Here we are in 1977! Don’t asked me how this happened so
quickly – as far as I’m concerned 1976 breezed by – I used to
think it was a sign of getting old when the years went speeding by
so fast – but even our 12 year old is saying this, so I guess that
old line doesn’t hold true anymore.
But, I’d like to wish you a prosperous year, so take a
moment and lend an ear –
JANUARY – May you have the love of Jesus all the year
FEBRUARY – Hope you find many new friendships beginning for
MARCH – May money matters not be your problems this year
APRIL – Make yourself available to help someone – Volunteer!
MAY – Mercy and kindness bestow on those who need
JUNE – Joy will be yours when you’ve done a good deed
JULY – May jealousy never darken your days
AUGUST – But appreciate God’s world and walk in his ways
SEPTEMBER – Forget the word Self, think of others instead
OCTOBER – Be an optimist daily, and the ‘good news’
NOVEMBER – Pray for your Nation, your neighbors, your kin
DECEMBER – Be dedicated to God and the victory you’ll
I used to write a bit of poetry-this is not too good-but I think
you get the message.
BILL MAY, 9152 Hector Avenue, San Diego, California 92123 brings
us up to date on their young organization: ‘California Early
Day Gas Engine & Tractor Assn. has 433 members on Southern
California. Wes Hamilton, president; Jim Wyse, vice president; Bob
True, Treasurer and Betty May, Secretary. We are building a museum
on 30 acres of park land at Vista, California. You will be hearing
from us later as things get underway.’
A. J. BROCKHOUSE, R. R. 1, Meredosia, Illinois 62665 writes:
‘First I would like to comment on your wonderful magazine. It
has been very helpful in the collecting of my gas engines. I
recently purchased an Alamo 7 HP, 6′ bore, 9′ stroke, hit
and miss gas engine. I would like to hear from someone who has one
of these engines. I would like to know the color and information. A
sketch of the dimensions of the push rod and governor assembly
would be appreciated.’
From DAVID HERBST, Box 67, Esparto, California 95627 comes a
great deal of information. I’m sure the Gas Engine readers will
appreciate his efforts.
‘First I would like to thank you for printing my plea for
help, but right now I don’t know the outcome as it is too early
to tell. What this letter is, in addition to a thank you is an
attempt to answer a few of the questions raised in your column in
the Sept-Oct. 1976 issue. I am writing to you because I felt the
information may be helpful to more than one person.
In answer to Mr. Doliff’s question about lubrication of the
1? HP Monitor. The following is taken from an original owner’s
‘On the inside of the crankcase cover we have a little cup
holding one-tenth of a pint. Filling the cup with lubricating oil
each time the gasoline tank is filled is all there is to do to
thoroughly lubricate all important parts.’
However, examination of a cutaway view shows that the engine
should be initially filled so that the rod just dips into the oil
as shown below. I have run my Monitor this way and have had no
As for Mr. Hochstetler’s question about the Hvid engine, he
is correct in his assumption that they were made by the same
company as was the Thermoil, the Hercules Engine Company of
Evansville, Indiana. He is also correct to an extent about these
engines being recalled by the factory, as this did happen to the
first series of engines made. Actually as far as I have been able
to determine there were at least three distinct series of engines
made, all technically being a Hvid engine, since this is the name
of the cycle upon which they operate. It was named for R. M. Hvid,
the man who developed the principles involved, and who for some
time retained the patent rights, hence the nameplate bearing his
name. In time, however, this was changed to a basic Hercules
nameplate. Also as near as I can determine these engines were
always marketed by Sears, Roebuck & Co., and they also
sponsored a great many efficiency tests on these engines.
Now back to the three types: The first was the experimental
engines with the Hvid nameplate and a serial number containing no
letters. This engine was made from basic Hercules castings with
slight modifications, and had no fuel pump (some of later ones were
exceptions as to the fuel pump, but they still used basic
castings). Since they used many of the same parts and yet
compression was increased almost six times one can see why they
were recalled. I have Eng. No. 74 and it blew up in about 1930,
although it is now restored and has been pictured in this magazine.
As near as I could tell, it is painted a light grey with black and
blue pinstripes.
Next came the Model U made for a while in sizes 1? 3,6, and 8 HP
models, the smaller two being dropped as time progressed. These
were painted red much like the Economy in color, and can be
distinguished by the fuel pump located on the rear of the water
hopper. The last series was the UA made in the 7 and 9 HP sizes and
painted green, about the color of a regular Hercules.
According to ‘The Gas Engine’ magazine, only the first
series were recalled although according to old-timers all models
were far from trouble free.
I would like to say that this is taken from old manuals and from
looking at my engines and since I wasn’t around at that time, I
can’t be positive and would welcome any other information or
Mike Lins and John Machacek shown plowing with Mike’s
Crossley powered tractor at the 1976 Scott-Carver Show, held at
Jordan, Minnesota in August.
JACK VERSTEEG, 3935 Cooley Drive, Salem, Oregon 97303 tells us
to include this in this column this time: ‘This is in answer to
the request from Edward Hanson, Chula Vista, California and any
other readers who are interested in a list of old engines built
from the beginning of ? Alan C. King, 4790 River Road, Radnor, Ohio
43006 has a real good book and Ruben Michelson, Anamoose, North
Dakota 58710 has a very good list of over 1600 engines. Both of
these are a very good addition to anyone’s library.’
The following missal comes from HAROLD E. BURKHOLDER, 108? River
Road, Bridgewater, Virginia 22812: ‘I have a few questions I
would like to get answered. I know I can reach someone with the
answers to my questions through this fine column. I have a Centaur
tractor. It is a front wheel drive tractor and will go good with my
1917 Moline Universal, when I get it restored. Cast in the
transmission housing is the following (2-G Mfg. by Centaur Tractor
Corporation – Greenwich, Ohio U.S.A. Patented 1690141 Serial No.
1308). The name plate on the 2 cylinder engine reads as follows (Le
Roy engine Model TR 2 Serial No. 96679 Piston 3
3/8 x 4? I wrote to the company that built
this tractor and they told me that it was built in 1929. They also
told me that it was shipped to King Tractor and Supply, address
unknown. They could not give me the paint color. I would like to
know – does anyone know of the King Tractor and Supply? What was
their address? Are they still in business? What was the color
scheme of the tractor? Also, I would be glad to answer any
correspondence of any kind on this Centaur tractor. Thanks for the
opportunity to run my plea in such a fine column and
EDWIN H. BREDEMEIER, RFD 1, Steinauer, Nebraska 68441 has some
advice for the readers: ‘Referring to Tom McCutchen’s
letter – the solution to identifying wrenches. Trace around them
and put name inside of outline is one way.
Here are a few Do’s for gas engine and tractor collectors.
The first thing to do after acquiring a tractor is to take the fuel
tanks off and paint them with red zinc oxide primer paint. Next
thing, cover all openings, put an oil rag in exhaust manifold.
Besides covering it, the rag prevents moisture from getting in
around valves and pistons. Also oil valves, even if they are stuck.
That’s enough for now of the things I learned the hard
RAYMOND SCHOLL, Route 1, Sugar Grove, North Carolina 28679
comments: ‘I thoroughly enjoy reading G.E.M. and I.M.A. I also
found through the years that there is a lot of Christian fellowship
to be found with ‘Engine People’ and their shows.’
(Praise the Lord! That comment gives me great joy.)
DANNY FARNEY, R.R. 2, Box 96, Cherokee, Oklahoma 73728 writes:
‘I am a 15 year old farm boy. I started collecting gas engines
when I was 11. Have restored 5 Maytags and 1 Briggs & Stratton.
I have been getting the G.E.M. for over two years and enjoy it very
Now for my problem: I have a 6 HP Fairmont gas engine, two cycle
Type Q-B, Engine No. 41220. There is a plate on the side that reads
(Fairmont Railway Motors, Chicago, Illinois). Could any of you GEM
readers tell me the original color and was it made for, or used by
the railroad? How old is it and would there be any owner’s
manuals or catalogs about this engine? This engine has an aluminum
water jacket and a wooden point lifter. It also has twin flywheels.
What should the RPM be? Any information about this engine would be
appreciated. (I feel sure you’ll get some letters Danny).
From ART DICKEV, 306 W. Anthony, Corydon, Iowa 50060 comes the
following script: ‘I have some friends in England who own a
couple of Associated Hired Man engines with Serial numbers 135132
and 137587, also an 1? HP Associated Chore Boy, Serial number
311779 and a 3 HP Chore Boy engine, Serial number 501021. They
would like to know the years these engines were made. They say the
Associated line was very popular over there.
I just obtained a hand cranked fanning mill called ‘The
American Sifter’ made by ERP Dickey, Racine, Wisconsin,
patented June 8, 1860. Does anyone have information on this
This next transcription comes from JOHN E. CAVANAUGH, 903 N.
Grand, Pierre, South Dakota 57501: ‘Just want to say I enjoy
your magazine very much and look forward eagerly to each issue. I
might also offer a couple of hints. One – if you have a cylinder
head that is rusted out so it leaks water into the exhaust, just
block it off with a solid gasket so no water goes out into the
head. Chances are it will never get hot enough to bother,
especially on hit and miss. Also, if you have a Model ‘T’
coil which seems to be bad, chances are it is the condenser. One
side of the wooden case is designed to come off. Take it off. Dig
the old condenser out of the tar and put in an ordinary 6 or 12
volt automotive condenser. There will be two bare copper wires,
fasten one to the tail of the condenser and the other to the
mounting bracket. Works like a charm!
A new hobbiest pens this note: ‘I have recently become
involved in gas engines, purchasing a Lawson 1? HP Model, Serial
number W66658 with a Wico Type ER coil. I would greatly appreciate
any assistance your organization could give me to dating this
engine and providing information for its restoration and
operation.’ (Help ’em out, Fellas!) His name is J. KENNETH
USETED, 8 Victor Drive, Ridgefield, Connecticut 06877.
A compliment to the faithful readers and contributors in
answering these letters comes from OLIVER SEELER, Box 12, Albion,
California 95410: ‘The letters are still coming in, in response
to my letter in GEM. I would have paid a lot for the help I’ve
gotten, but this kind of help just isn’t for sale. What a great
bunch of folks! Hope I can help all of them along the line.’
(Now, doesn’t that make you feel wonderful? You have another
brother in the hobby.)
PETE HUISMAN, Box 187, Wilmont, Minnesota 56185 quotes: ‘I
enjoy reading G.E.M. I need any information on a Monitor Type H.J.
8 HP, like the one in Sept.-Oct. 1975, page 13. I’ll be happy
to hear from you.’
JAMES R. KING, Route 7, (Wears Valley), Sevierville, Tennessee
37862 recently bought a Silver King tractor and would like to hear
from any of the other fellows that own Silver Kings, as he is going
to restore it as time permits.
This letter comes from HARRIS RAFTERY, Route 3, Pittsfield,
Illinois 62363 – perhaps it will reach the person to whom
designated. ‘I had an ad in the G.E.M. for some parts for an
engine. I received a letter from a person by the name of B. N.
Meskins who said they expected to ‘hear from me soon,’ but
they failed to give me their address. So I wrote anyhow, using the
office stamp on the envelope which was mailed from Rocky Mount,
North Carolina. In a few days my letter was returned to me.
I’m wondering now how much of this goes on and if you can be
of any help. I do know they saw my ad in the G.E.M. I suppose this
person lives in the vicinity close to Rocky Mount, North Carolina,
however, this is only supposition on my part. (Well Harris,
here’s hoping B.N. Meskins sees this letter.)
HAROLD DAVY, Brownsville, Minnesota 55919 would like to know the
color of paint on the Type M 1? HP International kerosene
A request for assistance comes from BARNEY LANGNER, 24650
Townsend Avenue, Hayward, California 94544: ‘I recently
acquired a Stover engine 3-3? HP Type CT-3 S/N TC-269942 which is
apparently missing most of the ignition and connecting devices.
Where can I find a parts list, description or any information on
reassembling. I’m sure there is a logical way to proceed but I
need a starting point.’ (Give him a start GEM’ers.)
WILLIAM M. HASTON, 16 Maynard Street, Seneca Falls, New York
13148 remarks: ‘I just rescued an old engine from the local
junk yard. It is a 1 cylinder marine engine (Ferro Special), made
by the Ferro Machine & Foundry Co., Cleveland, Ohio, Type T, 3
HP, S/N 38402. The engine is missing the carburetor and I am
wondering if anyone else has one of these engines and any
literature or pictures so that I might know what make of carburetor
to look for – would appreciate any help and will answer all
letters. I have every issue of G.E.M. They are priceless.’
DARRELL DEY, Vergas, Minnesota 56587 corresponds and quizzes:
‘I really enjoy both of your fine magazines. I look forward for
the new issue every two months. Last summer my dad and I purchased
a 1946 Leader tractor. It was built at Chagrin Falls, Ohio. I would
like all the information I can get on this tractor. How many were
built and how many are left?
I also have started a gas engine collection. It now numbers
eleven. I have two LB Internationals, a 1?-2? No. 95932 and a 3-5
No. 48977. These two have brass crank handles. What year were they
made? I also have a 6 HP McCormick-Deering No. CW9222. I have seen
many engines like mine, but have a much higher serial number. Could
anyone tell me what year it was made?
My dad and I also have a 1/3 scale model Case steam engine that
gets to many shows in Minnesota.’
FREEMAN BECK, 11 Granite Street, Millinocket, Maine 04462 says
the magazine has helped him a lot in the year he has been getting
it. Now he needs help with his old Motor Mower – the engine is a
Briggs and Stratton, Model FI, Engine number 7182 and he will
welcome all information. Patent date is 9-21-26. He also would like
to know if there is a list anywhere of the value of old engines.
(I’d like to know that myself.)
From across the Atlantic – P. HOLLOX, ‘Trimane,’ Stow
Road, Magdalen, King’s Lynn, Norfold, England – ‘I receive
your G.E.M. in this country and would like your help please, as I
have recently become the owner of an Amanco small stationary engine
of 3/4 HP, ratchet start, Serial No. K1538. I believe the model to
be a (Colt) but I need details of color, year of manufacture,
I collect stationary engines, also vintage tractors but I wish
to restore this Amanco as my 9 yer old son who is very interested
in engines and tractors cannot drive tractors at his age. He would
be very happy with the Amanco as he has taken it to several rallys
in unrestored condition and was the centre of attraction as none of
the expert engine men had ever seen such an engine.’ (Mr.
Hollox also was requesting a certain part – I’m sorry but any
parts or anything that could be bought must be put in through the
Classified Ad section. Many of you folks do this and then I must
write and tell you. This column will help in any way possible, but
not to advertise. That would not be fair to our ad patrons or to us
– I’m sure you all understand.)
HENRY W. SCHROEDER, 1232 N. Walnut Avenue, Arlington Heights,
Illinois 60004 relates in this manner: ‘For five years I have
been enjoying your publication and always anxious to receive it for
the valuable information it contains. Recently I purchased a Vim
gas engine, as claimed by the seller, and I would be greatly
appreciative from the folks in Gas Engine Land for information as
to manufacturer, color, pictures, etc. At present, I have eleven
engines of which six are Maytags, no duplicate models.’
I am sending you this picture from my files that shows a very
early style oil burning engine made by the Fairbanks & Morse
The interesting thing about this engine is that it was equipped
to start on oil as well as run on it after starting up. It is a 12
HP throttle engine, type T series, oil start engine, with extra
heavy flywheels made primarily for running a generator or lineshaft
in a machine shop.
To start an engine of this type you first light the blow torch
at the front of the engine, which in turn heats the base of the
carburetor. You then fill up the little dripper at the top of the
carburetor with fuel oil or kerosene, and when the torch gets the
carburetor hot you roll the engine over, turning on the dripper
that drips on the hot plate in the carburetor and the engine starts
on the hot vapors drawn into the engine. As the engine runs for a
little bit you close the shutter in the air intake and open the
shutter from the exhaust pipe and muffler combination that keeps
the carburetor hot allowing you to turn off the blow torch. As the
fuel runs out of the dripper, you turn on the main carburetor which
is supplied with fuel from the main tank.
This type of engine worked out well in many areas where gasoline
was not available or far too expensive. With an engine that runs
day and night for months at a time the fuel cost gets to be a big
item to consider.
CARL E. MARTIN, JR., 9004 Riggs Road, Apt. 104, Adelphi,
Maryland 20783 pens this letter to Smoke Rings: ‘Recently, I
started restoring an old water pump that has been setting in the
shed for two years. I purchased it from a find ole gentleman in
Westminster, Maryland. The pump is branded Humdinger, manufactured
by Ralph B. Carter Co., Fig. No. 7002SL 1? Shop No. 2190. It is a
centrifugal pump with 1?’ suction and discharge fittings. On
the frame there is a tag from General Supply in Baltimore, so I
will assume that the unit has always been in the Baltimore-northern
Maryland area??
The packing, impeller, and wear plate are in like-new condition,
so I will also assume that it was never used much, the engine is a
Lausen, single cylinder, valve in head. Type VA819, Serial No.
79404. It, like the pump, is also in good shape, except for missing
the mag and gas tank. It has tapered roller bearing on the
crankshaft, mech. flyweight governor, Tillotsen carburetor and a
babbitted Ford connecting rod? I used an old gas tank (round) and
made a bracket. It looks o.k., but still isn’t original. From
the mag. drive I made a striker and used a ‘T’ coil. It
works and runs nice.
I’m seeking information on the engine mainly. Can anyone
tell me what make of mag, as well as model or type?? Does anyone
have the parts breakdown – any help will be great and Thank You
WILLIAM H. HICKLE, 414 NO. White Street, Macomb, Illinois 61455
would like to correspond with anyone who has a Lauson-Lawton side
shaft 4 HP engine.
A note comes from WALTER A. TAUBENECK, 4213 80th Street, N.E.,
Marysville, Washington 98270: ‘I have read every G.E.M. from
Volume 1 to Volume 11, No. 5 and I can’t remember any mention
of a Bulls Eye gas engine. I now have two of these side shaft
beauties and am seeking information on them. All you collectors out
there, please help if you can!’
JAMES F. CREWS, Star Route, Box 4, Arbovale, West Virginia 24915
has a few statements: ‘I have subscribed to GEM for a little
over three years and enjoy it very much. I recently acquired a
4-cycle air-cooled engine for which I need some information.
The engine is labeled Nelson Brothers Co., Saginaw, Michigan,
5/8 HP and 1450 RPM. It is a horizontal cylinder engine with long
external push rods and a rocker arm on the head to operate the
valves. It is started with a kick type rachet system, similar to
the Maytag. Most of the parts have numbers beginning with 2 HB. For
example, the 10 5/8′ cast iron flywheel has part number 2HB1.
The magneto is under the flywheel.
The engine sets over a two part tank, cast iron, one part for
oil, the other part for gas. There is a pump inside the crankcase
which pumps both oil and gas. It appears that the original color
was green. A governor arm comes out of the crankcase and controls
the carburetor. The choke lever is missing, although the choke
butterfly is intact. If there was an air breather on the
carburetor, it is missing. Also the muffler is missing. I need, any
advice I can get, but desperately need information on timing, valve
clearances and governor adjustment. Would also like to know when it
was made. Serial number is XB62093.’
DAVE KILEN, 965 North Twp. Road, 73, Tiffin, Ohio 44883 sends
along this picture with a plea as he writes: ‘Need help on this
one. I believe it’s an Elgin. Some parts missing . Need
information as to proper color red, striping, etc. Also how to set
timing. No markings except some casting numbers. Also have 1 3/4 HP
Little Jumbo and 3-4 HP United. Thanks a lot!’
JOHN DAVIDSON, Box 4, Bristol, Wisconsin 53104 would like to
borrow Field Brundage catalogs for an article on the Field engine
to be printed in a future issue.
LLOYD BERNARDY, 246 W. Bartlett Road, Lynden, Washington 98264
wants you to know: ‘I would appreciate any help I can get on
the engine pictured here. I bought this engine last summer in
Fairbanks, Alaska.
This engine is a S. F. Pacific 2 cycle water-cooled diesel. The
exhaust has parts that exhaust thru a water heat exchanger for shop
heat or whatever. The intake has parts that take air from the
pressurized crank case. The crank case has poppet like check
breather covers. The head has the combustion chamber in it with a
preheat dome and injector part. The cylinder has a gas vacuum
poppet valve for starting. To start, the flywheels are turned in
reverse to the gas pre-ignition which will throw the wheels in the
correct rotation and the diesel will take over. The engine is
60′ tall and the flywheels 36′ in diameter.
I would like to know by whom and where this engine was made.
Also what year, its horsepower and what degree to set the pump. I
need a picture of the complete engine to build an injection pump,
injector and blow torch. Also I would like to know the correct
original color.
We enjoy your magazine even though we have not been subscribers
for very long. Any help I can get will be appreciated.
RODNEY EPPING, Funk, Nebraska 68940 is pondering this item:
‘In the past few years I’ve been trying to find what some
of the old engine companies used as a smooth finish for their rough
castings. Am afraid I haven’t had much luck in finding anything
very good. I was just hoping one of the other collectors might have
had more luck with maybe a more modern substitute. Would want
something pretty durable and fairly easy to apply. Hope to hear
from somebody with the information.’
BLAKE MALKAMAKI, 10839 Girdled Road, Painesville, Ohio 44077
sends: ‘On page 26 of the November-December Gas Engine Magazine
is a photo of my 2 HP Standard Pump & Engine Co. engine made in
Cleveland, Ohio. The serial number is 5120. Does anybody know
anything about this engine and company or when the engine was
built? Howard Van Driest and I also have the other engines listed
in my article. Does anyone know anything about Franklin-Valveless
MR. AND MRS. W. R. MUNSON, 9240 E. 96th Avenue, Henderson,
Colorado 80640 are seeking help with an old tractor they have. It
is a Zoro or Toro (I’m not sure which spelling it is) and was
probably built in the 1920s. The motor number is 78062 and it has a
machine number 2231-BC708. Any information would be
LEWIS MURRAY, 525 Roberts Street, Lansing, Michigan 48910 has a
question: ‘I have a single cylinder Maytag engine. Magnets is
flywheel have gone dead. Can they be recharged and how?’
(He’ll be looking for your answers.)
A note from REV. TIMON DAVISON, 1607 Roosevelt Drive, Atlantic,
Iowa 50022: ‘I’ve been subscribing to your fine magazine
for two years now and have failed to see or read much about the
United engine. It was made in Lansing, Michigan. I’m not
starting to restore a United, Type A, 2? HP, S.N. 20540. I need to
know its original colors, year manufactured, places where I can buy
or borrow some information-the more info the better.’
A longer notice from WALTER L. SKRDLANT, 709 N. 2nd, Norton,
Kansas 67654 as he says: ‘First of all, would like to
congratulate you on a find publication, the G.E.M.–can’t wait
’til it comes every other month.
I wrote a letter to Smoke Rings about an engine a couple of
years ago and it took me over a month just to answer all the
letters I received. I guess I’ll try again. This time I would
like to know what the original colors of a Kincade Garden Tractor
were. I have one I am rebuilding from a junk yard. The tractor
number is 402L 3300. Also, can someone tell me about what year it
is and how many of them there are around.
One other thing puzzles me – in all the pictures I’ve seen
of them, there is only the one drive wheel with the engine inside
of it. Mine is like that too, but it also has an axle going out the
right side to another drive wheel with an over running rachet
drive. Then, on mine the plow pulls from that axle shaft. Is this
the same as all of them, or is this one different? I sure hope
someone has the answers.’
ARVIN SHELTON, Route 4, Rolla, Missouri 65401 comments: ‘The
Gas Engine Magazine is number ONE with me. I enjoy every issue. I
have worked with and enjoy running most any kind of old gas engine.
I have worked on tractors, cars and truck engines about as long as
I can remember. So, it only came natural for me to collect, buy,
sell, repair and rebuild old 1 cylinder gasoline engines. At the
present, I have around fifty of the old engines and fourteen
tractors. A criticism that I have is that the magazines only come
six times a year. My wife and I usually go to twelve or more shows
a year. We would go to more, but time does not permit it.’
Turning to Smoke Rings for information is J. F. POLLARD, Box 55,
R. R. 2, Vanleek Hill, Ontario, Canada KOB 1RO: ‘I have a 4 HP
I.H.C. Titan engine, all restored and running with battery and
coil. Now this engine, when first bought had a rotary magneto and
igniter. The magneto was gone when I got the engine, but the
bracket is on yet.
Any of these engines I have ever seen, 4 HP or larger, of I.H.C.
make had their own oscillating magneto, not rotary, if they were
magneto fired and there used to be a lot of them in this
I have a very good rotary magneto. I do not know what it is off
of; now if anyone out in Gas Engine World has an engine like it,
would they please write me, telling the diameter of magneto gear
and number of teeth in it, so I could make a gear for my magneto. I
have all the life history of this engine. I am third owner, the
first owner bought it in 1914. He died two years ago. It was the
second gas engine on that road before the horse tread powers and
sweep powers.’
From HAROLD R. EDWARDS, Dings Road, New Hartford, Connecticut
06057 is excited with his 7 HP Alamo and is eagerly awaiting your
‘I recently acquired a 7 HP tank cooled Alamo engine with
only a four digit serial number on it: #1933. It’s quite large
for a 7 HP and incorporates the use of much bronze on the igniter,
mixing valve and other parts which leads me to believe that it
could be quite old. Can anyone tell me from the serial number?
I’d appreciate any information on the Alamo Company itself,
such as the years and various types and sizes of engines that they
manufactured etc.
Thanks ever so much for the hand folks, it seems the scarcer the
information, the more it’s appreciated.’
Everyone on our staff is quite trustworthy, but the mail passes
through a lot of hands and we thought we’d better caution you a
bit. When sending in your orders for subscriptions or books, we
urge you to send a check or Money Order – it protects you and us.
We’ve been getting quite a bit of cash through the mails
An appreciative letter and another request comes from BERNARD
LEAHY, 1208 Michigan Avenue, St. Louis, Michigan 48880: ‘Thank
you for printing my letter in G.E.M. This brought the solution to a
problem that has bothered me for two years. I wish to extend my
sincere thanks to those who offered help.
I would, if I may, like to impose on you and your readers again
with another letter and another problem. While visiting in Oregon
two years ago, I purchased a Vaughan log saw. I assume that it was
built by Vaughan of Portland, Oregon, in that the engine bears that
It is built on a triangular wood frame work, 2′ x 6′.
The engine is horizontal, 2 cycle, water-cooled which is connected
through a clutch, sproket chains and pitman to a slide mechanism
which holds the saw. There is a tubular two compartment tank for
gasoline and oil. I would like to know the proper location of this
tank. The water tank is missing so I need the approximate size and
location of it. To complete the job, I’ll also need to know the
routing of the fuel and oil lines as well as the water lines.
Again, I thank you and your readers for their help.’
A note from THOMAS PENDLAY, R. R. 3, Burlington, Kansas 66839 as
he tells us: ‘I have been collecting engines for fifteen years
and there is one make of engine that I haven’t heard much about
in this part of the country. It is the Emerson Brantingham. I have
a 3 HP that is in excellent condition. I also know a dude near
Beagel, Kansas that has a smaller one and another one near
Lawrence, Kansas that is a 10 HP. Would like to hear from some of
you cast iron collectors that might have some information on
Perhaps I had better close this with a few thoughts to ponder:
So live that people will want your autograph and not your finger
prints The greatest remedy for anger is delay Faith is developed
more by action than argument The smallest deed is better than the
greatest intention. God Bless You.