-shredder. Electric Wheel, a little later, added a third
speed and increased the speed of the motor from 800 to 900 RPM on
their newer models. My father died in 1951. The old ‘All
Work’ was still on the farm, which was then under the care of
my sister and her husband. I was quite disturbed when I drove over
to the farm one day and found that they had a scrap dealer come
over and burn in into usable scrap. I did, however, salvage the
original Kingston carburator. If that tractor would have survived
until now, it would have been quite valuable.’

JOHN HAMMEL, Route 1, Box 148, Dover, Ohio 44622 sends us this
picture of a reel type lawn mower that he has and would like to
know more about. Maybe some fellow readers might be able to help
him with it. It is called a Coldwell Cub, manufactured by Coldwell
Lawnmower Company of New-burgh, New York. He would like to know
what kind of engine, approximate year built and does anyone have
any literature for this particular machine.

GEORGE H. MILLS, Route 19, Box 69-1, Iona, Ft. Myers, Florida
33901 wants the Smoke Rings readers to know that he has recently
acquired a lawn roller the exact same chasis as pictured on the
GEM, page 21, of the July-August 1977 issue. ‘There is no name
or plate on the chassis. There are no holes in front of the frame
for bolting a lawn mower. Therefore, I presume, it was used
strictly for a home lawn, golf course, or tennis court roller, etc.
So be it.

Now for some help from some of the ‘one bangers.’ The
engine number is 11521, model R, bore 4′, stroke 4′, hit
and miss air cooled, 50.265 cubic inches, 823.853 cubic centimeters
or .824 liters. I would like to know the HP and RPM rating of this
engine. This engine was made by Ideal Power Lawn Mower Company,
Lansing, Michigan. Does anyone know if this company is still in
business, and their address. Also, if I could get a catalogue and
price of engine new. I am now overhauling and painting it. Hoping
to hear some news soon, as I have a bad case of engine

TOM SHARPSTEEN of Route 1, Box 207, Orland, California 95963 is
attempting to reassemble an Aermotor windmill and tower and a few
of the parts are missing. He could make them if he knew their exact
measurements. Missing are the twelve wheel arms and arm crosses and
the tension spring for a ten foot wheel, model B702. He would
appreciate any help you can give him,

JOHN BECK, Star Route 2, Bismarck, North Dakota 58501 is looking
for someone who is familiar with a 3-wheeled railroad
‘speeder’ or inspection car. This rail vehicle has a
skeletal wood frame and a ‘Adams, Chicago’ 2 cycle gas
engine. Any retired railroad men remember these?

FRED C. BOWER, 12227 Southeast 208th St., Kent, Washington 98031
recently bought a small 1? – 2 HP, 775 RPM, gas engine. There is no
name on this engine. However, all the parts are identified with
part numbers starting with the prefix GE. The casting date on the
water hopper is 10/13/33. Does anyone have any idea as to the
manufacturer of this engine?

From LAWRENCE G. HANNAH, 903 14th Street, New Westminster,
British Columbia, Canada V3M 4P8: ‘I would just like to say
thanks to those who wrote with information on my 6-7 HP F-C engine.
I was recently lucky enough to have acquired a 2 HP IHC Famous
vertical from Mr. Merl Barns who was nice enough to deliver it from
Idaho for me. The engine is complete except, according to pictures
Merl supplied, these engines were fitted with a piston type water
pump driven from an eccentric on the cam shaft. My engine shows no
sign of an eccentric or any place where a water pump or bracket
could be mounted. I wonder if anyone could help me with these
details, or were some of these engines used with a kind of
thermosyphon tank cooling arrangement, rather than screen

DENNY ROBERTS, Route 2, Box 216A, Mt. Airy, Maryland 21771 is
interested in collecting and restoring old Witte
If anyone has any information concerning them,
please contact him.

FRANKLIN EGGERS, Nezperce, Idaho 83543 writes that he has just
acquired a Monitor buzz saw made in Evansville, Wisconsin. The
frame is made of 6 in. channel iron. It is 9 ft. 7 in. long and 12?
in. wide. It is on 4 steel wheels, has a 30 in. saw and a 21 in.
flywheel. As a whole, it is in very good shape. He would like to
hear from someone who knows what color it was painted and what make
engine was used and what HP it was. He has several engines that
would work, but would like to get it original, if possible.
Franklin would also like to know if anyone knows of a book that
could help identify the old engines and the color they were

KENNETH LARSON, Canton, Minnesota 55922 writes, ‘I recently
acquired a 17-30 ‘The Minneapolis’ tractor – so far the
only other identification I can find is a cast plate below the
shift lever which reads 17-30 type A 8555. I would
appreciate any information such as correct paint, RPM and any other
thing you can help me with on this tractor. This tractor has not
run for about 10 years and has been in storage. The 4 (four)
cylinder crossmount engine is not stuck and the tractor is complete
and in very good visible condition.’

From W. R. SCHMIDT, R.R. 2, Upper Sandusky, Ohio 43351. ‘I
am wondering if anyone knows of a Whitney tractor made in Upper
Sandusky, Ohio about 1915-18. This tractor is a two cylinder
opposed, pulled two plows. I worked at this factory in the
1920’s and am really interested in knowing if there are anymore

KENNETH PLETAN, Wendell. Minnesota 56590 would like information
on Mar-Tan gas engine. It has twin flywheels, air-cooled, upright,
l or 1? HP, no governor and manufactured in Wisconsin. What were
they used for? Also would like information on hydraulic rams used
for elevating spring water. How do they work, how high they pump

RON SPROWLS, R.D. 2, Box 93, Claysville, Pennsylvania 15323
says: ‘I have in my possession two Standard garden tractors.
One is very old with battery and Model T coil, wooden handles and
single cylinder. The other is a twin cylinder, steel handles with
steering brakes for each wheel. Is there anyone that can tell me
any history on this company?’

JOHN LEVORA, Route 2, Box 240, Bangor, Michigan 49013 recently
purchased an Invincible 1? HP pump engine, serial #1646 and would
like to hear from anyone who has pictures or related items. He
would also like to know where and when were these engines

Some information for ‘Smoke Rings’ readers from WALTER
A. TAUBENECK, 4213 80th St., N.E., Marysville, Washington 98270.
‘In the May-June 77 Smoke Rings, Mr. David Herbst of Esparto,
California gave Mr. Clessie L. Cummins, Sr. book the title ‘My
Life With the Diesel.’ It should be ‘My Days With the
Diesel.’ This correction comes from C. Lyle Cummins, Jr. who
has a fine engine history book on the market, ‘Internal

WILLIAM H. WHITE, Box 365, Pitman-Jefferson Road, Sewell, New
Jersey 08080 says, ‘Recently, I hauled home a gas engine to add
to our collection that I am looking for information on. This engine
is hopper-cooled, has horizontal cylinder, twin flywheels,
ignitor-coil-battery ignition. A small brass plate on the side
tells us that it is a MAJESTIC GAS ENGINE, 2 horsepower, number
131, 341. The plate also states that the engine has a five year
guarantee. We would like to know where it was made and when. The
plate does not tell us that.’

Some information comes from MILTON W. FOX, R.R. #1, Bicknell,
Indiana 47512: Here is a listing of the first 3 Crawlers
manufactured by IHC. I may be wrong on this and if so, can be
corrected. Here goes:

1.  McCormick-Deering 10-20 TracTracTor; 1929 14 were
manufactured. This is only year that these were produced. It looks
a lot like the 10-20 McCormick-Deering farm tractor Parts Catalog –
TC-2 McCormick-Deering 10-20 TracTracTor.

2. McCormick-Deering Model ’20’ TracTracTor; 1930 and
1931 -956 were produced in these 2 years. This looks like the next
model – but they have different serial number prefix letters. There
is no parts catalog for this Crawler, only an instruction book
which has a complete parts listing in it.

3. McCormick-Deering T-20 Trac TracTor; 1931 thru 1939 – 15,200
were produced in these 9 years. Parts Catalog – TC.10A
McCormick-Deering T-20 TracTracTor.

On any type Crawler it is very important to read the prefix
letters on the serial numbers and always give letters and numbers
of the serial number when seeking information on any Crawler – when
this is done, it saves a lot of time for everyone.

Three points to ponder from one of our enthusiasts:

‘I have several points to cover; First – my subscription to
G.E.M. is in the mail under separate cover. I have read, and
thoroughly enjoyed, your fine publication for several years -but,
I’ve become too anxious to wait for hand-me-downs any

Second, I would appreciate any information your readers can
supply on ‘Gibson’ and ‘Bolen’s’ garden
tractors. I would also like to hear from any fellow garden tractor

Third, and most important, I am trying to organize a steam and
gas engine club for the Louisville area. There are several
outstanding shows in our region, but the closest is 80 miles from
Louisville. I have acquired a great deal of respect for the
technology and ingenuity of the ‘pioneer power’ days and
hope, through a club, to help preserve this fascinating mechanical
heritage for other young people. Any of your readers interested in
forming an organization can write or call me any time. My address
is: LLOYD WHEELER, 916 Fountain Avenue, Louisville, Kentucky 40222.
Phone 502-426-8684. Thank you so much for your help and your fine

GERALD A. JACK, 22234 Lassen Street, Chatsworrh,California91311
has a Fairbanks upright, make and break engine in very good
condition and would like to set it up as original. He would
appreciate any information you might have. He thinks the engine
dates around 1900.

MORRIS BLOMGREN, Route 1, Siren, (Falun), Wisconsin 54872 wants
me to tell you folks that he surely enjoyed hearing from all 21
people who wrote him and sent pictures and information on the Ford
pull drives (G.E.M. Sept.-Oct. 76).

CLIFFORD WOLF, 1031 Grandview, Owatonna, Minnesota 55060 says he
is a long time reader of GEM and tells us: ‘In regard to the
request of Lawrence Friestad (Nov.-Dec. 77 G.E.M.) for color of the
IHC ‘M’ engines, this was recommended to me by our local
paint dealer – Rust-Oleum New Color Horizons H-15 International
Green. They are not apt to have it on hand but should be able to
order it for you. Available in gallon cans only, so maybe they
could share a can with a fellow buff.’

ED HUFNAL, 208 Penn Road, Troy, Ohio 45373 needs help: ‘Last
Christmas I gave my wife an engine – it is an Ideal Model V,
vertical, air-cooled from a lawn mower. We sort of enjoyed having
it in the living room over Christmas time. This year we expect to
restore it and wonder if anyone out there can tell us the original
paint color or something about this engine?’ (Any help out
there, let them know – there’s a couple that are interested
which makes it nice if hubby and wife can share a hobby.)

EDWARD H. BERGQUIST, 78 Shelter Street, Orange, Massachusetts
01364 sends us the following: I have been actively involved with
old engines for about a year and a half and find your magazine most
helpful. I am in the process of restoring these engines and wonder
if anyone can help me. Number 1 is a two cycle, tank cooled,
upright called ‘The Bessemer’ made in Grove City, Pa.,
serial #A243 stamped on flywheel, bore is 3? ‘, stroke is
3?’, flywheel diameter is 16′. Any ideas on year, HP, fuel
system or original color? Number 2 is a Delco light plant 600 watt,
32 volt, serial #226414. I need wiring diagrams and specs on valve
adjustment, cam timing, etc. What does the missing shroud around
the cylinder look like? Finally, number 3 is an ‘Airline’
battery charger sold by Montgomery Ward. Model 62-6619, serial
#M4223, volts 6-8, amps 30. Wiring diagram, year of manufacture,
and operator’s manual would be helpful. Any information on
these three units would be fully appreciated. Thank you.

WALDREN CORCELIUS, Box 478, RD 1, Kingsville, Ohio 44048 is
looking for information and also how old are the following engines:
a 3 HP McCormick Deering No. BW10396, an Ottawa log saw, and a 1?
HP Fairbanks Morse Model Z, No. 560765. He is new at this hobby and
a new member in the Gas Engine Magazine family. He says he and his
wife recently joined the Pioneer Steam and Gas Engine Society of
Northwestern Pennsylvania. So, he’ll be happy to hear from

BETH GONET, 103 Norman Street, New Hyde Park, New York 11040
writes: ‘My husband has become an addict, hooked on One
Lungers! It started this year when my son, who lives in Vermont
brought down a rusty, dirty, awful looking hunk of iron! It was a
Fairbanks Morse, horizontal engine #828798. He has taken it
completely apart and lovingly cleaned, polished and painted it. He
had a problem with a broken oil ring for a
35/8  piston, but managed and it sounds,
looks and runs beautifully.

This summer at a garage sale, I was able to buy him, as a
surprise (think I’m hooked too) an upright Fuller & Johnson
#22845 in perfect condition

His newest is an unknown as it hasn’t any name on it. When
we get a good picture, we’ll send it and see if someone can
identify it.

I think I’ll make a sign for our house reading (Warning! One
Lunger Pox! Very contagious to adults!) Does he have a good start?
Sincerely, an understanding wife.’ (I’m sure a lot of
readers with the same disease will enjoy this letter, Beth. May you
both have many happy days in your new venture.)

The following information comes from GEORGE F. KEMPHER, 110 7th
Street, Emporium, Pennsylvania 15834: ‘In the Sept.-Oct. issue
of GEM, Mr. H. L. Ritter of Fulton, New York asks how one can tell
if an igniter is working without taking it out of the engine. The
following methods can be used: When the points are closed no
voltage will be across the terminals of the igniter and can be
checked with a volt meter or a suitable light bulb. If a small
piece of steel or iron be held near the end of the coil, it will be
attracted when the points are closed, this will only work with
coils that are not encased in metal cans.

I am showing the proper method of wiring up a make and break
spark coil. It is important to include a switch in the circuit not
only to stop the engine but to prevent a run down battery or a
burned out coil in case the igniter points stay closed for any
reason when the engine is not running.’

George often has an ad for spark coils in the magazine and he
adds: ‘It sure pays to advertise these coils in GEM. I have
sold hundreds of them over the years from those ads; most of them
mention that they had seen the ad in GEM.’ (Thanks, we’re
glad to know that.)

DANA DAVIS, Route 3, Unionville, Missouri 63565 asks; ‘Can
anyone give me any information on this engine as to color, when
made and etc. It is headless and the valves and carb are on the
other side. It is a sideshaft. On the front is a heavy brass plate
with No. 6327A manufactured by Southern Engine and Boiler Works,
speed 430, HP 3, Jackson, Tennessee

W. C. HICKLIN, 3630 Castlebury Drive, Chester, Virginia 23831
needs help: ‘I have recently obtained an old single cylinder
gasoline engine and need help in obtaining information about it.
The nameplate is missing and the only mark is NOVO cast into the
access cover to the crankcase. The genera! design could be ten
years either side of 1915; it has a single upright cylinder, single
flywheel, breaker point ignition, automatic intake valve and is
governed by flyweights and linkage holding the exhaust valve

I would be very grateful for any information you  may be
able to provide.’ (Send him letters.)

RONALD O. PAYNE, Route 2, Canton, Illinois 61520 speaks to all:
‘I would like to compliment you for the fine magazine you put
out. I have about 13 engines in my collection. I have two engines
that I need some information on – the first engine is a Monmouth
Model N, 1? HP made for Monmouth Plow Factory, serial #7088. I
would like to know when this engine was built and by whom? I have
seen several different engines that look identical, with other
names on them.

The other engine I have in question is the Leader 2? HP, serial
number 7571 made by Field Force Pump Company. I would like to know
when this engine was built.

I would also like to take this time to report on the Labor Day
Show held by the Argyle Antique Gas Engine Club. For our first
show, we had 99 exhibitors of engines, tractors, cars and crafts.
There was a free fish fry for about 200 people that were exhibitors
and families, held on Sunday evening. There was approximately
10,000 to 12,000 people that came to view the items. This was a
three day show that was held in Argyle State Park just north of
Colchester, Illinois.’

A letter from GERALD SUNDBERG, 597 Lauren Road, Duluth,
Minnesota 55804 tells us: ‘Since I wrote last, I have doubled
my number of engines to 16. I’ve had a good year going to a lot
of shows, some as far away as 350 miles. I hauled two engines to
that show, plus the family, as they enjoy it too.

I like your Christian thoughts injected into the magazine as
there is always a place for them and we need more of it in our

Now, I need some help from the readers again. I would like some
history and information on the Stover Engine Company. I’d like
to know when they started making engines and when they ceased.
Also, what models did they make and the range of horsepower for
each model, and the color of paint used??

A letter from ASHER D. CHAMBERS, 21 York Street, Caribou, Maine
04736 brings us some information on an engine that I’ve never
heard of the name -perhaps you gas buffs have, but I’m sure
it’s new to me –

‘I am a relatively newcomer to the fascinating hobby of
collecting old engines, having started about a year ago. I am a
subscriber to the Gas Engine Magazine long enough to receive two
copies which I have read and re-read several times. Congratulations
on a great publication.

I am wondering if you would include an inquiry in your column
‘Smoke Rings’ relative to an engine that I recently

The name of the engine is THE OLD WARHORSE 1? HP which is cast
in the side of the water jacket. On the other side is also cast the
name of the manufacturer which is THE MANSON CAMPBELL COMPANY,
Detroit, Michigan. There are no numbers. The flywheel felloes are
round and are not machined or balanced. The head is dry with spark
plug. It was apparently ignited with a ‘Buzz’ coil as there
is a set of points, consisting of an insulated lug made on the head
and a grounding point attached to the exhaust rod. The governor is
on the flywheel which is a half moon affair that flew out and
caused a dog to engage the exhaust rod and hold the valve open
(elementary). The engine had always been housed and has more than
95% of its original green paint while the cylinder head and
connecting rod are painted aluminum. It only needed to be washed to
look as good as it does in the pictures. The ‘Buzz’ coil
shown in the picture did not come with the engine. There is a
folding crank on the flywheel which is not
recessed. (OSHA would love that.) The gas tank is under the engine
with the vonventional check valve and spray nozzle. I would
appreciate any information on this engine that might be available,
such as year of manufacture and how long they were built.

W. L. CUNNINGHAM, 4335 Barker Street, S.E., Washington, D.C.
20019 writes: ‘Thanks to all of the people that answered by ad
in the July-August issue of GEM. I have not had the time to answer
the many inquiries, as we are getting ready to move to Florida
after living in one place for 27 years. As soon as I can, after the
first of January, 1978,! will answer every one. Our Florida address
is 4225 78th Way North Street, Petersburg, Florida 33709. Telephone

I have a friend that just bought an 8 HP Geiser Gasoline engine
serial #2660. We would like to hear from any Geiser owners as to
the age of this engine. We have the original parts book for the 2
HP up to the 20 HP for these engines.’

R. H. HINES, 7666 N. Orange Avenue, Cape Canaveral, Florida
32920 shares with us: ‘I recently retired from the Space Coast
project here where I worked for many years (since 1957) in
film-making and writing.

My first project in retirement was the research and excavation
of Indian artifacts in this area. I now have a garage full.
However, I had always been interested in old stationary engines. I
am originally from Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania and my foster dad
worked at the oil fields in that area using stationary engines to
pump wells set up in a push-pull system of rods radiating from the
engines across the fields to each pump. The Bessemer plant was at
nearby Grove City.

Now I have acquired an old Taylor vacuum engine, serial #9308.
Piston ‘frozen solid’ and in bad shape. After two weeks
work, a blow torch and sledge hammer ‘she’ is now clean;
being sand-blasted for painting, and ready to run. I have written
Mr. Dawson, mentioned in your May-June issue, and would like to
hear from others who have such engines. (See Want Ad.)

This letter comes from ROBERT KUBISCH, 2111 Gilbride Road,
Martinsville, New Jersey 08836: ‘I am a new subscriber to your
GEM, but I have been interested in old engines for quite some time
now. I got your address out of the Spectator, which is put out by
Chrysler-Plymouth. If I didn’t receive this magazine, I
probably wouldn’t have known about GEM. Your magazine is very
informative and helpful to its subscribers who have questions
concerning their engines.

 I own several Maytags – two, one cylinder, a 1927 and 1934
and one twin cylinder of 1947 vintage. I also have a 2 HP Witte,
serial #B932 which I have several questions about. My father and
grandfather used it to cut wood from what I can remember. I was
about 10 at the time and I’m 23 now. It hasn’t run since
then. On the tag besides HP and name, it was made in Kansas City,
Missouri. Is this company still around? The engine spark was
produced by coil boxes and a hot shot battery and there is a set of
points under the cam gear. Does anyone know how to hook up the
wires? Can anyone tell me the year it was made, rpm, and its
original color? The flywheels are 16′ in diameter and are keyed
on to the crankshaft. Also can anyone tell me the plug and point
gaps? Any information will be helpful. I will answer any letters
which I receive.’ (You’ll probably be getting some letters,

Next writing is from CLIFFORD R. HESS, R.R. 1W, Box 145, Anthon,
Iowa 51004, phone 712-876-2622 and he says: ‘Just two years ago
I wrote you, YELLING HELP on ‘Smoke rings’ and got such a
wonderful response. Several good readers wrote me some information
and one even gave me a rather expensive long distance phone call.
They sure are a good bunch of people.

Now I am yelling help again. First, I will try
to explain what I have and what I would like to find out.

Last winter I acquired a 6 HP Associated engine, serial #600586.
A brass plate just ahead of the igniter reads: Everything the
farmer needs at less than catalogue house prices, and you can buy
from your dealer. Ask him. Associated Mfg. Company, Waterloo, Iowa.
The plate is 3? x 5?’.

On the side of the water hopper above the igniter is the faint
remains of a decal 3′ x 5′. I would like very much to find
out what that decal originally looked like.

This engine does not have a pedestal under the cylinder. The
flywheels are 42′, painted red with a gold pin stripe. Water
hopper red, cylinder silver and the base black.

I would also like to find about when the engine was made. I just
know that someone out there in engine land has the

GARY TUNKIEICZ, 7514-60th Street, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53142
writes: ‘First, thanks to all who helped me in my search for
the horsepower rating of my John Deere ‘B’. Your help is
greatly appreciated. I just bought a Farmall F-12, a 1936 model
which has serial #FS79031 and was wondering what color it should be
painted. I know Harvester switched from grey to red on November 1,
1936. I wrote to Harvester, but they weren’t certain as to what
serial number the F-12s started to be painted red. A friend of mine
suggested I scrape around on the tractor to find some of the
original paint, but I can’t find any numbers. The tractor has
set outside for many years and is completely rusted. So, could
someone tell me what color my F-12 should be painted?

W. H. DITTEMORE, 604 N. Lincoln, Fredericksburg, Texas 78624
relates: ‘I want to tell you how much I enjoy the Gas Engine
Magazine. Recently my 5 HP Fuller and Johnson engine went on the
fritz-a shorted igniter. I ordered new mica washers from N. H.
Kruse, Park Heights, Illinois. These washers made the difference
between 1100 pounds of junk and a working engine. I also enjoy
reading the stories and looking at the pictures.’

From GERALD HAIGH, 5390 Las Llajas Canyon Road, Simi Valley,
California 93063 comes some information: ‘I read the article by
George F. Kemper on the use of the Model A Ford vibrating coil. He
is right and these coils are available in many stores. I bought
some from Montgomery Ward. I will let you in on another secret. If
anyone has an old engine and the magneto long out of print and
wants to use the Model T coil, the old mag can be used for the
timer. The points can be set to contact instead of make and break;
also they won’t have to improvise an insulator as it’s
built into the magneto. Another thing to keep in mind, especially
if the engine is a hit and miss type, or one where the governor
train holds the exhaust valve for long coasting; I put a breaker on
the rocker arm that breaks the circuit. This can be a piece of flat
copper bent into a U shape and bolted to the cylinder head The
contact will close when the Valve closes. Otherwise, there will be
preigniting and this can be very annoying. This will be noticed
mostly where natural gas or butane is used for fuel. In case the
engine has the old make and break points, any blacksmith shop can
bore out the hole where the insulators are and tap the hole in the
flange for one half inch standard pipe thread, then buy the spark
plug with the same thread, which is available. The remaining hole
can be plugged with any standard bolt sawing it flush with the

FRANCIS W. FRABA, 38277 Lulay Road, Scio, Oregon 97374 says:
‘I need information on my Witte engine carburetor. It is about
1? HP, serial #83852. I would appreciate a diagram of how the
inside parts are assembled. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Engine is manufactured by Witte Engine Works, Kansas City,

Another limerick from WALT NIELAND, Route 2, Carroll, Iowa
51401: ‘In cranking the little L.A. – My knee just got in the
way – I got kicked in the arm – The decals lost their charm – and
I’m at a loss what to say!

ED DEIS, 14354 N. State Avenue, Middlefield, Ohio 44062 brings
up a situation he would like to relate to you readers: ‘I am a
collector and dealer in single cylinder gas engines and parts and
related items. I am thinking of going into the mail order business
offering original parts, castings and a general line of collectable
items pertaining to steam and gas engines. Heretofore, I have
offered my old iron and parts at about six shows in the Ohio area.
I plan to keep on selling at the shows, but would like to expand
and would appreciate comments from the readers on what they would
like to see in this type of service.

I would like to make a comment to Directors of engine shows at
this point. Directors – Please remember that most dealers in gas
and steam items were probably collectors and exhibitors long before
they were dealers and I know I speak for most of them, when I say,
we resent being treated as a flea market exhibit, or a second-rate
exhibitor. I feel I have a pretty fair exhibit with a lot of
interesting and different items (all pertaining to engines) and
shouldn’t be treated any differently from the other exhibitors
because my iron is for sale.

Many times I have kept other exhibits in operation by having the
right part on hand, Yes, I realize I’m conducting business and
making a profit on the grounds which the club involved has put
money and effort into and for this privilege, I always buy a
membership and pay a reasonable fee, but nevertheless, I’m a
collector and one of the gang first, and a dealer, second. Sorry,
if this sounds like sour grapes, and I’m sorry if I offend

Ohio and her neighboring states really have some great shows and
I know the directors face an almost impossible task of pleasing
everybody all the time, but several have already come up with a
fair solution by giving the engine and parts dealers a section in
or adjacent to the exhibitor’s area. Here’s hoping to hear
from some of you.’ (Ed has ads under Sale and Wanted in back of
the magazine.)

PAUL HARTER, 2837 East 12th Street, Joplin, Missouri 64801
remarks: ‘Thank you for printing my letter and picture of my
Sandwich 2 HP engine. Also want to thank each one who wrote giving
me the information i needed. I hope I did not fail to answer

From DUANE KINPORT, 1834 E. 1st, Fremont, Nebraska 68025:
‘Hi fellow gas engine lovers – I am an engine nut out here in
Nebraska. I need help on a 2 HP Witte, serial #44240 which I am
rebuilding. I have gone to a lot of shows here in the Midwest but
have not seen one like it. The mag is mounted in front of flywheels
and the trip runs forward to trip the mag. The problem is it has a
hi-tension Webster oscillating mag and I need repairs for same.
Could someone tell me how to rebuild it? Please write me if you
fellows know about it. Help!’

CHARLES GARRETT, Jr., 2660 Delaware Drive, Florissant, Missouri
63033, writes that he is trying to round up the owners of a Maytag
2 cylinder powered rotary lawn mower known as the Monitor, model
PL-1. For those responding he would like to know the following: 1.
Engine serial number (on edge of flywheel); 2. Is there an aluminum
plate covering the engine data? 3. Is there an emblem (Monitor)
running man on the housing or is there a brass plate? 4. If there
is a brass plate (Milton Hartman Corp.), is it stamped model PL-1
and what is the serial number on that plate? I have been in contact
with the manufacturer and have obtained the original service manual
that covers both engine and mower. If sufficient interest exists, I
can have it copied. There seems to be two distinct varieties. They
are painted dark green over a red undercoat. It has 3 fixed wheels.
The two rear ones are 10 x 1.75 rubber tired, while the single
front one is aluminum and smaller in diameter. There were
approximately 2,000 made right after World War II. The factory was
in Kirkwood, Missouri. It had originally been an indoor skating
rink. The mower was designed to get into corners and trim close to
things. It was one of the earliest power rotary mowers.’

The following from RICHARD BEAVER, 212 Ford Road, Pearce,
Arizona 85625: ‘In the three years that I have been a
subscriber to GEM, I have answered several requests for information
on various engines. I now find that I, in turn, need some
assistance. I have just obtained an engine that has a brass plate
on the side of the water hopper that reads ‘Carpenter Mining,
Milling & Power Machinery HP 4 #23438′, this plate is
round. The engine has 27′ diameter flywheels, a 5? bore x
7′ stroke, is blind bored like a headless, but has a water
cooled head on the side. The mixing valve and intake valve are in a
casting bolted to the top of this head. The exhaust valve is in
bottom of head and is operated by a 24′ long rocker arm. There
are no push rods. Engine is battery operated, spark plug fired, hit
and miss, and is free and complete except fuel tank. I have not
been able to find any mention of this engine anywhere. I would like
to hear from anyone anywhere who owns one or has any information on
this engine. I will promptly answer all replies. Having just moved
out here from Ohio, it will be interesting to exchange
correspondence with other collectors in Arizona and southern

In closing may I wish you an interesting and rewarding New Year
– God bless each one of you!

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